Пример #1
void TransportMgr::GeneratePath(GameObjectTemplate const* goInfo, TransportTemplate* transport)
    uint32 pathId = goInfo->moTransport.taxiPathId;
    TaxiPathNodeList const& path = sTaxiPathNodesByPath[pathId];
    std::vector<KeyFrame>& keyFrames = transport->keyFrames;
    Movement::PointsArray splinePath, allPoints;
    bool mapChange = false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i)
        allPoints.push_back(G3D::Vector3(path[i].x, path[i].y, path[i].z));

    // Add extra points to allow derivative calculations for all path nodes
    allPoints.insert(allPoints.begin(), allPoints.front().lerp(allPoints[1], -0.2f));
    allPoints.push_back(allPoints.back().lerp(allPoints[allPoints.size() - 2], -0.2f));
    allPoints.push_back(allPoints.back().lerp(allPoints[allPoints.size() - 2], -1.0f));

    SplineRawInitializer initer(allPoints);
    TransportSpline orientationSpline;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i)
        if (!mapChange)
            TaxiPathNodeEntry const& node_i = path[i];
            if (i != path.size() - 1 && (node_i.actionFlag & 1 || node_i.mapid != path[i + 1].mapid))
                keyFrames.back().Teleport = true;
                mapChange = true;
                KeyFrame k(node_i);
                G3D::Vector3 h;
                orientationSpline.evaluate_derivative(i + 1, 0.0f, h);
                k.InitialOrientation = Position::NormalizeOrientation(atan2(h.y, h.x) + M_PI);

                splinePath.push_back(G3D::Vector3(node_i.x, node_i.y, node_i.z));
            mapChange = false;

    if (splinePath.size() >= 2)
        // Remove special catmull-rom spline points
        if (!keyFrames.front().IsStopFrame() && !keyFrames.front().Node->arrivalEventID && !keyFrames.front().Node->departureEventID)
        if (!keyFrames.back().IsStopFrame() && !keyFrames.back().Node->arrivalEventID && !keyFrames.back().Node->departureEventID)


    if (transport->mapsUsed.size() > 1)
        for (std::set<uint32>::const_iterator itr = transport->mapsUsed.begin(); itr != transport->mapsUsed.end(); ++itr)

        transport->inInstance = false;
        transport->inInstance = sMapStore.LookupEntry(*transport->mapsUsed.begin())->Instanceable();

    // last to first is always "teleport", even for closed paths
    keyFrames.back().Teleport = true;

    const float speed = float(goInfo->moTransport.moveSpeed);
    const float accel = float(goInfo->moTransport.accelRate);
    const float accel_dist = 0.5f * speed * speed / accel;

    transport->accelTime = speed / accel;
    transport->accelDist = accel_dist;

    int32 firstStop = -1;
    int32 lastStop = -1;

    // first cell is arrived at by teleportation :S
    keyFrames[0].DistFromPrev = 0;
    keyFrames[0].Index = 1;
    if (keyFrames[0].IsStopFrame())
        firstStop = 0;
        lastStop = 0;

    // find the rest of the distances between key points
    // Every path segment has its own spline
    size_t start = 0;
    for (size_t i = 1; i < keyFrames.size(); ++i)
        if (keyFrames[i - 1].Teleport || i + 1 == keyFrames.size())
            size_t extra = !keyFrames[i - 1].Teleport ? 1 : 0;
            TransportSpline* spline = new TransportSpline();
            spline->init_spline(&splinePath[start], i - start + extra, Movement::SplineBase::ModeCatmullrom);
            for (size_t j = start; j < i + extra; ++j)
                keyFrames[j].Index = j - start + 1;
                keyFrames[j].DistFromPrev = spline->length(j - start, j + 1 - start);
                if (j > 0)
                    keyFrames[j - 1].NextDistFromPrev = keyFrames[j].DistFromPrev;
                keyFrames[j].Spline = spline;

            if (keyFrames[i - 1].Teleport)
                keyFrames[i].Index = i - start + 1;
                keyFrames[i].DistFromPrev = 0.0f;
                keyFrames[i - 1].NextDistFromPrev = 0.0f;
                keyFrames[i].Spline = spline;

            start = i;

        if (keyFrames[i].IsStopFrame())
            // remember first stop frame
            if (firstStop == -1)
                firstStop = i;
            lastStop = i;

    keyFrames.back().NextDistFromPrev = keyFrames.front().DistFromPrev;

    if (firstStop == -1 || lastStop == -1)
        firstStop = lastStop = 0;

    // at stopping keyframes, we define distSinceStop == 0,
    // and distUntilStop is to the next stopping keyframe.
    // this is required to properly handle cases of two stopping frames in a row (yes they do exist)
    float tmpDist = 0.0f;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < keyFrames.size(); ++i)
        int32 j = (i + lastStop) % keyFrames.size();
        if (keyFrames[j].IsStopFrame() || j == lastStop)
            tmpDist = 0.0f;
            tmpDist += keyFrames[j].DistFromPrev;
        keyFrames[j].DistSinceStop = tmpDist;

    tmpDist = 0.0f;
    for (int32 i = int32(keyFrames.size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        int32 j = (i + firstStop) % keyFrames.size();
        tmpDist += keyFrames[(j + 1) % keyFrames.size()].DistFromPrev;
        keyFrames[j].DistUntilStop = tmpDist;
        if (keyFrames[j].IsStopFrame() || j == firstStop)
            tmpDist = 0.0f;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < keyFrames.size(); ++i)
        float total_dist = keyFrames[i].DistSinceStop + keyFrames[i].DistUntilStop;
        if (total_dist < 2 * accel_dist) // won't reach full speed
            if (keyFrames[i].DistSinceStop < keyFrames[i].DistUntilStop) // is still accelerating
                // calculate accel+brake time for this short segment
                float segment_time = 2.0f * sqrt((keyFrames[i].DistUntilStop + keyFrames[i].DistSinceStop) / accel);
                // substract acceleration time
                keyFrames[i].TimeTo = segment_time - sqrt(2 * keyFrames[i].DistSinceStop / accel);
            else // slowing down
                keyFrames[i].TimeTo = sqrt(2 * keyFrames[i].DistUntilStop / accel);
        else if (keyFrames[i].DistSinceStop < accel_dist) // still accelerating (but will reach full speed)
            // calculate accel + cruise + brake time for this long segment
            float segment_time = (keyFrames[i].DistUntilStop + keyFrames[i].DistSinceStop) / speed + (speed / accel);
            // substract acceleration time
            keyFrames[i].TimeTo = segment_time - sqrt(2 * keyFrames[i].DistSinceStop / accel);
        else if (keyFrames[i].DistUntilStop < accel_dist) // already slowing down (but reached full speed)
            keyFrames[i].TimeTo = sqrt(2 * keyFrames[i].DistUntilStop / accel);
        else // at full speed
            keyFrames[i].TimeTo = (keyFrames[i].DistUntilStop / speed) + (0.5f * speed / accel);

    // calculate tFrom times from tTo times
    float segmentTime = 0.0f;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < keyFrames.size(); ++i)
        int32 j = (i + lastStop) % keyFrames.size();
        if (keyFrames[j].IsStopFrame() || j == lastStop)
            segmentTime = keyFrames[j].TimeTo;
        keyFrames[j].TimeFrom = segmentTime - keyFrames[j].TimeTo;

    // calculate path times
    keyFrames[0].ArriveTime = 0;
    float curPathTime = 0.0f;
    if (keyFrames[0].IsStopFrame())
        curPathTime = float(keyFrames[0].Node->delay);
        keyFrames[0].DepartureTime = uint32(curPathTime * IN_MILLISECONDS);

    for (size_t i = 1; i < keyFrames.size(); ++i)
        curPathTime += keyFrames[i - 1].TimeTo;
        if (keyFrames[i].IsStopFrame())
            keyFrames[i].ArriveTime = uint32(curPathTime * IN_MILLISECONDS);
            keyFrames[i - 1].NextArriveTime = keyFrames[i].ArriveTime;
            curPathTime += float(keyFrames[i].Node->delay);
            keyFrames[i].DepartureTime = uint32(curPathTime * IN_MILLISECONDS);
            curPathTime -= keyFrames[i].TimeTo;
            keyFrames[i].ArriveTime = uint32(curPathTime * IN_MILLISECONDS);
            keyFrames[i - 1].NextArriveTime = keyFrames[i].ArriveTime;
            keyFrames[i].DepartureTime = keyFrames[i].ArriveTime;

    keyFrames.back().NextArriveTime = keyFrames.back().DepartureTime;

    transport->pathTime = keyFrames.back().DepartureTime;
Пример #2
bool PNGFormat::ReadMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv)
  istream& ifs = *pConv->GetInStream();
  const char pngheader[] = {-119,80,78,71,13,10,26,10,0};
  char readbytes[9];
  ifs.read(readbytes, 8);

  if(!equal(pngheader, pngheader+8, readbytes))
    obErrorLog.ThrowError("PNG Format","Not a PNG file", obError);
     return false;

  //Loop through all the chunks
    unsigned int len = Read32(ifs);
    string chunkid(readbytes, readbytes+4);
      bytesToIEND = ifs.tellg();
      bytesToIEND -= 8;
    streampos pos = ifs.tellg();

    const char* altid = pConv->IsOption("y",OBConversion::INOPTIONS);
    if(chunkid=="tEXt" || chunkid=="zTXt" || (altid && chunkid==altid))
      string keyword;
      getline(ifs, keyword, '\0');
      unsigned int datalength = len - keyword.size()-1;

      //remove "file" from end of keyword
      string::size_type pos = keyword.find("file");

      OBFormat* pFormat = OBConversion::FindFormat(keyword.c_str());
        //We have found embedded text that we need to extract
        stringstream ss;
          //Copy it to a stringstream
          istreambuf_iterator<char> initer(ifs);
          ostreambuf_iterator<char> outiter(ss);
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < datalength; ++i)
            *outiter++ = *initer++;

          //Needs to be uncompressed first
          Bytef* pCompTxt = new Bytef[datalength];
          ifs.read((char*)pCompTxt, datalength);
          --datalength; //for compression method byte
          uLongf uncompLen;
          Bytef* pUncTxt = new Bytef[datalength*6];//guess uncompressed length. NASTY!
          if(*pCompTxt!=0 /*compression method*/
            || uncompress(pUncTxt, &uncompLen, pCompTxt+1, datalength)!=Z_OK)
            obErrorLog.ThrowError("PNG Format","Errors in decompression", obError);
            delete[] pUncTxt;
            delete[] pCompTxt;
            return false;
          pUncTxt[uncompLen] = '\0';
          delete[] pUncTxt;
          delete[] pCompTxt;

        //Use a new OBConversion object to convert embedded text
        OBConversion conv2(&ss, pConv->GetOutStream());
        conv2.SetInAndOutFormats(pFormat, pConv->GetOutFormat());
        _count += conv2.Convert();

        continue; //already at the end of the chunk
    //Move to end of chunk
    ifs.ignore(len+4); //data + CRC

  //if we will be writing a png file, read and save the whole input file.
    copy(istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs), istreambuf_iterator<char>(),back_inserter(CopyOfInput));

  if(pConv->IsLastFile() && _count>0)
    pConv->ReportNumberConverted(_count); //report the number of chemical objects
    pConv->SetOutFormat(this); //so that number of files is reported as "PNG_files"

  return true;
Пример #3
int main(int n_args, char** args) {

  int num_topics;
  int num_epochs_;

  isage::wtm::LDAVStrategy strategy;
  std::string output_usage_name;
  std::string heldout_output_usage_name;

  po::variables_map vm;
    po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
      ("help", "produce help message")
      ("vocab-size", po::value< int >()->default_value(10),
       "number of vocab words (default: 10)")
      ("words-per-doc", po::value<int>()->default_value(10),
       "number of words per document (default: 10)")
      ("bias", po::value<double>()->default_value(.8),
       "Bernoulli parameter p for how to partition the vocab words. (default: 0.8)")
      ("num-docs", po::value<int>()->default_value(10),
       "number of documents to generate (default: 10)")
      ("topics", po::value<int>(&num_topics)->default_value(10), 
       "number of topics to use")
      ("train-epochs", po::value<int>(&num_epochs_)->default_value(5),
       "Number of epochs to run")
      ("em-iterations", po::value<int>(&(strategy.num_learn_iters))->default_value(100), 
       "number of EM iterations to run")
      ("e-steps", po::value<int>(&(strategy.num_e_iters))->default_value(25), 
       "number of iterations to perform, per E-step")
      ("m-steps", po::value<int>(&(strategy.num_m_iters))->default_value(1), 
       "number of iterations to perform, per M-step")
      ("update-hypers", po::value<int>(&(strategy.hyper_update_iter))->default_value(-1),
       "how often to update the hyperparameters (default: -1 == never update)")
      ("update-model-interval", po::value<int>(&(strategy.update_model_every))->default_value(5), "update the model every [some] number of EM steps (default: 5)")
      ("print-topics-every", po::value<int>(&(strategy.print_topics_every))->default_value(5), "print topics every [some] number of EM steps (default: 5)")
      ("print-usage-every", po::value<int>(&(strategy.print_usage_every))->default_value(5), "print topic usage every [some] number of EM steps (default: 5)")
      ("top-k", po::value<int>(&(strategy.print_topics_k))->default_value(10), "number of words per topic to print (default: 10)")
      ("em-verbosity", po::value<int>(&(strategy.em_verbosity))->default_value(1),
       "how verbose should EM output be (default: 1; higher == more verbose)")
      ("eta-density-threshold", po::value<double>(&(strategy.eta_density_threshold))->default_value(1E-4),
       "the threshold t for counting the number of eta parameters are above t (default: 1E-4)")
      ("topic-usage-file", po::value<std::string>(&output_usage_name)->default_value("-"), 
       "filename to write topic usage to (default: - (to console)")
      ("heldout-topic-usage-file", po::value<std::string>(&heldout_output_usage_name)->default_value("-"), 
       "filename to write heldout topic usage to (default: - (to console)")
      ("inferencer-serialization", po::value<std::string>(), "filename to serialize inference state to")
      ("serialized-inferencer", po::value<std::string>(), "filename to READ serialized inference state from")

    po::store(po::parse_command_line(n_args, args, desc), vm);
    if (vm.count("help")) {
      ERROR << desc << "\n";
      return 1;

  typedef std::string string;
  typedef string VocabType;
  typedef isage::wtm::Vocabulary< VocabType > SVocab;
  typedef double CountType;
  typedef isage::wtm::Document< VocabType, CountType > Doc;
  typedef isage::wtm::Corpus< Doc > Corpus;
  typedef std::vector<double> TopicType;
  typedef isage::wtm::DiscreteLDA< VocabType, std::vector<double> > Model;
  typedef isage::wtm::DiscreteVariational< Doc, VocabType, TopicType > Variational;

  isage::util::SmartWriter usage_outer(output_usage_name);
  isage::util::SmartWriter assign_outer("assignments");
  Variational* var_inf = NULL;
  SVocab word_vocab("__OOV__");
  for(int wi = 1; wi <= vm["vocab-size"].as<int>(); ++wi) {
    word_vocab.make_word("word_" + std::to_string(wi));

  Corpus corpus("train_corpus");
  int num_words_total = get_num_tokens(corpus);
  INFO << "Number of documents: " << corpus.num_docs();
  INFO << "Number of word tokens total: " << num_words_total;
  INFO << "Number of vocab types: " << word_vocab.num_words();

  isage::wtm::SymmetricHyperparams shp;
  shp.h_theta = 1.0/(double)num_topics;
  shp.h_word =  0.1; 
  INFO << "Creating model with " << num_topics << " topics";
  Model dm(num_topics, &shp, &word_vocab);
  INFO << "Done creating model.";
  var_inf = new Variational(&dm, &corpus, &word_vocab);
  isage::wtm::UniformHyperSeedWeightedInitializer initer(num_topics, corpus.num_docs(), (double)num_words_total/(double)corpus.num_docs());

  for(int epoch = 0; epoch < num_epochs_; ++epoch) {
    INFO << "Starting learning epoch " << epoch;
    var_inf->learn(strategy, epoch, usage_outer, assign_outer);
    INFO << "Done with inference in epoch " << epoch;
    // // create and open a character archive for output
    // if(vm.count("inferencer-serialization")) {
    //   std::string sfname = vm["inferencer-serialization"].as<std::string>() + 
    // 	".iteration" + std::to_string((1+epoch));	
    //   std::ofstream ofs(sfname, std::ios::out|std::ios::binary);
    //   boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf<boost::iostreams::output> out;
    //   out.push(boost::iostreams::gzip_compressor());
    //   out.push(ofs);
    //   boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(out);
    //   oa << (*var_inf);
    //   INFO << "see " << sfname << " for serialized inferencer";
    // }
    dm.print_topics(strategy.print_topics_k, word_vocab);

  if(var_inf != NULL) {
    delete var_inf;
  return 0;