bool Mp3PspStream::seek(const Timestamp &where) { DEBUG_ENTER_FUNC(); if (where == _length) { _state = MP3_STATE_EOS; return true; } else if (where > _length) { return false; } const uint32 time = where.msecs(); mad_timer_t destination; mad_timer_set(&destination, time / 1000, time % 1000, 1000); // Important to release and re-init the ME releaseStreamME(); initStreamME(); // Check if we need to rewind if (_state != MP3_STATE_READY || mad_timer_compare(destination, _totalTime) < 0) { initStream(); } // Skip ahead while (mad_timer_compare(destination, _totalTime) > 0 && _state != MP3_STATE_EOS) findValidHeader(); return (_state != MP3_STATE_EOS); }
Mp3PspStream::Mp3PspStream(Common::SeekableReadStream *inStream, DisposeAfterUse::Flag dispose) : _inStream(inStream), _disposeAfterUse(dispose), _pcmLength(0), _posInFrame(0), _state(MP3_STATE_INIT), _length(0, 1000), _sampleRate(0), _totalTime(mad_timer_zero) { DEBUG_ENTER_FUNC(); assert(_decoderInit); // must be initialized by now // let's leave the buffer guard -- who knows, it may be good? memset(_buf, 0, sizeof(_buf)); memset(_codecInBuffer, 0, sizeof(_codecInBuffer)); initStream(); // init needed stuff for the stream findValidHeader(); // get a first header so we can read basic stuff _sampleRate = _header.samplerate; // copy it before it gets destroyed _stereo = (MAD_NCHANNELS(&_header) == 2); while (_state != MP3_STATE_EOS) findValidHeader(); // get a first header so we can read basic stuff _length = Timestamp(mad_timer_count(_totalTime, MAD_UNITS_MILLISECONDS), getRate()); deinitStream(); _state = MP3_STATE_INIT; }
rtspStream::rtspStream(int ID,int width,int height,int fps,int bitrate,rtspStreamSendData& lpCallback) :m_nStreamID(ID) ,m_nStreamPort(12000+ID) ,estBitrate(500) ,fSDPLines(NULL) ,fTrackId(NULL) ,m_nSSRC(ID) ,fSeqNo(0) ,fRTPPayloadType(96) ,m_hSendThread(NULL) ,m_nTimeStamp(0) ,m_nWidth(width) ,m_nHeight(height) { lpCallback = SendData; PYUVBuf = new unsigned char[width*height+(width * height)]; pLoadBuf = new unsigned char[width*height+(width * height)]; initH264Encoder(width,height,fps,bitrate); initStream(); m_pRtpHeader = new RTPHeader; m_pSendData = new unsigned char[RTP_PACKAGE_MAX_SIZE+RTP_HEADER_SIZE +2]; m_hSendThread = CreateThread(NULL,NULL,InitSendThread,this,NULL,NULL); m_hExitEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,FALSE,NULL); m_hDelIPEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,FALSE,NULL); m_hSendEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,FALSE,NULL); InitializeCriticalSection(&cs); }
int QCameraStream_preview::prepareStream() { mm_camera_img_mode img_mode; cam_format_t format; struct private_handle_t *private_handle = mPreviewMemory.private_buffer_handle[0]; ALOGE("%s: private_handle->format = %d, flags = %d", __func__, private_handle->format, private_handle->flags); if (private_handle->flags & private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_VIDEO_ENCODER) img_mode = MM_CAMERA_VIDEO; else if (private_handle->flags & private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_CAMERA_WRITE) img_mode = MM_CAMERA_PREVIEW; else { ALOGE("%s: Invalid flags %d\n", __func__, private_handle->flags); return BAD_VALUE; } switch (private_handle->format) { case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_SP: format = CAMERA_YUV_420_NV12; break; case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_SP: format = CAMERA_YUV_420_NV21; break; default: ALOGE("%s: Invalid format!!!", __func__); return BAD_VALUE; } if(NO_ERROR!=initStream(img_mode, format)) { ALOGE("Init stream failed"); return BAD_VALUE; } return OK; }
int EncoderWave::initEncoder(int samplerate, QString errorMessage) { // set sfInfo. // m_sfInfo.format is setup on setEncoderSettings previous to calling initEncoder. m_sfInfo.samplerate = samplerate; m_sfInfo.channels = 2; m_sfInfo.frames = 0; m_sfInfo.sections = 0; m_sfInfo.seekable = 0; // Opens a soundfile from a virtual file I/O context which is provided by the caller. // This is usually used to interface libsndfile to a stream or buffer based system. // Apart from the sfvirtual and the user_data parameters this function behaves like sf_open. m_pSndfile = sf_open_virtual (&m_virtualIo, SFM_WRITE, &m_sfInfo, m_pCallback) ; int ret=0; if (m_pSndfile == nullptr) { errorMessage = QString("Error initializing Wave recording. sf_open_virtual returned: ") + sf_strerror(nullptr); qDebug() << errorMessage; ret = -1; } else { initStream(); }; return ret; }
void AudioPlayer::play(const AudioData& data) { if (_stream == NULL) initStream(data.format()); if (!Pa_IsStreamActive(_stream)) Pa_StartStream(_stream); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); _buffer.write((Byte*)data.frames(), (Byte*)data.frames() + (data.nbFrames() * data.format().frameSize())); }
ScPageOutput_Ps2::ScPageOutput_Ps2(QIODevice* dev, ScribusDoc* doc, int pageIndex, ScPs2OutputParams& options) : ScPageOutput(doc, options.reloadImages, options.resolution, options.useProfiles) { m_device = dev; m_pageIndex = pageIndex; m_options = options; m_options.document = doc; initStream(dev); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Init ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SaveLoad::create(GameId id) { initStream(); Common::Serializer ser(NULL, _savegame); SavegameMainHeader header; header.saveLoadWithSerializer(ser); flushStream(id); }
bool JavaInputStream::open() { if (myJavaInputStream == 0) { JNIEnv *env = AndroidUtil::getEnv(); initStream(env); } else { myNeedRepositionToStart = true; } return myJavaInputStream != 0; }
LRESULT CStreamEditorView::OnInitDialog(HWND /*hWnd*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { SetMsgHandled(false); DlgResize_Init(false,false); m_edit.SubclassWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_OUTPUT)); m_editLog.SetEditCtrl(m_edit); initStream(); return 0; }
void QCameraHAL3RawSnapshotTest::configureRawSnapshotStream(hal3_camera_test_obj_t *my_test_obj, int camid, int w, int h) { camera3_device_t *device_handle = my_test_obj->device; LOGD(" configureSnapshotStream testcase dim :%d X %d", w, h); mPreviewStream = new camera3_stream_t; mRawSnapshotStream = new camera3_stream_t; memset(mPreviewStream, 0, sizeof(camera3_stream_t)); memset(mRawSnapshotStream, 0, sizeof(camera3_stream_t)); mPreviewStream = initStream(CAMERA3_STREAM_OUTPUT, camid, PREVIEW_WIDTH, PREVIEW_HEIGHT, 0, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED, HAL3_DATASPACE_UNKNOWN); mRawSnapshotStream = initStream(CAMERA3_STREAM_OUTPUT, camid, RAWSNAPSHOT_CAPTURE_WIDTH, RAWSNAPSHOT_CAPTURE_HEIGHT, 0, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW16, HAL3_DATASPACE_ARBITRARY); mRawSnapshotConfig = configureStream(CAMERA3_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_NORMAL_MODE, 2); mRawSnapshotConfig.streams[0] = mPreviewStream; mRawSnapshotConfig.streams[1] = mRawSnapshotStream; device_handle->ops->configure_streams(my_test_obj->device, &(mRawSnapshotConfig)); }
bool MP3Stream::rewind() { mad_timer_t destination; mad_timer_set(&destination, 0, 0, 1000); if (_state != MP3_STATE_READY || mad_timer_compare(destination, _totalTime) < 0) initStream(); while (mad_timer_compare(destination, _totalTime) > 0 && _state != MP3_STATE_EOS) readHeader(); return (_state != MP3_STATE_EOS); }
int EncoderVorbis::initEncoder(int bitrate, int samplerate) { vorbis_info_init(&m_vinfo); // initialize VBR quality based mode int ret = vorbis_encode_init(&m_vinfo, 2, samplerate, -1, bitrate*1000, -1); if (ret == 0) { initStream(); } else { ret = -1; }; return ret; }
void RobotDecoder::open(const GuiResourceId robotId, const reg_t plane, const int16 priority, const int16 x, const int16 y, const int16 scale) { if (_status != kRobotStatusUninitialized) { close(); } initStream(robotId); _version = _stream->readUint16(); // TODO: Version 4 for PQ:SWAT demo? if (_version < 5 || _version > 6) { error("Unsupported version %d of Robot resource", _version); } debugC(kDebugLevelVideo, "Opening version %d robot %d", _version, robotId); initPlayback(); _audioBlockSize = _stream->readUint16(); _primerZeroCompressFlag = _stream->readSint16(); _stream->seek(2, SEEK_CUR); // unused _numFramesTotal = _stream->readUint16(); const uint16 paletteSize = _stream->readUint16(); _primerReservedSize = _stream->readUint16(); _xResolution = _stream->readSint16(); _yResolution = _stream->readSint16(); const bool hasPalette = (bool)_stream->readByte(); _hasAudio = (bool)_stream->readByte(); _stream->seek(2, SEEK_CUR); // unused _frameRate = _normalFrameRate = _stream->readSint16(); _isHiRes = (bool)_stream->readSint16(); _maxSkippablePackets = _stream->readSint16(); _maxCelsPerFrame = _stream->readSint16(); // used for memory preallocation of fixed cels _maxCelArea.push_back(_stream->readSint32()); _maxCelArea.push_back(_stream->readSint32()); _maxCelArea.push_back(_stream->readSint32()); _maxCelArea.push_back(_stream->readSint32()); _stream->seek(8, SEEK_CUR); // reserved if (_hasAudio) { initAudio(); } else { _stream->seek(_primerReservedSize, SEEK_CUR); } _priority = priority; initVideo(x, y, scale, plane, hasPalette, paletteSize); initRecordAndCuePositions(); }
uint32 SaveLoad::init(GameId id, bool resetHeaders) { initStream(); // Load game data loadStream(id); // Get the main header Common::Serializer ser(_savegame, NULL); SavegameMainHeader mainHeader; mainHeader.saveLoadWithSerializer(ser); if (!mainHeader.isValid()) error("SaveLoad::init - Savegame seems to be corrupted (invalid header)"); // Reset cached entry headers if needed if (resetHeaders) { clear(); SavegameEntryHeader *entryHeader = new SavegameEntryHeader(); entryHeader->time = kTimeCityParis; entryHeader->chapter = kChapter1; _gameHeaders.push_back(entryHeader); } // Read the list of entry headers if (_savegame->size() > 32) { while (_savegame->pos() < _savegame->size() && !_savegame->eos() && !_savegame->err()) { // Update sound queue while we go through the savegame getSound()->updateQueue(); SavegameEntryHeader *entry = new SavegameEntryHeader(); entry->saveLoadWithSerializer(ser); if (!entry->isValid()) break; _gameHeaders.push_back(entry); _savegame->seek(entry->offset, SEEK_CUR); } } // return the index to the current save game entry (we store count + 1 entries, so we're good) return mainHeader.count; }
bool PaPlayer::openFile(const std::string &fileName) { std::ifstream wav_fin;, std::ios_base::binary); ByteOrderStreamIn<> bytestream(wav_fin); WavFileFormat wavFile; if (!wavFile.readFromStream(bytestream) ){ m_lastError = wavFile.lastError(); return false; } wav_fin.close(); *m_wavFile = wavFile; m_fullSize = m_wavFile->fullSize(); return initStream(); }
bool SGFParser::writeStream(Tree *tree) { CHECK_PTR(stream); if (!initStream(stream)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Invalid text encoding given. Please check preferences!")); delete stream; return false; } Move *root = tree->getRoot(); if (root == NULL) return false; GameData *gameData = boardHandler->getGameData(); // Traverse the tree recursive in pre-order isRoot = true; traverse(root, gameData); return true; }
QString SGFParser::loadFile(const QString &fileName) { qDebug("Trying to load file <%s>", fileName.latin1()); QFile file(fileName); if (!file.exists()) { QMessageBox::warning(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Could not find file:") + " " + fileName); return NULL; } if (! { QMessageBox::warning(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Could not open file:") + " " + fileName); return NULL; } QTextStream txt(&file); if (!initStream(&txt)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Invalid text encoding given. Please check preferences!")); return NULL; } QString toParse; // Read file in string toParse while (!txt.eof()) toParse.append(txt.readLine() + "\n"); file.close(); #ifdef DEBUG_CODEC QMessageBox::information(0, "READING", toParse); #endif return toParse; }
bool MP3Stream::seek(const Timestamp &where) { if (where == _length) { _state = MP3_STATE_EOS; return true; } else if (where > _length) { return false; } const uint32 time = where.msecs(); mad_timer_t destination; mad_timer_set(&destination, time / 1000, time % 1000, 1000); if (_state != MP3_STATE_READY || mad_timer_compare(destination, _totalTime) < 0) initStream(); while (mad_timer_compare(destination, _totalTime) > 0 && _state != MP3_STATE_EOS) readHeader(); decodeMP3Data(); return (_state != MP3_STATE_EOS); }
// Init bool v4l2Camera::init() { // locate the /dev/event* path for this device mFD = open(mDevicePath.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0 ); if( mFD < 0 ) { printf( "v4l2 -- failed to open %s\n", mDevicePath.c_str()); return false; } // initialize if( !initCaps() ) return false; if( !initFormats() ) return false; if( !initStream() ) return false; return true; }
void Foam::functionObjectFile::createFiles() { if (Pstream::master()) { const word startTimeName = obr_.time().timeName(obr_.time().startTime().value()); label i = 0; forAllConstIter(wordHashSet, names_, iter) { if (!filePtrs_.set(i)) { fileName outputDir(baseFileDir()/prefix_/startTimeName); mkDir(outputDir); word fName(iter.key()); // check if file already exists IFstream is(outputDir/(fName + ".dat")); if (is.good()) { fName = fName + "_" + obr_.time().timeName(); } filePtrs_.set(i, new OFstream(outputDir/(fName + ".dat"))); initStream(filePtrs_[i]); writeFileHeader(i); i++; } } } }
command_stream_t make_command_stream (int (*get_next_byte) (void *), void *get_next_byte_argument) { //current character char curr; int tree_number = 1; char prev_char_stored = '\0'; int consecutive_newlines = 0; //buffer size = 1KB int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; //buffer to read characters into; buffer can hold 1024 chars at once char *buffer = (char *) checked_malloc(BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(char)); //int to count how many chars are in buffer int numChars = 0; //int to count which line we are on //int syntax_line_counter = 0; int invalid_char_line_counter = 1; //if this is true, we are searching for the right operand of an operator bool found_AND_OR_PIPE_SEQUENCE = false; //looking for operand //declare command stream and allocate space //maybe dont need to allocate space because initStream() already does? command_stream_t theStream; // = (command_stream_t) checked_malloc(sizeof(struct command_stream)); //initialize command_stream theStream = initStream(); //start reading the chars from the input while ((curr = get_next_byte(get_next_byte_argument)) != EOF ) { if (numChars > 0){ //only stores previous meaningful character, i.e. not whitespace if ((buffer[numChars-1] != ' ' && buffer[numChars-1] != '#')){ prev_char_stored = buffer[numChars-1]; } } if (prev_char_stored == '&' || prev_char_stored == '|' || prev_char_stored == ';'){ found_AND_OR_PIPE_SEQUENCE = true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// NEWLINE CHAR //////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* New variables introduced: char prev_char_stored; int consecutive_newlines; bool command_has_ended; //haven't needed to use yet */ if (identify_char_type(curr) == NEWLINE_CHAR || identify_char_type(curr) == HASHTAG_CHAR){ //found a newline, increment counter consecutive_newlines++; //hit second (or more) newline if (consecutive_newlines > 1){ //not looking for an operator and if (!found_AND_OR_PIPE_SEQUENCE){ if (identify_char_type(curr) == NEWLINE_CHAR) { //add second newline to buffer buffer[numChars] = '\n'; numChars++; curr = get_next_byte(get_next_byte_argument); } /* check for newlines, whitespaces, and hashtags after second newline Store newlines on the buffer, ignore white spaces, and for hashtags: put hashtag and newline on the buffer */ while (identify_char_type(curr) == NEWLINE_CHAR || identify_char_type(curr) == WHITESPACE_CHAR || identify_char_type(curr) == HASHTAG_CHAR){ if (curr == '\n'){ buffer[numChars] = '\n'; numChars++; } else if (curr == '#'){ //add hashtag to buffer consecutive_newlines++; buffer[numChars] = '#'; numChars++; //go to end of comment while (identify_char_type(curr) != NEWLINE_CHAR){ if ((curr = get_next_byte(get_next_byte_argument)) == EOF) { break; } } //broke out of loop, curr is now a newline char; add to buffer buffer[numChars] = '\n'; numChars++; } if ((curr = get_next_byte(get_next_byte_argument)) == EOF) { break; } } consecutive_newlines = 0; //create temporary array with size of numChars; char* buffer_no_whitespaces = checked_malloc(BUFFER_SIZE * (sizeof(char))); //the correct syntaxed command memset(buffer_no_whitespaces, '\0', BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(char)); //run validation, then parse if correct eatWhiteSpaces(buffer, numChars, buffer_no_whitespaces); int pos = 0; while (buffer_no_whitespaces[pos] != '\0'){ if (identify_char_type(buffer_no_whitespaces[pos]) == NEWLINE_CHAR){ invalid_char_line_counter++; } if (identify_char_type(buffer_no_whitespaces[pos]) == INVALID_CHAR){ identify_char_type(buffer_no_whitespaces[pos]); fprintf(stderr, "%d: Invalid character: %c <---", invalid_char_line_counter, buffer_no_whitespaces[pos]); exit(1); } pos++; } checkAndSyntax(buffer_no_whitespaces); checkForConsecutiveTokens(buffer_no_whitespaces); checkIfOperatorsHaveOperands(buffer_no_whitespaces); validParentheses(buffer_no_whitespaces); /* int i; for (i= 0; i<numChars; i++){ printf("%c", buffer_no_whitespaces[i]); } //this just separates commands printf("\n"); */ commandNode_t root = createNodeFromCommand(make_command_tree(buffer_no_whitespaces)); //printf("adding command node to stream: %s\n", root->cmd->u.word[0]); write_list_t write_list = init_write_list(); //printf("adding command node to stream: %s\n", root->cmd->u.word[0]); root->write_list = make_write_list(write_list, root->cmd); read_list_t read_list = init_read_list(); root->read_list = make_read_list(read_list, root->cmd); root->tree_number=tree_number; root->dependency_list = (commandNode_t*)(checked_realloc(root->dependency_list, (tree_number) * sizeof(commandNode_t))); memset (root -> dependency_list, '\0', (tree_number) * sizeof(commandNode_t)); //printf("adding command node to stream: %s\n", root->cmd->u.word[0]); addNodeToStream(theStream, root); //reset everything with memset memset(buffer, '\0', BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(char)); free(buffer_no_whitespaces); numChars = 0; consecutive_newlines = 0; tree_number++; if (curr == EOF) break; /* We are now at a new command. Add first character to buffer, whether valid or invalid. Will check syntax later. */ if (identify_char_type(curr) != HASHTAG_CHAR){ buffer[numChars] = curr; numChars++; } else { //add a hashtag and newline to the buffer buffer[numChars] = '#'; numChars++; //get to the end of the line while (identify_char_type(curr) != NEWLINE_CHAR){ if ((curr = get_next_byte(get_next_byte_argument)) == EOF) { break; } } //now we have a newline; add newline to buffer buffer[numChars]=curr; numChars++; consecutive_newlines++; } continue; } else { //if we are looking for operand, don't end the commmand while (identify_char_type(curr) == NEWLINE_CHAR || identify_char_type(curr) == WHITESPACE_CHAR || identify_char_type(curr) == HASHTAG_CHAR){ if (curr == '\n'){ buffer[numChars] = '\n'; numChars++; } else if (curr == '#'){ //add hashtag to buffer buffer[numChars] = '#'; numChars++; while (identify_char_type(curr) != NEWLINE_CHAR){ if ((curr = get_next_byte(get_next_byte_argument)) == EOF) { break; } } //broke out of loop, curr is now a newline char; add to buffer buffer[numChars] = '\n'; numChars++; } if ((curr = get_next_byte(get_next_byte_argument)) == EOF) { break; } } //broken out of while loop, we now have a regular character; add to buffer if (curr == EOF) break; buffer[numChars] = curr; numChars++; found_AND_OR_PIPE_SEQUENCE = false; consecutive_newlines = 0; continue; } } else { //add newline to buffer; this is when number of newlines equals one if (identify_char_type(curr) == HASHTAG_CHAR) { buffer[numChars] = '#'; numChars++; while (identify_char_type(curr) != NEWLINE_CHAR){ if ((curr = get_next_byte(get_next_byte_argument)) == EOF) { break; } } } buffer[numChars] = '\n'; numChars++; continue; } } //end newline case else { if (!found_AND_OR_PIPE_SEQUENCE && consecutive_newlines == 1) { buffer[numChars] = ';'; numChars++; } buffer[numChars] = curr; numChars++; consecutive_newlines = 0; //if we are here we no longer skip lines found_AND_OR_PIPE_SEQUENCE = false; } } char* buffer_no_whitespaces = checked_malloc(BUFFER_SIZE * (sizeof(char))); //the correct syntaxed command memset(buffer_no_whitespaces, '\0', BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(char)); //run validation, then parse if correct //void eatWhiteSpaces(char *buffer, int bufferSize, char *newArray) eatWhiteSpaces(buffer, numChars, buffer_no_whitespaces); int pos = 0; while (buffer_no_whitespaces[pos] != '\0'){ if (identify_char_type(buffer_no_whitespaces[pos]) == NEWLINE_CHAR){ invalid_char_line_counter++; } if (identify_char_type(buffer_no_whitespaces[pos]) == INVALID_CHAR){ identify_char_type(buffer_no_whitespaces[pos]); fprintf(stderr, "%d: Invalid character: %c <---", invalid_char_line_counter, buffer_no_whitespaces[pos]); exit(1); } pos++; } checkAndSyntax(buffer_no_whitespaces); checkForConsecutiveTokens(buffer_no_whitespaces); checkIfOperatorsHaveOperands(buffer_no_whitespaces); validParentheses(buffer_no_whitespaces); /* if (buffer_no_whitespaces[0] != '\0') { int i; for (i= 0; i<numChars; i++){ printf("%c", buffer_no_whitespaces[i]); } printf("\n"); }*/ //make sure buffer_no_whitespace is not empty if (buffer_no_whitespaces[0] != '\0') { commandNode_t root = createNodeFromCommand(make_command_tree(buffer_no_whitespaces)); write_list_t write_list = init_write_list(); root->write_list = make_write_list(write_list, root->cmd); read_list_t read_list = init_read_list(); root->read_list = make_read_list(read_list, root->cmd); root->tree_number=tree_number; root->dependency_list = (commandNode_t*)(checked_realloc(root->dependency_list, (tree_number) * sizeof(commandNode_t))); memset (root -> dependency_list, '\0', (tree_number) * sizeof(commandNode_t)); //printf("adding command node to stream: %s\n", root->cmd->u.word[0]); addNodeToStream(theStream, root); } free(buffer); free(buffer_no_whitespaces); theStream->blocked_commands = (commandNode_t*)checked_realloc(theStream->blocked_commands, theStream->num_nodes * sizeof(commandNode_t)); memset(theStream->blocked_commands, '\0', theStream->num_nodes * sizeof(commandNode_t)); return theStream; }
void JavaInputStream::rewind(JNIEnv *env) { if (myOffset > 0) { closeStream(env); initStream(env); } }
command_stream_t make_command_stream(int(*getbyte) (void *), void *arg) { initStackc(&s); initStacko(&o); struct command_stream *command_stream_t = (struct command_stream *)malloc(sizeof(struct command_stream)); initStream(command_stream_t); struct command*com = (struct command*)malloc(sizeof(struct command)); com->type = SIMPLE_COMMAND; com->input = com->output = NULL; struct oper o; char c; bool extra = false; bool done = false; int csize = 10; com->u.word = (char**)malloc(10 * sizeof(char*)); int count = 0; int length = 0; int mlength = 12; char* word = (char*)malloc(12 * sizeof(char)); c = getbyte(arg); int curline = 1; skipws(getbyte, arg, &c, &curline); while (c >= 0) { done = false; if (!isValidChar(c)) printError(curline); extra = false; if (isvalid(c)) { word[length] = c; length++; if (length >= mlength) { mlength += 5; word = (char*)realloc(word, mlength*sizeof(char)); } } else { if (c == '#') { while ((c = (char)getbyte(arg)) >= 0 && c != '\n'); } else if (c == '\\') { while (c == '\\') { c = (char)getbyte(arg); c = (char)getbyte(arg); } continue; } else if (c == ' ') { if (length > 0) { addWord(&com, &count, &length, word); if (count == csize - 1) { csize += 5; com->u.word = (char**)realloc(com->u.word, csize*sizeof(int)); } } else { c = (char)getbyte(arg); continue; } } else if (c == '|' || c == '&' || c == ';' || c == '\n' || c == '(' || c == ')') { /*if (com->type == SUBSHELL_COMMAND) { com = (struct command*)malloc(sizeof(struct command)); com->type = SIMPLE_COMMAND; com->u.word = (char**)malloc(10 * sizeof(char*)); com->input = com->output = NULL; count = 0; csize = 10; } */ addWord(&com, &count, &length, word); if (c == '|') { c = (char)getbyte(arg); if (c == '|') { o.type = OR; } else { o.type = PIPE; } } else if (c == '&') { o.type = AND; c = (char)getbyte(arg); if (c != '&') printError(curline); } else if (c == ';') { o.type = SEQ; c = (char)getbyte(arg); } else if (c == '(') { o.type = LEFT; } else if (c == ')') { o.type = RIGHT; } else if (c == '\n') { curline += 1; while ((c = (char)getbyte(arg)) == ' '); if (c < 0) break; while (c == '\\') { c = (char)getbyte(arg); c = (char)getbyte(arg); } if (c == '#') { while ((c = getbyte(arg)) >= 0 && c != '\n'); } if (c != '\n' && (com->u.word != NULL || com->u.subshell_command != NULL)) { o.type = SEQ; extra = true; } else { extra = false; if (count > 0) { com->u.word[count] = '\0'; pushc(&s, com); } o.type = SEQ; add(o, 't', curline); insert(command_stream_t, topc(&s)); popc(&s); done = true; reset(&com, &word, &length, &count, &csize, &mlength, 'f'); c = (char)getbyte(arg); skipws(getbyte, arg, &c, &curline); continue; } } if (o.type != PIPE && o.type != SEQ) { c = (char)getbyte(arg); } if (count > 0) { com->u.word[count] = '\0'; pushc(&s, com); } add(o, 'f', curline); if (o.type == RIGHT) reset(&com, &word, &length, &count, &csize, &mlength, 't'); else reset(&com, &word, &length, &count, &csize, &mlength, 'f'); if (o.type != RIGHT) { skipws(getbyte, arg, &c,&curline); } extra = true; } else if (c == '>' || c == '<') { char* ptr; int insize = 12; ptr = (char*)malloc(insize * sizeof(char)); int i = 0; char t = c; while ((c = (char)getbyte(arg)) == ' '); if (!isvalid(c)) printError(curline); while ((c >= 0)) { if (!isvalid(c)) { extra = true; break; } ptr[i] = c; i++; if (i == insize - 1) { insize += 5; ptr = (char*)realloc(ptr, insize*sizeof(char)); } c = (char)getbyte(arg); } ptr[i] = '\0'; if (t == '<') com->input = ptr; else com->output = ptr; } } if (!extra) c = (char)getbyte(arg); } if (!done) { addWord(&com, &count, &length, word); if (count > 0) { com->u.word[count] = '\0'; pushc(&s, com); } o.type = SEQ; add(o, 't', curline); if (sizec(&s) != 1) printError(curline); insert(command_stream_t, topc(&s)); popc(&s); } return command_stream_t; }
status_t WebmWriter::start(MetaData *params) { if (mInitCheck != OK) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (mStreams[kVideoIndex].mTrackEntry == NULL && mStreams[kAudioIndex].mTrackEntry == NULL) { ALOGE("No source added"); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes != 0) { mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested = true; } if (params) { int32_t isRealTimeRecording; params->findInt32(kKeyRealTimeRecording, &isRealTimeRecording); mIsRealTimeRecording = isRealTimeRecording; } if (mStarted) { if (mPaused) { mPaused = false; mStreams[kAudioIndex].mThread->resume(); mStreams[kVideoIndex].mThread->resume(); } return OK; } if (params) { int32_t tcsl; if (params->findInt32(kKeyTimeScale, &tcsl)) { mTimeCodeScale = tcsl; } } CHECK_GT(mTimeCodeScale, 0); ALOGV("movie time scale: %" PRIu64, mTimeCodeScale); /* * When the requested file size limit is small, the priority * is to meet the file size limit requirement, rather than * to make the file streamable. mStreamableFile does not tell * whether the actual recorded file is streamable or not. */ mStreamableFile = (!mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes) || (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes >= kMinStreamableFileSizeInBytes); /* * Write various metadata. */ sp<WebmElement> ebml, segment, info, seekHead, tracks, cues; ebml = WebmElement::EbmlHeader(); segment = new WebmMaster(kMkvSegment); seekHead = new EbmlVoid(kMaxMetaSeekSize); info = WebmElement::SegmentInfo(mTimeCodeScale, 0); List<sp<WebmElement> > children; for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxStreams; ++i) { if (mStreams[i].mTrackEntry != NULL) { children.push_back(mStreams[i].mTrackEntry); } } tracks = new WebmMaster(kMkvTracks, children); if (!mStreamableFile) { cues = NULL; } else { int32_t bitRate = -1; if (params) { params->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate); } mEstimatedCuesSize = estimateCuesSize(bitRate); CHECK_GE(mEstimatedCuesSize, 8); cues = new EbmlVoid(mEstimatedCuesSize); } sp<WebmElement> elems[] = { ebml, segment, seekHead, info, tracks, cues }; static const size_t nElems = sizeof(elems) / sizeof(elems[0]); uint64_t offsets[nElems]; uint64_t sizes[nElems]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nElems; i++) { WebmElement *e = elems[i].get(); if (!e) { continue; } uint64_t size; offsets[i] = ::lseek(mFd, 0, SEEK_CUR); sizes[i] = e->mSize; e->write(mFd, size); } mSegmentOffset = offsets[1]; mSegmentDataStart = offsets[2]; mInfoOffset = offsets[3]; mInfoSize = sizes[3]; mTracksOffset = offsets[4]; mCuesOffset = offsets[5]; // start threads if (params) { params->findInt64(kKeyTime, &mStartTimestampUs); } initStream(kAudioIndex); initStream(kVideoIndex); mStreams[kAudioIndex].mThread->start(); mStreams[kVideoIndex].mThread->start(); mSinkThread->start(); mStarted = true; return OK; }
void Mp3PspStream::decodeMP3Data() { DEBUG_ENTER_FUNC(); do { if (_state == MP3_STATE_INIT) { initStream(); initStreamME(); } if (_state == MP3_STATE_EOS) return; findValidHeader(); // seach for next valid header while (_state == MP3_STATE_READY) { // not a real 'while'. Just for easy flow _stream.error = MAD_ERROR_NONE; uint32 frame_size = _stream.next_frame - _stream.this_frame; updatePcmLength(); // Retrieve the number of PCM samples. // We seem to change this, so it needs to be dynamic PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("MP3 frame size[%d]. pcmLength[%d]\n", frame_size, _pcmLength); memcpy(_codecInBuffer, _stream.this_frame, frame_size); // we need it aligned // set up parameters for ME _codecParams[6] = (unsigned long)_codecInBuffer; _codecParams[8] = (unsigned long)_pcmSamples; _codecParams[7] = frame_size; _codecParams[9] = _pcmLength * 2; // x2 for stereo, though this one's not so important // debug #ifdef PRINT_BUFFERS PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("mp3 frame:\n"); for (int i=0; i < (int)frame_size; i++) { PSP_DEBUG_PRINT_SAMELN("%x ", _codecInBuffer[i]); } PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("\n"); #endif // Decode the next frame // This function blocks. We'll want to put it in a thread int ret = sceAudiocodecDecode(_codecParams, 0x1002); if (ret < 0) { PSP_INFO_PRINT("failed to decode MP3 data in ME. sceAudiocodecDecode returned 0x%x\n", ret); } #ifdef PRINT_BUFFERS PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("PCM frame:\n"); for (int i=0; i < (int)_codecParams[9]; i+=2) { // changed from i+=2 PSP_DEBUG_PRINT_SAMELN("%d ", (int16)_pcmSamples[i]); } PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("\n"); #endif _posInFrame = 0; break; } } while (_state != MP3_STATE_EOS && _stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN); if (_stream.error != MAD_ERROR_NONE) // catch EOS _state = MP3_STATE_EOS; }
void EstimatePropagator::propagate(OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& vset, const EstimatePropagator::PropagateCost& cost, const EstimatePropagator::PropagateAction& action, double maxDistance, double maxEdgeCost) { reset(); PriorityQueue frontier; for (OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator vit=vset.begin(); vit!=vset.end(); ++vit){ OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(*vit); AdjacencyMap::iterator it = _adjacencyMap.find(v); assert(it != _adjacencyMap.end()); it->second._distance = 0.; it->second._parent.clear(); it->second._frontierLevel = 0; frontier.push(&it->second); } while(! frontier.empty()){ AdjacencyMapEntry* entry = frontier.pop(); OptimizableGraph::Vertex* u = entry->child(); double uDistance = entry->distance(); //cerr << "uDistance " << uDistance << endl; // initialize the vertex if (entry->_frontierLevel > 0) { action(entry->edge(), entry->parent(), u); } /* std::pair< OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator, bool> insertResult = */ _visited.insert(u); OptimizableGraph::EdgeSet::iterator et = u->edges().begin(); while (et != u->edges().end()){ OptimizableGraph::Edge* edge = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Edge*>(*et); ++et; int maxFrontier = -1; OptimizableGraph::VertexSet initializedVertices; for (size_t i = 0; i < edge->vertices().size(); ++i) { OptimizableGraph::Vertex* z = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(edge->vertex(i)); AdjacencyMap::iterator ot = _adjacencyMap.find(z); if (ot->second._distance != numeric_limits<double>::max()) { initializedVertices.insert(z); maxFrontier = (max)(maxFrontier, ot->second._frontierLevel); } } assert(maxFrontier >= 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < edge->vertices().size(); ++i) { OptimizableGraph::Vertex* z = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(edge->vertex(i)); if (z == u) continue; size_t wasInitialized = initializedVertices.erase(z); double edgeDistance = cost(edge, initializedVertices, z); if (edgeDistance > 0. && edgeDistance != std::numeric_limits<double>::max() && edgeDistance < maxEdgeCost) { double zDistance = uDistance + edgeDistance; //cerr << z->id() << " " << zDistance << endl; AdjacencyMap::iterator ot = _adjacencyMap.find(z); assert(ot!=_adjacencyMap.end()); if (zDistance < ot->second.distance() && zDistance < maxDistance){ //if (ot->second.inQueue) //cerr << "Updating" << endl; ot->second._distance = zDistance; ot->second._parent = initializedVertices; ot->second._edge = edge; ot->second._frontierLevel = maxFrontier + 1; frontier.push(&ot->second); } } if (wasInitialized > 0) initializedVertices.insert(z); } } } // writing debug information like cost for reaching each vertex and the parent used to initialize #ifdef DEBUG_ESTIMATE_PROPAGATOR cerr << "Writing cost.dat" << endl; ofstream costStream("cost.dat"); for (AdjacencyMap::const_iterator it = _adjacencyMap.begin(); it != _adjacencyMap.end(); ++it) { HyperGraph::Vertex* u = it->second.child(); costStream << "vertex " << u->id() << " cost " << it->second._distance << endl; } cerr << "Writing init.dat" << endl; ofstream initStream("init.dat"); vector<AdjacencyMapEntry*> frontierLevels; for (AdjacencyMap::iterator it = _adjacencyMap.begin(); it != _adjacencyMap.end(); ++it) { if (it->second._frontierLevel > 0) frontierLevels.push_back(&it->second); } sort(frontierLevels.begin(), frontierLevels.end(), FrontierLevelCmp()); for (vector<AdjacencyMapEntry*>::const_iterator it = frontierLevels.begin(); it != frontierLevels.end(); ++it) { AdjacencyMapEntry* entry = *it; OptimizableGraph::Vertex* to = entry->child(); initStream << "calling init level = " << entry->_frontierLevel << "\t ("; for (OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator pit = entry->parent().begin(); pit != entry->parent().end(); ++pit) { initStream << " " << (*pit)->id(); } initStream << " ) -> " << to->id() << endl; } #endif }
bool SGFParser::parseASCII(const QString &fileName, ASCII_Import *charset, bool isFilename) { QTextStream *txt = NULL; bool result = false; asciiOffsetX = asciiOffsetY = 0; #if 0 qDebug("BLACK STONE CHAR %c\n" "WHITE STONE CHAR %c\n" "STAR POINT CHAR %c\n" "EMPTY POINT CHAR %c\n" "HOR BORDER CHAR %c\n" "VER BORDER CHAR %c\n", charset->blackStone, charset->whiteStone, charset->starPoint, charset->emptyPoint, charset->hBorder, charset->vBorder); #endif if (isFilename) // Load from file { QFile file; if (fileName.isNull() || fileName.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("No filename given!")); delete txt; return false; } file.setName(fileName); if (!file.exists()) { QMessageBox::warning(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Could not find file:") + " " + fileName); delete txt; return false; } if (! { QMessageBox::warning(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Could not open file:") + " " + fileName); delete txt; return false; } txt = new QTextStream(&file); if (!initStream(txt)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Invalid text encoding given. Please check preferences!")); delete txt; return false; } result = parseASCIIStream(txt, charset); file.close(); } else // a string was passed instead of a filename, copy from clipboard { if (fileName.isNull() || fileName.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Importing ASCII failed. Clipboard empty?")); delete txt; return false; } QString buf(fileName); txt = new QTextStream(buf, IO_ReadOnly); if (!initStream(txt)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Invalid text encoding given. Please check preferences!")); delete txt; return false; } result = parseASCIIStream(txt, charset); } delete txt; return result; }
/* FIXME: Define the type 'struct command_stream' here. This should complete the incomplete type declaration in command.h. */ command_stream_t make_command_stream(int(*get_next_byte) (void *), void *get_next_byte_argument) { /* FIXME: Replace this with your implementation. You may need to add auxiliary functions and otherwise modify the source code. You can also use external functions defined in the GNU C Library. */ if (DEBUG) printf("291 Begin make_command_stream\n"); initStream(); size_t sizeofBuffer = 1024; char* buffer = (char*)checked_malloc(sizeofBuffer); char curr; size_t filled = 0; while ((curr = get_next_byte(get_next_byte_argument)) != EOF) { buffer[filled] = curr; filled++; if (filled == sizeofBuffer) { sizeofBuffer *= 2; buffer = (char*)checked_grow_alloc(buffer, &sizeofBuffer); } } //***For the parser: //Word int bufferWordSize = 10; int currWord = 0; //char ** wordElement; char** wordElement = checked_malloc(sizeof(char*)); wordElement[currWord] = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferWordSize); int usedWord = 0; //Input int bufferInputSize = 10; char* inputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferInputSize); int usedInput = 0; //Output int bufferOutputSize = 10; char* outputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferOutputSize); int usedOutput = 0; //***Initialize operator and command stacks initStacks(); if (DEBUG) printf("333 Buffer created, initStacks()\n"); int i = 0; while (i < (int)filled) { if (DEBUG) printf("on buffer %d\n", i); //***When you want to add a character*************************// int op = -1; int openCount = 0; int closedCount = 0; if (buffer[i] == '`') error(1, 0, "Line %d: %c", __LINE__, buffer[i]); if (buffer[i] == '(') { openCount = 1; closedCount = 0; int x = i; while (x < (int) filled) { x++; if (buffer[x] == '(') openCount++; if (buffer[x] == ')') closedCount++; if (closedCount == openCount) break; } if (closedCount != openCount) error(1, 0, "Line %d: Expected ')' for end of subshell", __LINE__); } if(buffer[i] == ')') { if(openCount == 0) error(1, 0, "Line %d: Expected '(' before ')'", __LINE__); } if(buffer[i] = '(') { op = numberOfOper(&buffer[i]); processOperator(op); } //Case of ' ' while (buffer[i] == ' ' && usedWord == 0) i++; if (buffer[i] == ' ' && usedWord != 0) { if (usedWord >= bufferWordSize) { bufferWordSize += 10; wordElement[currWord] = (char*)checked_realloc(wordElement[currWord], bufferWordSize); } //i++; wordElement[currWord][usedWord] = '\0'; while (buffer[i + 1] == ' ') i++; usedWord = 0; bufferWordSize = 10; currWord++; wordElement[currWord] = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferWordSize); //wordElement[currWord][usedWord] = buffer[i]; //usedWord++; } //Case of carrots //WHAT IF a<b>c>d<a....?! You're making a simple command out of a<b>c which then // must also be the word of >d<a //Case of '<' first else if (buffer[i] == '<') { int k = i; while (buffer[k-1] == ' ') { k--; if(buffer[k-1] == '\n') error(1, 0, "Line %d: Operator and word on diff lines", __LINE__); } if (wordElement[0][0] == '\0') error(1, 0, "Line %d: No command given to '<'", __LINE__); i++; while (buffer[i] != '<' && buffer[i] != '>' && buffer[i] != '&' && buffer[i] != '|' && buffer[i] != '(' && buffer[i] != ')' && buffer[i] != ';' && buffer[i] != '\n') { if (i == filled) { if (DEBUG) printf("378 Complete command, free buffer bc EOF\n"); currWord++; wordElement[currWord] = '\0'; if (usedInput == 0) inputElement = NULL; if (usedOutput == 0) outputElement = NULL; makeSimpleCommand(wordElement, inputElement, outputElement); completeCommand(); //free(buffer); return headStream; } if (buffer[i] == ' ') i++; else { if (usedInput >= bufferInputSize) { bufferInputSize += 10; inputElement = (char*)checked_realloc(inputElement, bufferInputSize); } inputElement[usedInput] = buffer[i]; usedInput++; i++; } } if (usedInput >= bufferInputSize) { bufferInputSize += 10; inputElement = (char*)checked_realloc(inputElement, bufferInputSize); } if (usedInput == 0) error(1, 0, "Line %d: No input after '<'", __LINE__); inputElement[usedInput] = '\0'; usedInput++; if (buffer[i] == '>') { i++; while (buffer[i] != '<' && buffer[i] != '>' && buffer[i] != '&' && buffer[i] != '|' && buffer[i] != '(' && buffer[i] != ')' && buffer[i] != ';' && buffer[i] != '\n') { if (i == filled) { if (DEBUG) printf("413 Complete command, free buffer at EOF\n"); currWord++; wordElement[currWord] = '\0'; if (usedInput == 0) inputElement = NULL; if (usedOutput == 0) outputElement = NULL; makeSimpleCommand(wordElement, inputElement, outputElement); completeCommand(); //free(buffer); return headStream; } if (buffer[i] == ' ') i++; else { if (usedOutput >= bufferOutputSize) { bufferOutputSize += 10; outputElement = (char*)checked_realloc(outputElement, bufferOutputSize); } outputElement[usedOutput] = buffer[i]; usedOutput++; i++; } } if (usedOutput >= bufferOutputSize) { bufferOutputSize += 10; outputElement = (char*)checked_realloc(outputElement, bufferOutputSize); } if (usedOutput == 0) error(1, 0, "Line %d: No input after '<'", __LINE__); outputElement[usedOutput] = '\0'; usedOutput++; //i--; //Check logic } i--; } /////CHECK FOR EXTRA i++!!!!! //Case of '>' first else if (buffer[i] == '>') { int k = i; while (buffer[k-1] == ' ') { k--; if(buffer[k-1] == '\n') error(1, 0, "Line %d: Operator and word on diff lines", __LINE__); } if (wordElement[0][0] == '\0') error(1, 0, "Line %d: No command given to '<'", __LINE__); i++; while (buffer[i] != '<' && buffer[i] != '>' && buffer[i] != '&' && buffer[i] != '|' && buffer[i] != '(' && buffer[i] != ')' && buffer[i] != ';' && buffer[i] != '\n') { if (i == filled) { if (DEBUG) printf("471 Complete Command, free buffer at EOF"); currWord++; wordElement[currWord] = '\0'; if (usedInput == 0) inputElement = NULL; if (usedOutput == 0) outputElement = NULL; makeSimpleCommand(wordElement, inputElement, outputElement); completeCommand(); //free(buffer); return headStream; } if (buffer[i] == ' ') i++; else { if (usedOutput >= bufferOutputSize) { bufferOutputSize += 10; outputElement = (char*)checked_realloc(outputElement, bufferOutputSize); } outputElement[usedOutput] = buffer[i]; usedOutput++; i++; } } if (usedOutput >= bufferOutputSize) { bufferOutputSize += 10; outputElement = (char*)checked_realloc(outputElement, bufferOutputSize); } if (usedOutput == 0) error(1, 0, "Line %d: No input after '<'", __LINE__); outputElement[usedOutput] = '\0'; usedOutput++; if (buffer[i] == '<') { i++; while (buffer[i] != '<' && buffer[i] != '>' && buffer[i] != '&' && buffer[i] != '|' && buffer[i] != '(' && buffer[i] != ')' && buffer[i] != ';' && buffer[i] != '\n') { if (i == filled) { if (DEBUG) printf("505 Complete Command, free buffer at EOF"); currWord++; wordElement[currWord] = '\0'; if (usedInput == 0) inputElement = NULL; if (usedOutput == 0) outputElement = NULL; makeSimpleCommand(wordElement, inputElement, outputElement); completeCommand(); //free(buffer); return headStream; } if (buffer[i] == ' ') i++; else { if (usedInput >= bufferInputSize) { bufferInputSize += 10; inputElement = (char*)checked_realloc(inputElement, bufferInputSize); } inputElement[usedInput] = buffer[i]; usedInput++; i++; } } if (usedInput >= bufferInputSize) { bufferInputSize += 10; inputElement = (char*)checked_realloc(inputElement, bufferInputSize); } if (usedInput == 0) error(1, 0, "Line %d: No input after '<'", __LINE__); inputElement[usedInput] = '\0'; usedInput++; } wordElement[currWord + 1] = '\0'; /*if (usedInput == 0) inputElement = NULL; if (usedOutput == 0) outputElement = NULL; if(DEBUG) printf("makeSimpleCommand %s\n", wordElement[0]); makeSimpleCommand(wordElement, inputElement, outputElement); bufferWordSize = 10; currWord = 0; usedWord = 0; usedInput = 0; usedOutput = 0; wordElement = (char**)checked_malloc(sizeof(char*)); wordElement[currWord] = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferWordSize); inputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferInputSize); outputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferOutputSize);*/ i--; } //Operators //After every operator is encountered, use makeSimpleCommand to push the command on the stack //Case of '|' else if (buffer[i] == '|') { int k = i; while (buffer[k-1] == ' ') { k--; if(buffer[k-1] == '\n') error(1, 0, "Line %d: Operator and word on diff lines", __LINE__); } if (buffer[i+1] == '|' && operatorStack == NULL) error(1, 0, "Line %d: Missing pipe for '||'", __LINE__); if (wordElement[0][0] == '\0') error(1, 0, "Line %d: Nothing for '|'", __LINE__); //if (commandStack == NULL) // error(1, 0, "Line %d: Nothing to run '|' on"); if (buffer[i + 1] == '|' && buffer[i+2] == '|') error(1, 0, "Line %d: Invalid Command, too many '|'", i); op = numberOfOper(&buffer[i]); //error(1, 0, "Line %d: Nothing to pipe", __LINE__); if (buffer[i-1] != ' ') currWord++; wordElement[currWord] = '\0'; if (usedInput == 0) inputElement = NULL; if (usedOutput == 0) outputElement = NULL; if (DEBUG) printf(" 566 makeSimpleCommand %s\n", wordElement[0]); makeSimpleCommand(wordElement, inputElement, outputElement); bufferWordSize = 10; currWord = 0; usedWord = 0; usedInput = 0; usedOutput = 0; wordElement = (char**)checked_malloc(sizeof(char*)); wordElement[currWord] = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferWordSize); inputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferInputSize); outputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferOutputSize); if (DEBUG) printf("577 Process operator %d\n", op); processOperator(op); if (op == 3) i++; if (buffer[i + 1] == ' ') i++; //i++; } //Case of '&' else if (buffer[i] == '&') { int k = i; while (buffer[k-1] == ' ') { k--; if(buffer[k-1] == '\n') error(1, 0, "Line %d: Operator and word on diff lines", __LINE__); } //if (buffer[i] == '&' && operatorStack == NULL) // error(1, 0, "Line %d: Missing pipe for '&&'", __LINE__); if (wordElement[0][0] == '\0') error(1, 0, "Line %d: Nothing for '|'", __LINE__); if (buffer[i + 1] == '&' && buffer[i+2] == '&') error(1, 0, "Line %d: Invalid Command, too many '&'", i); op = numberOfOper(&buffer[i]); if (buffer[i-1] != ' ') currWord++; wordElement[currWord] = '\0'; if (usedInput == 0) inputElement = NULL; if (usedOutput == 0) outputElement = NULL; if (DEBUG) printf("592 makeSimpleCommand %s\n", wordElement[0]); makeSimpleCommand(wordElement, inputElement, outputElement); bufferWordSize = 10; usedWord = 0; currWord = 0; usedInput = 0; usedOutput = 0; wordElement = (char**)checked_malloc(sizeof(char*)); wordElement[currWord] = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferWordSize); inputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferInputSize); outputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferOutputSize); processOperator(op); i++; if (buffer[i + 1] == ' ') i++; } //Case of ';' else if (buffer[i] == ';') { int k = i; while (buffer[k-1] == ' ') { k--; if(buffer[k-1] == '\n') error(1, 0, "Line %d: Operator and word on diff lines", __LINE__); } if(wordElement[0][0] == '\0') error(1, 0, "Line %d: Nothing before sequence", i); op = numberOfOper(&buffer[i]); currWord++; wordElement[currWord] = '\0'; if (usedInput == 0) inputElement = NULL; if (usedOutput == 0) outputElement = NULL; if (DEBUG) printf("617 makeSimpleCommand %s\n", wordElement[0]); if ((currWord = 0) || (currWord == 1)) error(1, 0, "Line %d: Nothing to run ';' on", i); makeSimpleCommand(wordElement, inputElement, outputElement); bufferWordSize = 10; usedWord = 0; currWord = 0; usedInput = 0; usedOutput = 0; wordElement = (char**)checked_malloc(sizeof(char*)); wordElement[currWord] = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferWordSize); inputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferInputSize); outputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferOutputSize); processOperator(op); //i++; } //Case of '\n' else if (buffer[i] == '\n' && i != 0) { /*int scChecker = i; while (buffer[i + 1] == ' ') { scChecker++; if (buffer[scChecker + 1] == ';') error(1, 0, "Line %d: Newline followed by ';'"); }*/ if (buffer[i+1] == ';') error(1, 0, "Line %d: Newline followed by ';'", i); if ((i + 1) == (int)filled) { currWord++; wordElement[currWord] = '\0'; if (usedInput == 0) inputElement = NULL; if (usedOutput == 0) outputElement = NULL; if (DEBUG) printf("654 makeSimpleCommand %s\n", wordElement[0]); makeSimpleCommand(wordElement, inputElement, outputElement); bufferWordSize = 10; currWord = 0; usedWord = 0; usedInput = 0; usedOutput = 0; wordElement = (char**)checked_malloc(sizeof(char*)); wordElement[currWord] = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferWordSize); inputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferInputSize); outputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferOutputSize); completeCommand(); free(buffer); return headStream; } char lastC; int back = 1; while (buffer[i - back] == ' ' && i - back >= 0) { //lastC = buffer[i - back]; back++; } lastC = buffer[i - back]; if (buffer[i + 1] == '\n') { while (buffer[i + 1] == '\n') i++; if (lastC != '|' && lastC != '&') { currWord++; wordElement[currWord] = '\0'; if (usedInput == 0) inputElement = NULL; if (usedOutput == 0) outputElement = NULL; if (DEBUG) printf("654 makeSimpleCommand %s\n", wordElement[0]); makeSimpleCommand(wordElement, inputElement, outputElement); bufferWordSize = 10; currWord = 0; usedWord = 0; usedInput = 0; usedOutput = 0; wordElement = (char**)checked_malloc(sizeof(char*)); wordElement[currWord] = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferWordSize); inputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferInputSize); outputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferOutputSize); completeCommand(); } } else { if (lastC == '|' || lastC == '&' || lastC == '<' || lastC || '>') { while (buffer[i + 1] == '\n') i++;//////SPIT ERROR? } else { char swap = ';'; op = numberOfOper(&swap); wordElement[currWord + 1] = '\0'; if (usedInput == 0) inputElement = NULL; if (usedOutput == 0) outputElement = NULL; if (DEBUG) printf(" 679 makeSimpleCommand %s\n", wordElement[0]); makeSimpleCommand(wordElement, inputElement, outputElement); bufferWordSize = 10; currWord = 0; usedWord = 0; usedInput = 0; usedOutput = 0; wordElement = (char**)checked_malloc(sizeof(char*)); wordElement[currWord] = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferWordSize); inputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferInputSize); outputElement = (char*)checked_malloc(bufferOutputSize); processOperator(op); } } } //Case of # (comment) else if (buffer[i] == '#') { if (DEBUG) printf("698 Got a comment!\n"); while (buffer[i] != '\n') i++; } //Else else { if (buffer[i] == '\'') { if (buffer[i + 1] == 'E' && buffer[i + 2] == 'O' && buffer[i + 3] == 'F') break; } //if (buffer[i] != ' ') wordElement[currWord][usedWord] = buffer[i]; usedWord++; if (i + 1 == filled) { currWord++; wordElement[currWord] = '\0'; if (usedInput == 0) inputElement = NULL; if (usedOutput == 0) outputElement = NULL; makeSimpleCommand(wordElement, inputElement, outputElement); completeCommand(); } } i++; } free(buffer); return headStream; }