Пример #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("A tools to dump 3d model files to mesh format", ' ', "1.5.5");

	// add input file argument
	TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> inputFileArg("i", "input", "input file", true, "", "path");

	// add output file argument
	TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> outputFileArg("o", "output", "output file", true, "", "path");

	cmd.parse(argc, argv);

	spank::Convertor conv;
	if (!conv.openModelFile(inputFileArg.getValue().c_str()))
		std::cout << "Error, open file failed, " << inputFileArg.getValue() << std::endl;
		return 1;

	if (!conv.saveFile(outputFileArg.getValue().c_str()))
		std::cout << "Error, save file failed, " << outputFileArg.getValue() << std::endl;
		return 1;

	return 0;
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  try {

    TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("Train BDT", ' ', "0.1");

    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> inputListArg("", "input-list", "A text file containing a list of input files", true, "", "string");
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> inputFileArg("i", "input-file", "The input file", true, "", "string");

    cmd.xorAdd(inputListArg, inputFileArg);

    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> nameArg("n", "name", "dataset name", true, "", "string", cmd);

    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> outputFileArg("o", "output-file", "output file", true, "", "string", cmd);

    cmd.parse(argc, argv);

    std::vector<std::string> inputFiles;
    if (inputFileArg.isSet()) {
    } else {
      loadInputFiles(inputListArg.getValue(), inputFiles);
    process(inputFiles, nameArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue());

  } catch (TCLAP::ArgException &e) {
    std::cerr << "error: " << e.error() << " for arg " << e.argId() << std::endl;
    return 1;

  return 0;
Пример #3
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main (int argc, char const *argv[])
   // This code is NOT READY to run AT ALL. IT was just a PLACE TO START
  QString configFile;


   // Handle program options passed on command line.
    TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("PipelineRunner", ' ', DREAM3DLib::Version::Complete());

    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> inputFileArg( "c", "config", "The text file containing the pipeline information.", true, "", "Pipeline Config File");

    // Parse the argv array.
    cmd.parse(argc, argv);
    if (argc == 1)
      std::cout << "PipelineRunner program was not provided any arguments. Use the --help argument to show the help listing." << std::endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

    configFile = QString::fromStdString(inputFileArg.getValue());

  catch (TCLAP::ArgException &e) // catch any exceptions
    std::cerr << logTime() << " error: " << e.error() << " for arg " << e.argId() << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Create the QSettings Object
  QSettings prefs(configFile, QSettings::IniFormat, NULL);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  try {
    TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("reduce Zprime dataset", ' ', "0.1");

    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> inputListArg("", "input-list", "A text file containing a list of input files", true, "", "string");
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> inputFileArg("i", "input-file", "The input file", true, "", "string");

    cmd.xorAdd(inputListArg, inputFileArg);

    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> outputFileArg("o", "output-file", "output file", true, "", "string", cmd);

    TCLAP::SwitchArg dataArg("", "data", "Is this data?", false);
    TCLAP::SwitchArg mcArg("", "mc", "Is this mc?", false);

    cmd.xorAdd(dataArg, mcArg);

    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> typeArg("", "type", "current inputfile type (semie or semimu)", true, "", "string", cmd);
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> pileupArg("", "pileup", "PU profile used for MC production", false, "S10", "string", cmd);
    TCLAP::ValueArg<int> maxEntriesArg("n", "", "Maximal number of entries to process", false, -1, "int", cmd);
    TCLAP::ValueArg<double> generatorWeightArg("", "weight", "MC generator weight", false, 1., "double", cmd);

    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> pdfSystArg("", "pdf-syst", "PDF systematic to compute", false, "nominal", "string", cmd);
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> jecSystArg("", "jec-syst", "Computing trigger weight for this JEC up / down", false, "nominal", "string", cmd);
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> triggerSystArg("", "trigger-syst", "Computing trigger weight systematic", false, "nominal", "string", cmd);
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> pileupSystArg("", "pileup-syst", "PU profile to use for pileup reweigthing", false, "nominal", "string", cmd);
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> btagSystArg("", "btag-syst", "Compute btag weight systematic", false, "nominal", "string", cmd);
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> leptonSystArg("", "lepton-syst", "Compute lepton weight systematic", false, "nominal", "string", cmd);

    TCLAP::SwitchArg skimArg("", "skim", "Run over a skimmed file", cmd, false);

    TCLAP::SwitchArg chi2Arg("", "chi2", "Use chi2 sorting algorithm", false);
    TCLAP::SwitchArg mvaArg("", "mva", "Use MVA instead of chi2", false);
    TCLAP::SwitchArg kfArg("", "kf", "Use KF instead of chi2", false);
    TCLAP::SwitchArg hybridArg("", "hybrid", "Use hybrid method for sorting algorithm", false);
    std::vector<TCLAP::Arg*>  xorlist;
    cmd.xorAdd( xorlist );

    cmd.parse(argc, argv);

    std::string p = pileupArg.getValue();
    std::transform(p.begin(), p.end(), p.begin(), ::tolower);
    if (p == "s6")
      puProfile = PUProfile::S6;
    else if (p == "s7")
      puProfile = PUProfile::S7;
    else if (p == "s10")
      puProfile = PUProfile::S10;

    std::string triggerSyst = triggerSystArg.getValue();
    std::transform(triggerSyst.begin(), triggerSyst.end(), triggerSyst.begin(), ::tolower);
    if (triggerSyst != "nominal" && triggerSyst != "up" && triggerSyst != "down") {
      std::cerr << "--trigger-syst can only be 'nominal', 'up' or 'down'" << std::endl;

    std::string jecSyst = jecSystArg.getValue();
    std::transform(jecSyst.begin(), jecSyst.end(), jecSyst.begin(), ::tolower);
    if (jecSyst != "nominal" && jecSyst != "up" && jecSyst != "down") {
      std::cerr << "--jec-syst can only be 'nominal', 'up' or 'down'" << std::endl;

    std::string puSyst = pileupSystArg.getValue();
    std::transform(puSyst.begin(), puSyst.end(), puSyst.begin(), ::tolower);
    if (puSyst != "nominal" && puSyst != "up" && puSyst != "down") {
      std::cerr << "--pilup-syst can only be 'nominal', 'up' or 'down'" << std::endl;

    std::string pdfSyst = pdfSystArg.getValue();
    std::transform(pdfSyst.begin(), pdfSyst.end(), pdfSyst.begin(), ::tolower);
    if (pdfSyst != "nominal" && pdfSyst != "up" && pdfSyst != "down") {
      std::cerr << "--pdf-syst can only be 'nominal', 'up' or 'down'" << std::endl;

    std::string leptonSyst = leptonSystArg.getValue();
    std::transform(leptonSyst.begin(), leptonSyst.end(), leptonSyst.begin(), ::tolower);
    if (leptonSyst != "nominal" && leptonSyst != "up" && leptonSyst != "down") {
      std::cerr << "--lepton-syst can only be 'nominal', 'up' or 'down'" << std::endl;

    std::string btagSyst = btagSystArg.getValue();
    std::transform(btagSyst.begin(), btagSyst.end(), btagSyst.begin(), ::tolower);
    if (btagSyst != "nominal" && btagSyst != "up" && btagSyst != "down") {
      std::cerr << "--btag-syst can only be 'nominal', 'up' or 'down'" << std::endl;
    bool isData = dataArg.isSet();

    std::vector<std::string> inputFiles;
    if (inputFileArg.isSet()) {
    } else {
      loadInputFiles(inputListArg.getValue(), inputFiles);

    reduce(inputFiles, outputFileArg.getValue(), isData, typeArg.getValue(), maxEntriesArg.getValue(), generatorWeightArg.getValue(), puSyst, pdfSyst, jecSyst, triggerSyst, leptonSyst, btagSyst, mvaArg.getValue(), chi2Arg.getValue(), kfArg.getValue(), hybridArg.getValue(), skimArg.getValue()); 

  } catch (TCLAP::ArgException& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

Пример #5
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  try {
    TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("Create uncertainties histograms from systematic samples", ' ', "0.1");

    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> inputFileArg("i", "input-file", "Input file in YML format", true, "", "string", cmd);

    cmd.parse(argc, argv);

    if (inputFileArg.getValue().length() == 0)
      return 1;

    YAML::Node root = YAML::LoadFile(inputFileArg.getValue());

    // Load systematics, btag and type
    std::vector<std::string> systs = root["systs"].as<std::vector<std::string>>();
    std::vector<int> btags = root["btags"].as<std::vector<int>>();
    std::vector<std::string> types = root["types"].as<std::vector<std::string>>();

    for (const auto& it: root["data"]) {
      std::vector<Input> inputs;
      const YAML::Node& inputs_node = it["inputs"];
      for (const auto& input_node: inputs_node) {
        Input input;
        input.filename = input_node["file"].as<std::string>();
        std::string type = input_node["type"].as<std::string>();
        if (type == "nominal")
          input.type = 0;
        else if (type == "up")
          input.type = 1;
        else if (type == "down")
          input.type = -1;

        if (input_node["generated-events"])
          input.generated_events = input_node["generated-events"].as<uint64_t>();
          input.generated_events = 1;

        if (input_node["cross-section"])
          input.cross_section = input_node["cross-section"].as<float>();
          input.cross_section = 1.;

        input.top_pt_weight = 1.;

      boost::filesystem::path output = it["output"].as<std::string>();

      bool manual = false;
      if (it["manual"])
        manual = it["manual"].as<bool>();

      // Loop over systematics, btag & type
      for (auto& btag: btags) {
        for (auto& type: types) {

          // Create main output file, containing all systematic uncertainties merged
          boost::format mainFormatter(output.string());
          mainFormatter.exceptions(boost::io::all_error_bits ^ (boost::io::too_many_args_bit | boost::io::too_few_args_bit )  );
          mainFormatter % btag % type % "total_syst_errors";

          std::shared_ptr<TFile> mainOutputFile;
          if (! manual) {
            mainOutputFile.reset(TFile::Open(mainFormatter.str().c_str(), "recreate"));

          std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<TH1>> total_uncertainties_hists;

          std::vector<std::string> goodSysts = (manual) ? std::vector<std::string>({"dummy"}) : systs;
          for (auto& syst: goodSysts) {
            // Load input files
            for (auto& input: inputs) {
              boost::format formatter(input.filename.string());
              formatter.exceptions(boost::io::all_error_bits ^ (boost::io::too_many_args_bit | boost::io::too_few_args_bit )  );

              std::string systSuffix;
              if (input.type == 1)
                systSuffix += "Up";
              else if (input.type == -1)
                systSuffix += "Down";

              // Hack for JEC & JER
              if (syst == "JEC" || syst == "JER")
                std::transform(systSuffix.begin(), systSuffix.end(), systSuffix.begin(), ::tolower);

              std::string fullSyst = syst + systSuffix;
              formatter % btag % type;

              if (! manual)
                formatter % fullSyst;


              // Try to find if a '.info' file exists, containing the mean
              // value of the top pt weights
              boost::filesystem::path p(formatter.str());

              if (boost::filesystem::exists(p)) {
                std::ifstream info(p.string());
                info >> input.top_pt_weight;

            // List all histograms
            // For each, retrieve the nominal histogram, as well as the up & down variation

            // Retrieve just the names of the histograms
            std::vector<std::string> histograms;
            TList* list = inputs[0].file->GetListOfKeys();
            TIter iter(list);
            TKey* key;
            TObject* obj;
            while ((key = (TKey*) iter())) {
              obj = key->ReadObj();
              if (obj->InheritsFrom("TH1")) {

            // Create output file
            boost::format formatter(output.string());
            formatter.exceptions(boost::io::all_error_bits ^ (boost::io::too_many_args_bit | boost::io::too_few_args_bit )  );
            formatter % btag % type % syst;

            std::shared_ptr<TFile> outputFile(TFile::Open(formatter.str().c_str(), "recreate"));
            std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TH1>> uncertainties_hists;

            for (const auto& histogram: histograms) {
              std::shared_ptr<TH1> nominal = getHistogram(histogram, inputs, 0);
              std::shared_ptr<TH1> up = getHistogram(histogram, inputs, 1);
              std::shared_ptr<TH1> down = getHistogram(histogram, inputs, -1);

              std::string name = nominal->GetName();
              nominal->SetName(TString::Format("%s_%s_%s", name.c_str(), syst.c_str(), "nominal"));
              up->SetName(TString::Format("%s_%s_%s", name.c_str(), syst.c_str(), "up"));
              down->SetName(TString::Format("%s_%s_%s", name.c_str(), syst.c_str(), "down"));

              if (! manual) {

              std::shared_ptr<TH1> uncertainties(static_cast<TH1*>(nominal->Clone()));
              uncertainties->Reset(); // Keep binning but remove all events

              std::shared_ptr<TGraphAsymmErrors> uncertainties_asym = std::make_shared<TGraphAsymmErrors>();
              uncertainties_asym->SetName(TString::Format("%s_%s_asym", name.c_str(), syst.c_str()));

              std::shared_ptr<TH1>& total_uncertainties = total_uncertainties_hists[histogram];
              if (! manual) {
                if (! total_uncertainties.get()) {

              uint32_t index = 0;
              for (int i = 1; i <= uncertainties->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
                float nominal_x = nominal->GetBinCenter(i);
                float nominal_value = nominal->GetBinContent(i);
                //float error_high = fabs(up->GetBinContent(i) - nominal_value);
                //float error_low = fabs(nominal_value - down->GetBinContent(i));

                // Normal approximation
                float norm_plus = 0;
                float norm_minus = 0;
                if (up->GetBinError(i) / up->GetBinContent(i) < 0.4)
                  norm_plus = up->GetBinContent(i) - nominal_value;
                if (down->GetBinError(i) / down->GetBinContent(i) < 0.4)
                  norm_minus = nominal_value - down->GetBinContent(i);

                float mu = (norm_plus + norm_minus) / 3.;
                float mu_percent = (mu == 0 || nominal_value == 0) ? 0 : mu / nominal_value;
                float sigma = std::sqrt(( std::pow(norm_plus - mu, 2) + mu * mu + std::pow(norm_minus - mu, 2) ) / 2.);
                float sigma_percent = (sigma == 0 || nominal_value == 0) ? 0 : sigma / nominal_value;

                //float mean_error = (error_high + error_low) / 2.;
                //float error = (nominal_value == 0) ? 0. : mean_error / nominal_value;

                //std::cout << "Nominal: " << nominal_value << std::endl;
                //std::cout << "Nominal + mu: " << nominal_value + mu << std::endl;

                //std::cout << "Error: " << mean_error << std::endl;
                //std::cout << "Sigma: " << sigma << std::endl;

                uncertainties->SetBinContent(i, mu_percent);
                uncertainties->SetBinError(i, sigma_percent);

                uncertainties_asym->SetPoint(index, nominal_x, nominal_value + mu);
                uncertainties_asym->SetPointError(index, 0, 0, sigma, sigma);

                if (! manual) {
                  total_uncertainties->SetBinContent(i, total_uncertainties->GetBinContent(i) + mu_percent);
                  float total_error = total_uncertainties->GetBinError(i);
                  total_uncertainties->SetBinError(i, sqrt(sigma_percent * sigma_percent + total_error * total_error));



              if (! manual) {

            for (auto& h: uncertainties_hists) {

          if (! manual) {
            for (auto& it: total_uncertainties_hists) {


  } catch (TCLAP::ArgException &e) {
    std::cerr << "error: " << e.error() << " for arg " << e.argId() << std::endl;
    return 1;

  return 0;
Пример #6
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("EnvMapTool. Stanislav Podgorskiy.", ' ', "0.1", true);

	TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> inputFileArg("i", "input", "The input texture file. Can be of the following formats: *.tga, *.png, *.dds", true, "", "Input file");
	TCLAP::MultiArg<std::string> inputMultiFileArg("I", "inputSequence", "The input texture files for cube map. You need specify six files: xp, xn yp, yn, zp, zn. WARNING! All the files MUST be the same format and size!", true, "Input files");
	TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> outputFileArg("o", "output", "The output texture file.", true, "", "Output file");
	TCLAP::MultiArg<std::string> outputMultiFileArg("O", "outputSequence", "The output texture files for cube map. You need specify six files: xp, xn yp, yn, zp, zn", true, "Output files");
	TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> outputFormatFileArg("f", "format", "Output texture file format. Can be one of the following \"TGA\", \"DDS\", \"PNG\". Default TGA.", false, "TGA", "Output format");
	TCLAP::ValueArg<int> faceToWriteArg("F", "faceToWrite", "If cubemap texture is written to format that does not support faces, this face will be written", false, 0, "Face to write");

	TCLAP::ValueArg<int> blurQualityArg("q", "blurQuality", "Effects the number of samples in Monte Carlo integration. Reasonable values are between 4 - 8. Large values will increase calculation time dramatically. Default is 4", false, 4, "Blur quality");
	TCLAP::ValueArg<float> blurRadiusArg("b", "blurRadius", "Gaussian blur radius. Default is 10.0", false, 10.0f, "Blur radius");
	TCLAP::SwitchArg doNotRemoveOuterAreaFlag("l", "leaveOuter", "If flag is set, than while cubemap -> sphere transform area around the sphere circule are not filled black, but represent mathematical extrapolation.", false);

	TCLAP::ValueArg<float> inputGammaArg("g", "inputGamma", "Gamma of input texture. Default is 2.2", false, 2.2f, "Input gamma");
	TCLAP::ValueArg<float> outputGammaArg("G", "outputGamma", "Gamma of output texture. Default is 2.2", false, 2.2f, "Output gamma");

	TCLAP::ValueArg<int> outputWidthArg("W", "outputWidth", "Width of output texture. Default is the same as input, or 4 times upscaled in case of cube2sphere transform, or 4 times downscaled in case of sphere2cube transform", false, -1, "Output texture width");
	TCLAP::ValueArg<int> outputHeightArg("H", "outputHeight", "Height of output texture. Default is the same as input, or 4 times upscaled in case of cube2sphere transform, or 4 times downscaled in case of sphere2cube transform", false, -1, "Output texture height");

	std::vector<std::string> allowed;
		TCLAP::ValuesConstraint<std::string> allowedVals( allowed );

	TCLAP::UnlabeledValueArg<std::string>  actionLable( "action",
		"Action. Can be:\n"
		"\tcube2sphere - Converts cube map texture to spherical map\n"
		"\tsphere2cube - Converts spherical map texture to cube map\n"
		"\tblurCubemap - Gaussian blur of cubemap\n"
		"\tconvert - Do nothing. Just to convert txture from one format to other\n", true, "", &allowedVals );

	cmd.xorAdd(outputFileArg, outputMultiFileArg);
	cmd.xorAdd(inputFileArg, inputMultiFileArg);
	cmd.parse( argc, argv );

	Texture* inputTex = new Texture;
	inputTex->m_gamma = inputGammaArg.getValue();

	if ( inputFileArg.isSet() )
	else if ( inputMultiFileArg.isSet() )
		std::vector<std::string> files = inputMultiFileArg.getValue();
		if(files.size() != 6)
			printf("Error: You should specify exactly six input files.\n");
			return 0;
		int face = 0;
		for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it)
			inputTex->LoadFromFile(it->c_str(), face);
		inputTex->m_cubemap = true;

	Texture* outputTex = new Texture;
	outputTex->m_gamma = outputGammaArg.getValue();

	IFileFormat* format = NULL;
	std::string formatString = outputFormatFileArg.getValue();
	if (formatString == "TGA")
		format = new TGAFile;
	else if (formatString == "DDS")
		format = new DDSFile;
	else if (formatString == "PNG")
		format = new PNGFile;
		printf("Error: Wrong output format!\n");
		return 0;

	int outputWidth = inputTex->m_width;
	int outputHeight = inputTex->m_height;

	IAction* action = NULL;
	std::string actionString = actionLable.getValue();
	if (actionString == "cube2sphere")
		outputWidth *= 4;
		outputHeight *= 4;
		CubeMap2Sphere* cube2s = new CubeMap2Sphere;
		cube2s->m_doNotRemoveOuterAreas = doNotRemoveOuterAreaFlag.getValue();
		action = cube2s;
	else if (actionString == "sphere2cube")
		outputWidth /= 4;
		outputHeight /= 4;
		action = new Sphere2CubeMap;
	else if (actionString == "blurCubemap")
		BlurCubemap* blur = new BlurCubemap;
		blur->m_blurQuality = blurQualityArg.getValue();
		blur->m_blurRadius = blurRadiusArg.getValue();
		action = blur;
	else if (actionString == "fastBlurCubemap")
		FastBlurCubemap* blur = new FastBlurCubemap;
		blur->m_blurRadius = blurRadiusArg.getValue();
		action = blur;
	else if (actionString == "convert")
		action = new DummyAction;
		printf("Error: Wrong action!\n");
		return 0;

	outputTex->m_width = outputWidthArg.isSet() ? outputWidthArg.getValue() : outputWidth;
	outputTex->m_height = outputHeightArg.isSet() ? outputHeightArg.getValue() : outputHeight;

	action->DoTask(*inputTex, *outputTex);

	if ( outputFileArg.isSet() )
		int face = 0;
			face = faceToWriteArg.getValue();
			face = face > 5 ? 5 : face;
			face = face < 0 ? 0 : face;
		outputTex->SaveToFile(outputFileArg.getValue().c_str(), format, face);
	else if ( outputMultiFileArg.isSet() )
			printf("Error: Can't output not a cube map to a sequence of files.\n");
			return 0;
		std::vector<std::string> files = outputMultiFileArg.getValue();
		if(files.size() != 6)
			printf("Error: You should specify exactly six output files.\n");
			return 0;
		int face = 0;
		for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it)
			outputTex->SaveToFile(it->c_str(), format, face);
	return 0;
int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
  std::cout << "DatCC v0.2 created by pastelmind\n" << std::endl;

  try {
    const char exampleStr[] = "EXAMPLES:"
      "\nDatCC -d -u ."
      "\n\tDecompiles the default units.dat file."
      "\nDatCC -c -w \"C:\\My Mod\\my weapons.ini\""
      "\n\tCompiles \"C:\\My Mod\\my weapons.ini\" into \"C:\\My Mod\\my weapons.dat\""
      "\nDatCC -c -t \"C:\\test\\tech.ini\" -b C:\\test\\techdata.dat"
      "\n\tCompiles \"C:\\test\\tech.ini\" into \"C:\\test\\tech.dat\", using C:\\test\\techdata.dat as the base DAT file"
      "\nDatCC -r -f \"example mod-flingy.dat\" output.ini"
      "\n\tCompares \"example mod-flingy.dat\" with the default flingy.dat and save the differences to output.ini";
    TCLAP::CmdLine cmd(exampleStr, ' ', "0.1");

    TCLAP::SwitchArg isCompileModeArg  ("c", "compile",   "Compiles INI files to DAT files.");
    TCLAP::SwitchArg isDecompileModeArg("d", "decompile", "Decompiles DAT files to INI files.");
    TCLAP::SwitchArg isCompareModeArg  ("r", "compare",   "Compares the DAT file with the base DAT file and decompiles the differences to an INI file");

    std::vector<TCLAP::Arg*> modeSwitchArgs;

    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> baseDatArg("b", "basedat",
      "Base DAT file to use when compiling/comparing. If omitted, the default DAT files are used.",
      false, ".", "base file");

    TCLAP::UnlabeledValueArg<std::string> inputFileArg("input",
      "In compile mode, specify the INI file to compile. In decompile or compare mode, specify the DAT file to decompile or compare. Use . to decompile the default DAT files.",
      true, "", "input file");

    TCLAP::UnlabeledValueArg<std::string> outputFileArg("output",
      "Specify the output DAT file (in compile mode) or INI file (in decompile/compare mode). If omitted, the output file is named after the input file.",
      false, "", "output file");

    TCLAP::SwitchArg useUnitsDatArg   ("u", "units",    "Operate on units.dat");
    TCLAP::SwitchArg useWeaponsDatArg ("w", "weapons",  "Operate on weapons.dat");
    TCLAP::SwitchArg useFlingyDatArg  ("f", "flingy",   "Operate on flingy.dat");
    TCLAP::SwitchArg useSpritesDatArg ("s", "sprites",  "Operate on sprites.dat");
    TCLAP::SwitchArg useImagesDatArg  ("i", "images",   "Operate on images.dat");
    TCLAP::SwitchArg useUpgradesDatArg("g", "upgrades", "Operate on upgrades.dat");
    TCLAP::SwitchArg useTechdataDatArg("t", "techdata", "Operate on techdata.dat");
    TCLAP::SwitchArg useSfxdataDatArg ("x", "sfxdata",  "Operate on sfxdata.dat");
    //TCLAP::SwitchArg usePortdataDatArg("p", "portdata", "Operate on portdata.dat (NOT SUPPORTED YET!)");
    //TCLAP::SwitchArg useMapdataDatArg ("m", "mapdata",  "Operate on mapdata.dat (NOT SUPPORTED YET)");
    TCLAP::SwitchArg useOrdersDatArg  ("o", "orders",   "Operate on orders.dat");

    std::vector<TCLAP::Arg*> datSwitchArgs;

    cmd.parse(argc, argv);

    //-------- Main program logic start --------//


    if (isCompileModeArg.isSet()) {
      //Compile mode
      if (useUnitsDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compileUnits(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());

      else if (useWeaponsDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compileWeapons(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());
      else if (useFlingyDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compileFlingy(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());

      else if (useSpritesDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compileSprites(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());

      else if (useImagesDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compileImages(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());

      else if (useUpgradesDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compileUpgrades(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());

      else if (useTechdataDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compileTechdata(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());

      else if (useSfxdataDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compileSfxdata(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());
      else if (useOrdersDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compileOrders(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());
        throw TCLAP::ArgException("Unsupported DAT file format, please wait for new version.",
          "UnsupportedFormat", "Unsupported DAT format exception");
    else if (isDecompileModeArg.isSet()) {
      if (baseDatArg.isSet())
        throw TCLAP::ArgException("Base DAT argument is unnecessary for decompile mode", "unused_basedat", "Unused base DAT argument");

      //Decompile mode
      if (useUnitsDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::decompileUnits(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue());
      else if (useWeaponsDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::decompileWeapons(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue());

      else if (useFlingyDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::decompileFlingy(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue());

      else if (useSpritesDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::decompileSprites(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue());

      else if (useImagesDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::decompileImages(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue());

      else if (useUpgradesDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::decompileUpgrades(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue());

      else if (useTechdataDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::decompileTechdata(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue());

      else if (useSfxdataDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::decompileSfxdata(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue());

      else if (useOrdersDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::decompileOrders(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue());

        throw TCLAP::ArgException("Unsupported DAT file format, please wait for new version.",
          "UnsupportedFormat", "Unsupported DAT format exception");
    else if (isCompareModeArg.isSet()) {
      //Compare mode
      if (useUnitsDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compareUnits(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());

      else if (useWeaponsDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compareWeapons(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());
      else if (useFlingyDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compareFlingy(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());

      else if (useSpritesDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compareSprites(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());

      else if (useImagesDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compareImages(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());

      else if (useUpgradesDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compareUpgrades(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());

      else if (useTechdataDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compareTechdata(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());
      else if (useSfxdataDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compareSfxdata(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());

      else if (useOrdersDatArg.isSet())
        datcc::compareOrders(inputFileArg.getValue(), outputFileArg.getValue(), baseDatArg.getValue());
        throw TCLAP::ArgException("Unsupported DAT file format, please wait for new version.",
          "UnsupportedFormat", "Unsupported DAT format exception");
    else { //Should never reach here
      throw TCLAP::ArgException("Cannot determine compile/decompile mode");
  catch (TCLAP::ArgException &e) {
    std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;

  return 0;