int initializer_list(void) { if( initializer() ) { } else if( initializer_list() ) { match(COMMA); initializer(); } }
int main() { using inner_vector = std::vector<std::uint8_t>; using initializer = std::initializer_list<inner_vector::value_type>; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<inner_vector>> R = { std::make_shared<inner_vector>(initializer({1, 2, 3})), std::make_shared<inner_vector>(initializer({4, 5, 6})), }; std::cout << (int) R[0]->at(0) << " " // checks boundaries << (int) R[0]->operator[](1) << " " // no boundary checking << (int) (*R[0])[2] << " " // no boundary checking << std::endl; }
//assumes string length < 4*MAXMOVES //calls movegenrator: must be freed opening *algebraicopeningcreator(uint8_t *string) { opening *_opening=(opening *)malloc(sizeof(opening)); uint8_t _position,__position,i=0,_count; uint32_t *move; initializer(); Engine engine; while(string[i<<2]!='\0') { _position=__position=0; _position|=(string[i<<2|0]-'a'); _position|=(string[i<<2|1]-'1')<<3; __position|=(string[i<<2|2]-'a'); __position|=(string[i<<2|3]-'1')<<3; engine.piecepopulator(); move=engine.movegenerator(_position,Squares[__position],_count); if(_count!=1) { free(move); free(_opening); engine.~Engine(); return 0; } _opening->moves[i++]=move[0]; engine.movemaker(move[0]); free(move); } for(;i<MAXMOVES;++i) _opening->moves[i]=0; for(i=0;i<MAXINFO;++i) _opening->info[i]=0; engine.~Engine(); return _opening; }
void CAipi_ExpParser::initializer_list() { initializer(); //getToken(); //AfxMessageBox(_T("CLOSE BRACE")); //AfxMessageBox(_T("antes de coma")); //CString str; //str.Format(_T("Antes de coma Look Ahead...%d " ), m_lookahead); //AfxMessageBox(str); if( m_lookahead == COMMA ) { //AfxMessageBox(_T("Entro de coma")); while ( m_lookahead == COMMA ) { //AfxMessageBox(_T("while coma")); getToken(); initializer_list(); } } }
void up_cxxinitialize(void) { initializer_t *initp; cxxdbg("_sinit: %p _einit: %p _stext: %p _etext: %p\n", &_sinit, &_einit, &_stext, &_etext); /* Visit each entry in the initialzation table */ for (initp = &_sinit; initp != &_einit; initp++) { initializer_t initializer = *initp; cxxdbg("initp: %p initializer: %p\n", initp, initializer); /* Make sure that the address is non-NULL and lies in the text region * defined by the linker script. Some toolchains may put NULL values * or counts in the initialization table */ if ((void*)initializer > (void*)&_stext && (void*)initializer < (void*)&_etext) { cxxdbg("Calling %p\n", initializer); initializer(); } } }
Application_Constraints::Application_Constraints() : equality_epsilon(), num_constraints() { Privileged_Property _num_constraints ( &noop_set, bind(&Application_Constraints::cb_get_num_constraints, this, _1, _2) ); num_constraints = _num_constraints.set_readonly(); Privileged_Property _equality_epsilon ( Property::Bind(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() * 8.0) ); equality_epsilon = _equality_epsilon; ObjectType type = ObjectType::get(this); register_application_component(type); properties.declare( "equality_epsilon", _equality_epsilon, type ); properties.declare( "num_constraints", _num_constraints, type ); request_expansion_signal.connect (boost::bind(&Application_Constraints::cb_expand_request, this, _1)); request_transform_signal.connect (boost::bind(&Application_Constraints::cb_map_request, this, _1, _2)); response_transform_signal.connect (boost::bind( &Application_Constraints::cb_map_response, this, _1, _2, _3, _4 )); initializer("Constraints").connect (boost::bind(&Application_Constraints::cb_initialize, this, _1)); }
int main() { int size, rank; MPI_Init(NULL, NULL); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); double startTime, endTime; startTime = MPI_Wtime(); double *arrayA = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 1000000); double *arrayB = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 1000000); double pearsonCCoefficient = 0.0; long n = 1000000; double standardDeviationA, standardDeviationB; double meanA, meanB; initializer(arrayA, arrayB, n, &meanA, &meanB); standardDeviation(arrayA, arrayB, &standardDeviationA, &standardDeviationB, meanA, meanB, n); pearsonCoefficient(meanA, meanB, arrayA, arrayB, &pearsonCCoefficient, standardDeviationA, standardDeviationB, n); printf("Pearson Coefficient:%f\n", pearsonCCoefficient); endTime = MPI_Wtime(); printf("Total Elapsed Time for Serial Version : %f \n", endTime - startTime); // system("pause"); }
IDevice* CDeviceList::AddDevice(voidinstancefunc InstanceFunction, const int ID, void* MainWindow) { instancefunc initializer=(instancefunc)InstanceFunction; IDevice* D=initializer(); D->Init(ID,MainWindow); return AddDevice(D); }
/** 外部声明 <external_declaration>::=<type_specifier>(<TK_SEMICOLON> |<declarator><funcbody> |<declarator>[<TK_ASSIGN><initializer>] {TK_COMMA><declarator>[<TK_ASSIGN><initializer>]}<TK_SEMICOLON> ) DO:parse external statement storage type:local | global */ void external_declaration(int l){ if(!type_specifier()) expect("<Type specifier>"); if(token == TK_SEMICOLON){ get_token(); return; } while(1){ declarator(); if(token == TK_BEGIN){ if(l == SC_LOCAL) error("don't support function nesting define"); funcbody(); break; }else { if(token == TK_ASSIGN){ get_token(); initializer(); } if(token == TK_COMMA) get_token(); else{ syntax_state = SNTX_LF_HT; skip(TK_SEMICOLON); break; } } } }
int init_declarator(void) { declarator(); if( lookaheadT.type == EQUAL ) { match(EQUAL); initializer(); } }
int main() { int size, rank; double startTime, endTime; double *arrayA = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 1000000); double *arrayB = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 1000000); double pearsonCCoefficient = 0.0; long n = 1000000; double standardDeviationA, standardDeviationB; double meanA, meanB; // call to initializer function for initializing arrays with sin(i) and sin(i+1) values, // and calculating mean for both the arrays initializer(arrayA, arrayB, n, &meanA, &meanB); // call to Standard Deviation function,with arrays and mean calculated previously standardDeviation(arrayA, arrayB, &standardDeviationA, &standardDeviationB, meanA, meanB, n); startTime = omp_get_wtime(); // call to Pearson Correlation Coefficient with mean ,array and //standard Deviation calculated previously pearsonCoefficient(meanA, meanB, arrayA, arrayB, &pearsonCCoefficient, standardDeviationA, standardDeviationB, n); ; printf("Pearson Coefficient:%f\n", pearsonCCoefficient); endTime = omp_get_wtime(); printf("Total Execution Time : \n %f Sec \n %f ms", endTime - startTime, (endTime - startTime) * 1000); printf("\n"); return 0; }
int main(void) { char string[64]; unsigned char count = 0; // run the initialization routines initializer(); //Begin forever chatting with the PC for(;;) { // Check to see if a character is waiting if( isCharAvailable() == 1 ) { // If a new character is received, get it string[count++] = receiveChar(); // receive a packet up to 64 bytes long if(string[count-1] == '\n')// Hyperterminal string ends with \r\n { string[count-2] = '\0'; //convert to a string parseInput(string); string[0] = '\0'; count = 0; } else if(count > 64) { count = 0; string[0] = '\0'; sendString("Error - received > 64 characters"); } } } return 0; }
void BrowserOperation::AddConstructorInitalizer() { ConstructorInitializerDialog ciDialog; BrowserClass* container = static_cast<BrowserClass*>(get_container(UmlClass)); QList<BrowserNode *> parents = container->parents(); QString initializerDummy(" : "); for(BrowserNode* parent : parents) { BrowserClass* parentClass = static_cast<BrowserClass*>(parent); initializerDummy+=parentClass->get_name() + QString("(), "); } if(initializerDummy != " : ") initializerDummy.chop(2); QString constructorPrototype = static_cast<OperationData*>(this->get_data())->get_cppdef(); QString constructorActual = TagManagers::Cpp::updated_def(static_cast<OperationData*>(this->get_data())); QString initializer(this->get_value("constructor-initializer")); if(initializer.trimmed().isEmpty()) ciDialog.ui->edInitializer->setText(initializerDummy); else ciDialog.ui->edInitializer->setText(this->get_value("constructor-initializer")); ciDialog.ui->edConstructorPrototype->setText(constructorPrototype); ciDialog.ui->edActualConstructor->setText(constructorActual); ciDialog.Init(static_cast<OperationData*>(this->get_data())); ciDialog.resize(800, 400); if(ciDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { this->set_value("constructor-initializer", ciDialog.ui->edInitializer->toPlainText()); this->modified(); this->get_data()->get_browser_node()->modified(); this->get_data()->get_browser_node()->package_modified(); } }
/** @brief 解析外部命令 @param l 存储类型,局部的or全局的 */ void external_declaration(int l){ if(!type_specifier()){ expect("<类型区分符>"); } if(token == TK_SEMICOLON){ get_token(); return; } while(1){ declarator(); if(token == TK_BEGIN){ if(l == SC_LOCAL){ error("不支持函数嵌套定义"); } funcbody(); break; }else{ if(token == TK_ASSIGN){ get_token(); initializer(); } if(token == TK_COMMA){ get_token(); }else{ syntax_state = SNTX_LE_HT; skip(TK_SEMICOLON); break; } } } }
void read_and_compress_data () { int i, j, k; if (global_monitor) monitor_leaf(1, "read_and_compress_data"); /* printf("\n\n IRF: Initial Read Functions program \n\n\n"); */ initializer(); if (input_files) initialize_pcv(); initialize(1); read_climate_and_pc(); /* initialize(0); write_climate_and_pc(); printf("\n\n It is done !!! \n\n\n "); */ if (global_monitor) monitor_leaf(0, "read_and_compress_data"); }
void TCompiler::initializeGLPosition(TIntermNode* root) { InitializeVariables::InitVariableInfoList variables; InitializeVariables::InitVariableInfo var( "gl_Position", TType(EbtFloat, EbpUndefined, EvqPosition, 4)); variables.push_back(var); InitializeVariables initializer(variables); root->traverse(&initializer); }
void Matrix<double>::Initialize( double (*initializer)(size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t) ) { for (size_t r = 0; r < GetRowLength(); ++r) { for (size_t c = 0; c < GetColumnLength(); ++c) { (*this)[r][c] = initializer(r, GetRowLength(), c, GetColumnLength()); } } }
void initParms(SEXP Initfunc, SEXP Parms) { // ks: added this to prevent entering this if initfunc does not exist if (Initfunc == NA_STRING) return; if (inherits(Initfunc, "NativeSymbol")) { init_func *initializer; PROTECT(bvp_gparms = Parms); incr_N_Protect(); initializer = (init_func *) R_ExternalPtrAddrFn_(Initfunc); initializer(Initbvpparms); } }
template <> GA1DArrayAlleleGenome<char>:: GA1DArrayAlleleGenome(unsigned int length, const GAAlleleSet<char> & s, GAGenome::Evaluator f, void * u) : GA1DArrayGenome<char>(length, f, u){ naset = 1; aset = new GAAlleleSet<char>[1]; aset[0] = s; initializer(DEFAULT_STRING_INITIALIZER); mutator(DEFAULT_STRING_MUTATOR); comparator(DEFAULT_STRING_COMPARATOR); crossover(DEFAULT_STRING_CROSSOVER); }
GA1DArrayAlleleGenome<T>:: GA1DArrayAlleleGenome(unsigned int length, const GAAlleleSet<T> & s, GAGenome::Evaluator f, void * u) : GA1DArrayGenome<T>(length, f, u) { naset = 1; aset = new GAAlleleSet<T>[1]; aset[0] = s; initializer(GA1DArrayAlleleGenome<T>::DEFAULT_1DARRAY_ALLELE_INITIALIZER); mutator(GA1DArrayAlleleGenome<T>::DEFAULT_1DARRAY_ALLELE_MUTATOR); comparator(GA1DArrayAlleleGenome<T>::DEFAULT_1DARRAY_ALLELE_COMPARATOR); crossover(GA1DArrayAlleleGenome<T>::DEFAULT_1DARRAY_ALLELE_CROSSOVER); }
GA1DArrayAlleleGenome<float>:: GA1DArrayAlleleGenome(unsigned int length, const GAAlleleSet<float> & s, GAGenome::Evaluator f, void * u) : GA1DArrayGenome<float>(length, f, u){ naset = 1; aset = new GAAlleleSet<float>[1]; aset[0] = s; initializer(DEFAULT_REAL_INITIALIZER); mutator(DEFAULT_REAL_MUTATOR); comparator(DEFAULT_REAL_COMPARATOR); crossover(DEFAULT_REAL_CROSSOVER); }
extern void GPStartWhenGriPIsReady(void(*initializer)()) { CFMessagePortRef serverPort = CFMessagePortCreateRemote(NULL, CFSTR("hk.kennytm.GriP.server")); if (serverPort != NULL) { // GriP is already running. call the initializer directly. initializer(); CFRelease(serverPort); } else { // GriP is not running. register for the notification and set the initializer as callback. CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(CFNotificationCenterGetLocalCenter(), initializer, (CFNotificationCallback)&GPGriPIsReadyCallback, CFSTR("hk.kennytm.GriP.ready"), NULL, CFNotificationSuspensionBehaviorCoalesce); } }
void TCompiler::initializeVaryingsWithoutStaticUse(TIntermNode* root) { InitializeVariables::InitVariableInfoList variables; for (size_t ii = 0; ii < varyings.size(); ++ii) { const TVariableInfo& varying = varyings[ii]; if (varying.staticUse) continue; unsigned char primarySize = 1, secondarySize = 1; switch (varying.type) { case SH_FLOAT: break; case SH_FLOAT_VEC2: primarySize = 2; break; case SH_FLOAT_VEC3: primarySize = 3; break; case SH_FLOAT_VEC4: primarySize = 4; break; case SH_FLOAT_MAT2: primarySize = 2; secondarySize = 2; break; case SH_FLOAT_MAT3: primarySize = 3; secondarySize = 3; break; case SH_FLOAT_MAT4: primarySize = 4; secondarySize = 4; break; default: ASSERT(false); } TType type(EbtFloat, EbpUndefined, EvqVaryingOut, primarySize, secondarySize, varying.isArray); TString name =; if (varying.isArray) { type.setArraySize(varying.size); name = name.substr(0, name.find_first_of('[')); } InitializeVariables::InitVariableInfo var(name, type); variables.push_back(var); } InitializeVariables initializer(variables); root->traverse(&initializer); }
static typename fun_types_type::package_type const& package() { typedef typename fun_types_type::package_type result_type; typedef typename result_type::value_type value_type; static result_type v; struct initializer { int operator()() const { v.insert(value_type(work_false::name(), work_false())); v.insert(value_type(work_true::name(), work_true())); return 0; } }; static int const init = initializer()(); return v; }
GA1DArrayAlleleGenome<float>:: GA1DArrayAlleleGenome(const GAAlleleSetArray<float> & sa, GAGenome::Evaluator f, void * u) : GA1DArrayGenome<float>(sa.size(), f, u){ naset = sa.size(); aset = new GAAlleleSet<float>[naset]; for(int i=0; i<naset; i++) aset[i] = sa.set(i); initializer(DEFAULT_REAL_INITIALIZER); mutator(DEFAULT_REAL_MUTATOR); comparator(DEFAULT_REAL_COMPARATOR); crossover(DEFAULT_REAL_CROSSOVER); }
void CAipi_ExpParser::declarator_init() { declarator_direct(); if( m_lookahead == EQUAL ) { getToken(); initializer(); emit_declaration(EQUAL); } }
GA3DArrayAlleleGenome<T>:: GA3DArrayAlleleGenome(unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int d, const GAAlleleSetArray<T> & sa, GAGenome::Evaluator f, void * u) : GA3DArrayGenome<T>(w,h,d, f, u) { naset = sa.size(); aset = new GAAlleleSet<T>[naset]; for(int i=0; i<naset; i++) aset[i] = sa.set(i); initializer(DEFAULT_3DARRAY_ALLELE_INITIALIZER); mutator(DEFAULT_3DARRAY_ALLELE_MUTATOR); comparator(DEFAULT_3DARRAY_ALLELE_COMPARATOR); crossover(DEFAULT_3DARRAY_ALLELE_CROSSOVER); }
IEntityProxyPtr CreateScriptProxy( CEntity* pEntity,IEntityScript* pScript,SEntitySpawnParams* pSpawnParams ) { // Load script now (Will be ignored if already loaded). CEntityScript* pEntityScript = (CEntityScript*)pScript; if (pEntityScript->LoadScript()) { IEntityProxyPtr pScriptProxy = ComponentCreate_DeleteWithRelease<CScriptProxy>(); CScriptProxy::SComponentInitializerScriptProxy initializer( pEntity, pEntityScript, pSpawnParams ); pEntity->RegisterComponent( pScriptProxy, IComponent::EComponentFlags_Enable | IComponent::EComponentFlags_LazyRegistration ); pScriptProxy->Initialize( initializer ); return pScriptProxy; } return IEntityProxyPtr(); }
Rgrid_ellips_neighborhood:: Rgrid_ellips_neighborhood( RGrid* grid, Grid_continuous_property* property, GsTLInt max_radius, GsTLInt mid_radius, GsTLInt min_radius, double x_angle, double y_angle, double z_angle, int max_neighbors, const Covariance<GsTLPoint>* cov, const Grid_region* region) : Neighborhood(), grid_( grid ), property_( property ), max_neighbors_( max_neighbors ) { region_ = region; appli_assert( grid_ ); cursor_ = *( grid_->cursor() ); // use a geobody approach to find all the cells inside the ellipsoid. // Then sort them according to covariance. Ellipsoid_rasterizer initializer( 2*grid->nx()+1, 2*grid->ny()+1, 2*grid->nz()+1, max_radius, mid_radius, min_radius, x_angle, y_angle, z_angle ); std::vector< Ellipsoid_rasterizer::EuclideanVector >& templ = initializer.rasterize(); // We now sort the template according to covariance cov. // If no covariance was specified, create a default one if( !cov ) { Covariance<GsTLPoint> covar; int id = covar.add_structure( "Spherical" ); covar.set_geometry( id, max_radius, mid_radius, min_radius, x_angle, y_angle, z_angle ); std::sort( templ.begin(), templ.end(), Evector_greater_than( covar ) ); } else std::sort( templ.begin(), templ.end(), Evector_greater_than( *cov ) ); geom_.init( templ.begin(), templ.end() ); }
int bounded_field_initialize( bounded_field_t *bounded_field, unsigned nx, unsigned ny, double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1, double (*f)(double, double), double (*initializer)(double,double) ){ if(!f){ return 0; } bounded_field->field = calloc((2+nx)*(2+ny), sizeof(double)); if(!bounded_field->field){ return 0; } if(!(bounded_field->f_field = malloc(nx*ny*sizeof(double)))){ free(bounded_field->field); return 0; } bounded_field->f = f; bounded_field->nx = nx; bounded_field->ny = ny; bounded_field->x0 = x0; bounded_field->x1 = x1; bounded_field->y0 = y0; bounded_field->y1 = y1; bounded_field->dx = (x1-x0)/nx; bounded_field->dy = (y1-y0)/ny; if(initializer){ double dx = (x1-x0)/nx; double dy = (y1-y0)/ny; for(unsigned u = 0; u < ny; u++){ double y = y0 + (u+0.5)*dy; for(unsigned w = 0; w < nx; w++){ double x = x0 + (w+0.5)*dx; bounded_field->field[(u+1)*(nx+2)+w+1] = initializer(x,y); } } } for(unsigned y = 0; y < ny; y++){ for(unsigned x = 0; x < nx; x++){ bounded_field->f_field[y*nx+x] = bounded_field_eval_f_at_index(bounded_field, x, y); } } return 1; }