//Beginning of initGraphics proceedure. This initializes the graphics window and the arrays used in graphical operations void initGraphics(struct graphicWindow*dimenPtr, soil_palette*soilPalette) { //Draws graphics window, based on X range in pixels(+200px border for legend) and Y range in px initwindow((int)dimenPtr->rangeXScale + 200, (int)dimenPtr->rangeYScale); resetWindow(); drawText("Enter a depth in the console to see the soil info. at that depth."); initSoilClr(soilPalette); initSoilStr(soilPalette); initSoilType(soilPalette); }
//Beginning of initGraphics proceedure. This initializes the graphics window and the arrays used in graphical operations void initGraphics(struct dimenssionStruct*dimenPtr) { //Draws graphics window, based on X range in pixels(+200px border for legend) and Y range in px initwindow((int)dimenPtr->rangeXScale+200,(int)dimenPtr->rangeYScale); initSoilClr(); initSoilStr(); initSoilType(); //Sets drawing and fill color to GREEN setcolor(GREEN); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,GREEN); //Fills the Graphics window with a Green floodfill(0,0,GREEN); }