Пример #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int argi, hosti, testi;
    char *pagepattern = NULL, *hostpattern = NULL;
    char *envarea = NULL, *cookie = NULL, *nexthost;
    char *hobbitcmd, *procscmd, *svcscmd;
    int alertcolors, alertinterval;
    char configfn[PATH_MAX];
    char *respbuf = NULL, *procsbuf = NULL, *svcsbuf = NULL;
    hostlist_t *hwalk;
    htnames_t *twalk;
    hostlist_t **allhosts = NULL;
    htnames_t **alltests = NULL;
    int hostcount = 0, maxtests = 0;
    time_t now = getcurrenttime(NULL);
    sendreturn_t *sres;

    for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
        if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) {
            char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
            loadenv(p+1, envarea);
        else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) {
            char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
            envarea = strdup(p+1);
        else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) {
            debug = 1;
        else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--delimiter=")) {
            char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
            coldelim = strdup(p+1);
        else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--critical") == 0) {
            nkonly = 1;
        else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--old-nk-config") == 0) {
            newnkconfig = 0;


    load_hostnames(xgetenv("BBHOSTS"), NULL, get_fqdn());

    /* Setup the filter we use for the report */
    cookie = get_cookie("pagepath");
    if (cookie && *cookie) pagepattern = strdup(cookie);
    cookie = get_cookie("host");
    if (cookie && *cookie) hostpattern = strdup(cookie);

    /* Fetch the list of host+test statuses we currently know about */
    if (pagepattern) {
        hobbitcmd = (char *)malloc(2*strlen(pagepattern) + 1024);
        procscmd = (char *)malloc(2*strlen(pagepattern) + 1024);
        svcscmd = (char *)malloc(2*strlen(pagepattern) + 1024);

        sprintf(hobbitcmd, "hobbitdboard page=^%s$|^%s/.+ fields=hostname,testname",
                pagepattern, pagepattern);
        sprintf(procscmd,  "hobbitdboard page=^%s$|^%s/.+ test=procs fields=hostname,msg",
                pagepattern, pagepattern);
        sprintf(svcscmd,   "hobbitdboard page=^%s$|^%s/.+ test=svcs fields=hostname,msg",
                pagepattern, pagepattern);
    else if (hostpattern) {
        hobbitcmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(hostpattern) + 1024);
        procscmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(hostpattern) + 1024);
        svcscmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(hostpattern) + 1024);

        sprintf(hobbitcmd, "hobbitdboard host=^%s$ fields=hostname,testname", hostpattern);
        sprintf(procscmd,  "hobbitdboard host=^%s$ test=procs fields=hostname,msg", hostpattern);
        sprintf(svcscmd,   "hobbitdboard host=^%s$ test=svcs fields=hostname,msg", hostpattern);
    else {
        hobbitcmd = (char *)malloc(1024);
        procscmd = (char *)malloc(1024);
        svcscmd = (char *)malloc(1024);

        sprintf(hobbitcmd, "hobbitdboard fields=hostname,testname");
        sprintf(procscmd,  "hobbitdboard test=procs fields=hostname,msg");
        sprintf(svcscmd,   "hobbitdboard test=svcs fields=hostname,msg");

    sres = newsendreturnbuf(1, NULL);

    if (sendmessage(hobbitcmd, NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, sres) != BB_OK) {
        errormsg("Cannot contact the Hobbit server\n");
        return 1;
    respbuf = getsendreturnstr(sres, 1);
    if (sendmessage(procscmd, NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, sres) != BB_OK) {
        errormsg("Cannot contact the Hobbit server\n");
        return 1;
    procsbuf = getsendreturnstr(sres, 1);
    if (sendmessage(svcscmd, NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, sres) != BB_OK) {
        errormsg("Cannot contact the Hobbit server\n");
        return 1;
    svcsbuf = getsendreturnstr(sres, 1);


    if (!respbuf) {
        errormsg("Unable to find host information\n");
        return 1;

    /* Parse it into a usable list */
    nexthost = respbuf;
    do {
        char *hname, *tname, *eoln;
        int wanted = 1;

        eoln = strchr(nexthost, '\n');
        if (eoln) *eoln = '\0';
        hname = nexthost;
        tname = strchr(nexthost, '|');
        if (tname) {
            *tname = '\0';

        if (nkonly) {
            void *hinfo = hostinfo(hname);
            char *nkalerts = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_NK);

            if (newnkconfig) {
                if (strcmp(nkval(hname, tname, nkalerts), "No") == 0 ) wanted = 0;
            } else {
                if (!nkalerts) wanted = 0;

        if (wanted && hname && tname && strcmp(hname, "summary") && strcmp(tname, xgetenv("INFOCOLUMN")) && strcmp(tname, xgetenv("TRENDSCOLUMN"))) {
            htnames_t *newitem = (htnames_t *)malloc(sizeof(htnames_t));

            for (hwalk = hosthead; (hwalk && strcmp(hwalk->hostname, hname)); hwalk = hwalk->next);
            if (!hwalk) {
                hwalk = (hostlist_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(hostlist_t));
                hwalk->hostname = strdup(hname);
                hwalk->procs = get_proclist(hname, procsbuf);
                hwalk->svcs  = get_proclist(hname, svcsbuf);
                hwalk->next = hosthead;
                hosthead = hwalk;

            newitem->name = strdup(tname);
            newitem->next = hwalk->tests;
            hwalk->tests = newitem;

        if (eoln) {
            nexthost = eoln+1;
            if (*nexthost == '\0') nexthost = NULL;
    } while (nexthost);

    allhosts = (hostlist_t **) malloc(hostcount * sizeof(hostlist_t *));
    for (hwalk = hosthead, hosti=0; (hwalk); hwalk = hwalk->next, hosti++) {
        allhosts[hosti] = hwalk;
        if (hwalk->testcount > maxtests) maxtests = hwalk->testcount;
    alltests = (htnames_t **) malloc(maxtests * sizeof(htnames_t *));
    qsort(&allhosts[0], hostcount, sizeof(hostlist_t **), host_compare);

    /* Get the static info */
    pingcolumn = xgetenv("PINGCOLUMN");
    pingplus = (char *)malloc(strlen(pingcolumn) + 2);
    sprintf(pingplus, "%s=", pingcolumn);

    /* Load alert config */
    alertcolors = colorset(xgetenv("ALERTCOLORS"), ((1 << COL_GREEN) | (1 << COL_BLUE)));
    alertinterval = 60*atoi(xgetenv("ALERTREPEAT"));
    sprintf(configfn, "%s/etc/hobbit-alerts.cfg", xgetenv("BBHOME"));
    load_alertconfig(configfn, alertcolors, alertinterval);

    printf("Content-Type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
    sethostenv("", "", "", colorname(COL_BLUE), NULL);
    headfoot(stdout, "confreport", "", "header", COL_BLUE);

    fprintf(stdout, "<table width=\"100%%\" border=0>\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th align=center colspan=2><font size=\"+2\">Hobbit configuration Report</font></th></tr>\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th valign=top align=left>Date</th><td>%s</td></tr>\n", ctime(&now));
    fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th valign=top align=left>%d hosts included</th><td>\n", hostcount);
    for (hosti=0; (hosti < hostcount); hosti++) {
        fprintf(stdout, "%s ", allhosts[hosti]->hostname);
    fprintf(stdout, "</td></tr>\n");
    if (nkonly) {
        fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th valign=top align=left>Filter</th><td>Only data for the &quot;Critical Systems&quot; view reported</td></tr>\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "</table>\n");

    headfoot(stdout, "confreport", "", "front", COL_BLUE);

    for (hosti=0; (hosti < hostcount); hosti++) {
        for (twalk = allhosts[hosti]->tests, testi = 0; (twalk); twalk = twalk->next, testi++) {
            alltests[testi] = twalk;
        qsort(&alltests[0], allhosts[hosti]->testcount, sizeof(htnames_t **), test_compare);

        print_host(allhosts[hosti], alltests, allhosts[hosti]->testcount);

    headfoot(stdout, "confreport", "", "back", COL_BLUE);

    headfoot(stdout, "confreport", "", "footer", COL_BLUE);

    return 0;
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int argi;
	char *argp, *p;
	testitem_t *thead = NULL;
	int timeout = 0;
	int concurrency = 0;

	if (xgetenv("XYMONNETSVCS") == NULL) putenv("XYMONNETSVCS=");

	for (argi=1; (argi<argc); argi++) {
		if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) {
			debug = 1;
		else if (strncmp(argv[argi], "--timeout=", 10) == 0) {
			p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			timeout = atoi(p+1);
			if (timeout < 0) timeout = 0;
		else if (strncmp(argv[argi], "--concurrency=", 14) == 0) {
			p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			concurrency = atoi(p+1);
			if (concurrency < 0) concurrency = 0;
		else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--help") == 0) {
			printf("Run with\n~xymon/server/bin/xymoncmd ./contest --debug\n");
			printf("I.e. IP/PORTNUMBER/TESTSPEC\n");
			return 0;
		else {
			char *ip;
			char *port;
			char *srcip;
			char *testspec;

			argp = argv[argi]; ip = port = srcip = testspec = NULL;

			ip = argp;
			p = strchr(argp, '/');
			if (p) {
				*p = '\0'; argp = (p+1); 
				p = strchr(argp, '/');
				if (p) {
					port = argp; *p = '\0'; argp = (p+1);
				else {
					port = "0";
				testspec = argp;
				srcip = strchr(testspec, '@');
				if (srcip) {
					*srcip = '\0';

			if (ip && port && testspec) {
				if ( 	(strncmp(argp, "http", 4) == 0) ||
					(strncmp(argp, "cont;", 5) == 0) ||
					(strncmp(argp, "cont=", 5) == 0) ||
					(strncmp(argp, "post;", 5) == 0) ||
					(strncmp(argp, "post=", 5) == 0) ||
					(strncmp(argp, "nocont;", 7) == 0) ||
					(strncmp(argp, "nocont=", 7) == 0) ||
					(strncmp(argp, "nopost;", 7) == 0) ||
					(strncmp(argp, "nopost=", 7) == 0) ||
					(strncmp(argp, "httpstatus;", 11) == 0) ||
					(strncmp(argp, "httpstatus=", 11) == 0) ||
					(strncmp(argp, "type;", 5) == 0)   ||
					(strncmp(argp, "type=", 5) == 0) ) {

					testitem_t *testitem = calloc(1, sizeof(testitem_t));
					testedhost_t *hostitem = calloc(1, sizeof(testedhost_t));
					http_data_t *httptest;

					hostitem->hostname = strdup("localhost");
					testitem->host = hostitem;
					testitem->testspec = testspec;
					strcpy(hostitem->ip, ip);

					testitem->next = NULL;
					thead = testitem;

					httptest = (http_data_t *)testitem->privdata;
					if (httptest && httptest->tcptest) {
						printf("TCP connection goes to %s:%d\n",
						printf("Request:\n%s\n", httptest->tcptest->sendtxt);
				else if (strncmp(argp, "dns=", 4) == 0) {
					strbuffer_t *banner = newstrbuffer(0);
					int result;

					result = dns_test_server(ip, argp+4, banner);
					printf("DNS test result=%d\nBanner:%s\n", result, STRBUF(banner));
				else {
					add_tcp_test(ip, atoi(port), testspec, NULL, srcip, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
			else {
				printf("Invalid testspec '%s'\n", argv[argi]);

	do_tcp_tests(timeout, concurrency);
	return 0;