Пример #1
static void _doc_process_tag(doc_ptr doc, doc_tag_ptr tag)
    if ( tag->type == DOC_TAG_CLOSE_COLOR
      || tag->type == DOC_TAG_CLOSE_STYLE
      || tag->type == DOC_TAG_CLOSE_INDENT )
    else if (tag->type == DOC_TAG_COLOR)
        if (tag->arg_size == 1)
            if (tag->arg[0] == '*')
                doc_style_t style = *doc_current_style(doc); /* copy */
                switch (tag->arg[0])
                case 'd': style.color = TERM_DARK; break;
                case 'w': style.color = TERM_WHITE; break;
                case 's': style.color = TERM_SLATE; break;
                case 'o': style.color = TERM_ORANGE; break;
                case 'r': style.color = TERM_RED; break;
                case 'g': style.color = TERM_GREEN; break;
                case 'b': style.color = TERM_BLUE; break;
                case 'u': style.color = TERM_UMBER; break;
                case 'D': style.color = TERM_L_DARK; break;
                case 'W': style.color = TERM_L_WHITE; break;
                case 'v': style.color = TERM_VIOLET; break;
                case 'y': style.color = TERM_YELLOW; break;
                case 'R': style.color = TERM_L_RED; break;
                case 'G': style.color = TERM_L_GREEN; break;
                case 'B': style.color = TERM_L_BLUE; break;
                case 'U': style.color = TERM_L_UMBER; break;
                doc_push_style(doc, &style);
            string_ptr  arg = string_copy_sn(tag->arg, tag->arg_size);
            doc_style_t style = *doc_current_style(doc); /* copy */
            doc_style_f f = _get_doc_style_f(doc, string_buffer(arg));

            if (f)

            {/* We don't copy the named style, just its color. */
             /* Also, we damn well better push a style or we'll be upset
                when the good little user pops! */
                doc_style_t copy = *doc_current_style(doc);
                copy.color = style.color;
                doc_push_style(doc, &copy);
    else if (tag->type == DOC_TAG_INDENT)
        doc_style_t style = *doc_current_style(doc);
        style.left = doc->cursor.x;
        doc_push_style(doc, &style);
        string_ptr arg = string_copy_sn(tag->arg, tag->arg_size);

        switch (tag->type)
        case DOC_TAG_STYLE:
            if (tag->arg_size == 1 && tag->arg[0] == '*')
            {/* Better silently add one if name doesn't exist ... */
                doc_style_t copy = *doc_current_style(doc);
                doc_style_f f = _get_doc_style_f(doc, string_buffer(arg));

                if (f)
                doc_push_style(doc, &copy);
        case DOC_TAG_VAR:
            _doc_process_var(doc, string_buffer(arg));
        case DOC_TAG_TAB:
            int pos = atoi(string_buffer(arg)) + doc_current_style(doc)->left;
            if (pos > doc->cursor.x)
                doc_insert_space(doc, pos - doc->cursor.x);
                doc_rollback(doc, doc_pos_create(pos, doc->cursor.y));
        case DOC_TAG_TOPIC:
            doc_bookmark_ptr mark = malloc(sizeof(doc_bookmark_t));
            mark->name = arg; /* steal ownership */
            arg = NULL;
            mark->pos = doc->cursor;
            vec_add(doc->bookmarks, mark);
        case DOC_TAG_LINK:
            doc_link_ptr link = malloc(sizeof(doc_link_t));
            int          split = string_chr(arg, 0, '#');
            int          ch = 'a' + int_map_count(doc->links);

            if (split >= 0)
                substring_t left = string_left(arg, split);
                substring_t right = string_right(arg, string_length(arg) - split - 1);

                link->file = substring_copy(&left);
                link->topic = substring_copy(&right);
                link->file = arg; /* steal ownership */
                arg = NULL;
                link->topic = NULL;
            link->location.start = doc->cursor;
            int_map_add(doc->links, ch, link);
                /* TODO: This is flawed. Here's a real world example:
                   "(see below <link:birth.txt#PrimaryStats>)."
                   Can you see the problem? We might line break after "[a]" right
                   before ").". Instead, "[a])." should be treated as the current
                   word. To fix this, we'll need a parser with a token queue
                   that we can push onto, but this raises storage issues.
                string_ptr s = string_alloc_format("<style:link>[%c]</style>", ch);
                doc_insert(doc, string_buffer(s));

                link->location.stop = doc->cursor;

Пример #2
/* Idea borrowed from Vanilla 3.5, but recoded from scratch ... */
void do_cmd_list_monsters(void)
    int         i, ct_types, ct_total = 0;
    int_map_ptr info = int_map_alloc(free);
    /* Collect */
    for (i = 0; i < max_m_idx; i++)
        const monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[i];
        _mon_list_info_ptr  info_ptr;
        if (!m_ptr->ap_r_idx) continue;
        if (!m_ptr->ml) continue;

        info_ptr = int_map_find(info, m_ptr->ap_r_idx);
        if (!info_ptr)
            info_ptr = malloc(sizeof(_mon_list_info_t));
            info_ptr->r_idx = m_ptr->ap_r_idx;
            info_ptr->ct_total = 0;
            info_ptr->ct_awake = 0;
            info_ptr->ct_los = 0;
            int_map_add(info, m_ptr->ap_r_idx, info_ptr);


        if (!MON_CSLEEP(m_ptr)) info_ptr->ct_awake++;
        if (projectable(py, px, m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx)) info_ptr->ct_los++;
    ct_types = int_map_count(info);
    if (ct_types)
        int_map_iter_ptr  iter;
        int              *order;
        int               cx, cy, row = 1, col;

        /* Sort */
        C_MAKE(order, ct_types, int);

        i = 0;
        for (iter = int_map_iter_alloc(info); 
            _mon_list_info_ptr info_ptr = int_map_iter_current(iter);
            order[i++] = info_ptr->r_idx;

        ang_sort_comp = _compare_r_level;
        ang_sort_swap = _swap_int;
        ang_sort(order, NULL, ct_types);

        /* Display */
        Term_get_size(&cx, &cy);
        col = cx - 52;
        c_prt(TERM_WHITE, format("You see %d monster%s", ct_total, ct_total != 1 ? "s" : ""), 0, col);
        for (i = 0; i < ct_types; i++)
            int                 r_idx = order[i];
            const monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[r_idx];
            byte                attr = TERM_WHITE;
            _mon_list_info_ptr  info_ptr = int_map_find(info, r_idx);
            char                buf[100];


            Term_erase(col - 1, row, 53);

            if (row >= cy - 2) 
                c_prt(TERM_YELLOW, "...", row++, col+2);

            if (r_ptr->flags1 & RF1_UNIQUE)
                attr = TERM_VIOLET;
            else if (r_ptr->level > base_level)
                attr = TERM_RED;                
            else if (!info_ptr->ct_awake)
                attr = TERM_L_UMBER;

            if (info_ptr->ct_total == 1)
                sprintf(buf, "%s", r_name + r_ptr->name);
            else if (!info_ptr->ct_awake)
                sprintf(buf, "%s (%d sleeping)", r_name + r_ptr->name, info_ptr->ct_total);
            else if (info_ptr->ct_awake == info_ptr->ct_total)
                sprintf(buf, "%s (%d awake)", r_name + r_ptr->name, info_ptr->ct_total);
                sprintf(buf, "%s (%d awake, %d sleeping)", r_name + r_ptr->name, 
                    info_ptr->ct_awake, info_ptr->ct_total - info_ptr->ct_awake);

            Term_queue_bigchar(col, row, r_ptr->x_attr, r_ptr->x_char, 0, 0);
            c_put_str(attr, format(" %-50.50s", buf), row++, col+1);
        Term_erase(col - 1, row, 53);
        c_prt(TERM_YELLOW, "Hit any key.", row, col+2);
        prt("", 0, 0);


        C_KILL(order, ct_types, int);
        msg_print("You see no visible monsters.");

Пример #3
/** Self-test start function.
 * Run all self-tests.
 * @returns EOK on success.
 * @returns The first error occurred.
int self_test(void)
	printf("Running networking self-tests\n");
	printf("\nChar map test");
	char_map_t cm;
	TEST(char_map_update(&cm, "ucho", 0, 3), EINVAL);
	TEST(char_map_initialize(&cm), EOK);
	TEST(char_map_exclude(&cm, "bla", 0), CHAR_MAP_NULL);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "bla", 0), CHAR_MAP_NULL);
	TEST(char_map_add(&cm, "bla", 0, 1), EOK);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "bla", 0), 1);
	TEST(char_map_add(&cm, "bla", 0, 10), EEXISTS);
	TEST(char_map_update(&cm, "bla", 0, 2), EOK);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "bla", 0), 2);
	TEST(char_map_update(&cm, "ucho", 0, 2), EOK);
	TEST(char_map_exclude(&cm, "bla", 0), 2);
	TEST(char_map_exclude(&cm, "bla", 0), CHAR_MAP_NULL);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "ucho", 0), 2);
	TEST(char_map_update(&cm, "ucho", 0, 3), EOK);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "ucho", 0), 3);
	TEST(char_map_add(&cm, "blabla", 0, 5), EOK);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "blabla", 0), 5);
	TEST(char_map_add(&cm, "bla", 0, 6), EOK);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "bla", 0), 6);
	TEST(char_map_exclude(&cm, "bla", 0), 6);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "bla", 0), CHAR_MAP_NULL);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "blabla", 0), 5);
	TEST(char_map_add(&cm, "auto", 0, 7), EOK);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "auto", 0), 7);
	TEST(char_map_add(&cm, "kara", 0, 8), EOK);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "kara", 0), 8);
	TEST(char_map_add(&cm, "nic", 0, 9), EOK);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "nic", 0), 9);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "blabla", 0), 5);
	TEST(char_map_add(&cm, "micnicnic", 5, 9), EOK);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "micni", 0), 9);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "micnicn", 5), 9);
	TEST(char_map_add(&cm, "\x10\x0\x2\x2", 4, 15), EOK);
	TEST(char_map_find(&cm, "\x10\x0\x2\x2", 4), 15);
	TEST((char_map_destroy(&cm), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(char_map_update(&cm, "ucho", 0, 3), EINVAL);
	printf("\nCRC computation test");
	uint32_t value;
	TEST(value = ~compute_crc32(~0, "123456789", 8 * 9), 0xcbf43926);
	TEST(value = ~compute_crc32(~0, "1", 8), 0x83dcefb7);
	TEST(value = ~compute_crc32(~0, "12", 8 * 2), 0x4f5344cd);
	TEST(value = ~compute_crc32(~0, "123", 8 * 3), 0x884863d2);
	TEST(value = ~compute_crc32(~0, "1234", 8 * 4), 0x9be3e0a3);
	TEST(value = ~compute_crc32(~0, "12345678", 8 * 8), 0x9ae0daaf);
	TEST(value = ~compute_crc32(~0, "ahoj pane", 8 * 9), 0x5fc3d706);
	printf("\nDynamic fifo test");
	dyn_fifo_t fifo;
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 1, 0), EINVAL);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_initialize(&fifo, 1), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 1, 0), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 1);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), ENOENT);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 2, 1), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 3, 1), ENOMEM);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 3, 0), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 2);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 3);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 4, 2), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 5, 2), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 6, 2), ENOMEM);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 6, 5), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 7, 5), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 4);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 5);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 8, 5), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 9, 5), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 10, 6), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 11, 6), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 6);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 7);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 12, 6), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 13, 6), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 14, 6), ENOMEM);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 14, 8), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 8);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 9);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 10);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 11);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 12);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 13);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_pop(&fifo), 14);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_destroy(&fifo), EOK);
	TEST(dyn_fifo_push(&fifo, 1, 0), EINVAL);
	printf("\nGeneric char map test");
	int *x;
	int *y;
	int *z;
	int *u;
	int *v;
	int *w;
	XMALLOC(x, int);
	XMALLOC(y, int);
	XMALLOC(z, int);
	XMALLOC(u, int);
	XMALLOC(v, int);
	XMALLOC(w, int);
	int_char_map_t icm;
	icm.magic = 0;
	TEST(int_char_map_add(&icm, "ucho", 0, z), EINVAL);
	TEST(int_char_map_initialize(&icm), EOK);
	TEST((int_char_map_exclude(&icm, "bla", 0), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_char_map_find(&icm, "bla", 0), NULL);
	TEST(int_char_map_add(&icm, "bla", 0, x), EOK);
	TEST(int_char_map_find(&icm, "bla", 0), x);
	TEST(int_char_map_add(&icm, "bla", 0, y), EEXISTS);
	TEST((int_char_map_exclude(&icm, "bla", 0), EOK), EOK);
	TEST((int_char_map_exclude(&icm, "bla", 0), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_char_map_add(&icm, "blabla", 0, v), EOK);
	TEST(int_char_map_find(&icm, "blabla", 0), v);
	TEST(int_char_map_add(&icm, "bla", 0, w), EOK);
	TEST(int_char_map_find(&icm, "bla", 0), w);
	TEST((int_char_map_exclude(&icm, "bla", 0), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_char_map_find(&icm, "bla", 0), NULL);
	TEST(int_char_map_find(&icm, "blabla", 0), v);
	TEST(int_char_map_add(&icm, "auto", 0, u), EOK);
	TEST(int_char_map_find(&icm, "auto", 0), u);
	TEST((int_char_map_destroy(&icm), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_char_map_add(&icm, "ucho", 0, z), EINVAL);
	printf("\nGeneric field test");
	XMALLOC(x, int);
	XMALLOC(y, int);
	XMALLOC(z, int);
	XMALLOC(u, int);
	XMALLOC(v, int);
	XMALLOC(w, int);
	int_field_t gf;
	gf.magic = 0;
	TEST(int_field_add(&gf, x), EINVAL);
	TEST(int_field_count(&gf), -1);
	TEST(int_field_initialize(&gf), EOK);
	TEST(int_field_count(&gf), 0);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 1), NULL);
	TEST(int_field_add(&gf, x), 0);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 0), x);
	TEST((int_field_exclude_index(&gf, 0), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 0), NULL);
	TEST(int_field_add(&gf, y), 1);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 1), y);
	TEST(int_field_add(&gf, z), 2);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 2), z);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 1), y);
	TEST(int_field_count(&gf), 3);
	TEST(int_field_add(&gf, u), 3);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 3), u);
	TEST(int_field_add(&gf, v), 4);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 4), v);
	TEST(int_field_add(&gf, w), 5);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 5), w);
	TEST(int_field_count(&gf), 6);
	TEST((int_field_exclude_index(&gf, 1), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 1), NULL);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 3), u);
	TEST((int_field_exclude_index(&gf, 7), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 3), u);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 5), w);
	TEST((int_field_exclude_index(&gf, 4), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_field_get_index(&gf, 4), NULL);
	TEST((int_field_destroy(&gf), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_field_count(&gf), -1);
	printf("\nInt map test");
	XMALLOC(x, int);
	XMALLOC(y, int);
	XMALLOC(z, int);
	XMALLOC(u, int);
	XMALLOC(v, int);
	XMALLOC(w, int);
	int_map_t im;
	im.magic = 0;
	TEST(int_map_add(&im, 1, x), EINVAL);
	TEST(int_map_count(&im), -1);
	TEST(int_map_initialize(&im), EOK);
	TEST(int_map_count(&im), 0);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 1), NULL);
	TEST(int_map_add(&im, 1, x), 0);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 1), x);
	TEST((int_map_exclude(&im, 1), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 1), NULL);
	TEST(int_map_add(&im, 1, y), 1);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 1), y);
	TEST(int_map_add(&im, 4, z), 2);
	TEST(int_map_get_index(&im, 2), z);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 4), z);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 1), y);
	TEST(int_map_count(&im), 3);
	TEST(int_map_add(&im, 2, u), 3);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 2), u);
	TEST(int_map_add(&im, 3, v), 4);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 3), v);
	TEST(int_map_get_index(&im, 4), v);
	TEST(int_map_add(&im, 6, w), 5);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 6), w);
	TEST(int_map_count(&im), 6);
	TEST((int_map_exclude(&im, 1), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 1), NULL);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 2), u);
	TEST((int_map_exclude(&im, 7), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 2), u);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 6), w);
	TEST((int_map_exclude_index(&im, 4), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_map_get_index(&im, 4), NULL);
	TEST(int_map_find(&im, 3), NULL);
	TEST((int_map_destroy(&im), EOK), EOK);
	TEST(int_map_count(&im), -1);
	printf("\nMeasured strings test");
	measured_string_ref string =
	    measured_string_create_bulk("I am a measured string!", 0);
	printf("\n%x, %s at %x of %d\n", string, string->value, string->value,
	return EOK;