int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // printf("\n\n[LPM-Test] Low Power Mode (LPM) Integration Test.\n"); printf("[LPM-Test] This test will detect when power is removed and then step through the Low Power states sequentially.\n"); printf("[LPM-Test] The proper sequence is: NORMAL -> BEGIN -> TEAR-DOWN -> STANDBY -> SUSPEND\n"); printf("[LPM-Test] The power cable and a charged battery should be attached.\n\n"); // Android wants logging directly initialized // managerLogName = basename(argv[0]); initAndroidLogger(managerLogName); // register for android power events hal_battery_register(powerEventCallback); // start our state machine // initStateMachine(); // start the test thread // lpmTestThread(NULL); // don't reach here, but put it here to make the compiler happy // return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
bool CGameObject::init() { initComponent(); initStateMachine(); initCommander(); return true; }
void TradingSequenceRobot::init( HlpStruct::AlgBrokerDescriptor const& descriptor, BrkLib::BrokerBase* brokerlib, CppUtils::String const& runName, CppUtils::String const& comment, TradeParam const& tradeParam, CppUtils::StringMap const& symbolsFinam, CppUtils::StringMap const& symbolsSmartcom, CppUtils::StringMap const& symbolsSmartcomReverse, CppUtils::StringSet const& syntheticSmartcomList ) { symbolsFinamList_m = symbolsFinam; symbolsSmartcomList_m = symbolsSmartcom; symbolsSmartcomReverse_m = symbolsSmartcomReverse; syntheticSmartcomList_m = syntheticSmartcomList; // tradeParam_m = tradeParam; initStateMachine(); // connect to broker brokerDialogReal_m.initAndConnect( brokerlib, CppUtils::String(PAIR_TRADE) + "_real", runName, comment, base_m.getRtdataProvider_Smartcom() ); if (!brokerDialogReal_m.isConnected()) { LOGEVENT(HlpStruct::CommonLog::LL_ERROR, PAIR_TRADE, "onLibraryInitialized(...) session cannot be established: " << brokerDialogReal_m.getConnectString()); } // broker connect 2 brokerDialogDemo_m.initAndConnect( base_m.getAlgHolder().getBroker2(), CppUtils::String(PAIR_TRADE) + "_simul", runName, comment, base_m.getRtdataProvider_Smartcom() ); if (!brokerDialogDemo_m.isConnected()) { LOGEVENT(HlpStruct::CommonLog::LL_ERROR, PAIR_TRADE, "onLibraryInitialized(...) session with broker lib 2 cannot be established: " << brokerDialogDemo_m.getConnectString()); } if (tradeParam_m.isInvalid()) THROW(CppUtils::OperationFailed, "exc_TradeParamsInvalid", "ctx_onLibraryInitialized", tradeParam_m.toDescriptionString() ); calculatorLevel_m.initialized(); LOG_COMMON(base_m.getRunName(), base_m.getRtdataProvider_Smartcom(), BrkLib::AP_MEDIUM, "Trading parameters: " << tradeParam_m.toDescriptionString()); }
/* * * Carrega o arquivo com a maquina de estados e a inicializa *CLASS_NAME */ void initConfigFile(FILE *sourceFile){ printf("Carregando arquivo de configuracao\n"); FILE *configFile; configFile = fopen("stateMachineConfig.txt", "r"); if(configFile == NULL){ printf("\nArquivo nao encontrado\n"); return; } printf("Arquivo de configuracao carregado\n"); printf("Criando state machine\n"); STATEMACHINE = initStateMachine(configFile); if(STATEMACHINE){ PrintStateMachine(STATEMACHINE); } printf("State machine criada\n"); SOURCE_CODE = sourceFile; CURRENT_CHAR = fgetc(SOURCE_CODE); fclose(configFile); }
bool GameScene::init() { bool bRet = false; do { CC_BREAK_IF(!Scene::init()); prevAngle = NOANGLE; prevPosition = NOCHOOSE; start = NOCHOOSE; end = NOCHOOSE; restFlag = false; lead = NULL; enoughPrepareColor = Color4F::MAGENTA; notEnoughPrepareColor = Color4F::GRAY; actionColor = Color4F::ORANGE; enoughColor = Color3B::GREEN; notEnoughColor = Color3B::RED; initMoveableLayerGroup(); initControllerLayerGroup(); initInformationLayerGroup(); initData(); createQuitButton(); initStateMachine(); scheduleUpdate(); bRet = true; } while (0); return bRet; }
int main() { /* Perform processor initialization */ sysinit(); printf("\nRunning the SolderTermo_v2 project.\r\n"); initTime(); initNVRAM(); readNVRAM(); printf("Version %hd\tCRC %hd\r\n", nvram.Version, nvram.nvramCrc); initDisplay(); //initMAX31855(); initThermocoupleADC(); initPowerPWM(); initHMI(); initButtons(); initStateMachine(); int fastLog = 0; while(1) { if (fastLog) printf("%hd\t%hd\r\n", vram.ADCVal, vram.CurrTemp); else printf("%hd\t%hd\t%hd\t%hd\t%hd\t%hd\r\n", vram.CurrTemp / 10, nvram.Tsp, vram.PWM_Sp, nvram.Kp, nvram.Ki, nvram.Kd); if ( UART_CharPresent(UART2) ) { uint8_t c; uint8_t charNo = 0; memset(uartBuff, 0, UART_MAX_BUFF); printf("Finish your input by ENTER\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); do { c = uartBuff[charNo++] = UART_GetChar(UART2); // wait for char to come UART_PutChar(UART2, c); WAIT_Waitms(50); } while ( c != '\r' && charNo < UART_MAX_BUFF ); switch(uartBuff[0]) { case 'f': fastLog = 1; break; // fast logging case 's': fastLog = 0; break; // slow logging case 'p': nvram.Kp = atoi(uartBuff + 1); break; // fast logging case 'i': nvram.Ki = atoi(uartBuff + 1); break; // slow logging case 'd': nvram.Kd = atoi(uartBuff + 1); break; // slow logging } } WAIT_Waitms(fastLog ? 20 : 200); } return 0; // should never come here }