int main() { /* Initializations and setup */ init_platform(); init_UART(&Uart1InstancePtr, UART1_DEVICE_ID); Set_DataFormat_UART(&Uart1InstancePtr, 115200, XUARTPS_FORMAT_8_BITS, XUARTPS_FORMAT_NO_PARITY, XUARTPS_FORMAT_1_STOP_BIT); init_UART(&Uart0InstancePtr, UART0_DEVICE_ID); Set_DataFormat_UART(&Uart0InstancePtr, 115200, XUARTPS_FORMAT_8_BITS, XUARTPS_FORMAT_NO_PARITY, XUARTPS_FORMAT_1_STOP_BIT); init_XADC_WIZ(CHANNEL_6,SINGLE_CHANNEL_MODE ); init_GPIO_BUTTONS(&ButtonsInstancePtr, GPIO_BTNS_ID); init_GPIO_LEDS(&LedsInstancePtr, GPIO_LEDS_ID); init_GIC(); xil_printf("Hello World\n\r"); XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&LedsInstancePtr, 1, 0xA); while(1) { } return 0; }
void main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW+WDTHOLD; // Paramos el watchdog timer init_botons(); // Iniciamos los botones y Leds. _enable_interrupt(); // Activamos las interrupciones a nivel global del chip init_LCD(); // Inicializamos la pantalla init_UCS(); //Inicialitzem UCS init_UART(); //Inicialitzem UART halLcdPrintLine( saludo,linea,textstyle); linea++; sprintf(cadena,"bID = %d",bID); halLcdPrintLine( cadena,linea,textstyle); Encendre_LED(); TxPacket(0xFE, 2, 0x19); do { P1OUT ^= 0x03; i = 25000; do { i--; } while (i != 0); } while(1); }
int main(void) { DDRA = 0xFF; //set port A as output DDRC = 0x00; //set port C as input PORTA = 0x00; //clear output PORTC = 0xFF; //turn on pull-up resistors init_UART(); //initialize serial connections uint8_t value = 0; //set counter value to 0. number will be output in binary on 8 LEDs, so 8 bit unsigned integer is enough uint8_t DelayTime_ms = 2; //set delay time to satisfy debounce need printf("ECET179_Lab6_Step7 DeBouncing with Software by setting delay time - Yizhou Zhang \n\r"); printf("The delay time should be at least %d ms \n\r", DelayTime_ms); while(1) { //TODO:: Please write your application code PORTA = value; //output counter value to LEDs while (PINC == 0) //wait for a push button to be pressed { } printf("%d - 1\n\r", value); //delay to debounce, by printing current counter value. -1 represents contacting debounce value = value + 1; //increment counter value while (PINC != 0) //wait for the push button to be released { } printf("%d - 2\n\r",value); //delay to debounce, by printing current counter value. -2 represents releasing debounce } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void init(void) { init_PORT(); init_TRIS(); init_ANSEL(); init_UART(); init_SPI(); init_TMR(); init_OSC(); }
/* Functions */ int main(void) { u32 OutputEnableTimeout; init_SystemClock(); //RCC config init_Discovery(); //leds & user button init_TimeBase(); //timebase & clock init_LCD(); //HD44780 based display init_UART(&urt2,2); init_IO(); /* program loop */ //******************************************* main loop = actualTime() + FASTINTERVAL; time.slow = actualTime() + SLOWINTERVAL; while (1) { //realtick: if(gValues.filter.output){ //output enable, timeout restart OutputEnableTimeout = actualTime() + OUTPUT_TIMEOUT; GPIO_WriteBit(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_9, (BitAction)1); }else if (timeElapsed(OutputEnableTimeout)){ //output disable after timeout GPIO_WriteBit(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_9, (BitAction)0); } if(timeElapsed({ += FASTINTERVAL; //fasttick fast_Tick(); } if(timeElapsed(time.slow)){ time.slow += SLOWINTERVAL; //slowtick LCD_periodic_update(); slow_Tick(); } //COMM_DESC * PC_com = &urt2.parent; /*Ticks*/ //PC_com->Tick(PC_com); //urt2.Tick(&urt2.parent); } //end while } //end main()
void main() { TRISC = 0b00000000; // portC : output LATC = 0b00000000; // portC = 0 init_UART(); init_I2C(); //init_GYRO(); init_ACC(); LED_RED_On(); LED_GREEN_On(); while (1) { }; }
/*! \brief Initializes all configuration variables. */ void Configuration::init() { // MISC Oscillator_Freq = 16000000; //Oscillator frequency in Hz CPUCLK = Oscillator_Freq; PBACLK = Oscillator_Freq; PWMCLK = Oscillator_Freq; ADCCLK = Oscillator_Freq; init_Timer(); init_PWM(); init_Motor(); init_Sensors(); init_UART(); init_StatusLEDs(); }
int main() { init_UART(); while(1) { if(flag==1) { ES=0; flag=0; SBUF=i; while(!TI); TI=0; ES=1; } } return 0; }
int main() { char c; int count; init_clock_and_pins(); AD1PCFGL = 0xFFFF; // turn off ADC init_UART(); QEI_enable(1, 0xFFFF); QEI_enable(2, 0xFFFF); QEI_reset(1); QEI_reset(2); while (1) { // wait for data to be received. while (!U1STAbits.URXDA); c = U1RXREG; switch (c) { case RESET: QEI_reset(1); // reset QEI 1 QEI_reset(2); // reset QEI 2 break; case ENABLE: QEI_enable(1, 0xFFFF); // enable QEI 1, threshold=65,535 QEI_enable(2, 0xFFFF); // enable QEI 2, threshold=65,535 break; case DISABLE: QEI_disable(1); // disable QEI 1 QEI_disable(2); // disable QEI 2 break; case READ: //printf("%u\n", QEI_read(1)); // print QEI 1 value to UART //printf("%u\n", QEI_read(2)); // print QEI 2 value to UART count=QEI_read(1); U1TXREG=count>>8; U1TXREG=MASK&&count; break; case TEST: printf("%c", 'y'); // Send 'y' over UART //IFS3bits.QEI1IF = 1; // Set interrupt flag to 1 break; } } }
int main(void) { init_UART(); //initialize serial communication to CoolTerm init_ADC(); //initialize ADC uint8_t ADC_0; //reading from ADC0 uint8_t ADC_1; //reading from ADC1 uint8_t ADC_2; //reading from ADC2 uint8_t i; uint8_t j; uint8_t k; DDRB = 0b11110000; //T0A T1B T1A T2A DDRG = 0b00100000; //T0B //DDRC = 0x00; //configure PortC as input //PORTC = 0xFF; //turn on pull-up resisotrs of PortC //DDRE = DDRE | 0b00111000; //T3C T3B T3A //channel0 //TCCR0A = 0x00; //clear registers //TCCR0B = 0x00; //clear registers TCCR0A = TCCR0A | 0b11110000; //clear OC0A on compare match TCCR0A = TCCR0A | 0b00000011; //set WGM01& WGM00 to configure FAST PWM TCCR0B = TCCR0B & 0x11110111; //clear WGM02 to configure FAST PWM TCCR0B = TCCR0B | 0x00000001; //no prescaling //channel2 //TCCR2A = 0x00; //clear registers //TCCR2B = 0x00; //clear registers TCCR2A = TCCR2A | 0b11110000; //clear OC0A on compare match TCCR2A = TCCR2A | 0b00000011; //set WGM01& WGM00 to configure FAST PWM TCCR2B = TCCR2B & 0x11110111; //clear WGM02 to configure FAST PWM TCCR2B = TCCR2B | 0x00000001; //no prescaling while(1) { //TODO:: Please write your application code do { do { do { OCR0A = i; i++; //printf("i = %d\n\r",i); } while (i < 255); OCR0B = j; j++; //printf("j = %d\r\n",j); } while (j < 254); OCR2A = k; k++; //printf("k = %d\n\r",k); } while (k<254); k = 0; j = 0; i = 0; } }
int main(void) { /* Initialize Interfaces */ if(PINB & (1<<SEL2)){ //SEL2 not installed, modeA init_StepDir(); //init_pwm(); } else { //SEL2 installed, modeB init_SPI(); init_UART(12,1); //For 1MHz testing, change to 14.7456Mhz init_I2C(); } //init_I2C(); //init_SPI(); //init_UART(95,0); /* Run UART at 9600 baud */ //init_StepDir(); init_stepper(); init_chopper(); sei(); int8_t motor_state = 0; motor_enable = WAVE; while(1) { if(motor_enable == FULL){ if(desired_step_cnt < 0){ //backwards if(motor_state == 0) normstep4(); if(motor_state == 2) normstep1(); if(motor_state == 4) normstep2(); if(motor_state == 6) normstep3(); motor_state -= 2; if(motor_state < 0) motor_state = 6; desired_step_cnt++; } else if(desired_step_cnt > 0){ if(motor_state == 0) normstep2(); if(motor_state == 2) normstep3(); if(motor_state == 4) normstep4(); if(motor_state == 6) normstep1(); motor_state += 2; if(motor_state > 6) motor_state = 0; desired_step_cnt--; } } else if(motor_enable == HALF){ if(desired_step_cnt < 0){ if(motor_state == 0) halfstep8(); if(motor_state == 1) halfstep1(); if(motor_state == 2) halfstep2(); if(motor_state == 3) halfstep3(); if(motor_state == 4) halfstep4(); if(motor_state == 5) halfstep5(); if(motor_state == 6) halfstep6(); if(motor_state == 7) halfstep7(); motor_state--; if(motor_state < 0) motor_state = 7; desired_step_cnt++; } else if(desired_step_cnt > 0){ if(motor_state == 0) halfstep2(); if(motor_state == 1) halfstep3(); if(motor_state == 2) halfstep4(); if(motor_state == 3) halfstep5(); if(motor_state == 4) halfstep6(); if(motor_state == 5) halfstep7(); if(motor_state == 6) halfstep8(); if(motor_state == 7) halfstep1(); motor_state++; if(motor_state > 7) motor_state = 0; desired_step_cnt--; } } else if(motor_enable == WAVE){ if(desired_step_cnt < 0){ if(motor_state == 1) wavestep4(); if(motor_state == 3) wavestep1(); if(motor_state == 5) wavestep2(); if(motor_state == 7) wavestep3(); motor_state -= 2; if(motor_state < 1) motor_state = 7; desired_step_cnt++; } else if(desired_step_cnt > 0){ if(motor_state == 1) wavestep2(); if(motor_state == 3) wavestep3(); if(motor_state == 5) wavestep4(); if(motor_state == 7) wavestep1(); motor_state += 2; if(motor_state > 7) motor_state = 1; desired_step_cnt--; } } _delay_ms(100);//Change according to speed input // normstep1(); // _delay_ms(100); // normstep2(); // _delay_ms(100); // normstep3(); // _delay_ms(100); // normstep4(); // _delay_ms(100); // halfstep1(); // _delay_ms(100); // halfstep2(); // _delay_ms(100); // halfstep3(); // _delay_ms(100); // halfstep4(); // _delay_ms(100); // halfstep5(); // _delay_ms(100); // halfstep6(); // _delay_ms(100); // halfstep7(); // _delay_ms(100); // halfstep8(); // _delay_ms(100); // wavestep1(); // _delay_ms(100); // wavestep2(); // _delay_ms(100); // wavestep3(); // _delay_ms(100); // wavestep4(); // _delay_ms(100); } return 0; }
int main (void){ //Start UART init_UART(); stdout = &uart_tx; stdin = &uart_rx; //Start ADC init_ADC(); //Set pins for display as output //Digit 1 DDRD |= (1 << PD5); //A DDRD |= (1 << PD6); //B DDRD |= (1 << PD7); //C DDRB |= (1 << PB0); //D //Digit 2 DDRC |= (1 << PC1); //A DDRC |= (1 << PC2); //B DDRC |= (1 << PC3); //C DDRC |= (1 << PC4); //D //Lights Pin Output DDRC |= (1 << PC5); //Start/Stop Button DDRB &= ~(1 << PB1); //Start button input DDRB &= ~(1 << PB2); //Stop button input //Buzzer Pin DDRD |= (1 << PD2); //Output int first_digit = 9; int second_digit = 10; static long reading; static bool btnStart; //Blink display to let me know everything is good! displayBlink(5); while(1) { printf("Raw Reading: %d\t",read_ADC(0,&reading)); long mapped_reading = mapRange(0,1023,0,99,reading); printf("Mapped Reading: %d\n",mapped_reading); display_Selection(mapped_reading); if(PINB & (1 << PB1) && mapped_reading > 0 ){ //If the Start button gets pressed then displayBlink(2); int count = 0; _delay_ms(1000); PORTC |= (1 << PC5); for(count = mapped_reading;count >= 0;count--){ //Count Backwards from that number //Check for stop button quit if set if(PINB & (1 << PB2)) break; uint8_t fdigitm = count / 10; uint8_t sdigitm = count % 10; firstDisplay(fdigitm); secondDisplay(sdigitm); printf("UV Lights on for: %d more secs...\n",count); _delay_ms(1000); } PORTC &= ~(1 << PC5); //displayBlink(5); alarmSound(2); displayBlink(2); } } }
int main(void) { //! set the power reduction register to minimize current consumption init_power_reduction(); //! set CPU clock to 32MHz and enables the DFLL32MHz clock_init(); //! initialize the LCD module init_lcd(); //! display all the segments in LCD lcd_show_all(); //! initialize the GPIO pins init_ioport(); //! initializes the UART init_UART(); //! load the calibration data from flash ADC_CalibrationValues_Load(&ADCA); //! get the ADC offset value get_offset(); //! initialize the ADC init_ADC(); //! load the calibration value from eeprom init_eeprom(); //! initilize RTC to external clock and 1 sec interrupt rtc_init(); //! initilize the timer init_timer(); while(1) { //! rtc_flag is set if (rtc_flag == 1) { //! perform the calculation of metering paramters calculate(); //for debugging if(cover_open_flag ==1) PORTD.OUTTGL = PIN3_bm; //TCC1.CTRLA = ( TCC1.CTRLA & ~TC1_CLKSEL_gm ) | TC_CLKSEL_DIV64_gc; TCC1.INTCTRLA = (TCC1.INTCTRLA & ~(TC1_OVFINTLVL_gm | TC1_ERRINTLVL_gm))|TC1_OVFINTLVL0_bm; //! if power on detected if(power_status_flag == POWER_ON_DETECTED) { //! change the clock frequency to 32MHz CLKSYS_Prescalers_Config( CLK_PSADIV_1_gc, CLK_PSBCDIV_1_1_gc ); //! switch off the battery PORTD.PIN4CTRL = PORT_OPC_WIREDANDPULL_gc; //PORTD.OUTSET = PIN4_bm; //! initialize gpio pins init_ioport(); //! change the sleep mode to ideal sleep SLEEP.CTRL = (SLEEP.CTRL & ~SLEEP_SMODE_gm)| SLEEP_SMODE_IDLE_gc; //! enable ADC & Timer ADC_Enable(&ADCA); TCC1.CTRLA = ( TCC1.CTRLA & ~TC1_CLKSEL_gm ) | TC_CLKSEL_DIV64_gc; //! initialize lcd module init_lcd(); //! update power status flag power_status_flag = POWERED_UP; } //! update the LCD display lcd_disp_key(); tamper_check(); if( active_power[0] > max_demand ) { max_demand = active_power[0]; } //! check for calibration flag and proceed and call the appropriate calibration funtion if(calibration_flag != 0) { //! checking the calibration flag for calibrating the date & time if (calibration_flag == 1) { calibrate_time_date(); } //! checking the calibration flag for calibrating the voltage else if (calibration_flag == 2) { calibrate_voltage(); } //! checking the calibration flag for calculating the offset value else if (calibration_flag == 3) { calibrate_no_load(); } //! checking the calibration flag for calculating the phase angle variation else if (calibration_flag == 4) { calibrate_phase(); } //! checking the calibration flag for calculating watt varition else if (calibration_flag == 5) { calibrate_watt(); } else if (calibration_flag == 6) //! checking the calibration flag for calibrating the current { calibrate_current(); } } rtc_flag = 0; __watchdog_reset(); } //! checking the power_status, if power off is detected else if(power_status_flag == POWER_OFF_DETECTED) { //! switch on the battery PORTD.PIN4CTRL = PORT_OPC_WIREDAND_gc; //PORTD.OUTCLR = PIN4_bm; //! change the sleep mode to power save mode SLEEP.CTRL = (SLEEP.CTRL & ~SLEEP_SMODE_gm)| SLEEP_SMODE_PSAVE_gc; //! switch off the LCD lcd_command(LCD_COMMAND,0x02); //! change reset the gpio pin facilitatePowersaving(); //! disable the ADC ADC_Disable(&ADCA); //! disable the timer TCC1.CTRLA = ( TCC1.CTRLA & ~TC1_CLKSEL_gm ) | TC_CLKSEL_OFF_gc; //! clear all the varilable used in for energy calculation meter_flush(); //! reduce the cpu clock frequency to minimize power consumption CLKSYS_Prescalers_Config( CLK_PSADIV_64_gc, CLK_PSBCDIV_1_1_gc ); //! update power status flag power_status_flag = POWER_OFF; __watchdog_reset(); } //! goes to sleep SLEEP.CTRL |= SLEEP_SEN_bm; asm("sleep"); } }