int main(void) { int popsize = 0, max_iter = 0; char target[128]; char str_buffer[64]; FILE *fp = fopen("conf", "r"); fscanf(fp, "%s %d", &str_buffer, &popsize); fscanf(fp, "%s %s", &str_buffer, &target); fscanf(fp, "%s %d", &str_buffer, &max_iter); int target_length = strlen(target); srand(time(NULL)); printf("Genetic Algorithm to find a user-specified target string\n"); printf("Quinn Thibeault - 2015\n"); printf("Target string: %s Length: %d\n", target, target_length); printf("Population Size: %d\n", popsize); printf("Maximum Iterations: %d\n\n", max_iter); struct organism population[POPSIZE], buffer[POPSIZE]; struct organism *p_pop = population; struct organism *p_buf = buffer; init_population(p_pop, target_length); init_population(p_buf, target_length); gen_random_population(p_pop, target_length); for(int i=0;i<ITER; ++i){ calc_fitness(p_pop, target, target_length); sort_by_fitness(p_pop); //print_most_fit(p_pop); if(p_pop->fitness == 0){ printf("Number of generations: %d\n", i); break; } regen_population(p_pop, p_buf, target_length); swap(&p_pop, &p_buf); } print_most_fit(p_pop); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int my_rank; double mpi_start_time, mpi_end_time; deme *subpop = (deme*) malloc(sizeof(deme)); MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank); init_population(subpop, argc, argv); mpi_start_time = MPI_Wtime(); while (!subpop->complete) { migration(subpop); reproduction(subpop); crossover(subpop); mutation(subpop); fitness(subpop); subpop->old_pop = subpop->new_pop; subpop->cur_gen++; check_complete(subpop); sync_complete(subpop); report_all(subpop); } mpi_end_time = MPI_Wtime(); report_fittest(subpop); MPI_Finalize(); printf("[%i] Elapsed time: %f\n", my_rank, mpi_end_time - mpi_start_time); return 1; }
/* initialize the network */ network* init_network(int npop, int psz) { network* n = (network*)calloc(1, sizeof(network)); n->nsize = npop; n->pops = (population*)calloc(n->nsize, sizeof(population)); for (int i = 0; i<n->nsize; i++) n->pops[i] = init_population((short)i, psz); return n; }
/** * main program */ int main (void) { float cpu1,cpu2; cpu1 = ((float) clock())/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; srand (time (NULL)); ga_struct *population = malloc (sizeof (ga_struct) * POPSIZE); ga_struct *beta_population = malloc (sizeof (ga_struct) * POPSIZE); init_population (population, beta_population); char *gen_str = population[0].gen; char element[5] = "\0"; strncpy (element, gen_str, 4); //if (strcmp ("0000", element) == 0) int index = 0; for (; index < POPSIZE; index++) { cal_fitness (population); sort_by_fitness (population); // print current best individual printf ("binary string: %s - fitness: %d\n", population[0].gen, population[0].fitness); if (population[0].fitness == 0) { //~ print equation decode_gen (&population[0]); break; } mate (population, beta_population); swap (&population, &beta_population); } free_population (population); free_population (beta_population); cpu2 = ((float) clock())/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Execution time (s) = %le\n",cpu2-cpu1); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { INDIVIDUAL pop[POPSIZE]; GN_TREE gn_tree; int generation; gn_init_tree(&gn_tree); init_population(pop, &gn_tree); for (generation = 0; generation < 100; generation++) { if ((generation % 30) == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "g %d\n", generation); gn_print_jftrees(&gn_tree, generation, stdout); } fitness(pop); selection(pop, &gn_tree, generation); mutation(pop); } gn_free_tree(&gn_tree); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Need to change to 3. need to remove the logging. if (argc != 4) { printf("Usage: ./maxcut <input data path> <output data path> <log file>\n"); exit(-1); } // Need to remove when submitting. log_file = fopen(argv[3], "w"); fprintf(log_file, "rate, elasped time (s), max val, avg val\n"); start_time = get_seconds(); in = fopen(argv[1], "r"); out = fopen(argv[2], "w"); int i, j, v1, v2, w; // (v1, v2) is the vertex and w is the weight fscanf(in, "%d %d\n", &num_of_vertex, &num_of_edge); int edge[num_of_vertex+1][num_of_vertex+1]; for (i=0; i<=SIZE; i++) for (j=0; j<=SIZE; j++) edge[i][j] = 0; while (fscanf(in, "%d %d %d\n", &v1, &v2, &w) != EOF) { edge[v1][v2] = w; edge[v2][v1] = w; } init_population(); init_offsprings(); init_cost(edge); sort_population(); init_crossover(); int p1, p2; while (!(stop_condition())) { generation++; for (i=1; i<=K; i++) { selection(&p1, &p2); crossover(i, p1, p2); mutation(i); local_optimization(i, edge); } replacement(edge); sort_population(); } for (i=1; i<=SIZE; i++) { if (population[N]->ch[i] == 1) fprintf(out, "%d ", i); } free_population(); fclose(in); fclose(out); printf("N: %d, K: %d, S_RATE: %lf, M_THRE: %lf, P0: %lf, POINTS: %d, K_FIT: %d, T: %lf\n", N, K, S_RATE, M_THRE, P0, POINTS, K_FIT, T); return 0; }
bat_t algorithm(float A, float r, uint pop_size, uint max_it, fit_t (*fit_fnc)(bat_t &), float q_min=0, float q_max=MAX/10, uint debug=1, std::vector<float> *avg_fit_at_it=NULL, std::vector<float> *best_at_iter=NULL) { srand(time(NULL)); /*inits randomness*/ bats_t population; bats_fit_t fit; std::vector<float> Q(pop_size); /*frequency*/ std::vector<bat_t> v(pop_size); /*bats velocity*/ /*inits bats velocity to zero*/ std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [](bat_t &velocity) { velocity = init_bat(BAT_LENGTH, 0.0, 0.0); }); init_population(population, pop_size, BAT_LENGTH); init_fit(fit, pop_size); uint it = 0; do { /*one iteration of bat alg.*/ evaluate_population(fit, population, fit_fnc); bat_t best_bat = utils::return_best_bat(population, fit); if (debug >=2) { best_at_iter->push_back(fit_fnc(best_bat)); avg_fit_at_it->push_back(std::accumulate(fit.begin(), fit.end(), 0.0) / fit.size()); } uint index = 0; std::for_each(population.begin(), population.end(), [&](bat_t &bat) { //Q[index] = utils::rand_in<float>(Q_MIN, Q_MAX); Q[index] = utils::rand_in<float>(0.0, 0.1); bat_t candidate_v = v[index] + (bat - best_bat)*Q[index]; bat_t candidate_bat = bat + candidate_v; if (utils::rand_in<float>(0.0,1.0) > r) { /*random walk in direction of candidate_v scalled down by q_max/100 factor*/ for (int i=0;i<2;i++) { candidate_v = init_bat(BAT_LENGTH)*(q_max/100); candidate_bat = best_bat+candidate_v; } } /*evaluate candidate solution, it might be either solution found by appling movement equotions to current solution or by using random walk around best solution*/ float candidate_bat_fit = fit_fnc(candidate_bat); /*accept candidate solution as current solution if better or if not better accept solution with some small probability*/ if (candidate_bat_fit < fit[index] || utils::rand_in<float>(0.0,1.0) < A) { bat = candidate_bat; v[index] = candidate_v; fit[index] = candidate_bat_fit; } index++; }); if (debug>=1 && it%100==1) { evaluate_population(fit, population, fit_fnc); bat_t best = utils::return_best_bat(population, fit); std::cout << "at iteration: " << it << " pop avg fit: " << std::accumulate(fit.begin(), fit.end(), 0.0) / fit.size() << " best bat fit: " << fit_fnc(best) << std::endl; } }while(++it < max_it); /*find and return best solution*/ evaluate_population(fit, population, fit_fnc); return utils::return_best_bat(population, fit); }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ int rc,num_processors,rank; rc=MPI_Init(&argc,&argv); if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) { printf("Error starting MPI program. Terminating\n"); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rc); } MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&num_processors); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank); //**************************************************************************************// // reading input information by all cores // //**************************************************************************************// FILE *fpenergy=fopen("./energy","w"); // Print the energy evolution FILE *fprestart=fopen("./restart","w"); //print the generation and popsize coordinates FILE *fpoptim=fopen("./","wb"); FILE *fp=fopen("data.txt","r"); time_t current_time; double seconds,start,end,seconds_new,seconds_old,seconds_total; struct timespec now,tmstart; char* c_time_string,c_time_final; int flag_converge=0; int i=0; srand(time(NULL)+rank); clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tmstart); printf("hello from processor %ld\n",rank); start = (double)clock() /(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; seconds_old= (double)(tmstart.tv_sec+tmstart.tv_nsec*1e-9); current_time = time(NULL); c_time_string = ctime(¤t_time); printf("Current time is %s\n", c_time_string); printf("hello from processor %ld\n",rank); char skip[10]; FILE *fp_input2 = fopen("ga_dftb_input1.1","r"); int NSTEP=0; int step=0; double ee_mate=0 ; // the energy cretiria for accepting children cluster. the larger, the less restrict. can be 0.1 0 or -0.1 double ELITRATE=0.2; int POPSIZE=0; int min_step=0; int NEWPOPSIZE=POPSIZE; double delte=0.00001 ; //0.00001; int ptnatm,runatm,cnatm; double boxl=0; double Mu=0.2; double dptc; int glob=0,globconvg=20; double globe[30]; int Temp; int flag_res=0; double cell[9]; int esize=0; int num_cores_child; fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %d %d %s\n", &ptnatm, &runatm,&cnatm,&skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n ", &POPSIZE,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n", &NSTEP,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n", &globconvg,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%lf %s\n",&ELITRATE,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%lf %s\n",&delte,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n",&Temp,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n",&min_step,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%lf %s\n",&ee_mate,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%lf %s\n",&dptc,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%lf %s\n",&boxl,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n",&flag_res,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n",&num_cores_child,skip); int ii=0; for (ii=0;ii<3;ii++){ fscanf(fp_input2,"%lf %lf %lf\n", cell+ii*3+0,cell+ii*3+1,cell+ii*3+2); //**************************************************************************************// // Above are the information that all processors need to know // //**************************************************************************************// if(rank==0){ } printf("********************JOB started*****************************\n"); printf("********************JOB started*****************************\n"); printf("********************JOB started*****************************\n\n\n"); printf("Attention!! The dftb excutable file must be in ~/bin and must be named 'dftb+' !!\n"); printf("Attention!! The dftb excutable file must be in ~/bin and must be named 'dftb+' !!\n"); printf("Attention!! The dftb excutable file must be in ~/bin and must be named 'dftb+' !!\n"); printf("Attention!! The dftb excutable file must be in ~/bin and must be named 'dftb+' !!\n"); printf("Attention!! The dftb excutable file must be in ~/bin and must be named 'dftb+' !!\n"); printf("Number of atoms %d %d %d\n", ptnatm,runatm,cnatm); if(ptnatm+runatm>=Max_Atom || cnatm>=CMax_Atom) exitp("Number of atoms exceed allowed Max!"); printf("POPSIZE %d\n",POPSIZE); printf("NSTEP %d\n",NSTEP); printf("globconvg %d\n",globconvg); printf("ELITRATE %lf\n",ELITRATE); printf("delte %lf\n",delte); printf("Temprature %d\n",Temp); printf("minimiz step %d\n",min_step); printf("ee_mate %lf\n",ee_mate); printf("dptc %lf\n",dptc); printf("intial boxl %lf\n",boxl); printf("reading from pt_coord? %d\n",flag_res); printf("Total number of processsors required %d\n",num_processors); printf("Number of processors for each child %d\n",num_cores_child); printf("\n\n\n******** end reading input information ***********************\n\n\n"); } if(POPSIZE!=num_processors/num_cores_child){ printf("Error!,POPSZIE=%d num_processrs=%d num_cores_child=%d num_processrs/num_cores_child=%d",\ POPSIZE,num_processors,num_cores_child,num_processors/num_cores_child); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0); } ga_struct *population = malloc(sizeof(ga_struct)*POPSIZE); ga_struct *beta_population = malloc(sizeof(ga_struct)*POPSIZE); //****************************************************************************************// //define new mpi structure for data transfer between processors // //****************************************************************************************// int count=4; int length[4]={1,3*Max_Atom,3*CMax_Atom,1}; MPI_Aint offset[4]={offsetof(ga_struct,fitness),offsetof(ga_struct,gen),offsetof(ga_struct,cgen),offsetof(ga_struct,ep)} ; MPI_Datatype type[4]={MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_DOUBLE}; MPI_Datatype popDatatype; MPI_Type_struct(count,length,offset,type,&popDatatype); MPI_Type_commit(&popDatatype); //****************************************************************************************// //****************************************************************************************// //Initialization the population for all processors // //****************************************************************************************// if(rank==0){ printf("Total number of processors is %d\n",num_processors); printf("Total number of population is %d\n",POPSIZE); printf ("For each candidate, there are %d processors to be used\n",num_processors/POPSIZE); init_population(ptnatm+runatm,cnatm,POPSIZE,population,beta_population,boxl,flag_res); printf("argc=%d\n",argc); // int i=0,j=0; // int esize=POPSIZE*ELITRATE; cal_pop_energy(POPSIZE,population,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,cell,argc, argv); /// for (i=0;i<POPSIZE;i++){ //////// center(ptnatm+runatm,population[i].gen); /// write_coord(fpoptim,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,population[i].gen,population[i].cgen,population[i].ep); // shift(ptnatm+runatm, population[i].gen,dptc); /// } // for (i=0;i<POPSIZE;i++) // write_coord(fpoptim,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,population[i].gen,population[i].cgen,population[i].ep); fflush(fpoptim); } char command[30]; char filename[30]; sprintf(command,"mkdir core%d",rank); system(command); sprintf(command,"cp dftb_in.hsd *.coord *.skf core%d",rank); system(command); sprintf(filename,"core%d",rank); chdir(filename); system("pwd"); //****************************************************************************************// // Loop started // //****************************************************************************************// for (step=0;step<NSTEP;step++){ //*********************************************************************************// // master core preparation // //*********************************************************************************// if(rank==0){ cal_pop_energy(POPSIZE,population,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,cell, argc, argv); printf("\n\n\n\n***********************************************\n"); printf( "***********************************************\n"); printf( "***********************************************\n"); printf("Gen= %d starting optimization..................\n\n",step); qsort (population, POPSIZE, sizeof(ga_struct),sort_func); normal_fitness(POPSIZE,population); for(i=0;i<POPSIZE;i++){ fprintf(fpenergy,"%d num %d %lf\n",step, i,population[i].ep); fflush(fpenergy); } printf("fabs %lf\n",fabs(population[0].ep-population[POPSIZE-1].ep)); if(fabs(population[0].ep-population[POPSIZE-1].ep)<delte){ fprintf(fpenergy,"%d %lf %lf global minimum \n",step,population[0].ep,population[0].fitness); globe[glob]=population[POPSIZE-1].ep; glob=glob+1; } if(glob>20){ if(fabs(globe[glob]-globe[glob-20])<delte){ fprintf(fpenergy,"%d %lf %lf final global minimum \n",step,population[0].ep,population[0].fitness); flag_converge=1; } } ///// PPreserve the first esize parentes from the previous generation. copy from population to beta_population esize=POPSIZE*ELITRATE; if (esize<1){esize=1;} elitism(esize,ptnatm+runatm, cnatm,population,beta_population); for (i=1;i<num_processors;i++) MPI_Send(population,POPSIZE,popDatatype,i,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); //send coordinates and energy information to other ith processors }else MPI_Recv(population,POPSIZE,popDatatype,0,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); //*********************************************************************************// // master core preparation ended // //*********************************************************************************// //*********************************************************************************// // other cores mating start // //*********************************************************************************// //receive coordinates and energy information from 0(master) core MPI_Bcast(&flag_converge, 1, MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); // printf("rank=%d,xyz=%lf\n",rank,population[0].gen[0][0]); if(flag_converge ==1) {MPI_Finalize(); exit(0);} // for (i=0;i<POPSIZE;i++) // write_coord(fpoptim,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,population[i].gen,population[i].cgen,population[i].ep); fflush(fpoptim); // printf("rank=%d,xyz=%lf\n",rank,population[0].gen[0][0]); // Generate the rest part of beta_generation by mating process if(rank!=0&&rank<POPSIZE) mate(ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,cell,esize,POPSIZE,population,beta_population,Temp,ee_mate,dptc,min_step,argc, argv); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(rank!=0&&rank<POPSIZE) MPI_Send(&beta_population[0],1,popDatatype,0,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD); //send the information of first children(optimized) from other processors to master core //*********************************************************************************// // other cores mating ended // //*********************************************************************************// if(rank==0){ for (i=1;i<POPSIZE;i++) MPI_Recv(&population[i],1,popDatatype,i,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); //recieve coordinates and energy information to other ith processors if (ptnatm!=0&&runatm!=0) mutate_perm (ptnatm,runatm, Mu, POPSIZE, beta_population); fprestart=fopen("./restart","w"); for (i=0;i<POPSIZE;i++){ write_coord(fpoptim,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,population[i].gen,population[i].cgen,population[i].ep); write_coord(fprestart,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,population[i].gen,population[i].cgen,population[i].ep); fflush(fpoptim); fflush(fprestart); } fclose(fprestart); clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); seconds_new = (double)((now.tv_sec+now.tv_nsec*1e-9)); seconds=seconds_new-seconds_old; seconds_total = (double)((now.tv_sec+now.tv_nsec*1e-9) - (double)(tmstart.tv_sec+tmstart.tv_nsec*1e-9)); printf("\nWall time for this generation is %lf s\n",seconds); printf("\nWall time totally %lf s\n",seconds_total); seconds_old=seconds_new; } } //********************************************************************************* //************************************loop ended*********************************** //********************************************************************************* if(rank==0){ printf("\n********************JOB FINISHED*****************************\n"); fclose(fpenergy); fclose(fpoptim); ///////// time information current_time = time(NULL); c_time_string = ctime(¤t_time); printf("Current time is %s\n", c_time_string); // measure elapsed wall time clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); seconds = (double)((now.tv_sec+now.tv_nsec*1e-9) - (double)(tmstart.tv_sec+tmstart.tv_nsec*1e-9)); printf("wall time %fs\n", seconds); // measure CPU time end = (double)clock() / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("cpu time %fs\n", end - start); printf("\n********************JOB FINISHED*****************************\n"); free(population); free(beta_population); } }
int run_alps(int *steps) { int i,j,k,p; double temp_fitness[FITNESS_COUNT]; double temp_gene[GENE_COUNT]; int pareto_front[POP]; int pareto_count; begin = time(NULL); init_population(); // Initialise population. t = 0; goal_indiv = -1; mprintf(1, "preamble -> {expName -> %s, phaseCount -> %d, lobotomise -> %s, task -> %d, \n", exp_name, phase_count, lobotomise ? "True" : "False", task_index + 1); mprintf(1, "\ttmax -> %.2lf, fitnessType -> %d, runType -> %d, randomSeed -> %ld }\n", TIME_MAX, fitness_type, run_type, random_seed); mprintf(1, "alpsParams -> { layerCount -> %d, popPerLayer -> %d, " "popCount -> %d, mutProbability -> %.3f, maxSeconds -> %d }\n", LAYER_COUNT, POP_PER_LAYER, POP, mut_prob, MAX_SECONDS); fflush(stdout); for (p = 0, phase = 1; p < phase_count && elapsed_seconds() < MAX_SECONDS; p++, phase = p + 1) { if (p != 0) end_phase(p); start_phase(phase); for (i = 0; i < POP; i++) { // Evaluate every gene. evaluate(genes[i], fitness_matrix + FITNESS_INDEX(i)); } int met_goal = 0; for (j = 0; j < POP; j++) { if (is_goal_fitness(fitness_matrix + FITNESS_INDEX(j))) { met_goal = 1; goal_indiv = j; } } if (met_goal) continue; for (; t < MAX_OPT_STEPS && elapsed_seconds() < MAX_SECONDS; t++) { // Evaluate the pareto front for each layer. for (k = 0; k < LAYER_COUNT; k++) pareto_front_rowmajor(pareto_front + k * POP_PER_LAYER, fitness_matrix + k * FITNESS_COUNT * POP_PER_LAYER, POP_PER_LAYER, FITNESS_COUNT); // Grab a non-dominated individual. int a; // O(n) single pass to count and grab a random individual // that's on the pareto front. pareto_count=0; for (i = 0; i < POP; i++) if (pareto_front[i] && (rand() < 1./(double)++pareto_count)) a = i; k = LAYER_OF_INDIV(a); if (t % DISPLAY_FREQ == 0) { int n = FITNESS_INDEX(a); if (! quiet) printf("t = %5d, pi = %3d, a = %2d, k = %2d, N(PF) = %2d, f(a) = {%f, %f}, " "efail = %3d, esucc = %5d, secs = %4ld\n", t, a, ages[a], k, pareto_count, fitness_matrix[n], fitness_matrix[n + 1], eval_fail_count, eval_succ_count, elapsed_seconds()); fflush(stdout); } if (t % reset_freq == 0) { // Reset the bottom layer. for (i = 0; i < POP_PER_LAYER; i++) { // Try to dislogde in the layer above if it's in the pareto front. if (pareto_front[i]) try_dislodge(genes[i], fitness_matrix + FITNESS_LINDEX(0, i), ages[i], 1); init_gene(genes[i]); ages[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < POP_PER_LAYER; i++) evaluate(genes[i], fitness_matrix + FITNESS_INDEX(i)); pareto_front_rowmajor(pareto_front, fitness_matrix, POP_PER_LAYER, FITNESS_COUNT); } copy(genes[a], temp_gene); mutate(temp_gene); int age = t/POP; evaluate(temp_gene, temp_fitness); int new_i = try_dislodge(temp_gene, temp_fitness, age, k); if (is_goal_fitness(temp_fitness)) { if (new_i < 0) { printf("warning: goal individual not able to dislodge anyone in layer %d and up.\n", k); } goal_indiv = new_i; break; /* Goto next phase */ } } } if (t == MAX_OPT_STEPS || elapsed_seconds() > MAX_SECONDS) alps_status = ALPS_FAIL; else alps_status = ALPS_SUCC; end_phase(phase - 1); if (steps) *steps = t; return alps_status; }