Пример #1
 void update( const FrameData& frameData )
     initTransferFunction( frameData.getRenderSettings().getTransferFunction( ));
     _nSamplesPerRay = frameData.getVRParameters().getSamplesPerRay();
     _computedSamplesPerRay = _nSamplesPerRay;
     _nSamplesPerPixel = frameData.getVRParameters().getSamplesPerPixel();
Пример #2
RayCastRenderer::RayCastRenderer( const GLEWContext* glewContext,
                                  const uint32_t samples,
                                  const uint32_t componentCount,
                                  const GLenum gpuDataType,
                                  const GLint internalFormat )
    : Renderer( componentCount, gpuDataType, internalFormat )
    , nSamples_( samples )
    , transferFunctionTexture_( 0 )
    if( !glewContext )
        LBTHROW( std::runtime_error( "No GLEW context given" +
                                     where( __FILE__, __LINE__ )));

    TransferFunction1D< unsigned char > transferFunction;
    initTransferFunction( transferFunction );

    shadersPtr_.reset( new GLSLShaders );

    // TODO: Add the shaders from resource directory
    const int error = shadersPtr_->loadShaders( ShaderData( vertRayCast_glsl,
                      fragRayCast_glsl ));
    if( error != GL_NO_ERROR )
        LBTHROW( std::runtime_error( "Can't load glsl shaders: " +
                                     eq::glError( error ) +
                                     where( __FILE__, __LINE__ )));

        new eq::util::Texture( GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, glewContext ));
Пример #3
    Impl( const uint32_t samplesPerRay,
          const uint32_t samplesPerPixel,
          const VolumeInformation& volInfo )
        : _framebufferTexture( GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, glewGetContext( ))
        , _nSamplesPerRay( samplesPerRay )
        , _nSamplesPerPixel( samplesPerPixel )
        , _computedSamplesPerRay( samplesPerRay )
        , _volInfo( volInfo )
        , _transferFunctionTexture( 0 )
        TransferFunction1D transferFunction;
        initTransferFunction( transferFunction );

        // TODO: Add the shaders from resource directory
        const int error = _shaders.loadShaders( ShaderData( vertRayCast_glsl,
                                                             fragRayCast_glsl ));
        if( error != GL_NO_ERROR )
            LBTHROW( std::runtime_error( "Can't load glsl shaders: " +
                                         eq::glError( error ) +
                                         where( __FILE__, __LINE__ )));