QString CallInstruction::toString() const { return QString("%1: %2.%3(...)") .arg(instructionId()) .arg(instanceName()) .arg(methodName()); }
/** * Reimplemented from UMLWidget::updateTextItemGroups() to * calculate the texts and also show/hide the texts based on current * state. */ void NodeWidget::updateTextItemGroups() { TextItemGroup *grp = textItemGroupAt(GroupIndex); grp->setTextItemCount(NodeWidget::TextItemCount); if(umlObject()) { UMLNode *node = static_cast<UMLNode*>(umlObject()); TextItem *stereo = grp->textItemAt(NodeWidget::StereoItemIndex); stereo->setText(node->stereotype(true)); stereo->setBold(true); stereo->setExplicitVisibility(!node->stereotype(false).isEmpty()); TextItem *nameItem = grp->textItemAt(NodeWidget::NameItemIndex); QString nameText = name(); bool underline = false; if(isInstance()) { nameText.prepend(':'); nameText.prepend(instanceName()); underline = true; } nameItem->setBold(true); nameItem->setUnderline(underline); nameItem->setText(nameText); } UMLWidget::updateTextItemGroups(); }
bool os_gal2other::construct(const Config &cfg, otable &t, opipeline &pipe) { //if(!cfg.count("FeH")) { THROW(EAny, "Keyword 'filename' must exist in config file"); } std::string cs, msg; cfg.get(cs, "coordsys", "gal"); if(cs == "gal") { coordsys = GAL; /* -- noop -- */; msg = "Galactic coordinates in column lb"; } else if(cs == "equ") { coordsys = EQU; prov.insert("radec[2]"); msg = "Equatorial coordinates in column radec"; } else { THROW(EAny, "Unknown coordinate system (" + cs + ") requested."); } MLOG(verb1) << "Astrometry: " << msg << " ## " << instanceName(); return true; }
void I8KPlugin::showAbout() { QString version = kapp->aboutData()->version(); KAboutData aboutData(instanceName(), I18N_NOOP("KSim I8K Plugin"), version.latin1(), I18N_NOOP("Dell I8K Hardware Monitor plugin"), KAboutData::License_GPL, "(C) 2003 Nadeem Hasan"); aboutData.addAuthor("Nadeem Hasan", I18N_NOOP("Author"), "*****@*****.**"); KAboutApplication(&aboutData).exec(); }
void CpuPlugin::showAbout() { TQString version = kapp->aboutData()->version(); TDEAboutData aboutData(instanceName(), I18N_NOOP("KSim CPU Plugin"), version.latin1(), I18N_NOOP("A cpu monitor plugin for KSim"), TDEAboutData::License_GPL, "(C) 2001 Robbie Ward"); aboutData.addAuthor("Robbie Ward", I18N_NOOP("Author"), "*****@*****.**"); TDEAboutApplication(&aboutData).exec(); }
void PluginModule::showAbout() { QString version = kapp->aboutData()->version(); KAboutData aboutData(instanceName(), I18N_NOOP("KSim FileSystem Plugin"), version.latin1(), I18N_NOOP("A filesystem plugin for KSim"), KAboutData::License_GPL, "(C) 2001 Robbie Ward"); aboutData.addAuthor("Robbie Ward", I18N_NOOP("Author"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor("Jason Katz-Brown", I18N_NOOP("Some Fixes"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor("Heitham Omar", I18N_NOOP("FreeBSD ports"), "*****@*****.**"); KAboutApplication(&aboutData).exec(); }
void ComputerSystemProvider::enumerateInstances( const OperationContext& context, const CIMObjectPath& ref, const Boolean includeQualifiers, const Boolean includeClassOrigin, const CIMPropertyList& propertyList, InstanceResponseHandler& handler) { CIMName className = ref.getClassName(); _checkClass(className); handler.processing(); // Deliver instance only if request was for leaf class if (className.equal (CLASS_EXTENDED_COMPUTER_SYSTEM)) { Array<CIMKeyBinding> keys; keys.append(CIMKeyBinding( PROPERTY_CREATION_CLASS_NAME, CLASS_EXTENDED_COMPUTER_SYSTEM, CIMKeyBinding::STRING)); keys.append(CIMKeyBinding( PROPERTY_NAME, _cs.getHostName(), CIMKeyBinding::STRING)); CIMObjectPath instanceName( String::EMPTY, // Hostname not required CIMNamespaceName(), // Namespace not required CLASS_EXTENDED_COMPUTER_SYSTEM, keys); CIMInstance instance = _cs.buildInstance(CLASS_EXTENDED_COMPUTER_SYSTEM); instance.setPath(instanceName); handler.deliver(instance); } handler.complete(); return; }
bool os_GaussianFeH::construct(const Config &cfg, otable &t, opipeline &pipe) { read_component_map(applyToComponents, cfg); mean = cfg.get("mean"); sigma = cfg.get("sigma"); // Output model parameters MLOG(verb1) << "Metallicity: Gaussian for components " << applyToComponents << " ## " << instanceName(); MLOG(verb2) << " : (mu, sigma) = " << mean << ", " << sigma; return true; }
I8KPlugin::I8KPlugin(const char *name) : KSim::PluginObject(name) { setConfigFileName(instanceName()); }
void GraphComponent::nodePopupMenuSelected (GraphNodeComponent* node) { DBG ("GraphComponent::nodePopupMenuSelected"); jassert (node != 0); currentClickedNode = node; bool addFirstSeparator = false; PopupMenu menu, subMenu, synthMidiChanMenu, midiChanMenu; BasePlugin* plugin = (BasePlugin*) node->getUserData (); if (plugin->hasEditor () || plugin->wantsEditor () || plugin->isEditorInternal ()) { menu.addItem (1, "Open editor"); menu.addItem (2, "Prefer MIDI binding editor", true, plugin->getBoolValue(PROP_WINDOWPREFERGENERIC, false)); addFirstSeparator = true; } if (node != inputs && node != outputs) { menu.addItem (3, "Remove " + plugin->getName() + String(" \"") + plugin->getInstanceName() + String("\"")); addFirstSeparator = true; } if (addFirstSeparator) menu.addSeparator (); menu.addItem (4, "Lock", true, node->isLocked ()); // node colour.. ColourSelector colourSelector; colourSelector.setName (T("background")); colourSelector.setCurrentColour (node->getNodeColour ()); colourSelector.addChangeListener (this); subMenu.addCustomItem (1234, &colourSelector, 300, 300, false); menu.addSubMenu (T("Colour"), subMenu); menu.addSeparator (); menu.addItem (5, "Mute", true, plugin->isMuted ()); menu.addItem (6, "Bypass", true, plugin->isBypass ()); menu.addItem (7, "Solo", false, false); menu.addSeparator (); synthMidiChanMenu.addItem(2020, "Omni", true, !plugin->getSynthInputChannelFilter() || plugin->getSynthInputChannel() == -1); midiChanMenu.addItem(1020, "Omni", true, !plugin->getMidiOutputChannelFilter() || plugin->getMidiOutputChannel() == -1); for (int i=1; i<17; i++) { synthMidiChanMenu.addItem(2000+i, String("Ch ") + String(i), true, plugin->getSynthInputChannelFilter() && plugin->getSynthInputChannel() == i); midiChanMenu.addItem(1000+i, String("Ch ") + String(i), true, plugin->getMidiOutputChannelFilter() && plugin->getMidiOutputChannel() == i); } menu.addSubMenu (T("Filter synth input MIDI channel"), synthMidiChanMenu); menu.addSubMenu (T("Filter output MIDI channel"), midiChanMenu); menu.addSeparator (); int inputLinks = node->getInputLinksCount (); int outputLinks = node->getOutputLinksCount (); if (inputLinks > 0 && outputLinks > 0) menu.addItem (8, "Disconnect all"); if (inputLinks > 0) menu.addItem (9, "Disconnect inputs"); if (outputLinks > 0) menu.addItem (10, "Disconnect outputs"); menu.addItem (11, String("Rename \"") + plugin->getInstanceName() + String("\"")); menu.addItem (12, "Render stem", true, plugin->getBoolValue(PROP_RENDERSTEM, false)); // only allow changing this if stems aren't rendering right now (i.e. files aren't opened) const int result = menu.show(); switch (result) { case 1: // Open editor { owner->openPluginEditorWindow (plugin); break; } case 2: // set preferred editor plugin->setValue(PROP_WINDOWPREFERGENERIC, !plugin->getBoolValue(PROP_WINDOWPREFERGENERIC, false)); break; case 12: // set stem render option plugin->setValue(PROP_RENDERSTEM, !plugin->getBoolValue(PROP_RENDERSTEM, false)); break; case 3: // Close { if (owner->isPluginEditorWindowOpen (plugin)) owner->closePluginEditorWindow (plugin); if (plugin) { host->closePlugin (plugin); selectedNodes.deselect (node); deletePluginNode (node); graphChanged (); } break; } case 4: // Lock / unlock { bool lockedState = ! node->isLocked (); if (plugin) plugin->setValue (PROP_GRAPHLOCKED, lockedState); node->setLocked (lockedState); node->repaint (); } break; case 5: // Mute { if (plugin) plugin->setMuted (! plugin->isMuted()); } break; case 6: // Bypass { if (plugin) plugin->setBypass (! plugin->isBypass()); } break; case 7: // Solo (TODO) break; case 8: // Disconnect all node->breakAllLinks(); break; case 9: // Disconnect inputs node->breakInputLinks(); break; case 10: // Disconnect outputs node->breakOutputLinks(); break; case 11: // Rename instance { TextEditor instanceName(String("renamePluginInstance")); instanceName.setSize(400, 30); instanceName.setText(plugin->getInstanceName()); DialogWindow::showModalDialog(String("Rename " + plugin->getInstanceName()), &instanceName, node, Colours::yellow, true); String newName = instanceName.getText(); if (newName.isNotEmpty()) setNodeDisplayName(plugin, node, newName); } break; case 1020: plugin->clearMidiOutputFilter(); break; case 2020: plugin->clearSynthInputFilter(); break; default: if (result >= 1001 && result <= 1016) plugin->setMidiOutputChannelFilter(result - 1000); if (result >= 2001 && result <= 2016) plugin->setSynthInputChannelFilter(result - 2000); break; } currentClickedNode = 0; }
bool KoApplication::start() { ResetStarting resetStarting; // reset m_starting to false when we're done Q_UNUSED( resetStarting ); // Find the *.desktop file corresponding to the kapp instance name KoDocumentEntry entry = KoDocumentEntry( KoDocument::readNativeService() ); if ( entry.isEmpty() ) { kdError( 30003 ) << instanceName() << "part.desktop not found." << endl; kdError( 30003 ) << "Run 'kde-config --path services' to see which directories were searched, assuming kde startup had the same environment as your current shell." << endl; kdError( 30003 ) << "Check your installation (did you install KOffice in a different prefix than KDE, without adding the prefix to /etc/kderc ?)" << endl; return false; } // Get the command line arguments which we have to parse KCmdLineArgs *args= KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); int argsCount = args->count(); KCmdLineArgs *koargs = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs("koffice"); QCString dpiValues = koargs->getOption( "dpi" ); if ( !dpiValues.isEmpty() ) { int sep = dpiValues.find( QRegExp( "[x, ]" ) ); int dpiX; int dpiY = 0; bool ok = true; if ( sep != -1 ) { dpiY = dpiValues.mid( sep+1 ).toInt( &ok ); dpiValues.truncate( sep ); } if ( ok ) { dpiX = dpiValues.toInt( &ok ); if ( ok ) { if ( !dpiY ) dpiY = dpiX; KoGlobal::setDPI( dpiX, dpiY ); } } } // No argument -> create an empty document if ( !argsCount ) { KoDocument* doc = entry.createDoc( 0, "Document" ); if ( !doc ) return false; KoMainWindow *shell = new KoMainWindow( doc->instance() ); shell->show(); QObject::connect(doc, SIGNAL(sigProgress(int)), shell, SLOT(slotProgress(int))); // for initDoc to fill in the recent docs list // and for KoDocument::slotStarted doc->addShell( shell ); if ( doc->checkAutoSaveFile() ) { shell->setRootDocument( doc ); } else { doc->showStartUpWidget( shell ); } // FIXME This needs to be moved someplace else QObject::disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(sigProgress(int)), shell, SLOT(slotProgress(int))); } else { bool print = koargs->isSet("print"); bool doTemplate = koargs->isSet("template"); koargs->clear(); // Loop through arguments short int n=0; // number of documents open short int nPrinted = 0; for(int i=0; i < argsCount; i++ ) { // For now create an empty document KoDocument* doc = entry.createDoc( 0 ); if ( doc ) { // show a shell asap KoMainWindow *shell = new KoMainWindow( doc->instance() ); if (!print) shell->show(); // are we just trying to open a template? if ( doTemplate ) { QStringList paths; if ( args->url(i).isLocalFile() && QFile::exists(args->url(i).path()) ) { paths << QString(args->url(i).path()); kdDebug(30003) << "using full path..." << endl; } else { QString desktopName(args->arg(i)); QString appName = KGlobal::instance()->instanceName(); paths = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("data", appName +"/templates/*/" + desktopName ); if ( paths.isEmpty()) { paths = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("data", appName +"/templates/" + desktopName ); } if ( paths.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(0L, i18n("No template found for: %1 ").arg(desktopName) ); delete shell; } else if ( paths.count() > 1 ) { KMessageBox::error(0L, i18n("Too many templates found for: %1").arg(desktopName) ); delete shell; } } if ( !paths.isEmpty() ) { KURL templateBase; templateBase.setPath(paths[0]); KDesktopFile templateInfo(paths[0]); QString templateName = templateInfo.readURL(); KURL templateURL; templateURL.setPath( templateBase.directory() + "/" + templateName ); if ( shell->openDocument(doc, templateURL )) { doc->resetURL(); doc->setEmpty(); doc->setTitleModified(); kdDebug(30003) << "Template loaded..." << endl; n++; } else { KMessageBox::error(0L, i18n("Template %1 failed to load.").arg(templateURL.prettyURL()) ); delete shell; } } // now try to load } else if ( shell->openDocument( doc, args->url(i) ) ) { if ( print ) { shell->print(false /*we want to get the dialog*/); // delete shell; done by ~KoDocument nPrinted++; } else { // Normal case, success n++; } } else { // .... if failed // delete doc; done by openDocument // delete shell; done by ~KoDocument } } } if ( print ) return nPrinted > 0; if (n == 0) // no doc, e.g. all URLs were malformed return false; } args->clear(); // not calling this before since the program will quit there. return true; }
void ConfigSettingProvider::enumerateInstances( const OperationContext & context, const CIMObjectPath & ref, const Boolean includeQualifiers, const Boolean includeClassOrigin, const CIMPropertyList& propertyList, InstanceResponseHandler & handler) { PEG_METHOD_ENTER(TRC_CONFIG, "ConfigSettingProvider::enumerateInstances()"); Array<CIMInstance> instanceArray; Array<String> propertyNames; // // check if the class name requested is PG_ConfigSetting // if (!ref.getClassName().equal (PG_CONFIG_SETTING)) { PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); throw PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION(CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, ref.getClassName().getString()); } // begin processing the request handler.processing(); try { _configManager->getAllPropertyNames(propertyNames, false); for (Uint32 i = 0; i < propertyNames.size(); i++) { Array<String> propertyInfo; CIMInstance instance(PG_CONFIG_SETTING); propertyInfo.clear(); _configManager->getPropertyInfo( propertyNames[i], propertyInfo); Array<CIMKeyBinding> keyBindings; keyBindings.append(CIMKeyBinding(PROPERTY_NAME, propertyInfo[0], CIMKeyBinding::STRING)); CIMObjectPath instanceName(ref.getHost(), ref.getNameSpace(), PG_CONFIG_SETTING, keyBindings); // construct the instance instance.addProperty(CIMProperty(PROPERTY_NAME, propertyInfo[0])); instance.addProperty(CIMProperty(DEFAULT_VALUE, propertyInfo[1])); instance.addProperty(CIMProperty(CURRENT_VALUE, propertyInfo[2])); instance.addProperty(CIMProperty(PLANNED_VALUE, propertyInfo[3])); instance.addProperty(CIMProperty(DYNAMIC_PROPERTY, Boolean(propertyInfo[4]=="true"?true:false))); if (propertyInfo.size() > 6) { instance.addProperty( CIMProperty(DESCRIPTION, propertyInfo[6])); } instance.setPath(instanceName); instanceArray.append(instance); } } catch(Exception& e) { PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); throw PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION(CIM_ERR_FAILED, e.getMessage()); } handler.deliver(instanceArray); // complete processing the request handler.complete(); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { CIMClient client; client.connectLocal(); // Define instance name: CIMObjectPath instanceName("Methods.key=7777"); // Define input arguments: Array<CIMParamValue> in; Array<CIMParamValue> out; // Invoke the method: const String NAMESPACE = "root/cimv2"; const String methodName = "foo5"; Uint32 in_arg = 234567; Uint32 in_out_arg = 123456; in.append(CIMParamValue("in_arg", in_arg)); in.append(CIMParamValue("in_out_arg", in_out_arg)); CIMValue value = client.invokeMethod( NAMESPACE, instanceName, methodName, in, out); { assert(value.getType() == CIMTYPE_UINT32); Uint32 t; value.get(t); assert(t == 1200); } // Check output argument: assert(out.size() == 2); { Uint32 pos = 0; assert((pos = findParam(out, "in_out_arg")) != -1); assert(out[pos].getParameterName() == "in_out_arg"); CIMValue value = out[0].getValue(); Uint32 in_out_arg_rtn; value.get(in_out_arg_rtn); assert(in_out_arg_rtn == in_out_arg); assert((pos = findParam(out, "out_arg")) != -1); assert(out[pos].getParameterName() == "out_arg"); CIMValue value1 = out[1].getValue(); Uint32 out_arg_rtn; value1.get(out_arg_rtn); assert(out_arg_rtn == in_arg); } } catch(Exception& e) { PEGASUS_STD(cerr) << "Error: " << e.getMessage() << PEGASUS_STD(endl); exit(1); } PEGASUS_STD(cout) << "+++++ passed all tests" << PEGASUS_STD(endl); return 0; }
PluginModule::PluginModule(const char *name) : KSim::PluginObject(name) { setConfigFileName(instanceName()); }