DOMArrayPiece::DOMArrayPiece(const ArrayBufferOrArrayBufferView& arrayBufferOrView, InitWithUnionOption option) { if (arrayBufferOrView.isArrayBuffer()) { RefPtr<DOMArrayBuffer> arrayBuffer = arrayBufferOrView.getAsArrayBuffer(); initWithData(arrayBuffer->data(), arrayBuffer->byteLength()); } else if (arrayBufferOrView.isArrayBufferView()) { RefPtr<DOMArrayBufferView> arrayBufferView = arrayBufferOrView.getAsArrayBufferView(); initWithData(arrayBufferView->baseAddress(), arrayBufferView->byteLength()); } else if (arrayBufferOrView.isNull() && option == AllowNullPointToNullWithZeroSize) { initWithData(nullptr, 0); } // Otherwise, leave the obejct as null. }
void FontAtlas::reinit() { if (_currentPageData) { delete []_currentPageData; _currentPageData = nullptr; } auto texture = new (std::nothrow) Texture2D; _currentPageDataSize = CacheTextureWidth * CacheTextureHeight; auto outlineSize = _fontFreeType->getOutlineSize(); if(outlineSize > 0) { _lineHeight += 2 * outlineSize; _currentPageDataSize *= 2; } _currentPageData = new (std::nothrow) unsigned char[_currentPageDataSize]; memset(_currentPageData, 0, _currentPageDataSize); auto pixelFormat = outlineSize > 0 ? Texture2D::PixelFormat::AI88 : Texture2D::PixelFormat::A8; texture->initWithData(_currentPageData, _currentPageDataSize, pixelFormat, CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight, Size(CacheTextureWidth,CacheTextureHeight) ); addTexture(texture,0); texture->release(); }
bool Texture::init(const std::string & fileName) { destroy(); stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load(true); int width, height, components; uint8_t * imageData = stbi_load(fileName.c_str(), &width, &height, &components, STBI_rgb_alpha); if (imageData == nullptr) { common::Logger::toLogWithFormat("Error: could not load file '%s'.\n", fileName.c_str()); return false; } m_format = findFormat(components); if (m_format == -1) { common::Logger::toLogWithFormat("Error: format of file '%s' is unknown.\n", fileName.c_str()); if (imageData != nullptr) stbi_image_free(imageData); return false; } bool result = initWithData(m_format, imageData, width, height, true, -1); if (imageData != nullptr) stbi_image_free(imageData); return result; }
ArrayPiece::ArrayPiece(ArrayBuffer* buffer) { if (buffer) { initWithData(buffer->data(), buffer->byteLength()); } else { initNull(); } }
ArrayPiece::ArrayPiece(ArrayBufferView* buffer) { if (buffer) { initWithData(buffer->baseAddress(), buffer->byteLength()); } else { initNull(); } }
CSSM_RETURN CertParser::initWithCFData( CFDataRef cfData) { CSSM_DATA cdata; cdata.Data = (uint8 *)CFDataGetBytePtr(cfData); cdata.Length = CFDataGetLength(cfData); return initWithData(cdata); }
bool BitmapData::initWithFile(const std::string &path) { _filePath = FileUtils::getInstance()->getFullPath(path); ByteArray *data = FileUtils::getInstance()->getFileData(_filePath, "rb"); bool result = false; if (!data->isNull()) { result = initWithData(data->getBytes(), data->getLength()); } delete data; return result; }
void assignArray(const StaticArray<T>& array) { _size = 0; if (_data) { delete[] _data; _data = 0; } initWithData(array.cArray(), array.size()); }
FontAtlas::FontAtlas(Font &theFont) : _font(&theFont) , _fontFreeType(nullptr) , _iconv(nullptr) , _currentPageData(nullptr) , _fontAscender(0) //, _rendererRecreatedListener(nullptr) , _antialiasEnabled(true) , _currLineHeight(0) { _font->retain(); _fontFreeType = dynamic_cast<FontFreeType*>(_font); if (_fontFreeType) { _lineHeight = _font->getFontMaxHeight(); _fontAscender = _fontFreeType->getFontAscender(); auto texture = new (std::nothrow) Texture2D; _currentPage = 0; _currentPageOrigX = 0; _currentPageOrigY = 0; _letterEdgeExtend = 2; _letterPadding = 0; if (_fontFreeType->isDistanceFieldEnabled()) { _letterPadding += 2 * FontFreeType::DistanceMapSpread; } _currentPageDataSize = CacheTextureWidth * CacheTextureHeight; auto outlineSize = _fontFreeType->getOutlineSize(); if(outlineSize > 0) { _lineHeight += 2 * outlineSize; _currentPageDataSize *= 2; } _currentPageData = new unsigned char[_currentPageDataSize]; memset(_currentPageData, 0, _currentPageDataSize); auto pixelFormat = outlineSize > 0 ? CCTexture2DPixelFormat::kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_AI88 : CCTexture2DPixelFormat::kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_A8; texture->initWithData(_currentPageData, _currentPageDataSize, pixelFormat, CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight, Size(CacheTextureWidth,CacheTextureHeight) ); addTexture(texture,0); texture->release(); #if CC_ENABLE_CACHE_TEXTURE_DATA auto eventDispatcher = Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher(); _rendererRecreatedListener = EventListenerCustom::create(EVENT_RENDERER_RECREATED, CC_CALLBACK_1(FontAtlas::listenRendererRecreated, this)); eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(_rendererRecreatedListener, 1); #endif } }
// TODO: need to handle exception here! bool StageDataManager::initFromLocalData(const std::string &stageDataFile, const std::string &scoreRocordsFile) { auto stageData = StageData::loadStageDataFromCSV(stageDataFile); auto scoreRecord = StageScoreRecord::loadStageScoreRecordFromCSV(scoreRocordsFile, stageData); _scoreRecordsFilename = scoreRocordsFile; return initWithData(stageData, scoreRecord); }
CertParser::CertParser( CSSM_CL_HANDLE clHand, const CSSM_DATA &certData) { initFields(); mClHand = clHand; CSSM_RETURN crtn = initWithData(certData); if(crtn) { throw ((int)crtn); } }
void DynamicSprite::setTexture(const Bitmap &bmp, const Rect &rect) { Rect texRect; if (rect.equals(Rect::ZERO)) { texRect = cocos2d::Rect(0, 0, bmp.width(), bmp.height()); } else { texRect = rect; } auto tex = Rc<cocos2d::Texture2D>::alloc(); tex->initWithData(bmp.dataPtr(), bmp.size(), TextureCache::getPixelFormat(bmp.format()), bmp.width(), bmp.height()); setTexture(tex, texRect); }
DOMArrayPiece::DOMArrayPiece(const BufferSource& bufferSource) { void* data = nullptr; unsigned len = 0; if (bufferSource.isArrayBuffer()) { data = bufferSource.getAsArrayBuffer()->data(); len = bufferSource.getAsArrayBuffer()->byteLength(); } else if (bufferSource.isArrayBufferView()) { data = bufferSource.getAsArrayBufferView()->baseAddress(); len = bufferSource.getAsArrayBufferView()->byteLength(); } initWithData(data, len); }
FontAtlas::FontAtlas(Font &theFont) : _font(&theFont) , _currentPageData(nullptr) , _fontAscender(0) , _toForegroundListener(nullptr) , _toBackgroundListener(nullptr) , _antialiasEnabled(true) { _font->retain(); FontFreeType* fontTTf = dynamic_cast<FontFreeType*>(_font); if (fontTTf) { _commonLineHeight = _font->getFontMaxHeight(); _fontAscender = fontTTf->getFontAscender(); auto texture = new Texture2D; _currentPage = 0; _currentPageOrigX = 0; _currentPageOrigY = 0; _letterPadding = 0; if(fontTTf->isDistanceFieldEnabled()) { _letterPadding += 2 * FontFreeType::DistanceMapSpread; } _currentPageDataSize = CacheTextureWidth * CacheTextureHeight; if(fontTTf->getOutlineSize() > 0) { _currentPageDataSize *= 2; } _currentPageData = new unsigned char[_currentPageDataSize]; memset(_currentPageData, 0, _currentPageDataSize); auto pixelFormat = fontTTf->getOutlineSize() > 0 ? Texture2D::PixelFormat::AI88 : Texture2D::PixelFormat::A8; texture->initWithData(_currentPageData, _currentPageDataSize, pixelFormat, CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight, Size(CacheTextureWidth,CacheTextureHeight) ); addTexture(texture,0); texture->release(); #if CC_ENABLE_CACHE_TEXTURE_DATA auto eventDispatcher = Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher(); _toBackgroundListener = EventListenerCustom::create(EVENT_COME_TO_BACKGROUND, CC_CALLBACK_1(FontAtlas::listenToBackground, this)); eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(_toBackgroundListener, 1); _toForegroundListener = EventListenerCustom::create(EVENT_COME_TO_FOREGROUND, CC_CALLBACK_1(FontAtlas::listenToForeground, this)); eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(_toForegroundListener, 1); #endif } }
OSStatus CertParser::initWithSecCert( SecCertificateRef secCert) { OSStatus ortn; CSSM_DATA certData; assert(mClHand == 0); ortn = SecCertificateGetCLHandle(secCert, &mClHand); if(ortn) { return ortn; } ortn = SecCertificateGetData(secCert, &certData); if(ortn) { return ortn; } return (OSStatus)initWithData(certData); }
SoundBuffer::SoundBuffer(unsigned frequency, unsigned length) { // The easiest way to do a square wave: Alternate min and max bytes for as // long as the buffer goes. Notice that we need to have twice the sampling // rate to make this work, in accordance with sampling rate laws in general. unsigned numSamples = (frequency * length * 2) / 1000 * 1000; uint8_t *samples = new uint8_t [numSamples]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSamples/2; i++) { samples[i*2+0] = std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::min(); samples[i*2+1] = std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max(); } initWithData(samples, numSamples, frequency*2, false, false); delete samples; }
const Blob& operator=(const Blob& v) { initWithData(v.m_data,v.m_length); return *this; }
Texture::Texture(Image *image) { initWithData((const char *)image->getImageData(), image->getImageSize().width, image->getImageSize().height); }
SkeletonRenderer::SkeletonRenderer (spSkeletonData *skeletonData, bool ownsSkeletonData) : _atlas(nullptr), _attachmentLoader(nullptr), _debugSlots(false), _debugBones(false), _timeScale(1) { initWithData(skeletonData, ownsSkeletonData); }
StaticArray(const StaticArray<T>& array) : _size(0), _data(0) { initWithData(array.cArray(), array.size()); }
StaticArray(const T* array, index_t size) : _size(0), _data(0) { initWithData(array, size); }
bool FontAtlas::prepareLetterDefinitions(const std::u16string& utf16Text) { if (_fontFreeType == nullptr) { return false; } std::unordered_map<unsigned short, unsigned short> codeMapOfNewChar; findNewCharacters(utf16Text, codeMapOfNewChar); if (codeMapOfNewChar.empty()) { return false; } int adjustForDistanceMap = _letterPadding / 2; int adjustForExtend = _letterEdgeExtend / 2; long bitmapWidth; long bitmapHeight; Rect tempRect; FontLetterDefinition tempDef; auto scaleFactor = CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR(); auto pixelFormat = _fontFreeType->getOutlineSize() > 0 ? CCTexture2DPixelFormat::kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_AI88 : CCTexture2DPixelFormat::kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_A8; float startY = _currentPageOrigY; for (auto&& it : codeMapOfNewChar) { auto bitmap = _fontFreeType->getGlyphBitmap(it.second, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, tempRect, tempDef.xAdvance); if (bitmap && bitmapWidth > 0 && bitmapHeight > 0) { tempDef.validDefinition = true; tempDef.width = tempRect.size.width + _letterPadding + _letterEdgeExtend; tempDef.height = tempRect.size.height + _letterPadding + _letterEdgeExtend; tempDef.offsetX = tempRect.origin.x + adjustForDistanceMap + adjustForExtend; tempDef.offsetY = _fontAscender + tempRect.origin.y - adjustForDistanceMap - adjustForExtend; if (bitmapHeight > _currLineHeight) { _currLineHeight = static_cast<int>(bitmapHeight) + _letterPadding + _letterEdgeExtend + 1; } if (_currentPageOrigX + tempDef.width > CacheTextureWidth) { _currentPageOrigY += _currLineHeight; _currLineHeight = 0; _currentPageOrigX = 0; if (_currentPageOrigY + _lineHeight >= CacheTextureHeight) { unsigned char *data = nullptr; if (pixelFormat == CCTexture2DPixelFormat::kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_AI88) { data = _currentPageData + CacheTextureWidth * (int)startY * 2; } else { data = _currentPageData + CacheTextureWidth * (int)startY; } _atlasTextures[_currentPage]->updateWithData(data, 0, startY, CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight - startY); startY = 0.0f; _currentPageOrigY = 0; memset(_currentPageData, 0, _currentPageDataSize); _currentPage++; auto tex = new (std::nothrow) Texture2D; if (_antialiasEnabled) { tex->setAntiAliasTexParameters(); } else { tex->setAliasTexParameters(); } tex->initWithData(_currentPageData, _currentPageDataSize, pixelFormat, CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight, Size(CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight)); addTexture(tex, _currentPage); tex->release(); } } _fontFreeType->renderCharAt(_currentPageData, _currentPageOrigX + adjustForExtend, _currentPageOrigY + adjustForExtend, bitmap, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight); tempDef.U = _currentPageOrigX; tempDef.V = _currentPageOrigY; tempDef.textureID = _currentPage; _currentPageOrigX += tempDef.width + 1; // take from pixels to points tempDef.width = tempDef.width / scaleFactor; tempDef.height = tempDef.height / scaleFactor; tempDef.U = tempDef.U / scaleFactor; tempDef.V = tempDef.V / scaleFactor; } else{ if (tempDef.xAdvance) tempDef.validDefinition = true; else tempDef.validDefinition = false; tempDef.width = 0; tempDef.height = 0; tempDef.U = 0; tempDef.V = 0; tempDef.offsetX = 0; tempDef.offsetY = 0; tempDef.textureID = 0; _currentPageOrigX += 1; } _letterDefinitions[it.first] = tempDef; } unsigned char *data = nullptr; if (pixelFormat == CCTexture2DPixelFormat::kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_AI88) { data = _currentPageData + CacheTextureWidth * (int)startY * 2; } else { data = _currentPageData + CacheTextureWidth * (int)startY; } _atlasTextures[_currentPage]->updateWithData(data, 0, startY, CacheTextureWidth, _currentPageOrigY - startY + _lineHeight); return true; }
bool FontAtlas::prepareLetterDefinitions(const std::u16string& utf16String) { if (_fontFreeType == nullptr) { return false; } std::unordered_map<unsigned short, unsigned short> newCharsMap; findNewCharacters(utf16String, newCharsMap); if (newCharsMap.empty()) { return false; } float offsetAdjust = _letterPadding / 2; long bitmapWidth; long bitmapHeight; Rect tempRect; FontLetterDefinition tempDef; auto scaleFactor = CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR(); auto pixelFormat = _fontFreeType->getOutlineSize() > 0 ? Texture2D::PixelFormat::AI88 : Texture2D::PixelFormat::A8; int bottomHeight = _commonLineHeight - _fontAscender; float startY = _currentPageOrigY; for (auto&& it : newCharsMap) { auto bitmap = _fontFreeType->getGlyphBitmap(it.second, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, tempRect, tempDef.xAdvance); if (bitmap) { tempDef.validDefinition = true; tempDef.letteCharUTF16 = it.first; tempDef.width = tempRect.size.width + _letterPadding; tempDef.height = tempRect.size.height + _letterPadding; tempDef.offsetX = tempRect.origin.x + offsetAdjust; tempDef.offsetY = _fontAscender + tempRect.origin.y - offsetAdjust; tempDef.clipBottom = bottomHeight - (tempDef.height + tempRect.origin.y + offsetAdjust); if (_currentPageOrigX + tempDef.width > CacheTextureWidth) { _currentPageOrigY += _commonLineHeight; _currentPageOrigX = 0; if (_currentPageOrigY + _commonLineHeight >= CacheTextureHeight) { unsigned char *data = nullptr; if (pixelFormat == Texture2D::PixelFormat::AI88) { data = _currentPageData + CacheTextureWidth * (int)startY * 2; } else { data = _currentPageData + CacheTextureWidth * (int)startY; } _atlasTextures[_currentPage]->updateWithData(data, 0, startY, CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight - startY); startY = 0.0f; _currentPageOrigY = 0; memset(_currentPageData, 0, _currentPageDataSize); _currentPage++; auto tex = new (std::nothrow) Texture2D; if (_antialiasEnabled) { tex->setAntiAliasTexParameters(); } else { tex->setAliasTexParameters(); } tex->initWithData(_currentPageData, _currentPageDataSize, pixelFormat, CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight, Size(CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight)); addTexture(tex, _currentPage); tex->release(); } } _fontFreeType->renderCharAt(_currentPageData, _currentPageOrigX, _currentPageOrigY, bitmap, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight); tempDef.U = _currentPageOrigX; tempDef.V = _currentPageOrigY; tempDef.textureID = _currentPage; _currentPageOrigX += tempDef.width + 1; // take from pixels to points tempDef.width = tempDef.width / scaleFactor; tempDef.height = tempDef.height / scaleFactor; tempDef.U = tempDef.U / scaleFactor; tempDef.V = tempDef.V / scaleFactor; } else{ if (tempDef.xAdvance) tempDef.validDefinition = true; else tempDef.validDefinition = false; tempDef.letteCharUTF16 = it.first; tempDef.width = 0; tempDef.height = 0; tempDef.U = 0; tempDef.V = 0; tempDef.offsetX = 0; tempDef.offsetY = 0; tempDef.textureID = 0; tempDef.clipBottom = 0; _currentPageOrigX += 1; } _fontLetterDefinitions[tempDef.letteCharUTF16] = tempDef; } unsigned char *data = nullptr; if (pixelFormat == Texture2D::PixelFormat::AI88) { data = _currentPageData + CacheTextureWidth * (int)startY * 2; } else { data = _currentPageData + CacheTextureWidth * (int)startY; } _atlasTextures[_currentPage]->updateWithData(data, 0, startY, CacheTextureWidth, _currentPageOrigY - startY + _commonLineHeight); return true; }
Blob(const void* data, size_t length) : m_data(NULL), m_length(0) { initWithData((u8_t*)data,length); };
ArrayPiece::ArrayPiece(void* data, unsigned byteLength) { initWithData(data, byteLength); }
SoundBuffer::SoundBuffer(const char *filename) throw(std::runtime_error) { std::ifstream file(filename, std::ios::binary); if (!file) throw std::runtime_error("Could not open sound file!"); char actualGroupID[4];, 4); if (memcmp(actualGroupID, "RIFF", 4) != 0) throw std::runtime_error("Not a WAV file."); // File length minus eight. Ignored here. uint32_t fileLength;<char *> (&fileLength), 4); fileLength = SwapLittleToHost(fileLength); char actualRiffType[4];, 4); if (memcmp(actualRiffType, "WAVE", 4) != 0) throw std::runtime_error("Not a WAV file."); // Information about the file bool haveFmt = false; bool haveData = false; uint32_t dataLength; uint16_t numChannels; uint32_t samplesPerSecond; uint16_t bitsPerSample; char *data = NULL; // Scan chunks while (file.good() && !(haveFmt && haveData)) { char chunkType[4];, 4); if (memcmp(chunkType, "fmt ", 4) == 0) { // Read Format header if (haveFmt) throw std::runtime_error("Format data specified more than once."); haveFmt = true; uint32_t chunkLength;<char *> (&chunkLength), 4); chunkLength = SwapLittleToHost(chunkLength); if (chunkLength != 16) throw std::runtime_error("Sound file format not supported."); uint16_t format;<char *> (&format), 2); format = SwapLittleToHost(format); if (format != 0x0001) throw std::runtime_error("Format is not PCM.");<char *> (&numChannels), 2); numChannels = SwapLittleToHost(numChannels); if (numChannels > 2) throw std::runtime_error("More than two channels.");<char *> (&samplesPerSecond), 4); samplesPerSecond = SwapLittleToHost(samplesPerSecond); // Bytes per second and block align. file.seekg(6, std::ios::cur);<char *> (&bitsPerSample), 2); bitsPerSample = SwapLittleToHost(bitsPerSample); if (bitsPerSample != 8 && bitsPerSample != 16) throw std::runtime_error("Bits per sample has unusual value."); } else if (memcmp(chunkType, "data", 4) == 0) { // Read actual data if (haveData) throw std::runtime_error("Sound data specified more than once."); haveData = true;<char *> (&dataLength), 4); dataLength = SwapLittleToHost(dataLength); data = new char [dataLength];, dataLength); } else { // Skip unknown chunk uint32_t chunkLength;<char *> (&chunkLength), 4); chunkLength += chunkLength % 2; // RIFF-Files are word aligned file.seekg(chunkLength, std::ios::cur); } } if (bitsPerSample == 16) SwapU16LittleToHost(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(data), dataLength/sizeof(uint16_t)); initWithData(data, dataLength, samplesPerSecond, bitsPerSample == 16, numChannels == 2); delete [] data; }
// TODO: for debug, remove later bool StatusDataManager::initWithDebugData() { PlayerStatusData* playerData = new PlayerStatusData(0, "character_icon_0.png", "Username_0", 100, 1000); std::vector<UnitOfPlayerRecord*> unitRecords; UnitData *unitDataTemp; UnitOfPlayerRecord* unitRecordTemp; // unit 0 unitDataTemp = new UnitData(0, "element_red.png", ElementType::RED, "UnitName_0_red", 10, 1); unitRecordTemp = new UnitOfPlayerRecord(unitDataTemp, time(nullptr), 1, 0); unitRecords.push_back(unitRecordTemp); // unit 1 unitDataTemp = new UnitData(1, "element_blue.png", ElementType::BLUE, "UnitName_1_blue", 10, 1); unitRecordTemp = new UnitOfPlayerRecord(unitDataTemp, time(nullptr), 1, 0); unitRecords.push_back(unitRecordTemp); // unit 2 unitDataTemp = new UnitData(2, "element_yellow.png", ElementType::YELLOW, "UnitName_2_yellow", 10, 1); unitRecordTemp = new UnitOfPlayerRecord(unitDataTemp, time(nullptr), 1, 0); unitRecords.push_back(unitRecordTemp); // unit 3 unitDataTemp = new UnitData(3, "element_green.png", ElementType::GREEN, "UnitName_3_green", 10, 1); unitRecordTemp = new UnitOfPlayerRecord(unitDataTemp, time(nullptr), 1, 0); unitRecords.push_back(unitRecordTemp); // unit 4 unitDataTemp = new UnitData(1, "element_blue.png", ElementType::BLUE, "UnitName_1_blue", 10, 1); unitRecordTemp = new UnitOfPlayerRecord(unitDataTemp, time(nullptr), 1, 0); unitRecords.push_back(unitRecordTemp); // unit 5 unitDataTemp = new UnitData(1, "element_blue.png", ElementType::BLUE, "UnitName_1_blue", 10, 1); unitRecordTemp = new UnitOfPlayerRecord(unitDataTemp, time(nullptr), 1, 0); unitRecords.push_back(unitRecordTemp); return initWithData(playerData, _unitRecords); }
FBTexture::FBTexture(FBImage* image) { initWithData(image->getImageInfo().data, image->getImageInfo().size); }
Blob(const Blob & b) : m_data(NULL) { initWithData(b.m_data,b.m_length); };
bool FontAtlas::prepareLetterDefinitions(const std::u16string& utf16String) { FontFreeType* fontTTf = dynamic_cast<FontFreeType*>(_font); if(fontTTf == nullptr) return false; size_t length = utf16String.length(); float offsetAdjust = _letterPadding / 2; long bitmapWidth; long bitmapHeight; Rect tempRect; FontLetterDefinition tempDef; auto scaleFactor = CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR(); auto pixelFormat = fontTTf->getOutlineSize() > 0 ? Texture2D::PixelFormat::AI88 : Texture2D::PixelFormat::A8; bool existNewLetter = false; int bottomHeight = _commonLineHeight - _fontAscender; float startY = _currentPageOrigY; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { auto outIterator = _fontLetterDefinitions.find(utf16String[i]); if (outIterator == _fontLetterDefinitions.end()) { existNewLetter = true; auto bitmap = fontTTf->getGlyphBitmap(utf16String[i],bitmapWidth,bitmapHeight,tempRect,tempDef.xAdvance); if (bitmap) { tempDef.validDefinition = true; tempDef.letteCharUTF16 = utf16String[i]; tempDef.width = tempRect.size.width + _letterPadding; tempDef.height = tempRect.size.height + _letterPadding; tempDef.offsetX = tempRect.origin.x + offsetAdjust; tempDef.offsetY = _fontAscender + tempRect.origin.y - offsetAdjust; tempDef.clipBottom = bottomHeight - (tempDef.height + tempRect.origin.y + offsetAdjust); if (_currentPageOrigX + tempDef.width > CacheTextureWidth) { _currentPageOrigY += _commonLineHeight; _currentPageOrigX = 0; if(_currentPageOrigY + _commonLineHeight >= CacheTextureHeight) { unsigned char *data = nullptr; if(pixelFormat == Texture2D::PixelFormat::AI88) { data = _currentPageData + CacheTextureWidth * (int)startY * 2; } else { data = _currentPageData + CacheTextureWidth * (int)startY; } _atlasTextures[_currentPage]->updateWithData(data, 0, startY, CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight - startY); startY = 0.0f; _currentPageOrigY = 0; memset(_currentPageData, 0, _currentPageDataSize); _currentPage++; auto tex = new (std::nothrow) Texture2D; if (_antialiasEnabled) { tex->setAntiAliasTexParameters(); } else { tex->setAliasTexParameters(); } tex->initWithData(_currentPageData, _currentPageDataSize, pixelFormat, CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight, Size(CacheTextureWidth,CacheTextureHeight) ); addTexture(tex,_currentPage); tex->release(); } } fontTTf->renderCharAt(_currentPageData,_currentPageOrigX,_currentPageOrigY,bitmap,bitmapWidth,bitmapHeight); tempDef.U = _currentPageOrigX; tempDef.V = _currentPageOrigY; tempDef.textureID = _currentPage; _currentPageOrigX += tempDef.width + 1; // take from pixels to points tempDef.width = tempDef.width / scaleFactor; tempDef.height = tempDef.height / scaleFactor; tempDef.U = tempDef.U / scaleFactor; tempDef.V = tempDef.V / scaleFactor; } else{ if(tempDef.xAdvance) tempDef.validDefinition = true; else tempDef.validDefinition = false; tempDef.letteCharUTF16 = utf16String[i]; tempDef.width = 0; tempDef.height = 0; tempDef.U = 0; tempDef.V = 0; tempDef.offsetX = 0; tempDef.offsetY = 0; tempDef.textureID = 0; tempDef.clipBottom = 0; _currentPageOrigX += 1; } _fontLetterDefinitions[tempDef.letteCharUTF16] = tempDef; } } if(existNewLetter) { if (_rendererRecreate) { _atlasTextures[_currentPage]->initWithData(_currentPageData, _currentPageDataSize, pixelFormat, CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight, Size(CacheTextureWidth,CacheTextureHeight) ); } else { unsigned char *data = nullptr; if(pixelFormat == Texture2D::PixelFormat::AI88) { data = _currentPageData + CacheTextureWidth * (int)startY * 2; } else { data = _currentPageData + CacheTextureWidth * (int)startY; } _atlasTextures[_currentPage]->updateWithData(data, 0, startY, CacheTextureWidth, _currentPageOrigY - startY + _commonLineHeight); } } return true; }