QString BaseInstance::minecraftRoot() const { QFileInfo mcDir(PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "minecraft")); QFileInfo dotMCDir(PathCombine(instanceRoot(), ".minecraft")); if (dotMCDir.exists() && !mcDir.exists()) return dotMCDir.filePath(); else return mcDir.filePath(); }
bool OneSixInstance::setIntendedVersionId(QString version) { settings().set("IntendedVersion", version); setShouldUpdate(true); auto pathCustom = PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "custom.json"); auto pathOrig = PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "version.json"); QFile::remove(pathCustom); QFile::remove(pathOrig); reloadFullVersion(); return true; }
bool OneSixInstance::customizeVersion() { if (!versionIsCustom()) { auto pathCustom = PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "custom.json"); auto pathOrig = PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "version.json"); QFile::copy(pathOrig, pathCustom); return reloadFullVersion(); } else return true; }
bool OneSixInstance::revertCustomVersion() { if (versionIsCustom()) { auto path = PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "custom.json"); QFile::remove(path); return reloadFullVersion(); } else return true; }
bool OneSixInstance::reloadFullVersion() { I_D(OneSixInstance); QString verpath = PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "version.json"); { QString verpath_custom = PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "custom.json"); QFile versionfile(verpath_custom); if (versionfile.exists()) verpath = verpath_custom; } auto version = OneSixVersion::fromFile(verpath); if (version) { d->version = version; return true; } else { d->version.reset(); return false; } }
bool OneSixInstance::reloadFullVersion() { I_D(OneSixInstance); QString verpath = PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "version.json"); QFile versionfile(verpath); if(versionfile.exists() && versionfile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { FullVersionFactory fvf; auto version = fvf.parse(versionfile.readAll()); versionfile.close(); if(version) { d->version = version; return true; } }; return false; }
void OneSixUpdate::prepareForLaunch() { setStatus(tr("Preparing for launch...")); QLOG_INFO() << m_inst->name() << ": preparing for launch"; auto onesix_inst = (OneSixInstance *)m_inst; // delete any leftovers, if they are present. onesix_inst->cleanupAfterRun(); QString natives_dir_raw = PathCombine(onesix_inst->instanceRoot(), "natives/"); auto version = onesix_inst->getFullVersion(); if (!version) { emitFailed("The version information for this instance is not complete. Try re-creating " "it or changing the version."); return; } /* for (auto lib : version->getActiveNativeLibs()) { if (!lib->filesExist()) { emitFailed("Native library is missing some files:\n" + lib->storagePath() + "\n\nRun the instance at least once in online mode to get all the " "required files."); return; } if (!lib->extractTo(natives_dir_raw)) { emitFailed("Could not extract the native library:\n" + lib->storagePath() + " to " + natives_dir_raw + "\n\nMake sure MultiMC has appropriate permissions and there is enough " "space on the storage device."); return; } } */ emitSucceeded(); }
MinecraftProcess* OneSixInstance::prepareForLaunch ( QString user, QString session ) { I_D(OneSixInstance); cleanupAfterRun(); auto version = d->version; if(!version) return nullptr; auto libs_to_extract = version->getActiveNativeLibs(); QString natives_dir_raw = PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "natives/"); bool success = ensureFolderPathExists(natives_dir_raw); if(!success) { // FIXME: handle errors return nullptr; } for(auto lib: libs_to_extract) { QString path = "libraries/" + lib->storagePath(); qDebug() << "Will extract " << path.toLocal8Bit(); if(JlCompress::extractWithExceptions(path, natives_dir_raw, lib->extract_excludes).isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } } QStringList args; args.append(Util::Commandline::splitArgs(settings().get("JvmArgs").toString())); args << QString("-Xms%1m").arg(settings().get("MinMemAlloc").toInt()); args << QString("-Xmx%1m").arg(settings().get("MaxMemAlloc").toInt()); args << QString("-XX:PermSize=%1m").arg(settings().get("PermGen").toInt()); QDir natives_dir(natives_dir_raw); args << QString("-Djava.library.path=%1").arg( natives_dir.absolutePath() ); QString classPath; { auto libs = version->getActiveNormalLibs(); for (auto lib: libs) { QFileInfo fi(QString("libraries/") + lib->storagePath()); classPath.append(fi.absoluteFilePath()); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 classPath.append(';'); #else classPath.append(':'); #endif } QString targetstr = "versions/" + version->id + "/" + version->id + ".jar"; QFileInfo fi(targetstr); classPath.append(fi.absoluteFilePath()); } if(classPath.size()) { args << "-cp"; args << classPath; } args << version->mainClass; args.append(processMinecraftArgs(user, session)); // create the process and set its parameters MinecraftProcess * proc = new MinecraftProcess(this); proc->setMinecraftArguments(args); proc->setMinecraftWorkdir(minecraftRoot()); return proc; }
QString OneSixInstance::defaultCustomBaseJar() const { return PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "custom.jar"); }
void OneSixInstance::cleanupAfterRun() { QString target_dir = PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "natives/"); QDir dir(target_dir); dir.removeRecursively(); }
QString LegacyInstance::modListFile() const { return PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "modlist"); }
QString LegacyInstance::jarModsDir() const { return PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "instMods"); }
QString BaseInstance::id() const { return QFileInfo(instanceRoot()).fileName(); }
void BaseInstance::nuke() { QDir(instanceRoot()).removeRecursively(); emit nuked(this); }
MinecraftProcess *OneSixInstance::prepareForLaunch(LoginResponse response) { I_D(OneSixInstance); cleanupAfterRun(); auto version = d->version; if (!version) return nullptr; auto libs_to_extract = version->getActiveNativeLibs(); QString natives_dir_raw = PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "natives/"); bool success = ensureFolderPathExists(natives_dir_raw); if (!success) { // FIXME: handle errors return nullptr; } for (auto lib : libs_to_extract) { QString path = "libraries/" + lib->storagePath(); QLOG_INFO() << "Will extract " << path.toLocal8Bit(); if (JlCompress::extractWithExceptions(path, natives_dir_raw, lib->extract_excludes) .isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } } QStringList args; args.append(Util::Commandline::splitArgs(settings().get("JvmArgs").toString())); args << QString("-Xms%1m").arg(settings().get("MinMemAlloc").toInt()); args << QString("-Xmx%1m").arg(settings().get("MaxMemAlloc").toInt()); args << QString("-XX:PermSize=%1m").arg(settings().get("PermGen").toInt()); /** * HACK: Stupid hack for Intel drivers. * See: https://mojang.atlassian.net/browse/MCL-767 */ #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 args << QString("-XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_" "minecraft.exe.heapdump"); #endif QDir natives_dir(natives_dir_raw); args << QString("-Djava.library.path=%1").arg(natives_dir.absolutePath()); QString classPath; { auto libs = version->getActiveNormalLibs(); for (auto lib : libs) { QFileInfo fi(QString("libraries/") + lib->storagePath()); classPath.append(fi.absoluteFilePath()); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 classPath.append(';'); #else classPath.append(':'); #endif } QString targetstr = "versions/" + version->id + "/" + version->id + ".jar"; QFileInfo fi(targetstr); classPath.append(fi.absoluteFilePath()); } if (classPath.size()) { args << "-cp"; args << classPath; } args << version->mainClass; args.append(processMinecraftArgs(response)); // Set the width and height for 1.6 instances bool maximize = settings().get("LaunchMaximized").toBool(); if (maximize) { // this is probably a BAD idea // args << QString("--fullscreen"); } else { args << QString("--width") << settings().get("MinecraftWinWidth").toString(); args << QString("--height") << settings().get("MinecraftWinHeight").toString(); } // create the process and set its parameters MinecraftProcess *proc = new MinecraftProcess(this); proc->setMinecraftArguments(args); proc->setMinecraftWorkdir(minecraftRoot()); return proc; }
bool OneSixInstance::versionIsCustom() { QString verpath_custom = PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "custom.json"); QFile versionfile(verpath_custom); return versionfile.exists(); }