CNode* VariableEliminator::eliminate_mod_temps(CNode* node, set<VariableTerm*>& to_eliminate) { set<VariableTerm*> new_vars; set<VariableTerm*>::iterator it = to_eliminate.begin(); for(; it!= to_eliminate.end(); it++) { VariableTerm* old_t = *it; string fresh_name = ELIMINATE_PREFIX + int_to_string(fresh_var_counter++); VariableTerm* new_t = (VariableTerm*)VariableTerm::make(fresh_name); map<Term*, Term*> subs; subs[old_t] = new_t; node = node->substitute(subs); new_vars.insert(new_t); } set<VariableTerm*>::iterator it2 = new_vars.begin(); for(; it2!= new_vars.end(); it2++) { node = eliminate_var(node, *it2); } return node; }
void cPlayerPoints::Add_Points(unsigned int points, float x, float y, std::string strtext, const Color& color, bool allow_multiplier) { if (allow_multiplier) { points = static_cast<unsigned int>(pPlayer->kill_multiplier * static_cast<float>(points)); } Set_Points(pPlayer->points + points); if (x == 0 || y == 0 || m_points_objects.size() > 50) { return; } if (strtext.empty()) { strtext = int_to_string(points); } PointsText* new_obj = new PointsText(); new_obj->Set_Image(pFont->Render_Text(pFont->m_font_small, strtext, color), 1, 1); new_obj->Set_Pos(x, y); new_obj->m_vely = -1.4f; new_obj->m_points = points; for (PointsTextList::iterator itr = m_points_objects.begin(); itr != m_points_objects.end(); ++itr) { PointsText* obj = (*itr); if (new_obj->m_rect.Intersects(obj->m_col_rect)) { new_obj->Move(obj->m_col_rect.m_w + 5, 0, 1); } } m_points_objects.push_back(new_obj); }
std::string last_to_str(int last) { std::string str; char faces[] = { 'f', 'b', 'r', 'l', 't', 'd' }; switch (last % 3) { case 0: str = "+"; break; case 1: str = "-"; break; case 2: str = "|"; break; case -1: return " "; default: error("last_to_str | last % 3 = " + int_to_string(last % 3), __LINE__, __FILE__); throw -1; } return faces[last / 3] + str; }
void lcd_menu_edit_setting() { if (lcd_lib_encoder_pos < lcd_setting_min) lcd_lib_encoder_pos = lcd_setting_min; if (lcd_lib_encoder_pos > lcd_setting_max) lcd_lib_encoder_pos = lcd_setting_max; if (lcd_setting_type == 1) *(uint8_t*)lcd_setting_ptr = lcd_lib_encoder_pos; else if (lcd_setting_type == 2) *(uint16_t*)lcd_setting_ptr = lcd_lib_encoder_pos; else if (lcd_setting_type == 3) *(float*)lcd_setting_ptr = float(lcd_lib_encoder_pos) / 100.0; else if (lcd_setting_type == 4) *(int32_t*)lcd_setting_ptr = lcd_lib_encoder_pos; else if (lcd_setting_type == 5) *(uint8_t*)lcd_setting_ptr = lcd_lib_encoder_pos * 255 / 100; else if (lcd_setting_type == 6) *(float*)lcd_setting_ptr = float(lcd_lib_encoder_pos) * 60; else if (lcd_setting_type == 7) *(float*)lcd_setting_ptr = float(lcd_lib_encoder_pos) * 100; else if (lcd_setting_type == 8) *(float*)lcd_setting_ptr = float(lcd_lib_encoder_pos); lcd_lib_clear(); lcd_lib_draw_string_centerP(20, lcd_setting_name); char buffer[16]; if (lcd_setting_type == 3) float_to_string(float(lcd_lib_encoder_pos) / 100.0, buffer, lcd_setting_postfix); else int_to_string(lcd_lib_encoder_pos, buffer, lcd_setting_postfix); lcd_lib_draw_string_center(30, buffer); lcd_lib_update_screen(); if (lcd_lib_button_pressed) lcd_change_to_menu(previousMenu, previousEncoderPos); }
void cPath::Save_To_Stream(ofstream& file) { file << "\t<path>" << std::endl; file << "\t\t<Property name = \"posx\" value = \"" << static_cast<int>(m_start_pos_x) << "\" />" << std::endl; file << "\t\t<Property name = \"posy\" value = \"" << static_cast<int>(m_start_pos_y) << "\" />" << std::endl; file << "\t\t<Property name = \"identifier\" value = \"" << string_to_xml_string(m_identifier) << "\" />" << std::endl; file << "\t\t<Property name = \"rewind\" value=\"" << m_rewind << "\" />" << std::endl; unsigned int count = segments.size(); for (unsigned int pos = 0; pos < count; pos++) { std::string str_pos = int_to_string(pos); file << "\t\t<Property name=\"" << "segment_" + str_pos + "_x1" << "\" value=\"" << segments[pos].m_x1 << "\" />" << std::endl; file << "\t\t<Property name=\"" << "segment_" + str_pos + "_y1" << "\" value=\"" << segments[pos].m_y1 << "\" />" << std::endl; file << "\t\t<Property name=\"" << "segment_" + str_pos + "_x2" << "\" value=\"" << segments[pos].m_x2 << "\" />" << std::endl; file << "\t\t<Property name=\"" << "segment_" + str_pos + "_y2" << "\" value=\"" << segments[pos].m_y2 << "\" />" << std::endl; } file << "\t</path>" << std::endl; }
static void lcd_menu_material_settings_store() { uint8_t count = eeprom_read_byte(EEPROM_MATERIAL_COUNT_OFFSET()); if (count == EEPROM_MATERIAL_SETTINGS_MAX_COUNT) count--; lcd_scroll_menu(PSTR("PRESETS"), 2 + count, lcd_menu_material_settings_store_callback, lcd_menu_material_settings_store_details_callback); if (lcd_lib_button_pressed) { if (!IS_SELECTED_SCROLL(0)) { uint8_t idx = SELECTED_SCROLL_MENU_ITEM() - 1; if (idx == count) { char buffer[9] = "CUSTOM"; int_to_string(idx - 1, buffer + 6); eeprom_write_block(buffer, EEPROM_MATERIAL_NAME_OFFSET(idx), 8); eeprom_write_byte(EEPROM_MATERIAL_COUNT_OFFSET(), idx + 1); } lcd_material_store_material(idx); } lcd_change_to_menu(lcd_menu_material_settings, SCROLL_MENU_ITEM_POS(6)); } }
void process( array * base ) { if ( base->k * 2 >= MAXK ) { return; } if ( base->t != 3 ) { return; } // first, try this array is the main array array * subarray = getBestArray( base->k, base->v, 2 ); int l = 2; bool toobig = false; if ( subarray != NULL ) { while ( !toobig ) { array * leftover = getBestArray( l, base->v, 3 ); if ( leftover != NULL ) { int pdcan = PDCAN( l, base->v ); array * arr = new array(); arr->N = base->N + pdcan * subarray->N + leftover->N; arr->k = base->k * l; arr->v = base->v; arr->t = 3; arr->type = 'C'; arr->source = id; arr->ingredients.push_back( base ); arr->ingredients.push_back( cleanCopy(subarray) ); arr->ingredients.push_back( leftover ); std::string value; int_to_string( l, value ); arr->parameters[ "l" ] = value; int_to_string( pdcan, value ); arr->parameters[ "pdcan" ] = value; insertArray( arr ); } if ( (l * base->k) >= MAXK ) { toobig = true; } l++; } deleteIfRule(subarray); } // then, try it as the leftover array array * prev = getPreviousArray( base ); int minL = prev != NULL ? prev->k + 1 : 2; fullSortTableType arrays; query( arrays, 3, 3, base->v, base->v, 0, (MAXK / l) * 3 ); // TODO: step through PDCANs bool end = false; int pdV = PDCAN_v( base->v ); l = pdV; while ( !end ) { l *= pdV; if ( l < minL ) continue; if ( l >= base->k ) { l = base->k; end = true; } int deadV = 2; fullSortTableType::const_iterator superIt; for ( superIt = arrays.begin(); superIt != arrays.end(); superIt++ ) { array * superarray = *superIt; if ( superarray->v <= deadV ) { continue; } array * subarray = getBestArray( superarray->k, superarray->v, 2 ); if ( subarray != NULL ) { int pdcan = PDCAN( l, base->v ); array * arr = new array(); arr->N = superarray->N + pdcan * subarray->N + base->N; arr->k = superarray->k * l; arr->v = superarray->v; arr->t = 3; arr->type = 'C'; arr->source = id; arr->ingredients.push_back( superarray ); arr->ingredients.push_back( subarray ); arr->ingredients.push_back( base ); std::string value; int_to_string( l, value ); arr->parameters[ "l" ] = value; int_to_string( pdcan, value ); arr->parameters[ "pdcan" ] = value; insertArray( arr, &arrays ); if ( arr->k >= MAXK ) { deadV = arr->v; } } } } }
static void lcd_menu_material_export() { if (!card.sdInserted) { LED_GLOW(); lcd_lib_encoder_pos = MAIN_MENU_ITEM_POS(0); lcd_info_screen(lcd_menu_material_select); lcd_lib_draw_string_centerP(15, PSTR("No SD-CARD!")); lcd_lib_draw_string_centerP(25, PSTR("Please insert card")); lcd_lib_update_screen(); card.release(); return; } if (!card.isOk()) { lcd_info_screen(lcd_menu_material_select); lcd_lib_draw_string_centerP(16, PSTR("Reading card...")); lcd_lib_update_screen(); card.initsd(); return; } card.setroot(); card.openFile("MATERIAL.TXT", false); uint8_t count = eeprom_read_byte(EEPROM_MATERIAL_COUNT_OFFSET()); for(uint8_t n=0; n<count; n++) { char buffer[32]; strcpy_P(buffer, PSTR("[material]\n")); card.write_string(buffer); strcpy_P(buffer, PSTR("name=")); char* ptr = buffer + strlen(buffer); eeprom_read_block(ptr, EEPROM_MATERIAL_NAME_OFFSET(n), 8); ptr[8] = '\0'; strcat_P(buffer, PSTR("\n")); card.write_string(buffer); strcpy_P(buffer, PSTR("temperature=")); ptr = buffer + strlen(buffer); int_to_string(eeprom_read_word(EEPROM_MATERIAL_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET(n)), ptr, PSTR("\n")); card.write_string(buffer); #if TEMP_SENSOR_BED != 0 strcpy_P(buffer, PSTR("bed_temperature=")); ptr = buffer + strlen(buffer); int_to_string(eeprom_read_word(EEPROM_MATERIAL_BED_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET(n)), ptr, PSTR("\n")); card.write_string(buffer); #endif strcpy_P(buffer, PSTR("fan_speed=")); ptr = buffer + strlen(buffer); int_to_string(eeprom_read_byte(EEPROM_MATERIAL_FAN_SPEED_OFFSET(n)), ptr, PSTR("\n")); card.write_string(buffer); strcpy_P(buffer, PSTR("flow=")); ptr = buffer + strlen(buffer); int_to_string(eeprom_read_word(EEPROM_MATERIAL_FLOW_OFFSET(n)), ptr, PSTR("\n")); card.write_string(buffer); strcpy_P(buffer, PSTR("diameter=")); ptr = buffer + strlen(buffer); float_to_string(eeprom_read_float(EEPROM_MATERIAL_DIAMETER_OFFSET(n)), ptr, PSTR("\n\n")); card.write_string(buffer); #ifdef USE_CHANGE_TEMPERATURE strcpy_P(buffer, PSTR("change_temp=")); ptr = buffer + strlen(buffer); float_to_string(eeprom_read_word(EEPROM_MATERIAL_CHANGE_TEMPERATURE(n)), ptr, PSTR("\n\n")); card.write_string(buffer); strcpy_P(buffer, PSTR("change_wait=")); ptr = buffer + strlen(buffer); float_to_string(eeprom_read_byte(EEPROM_MATERIAL_CHANGE_WAIT_TIME(n)), ptr, PSTR("\n\n")); card.write_string(buffer); #endif } card.closefile(); currentMenu = lcd_menu_material_export_done; }
void ip_address::set_port(unsigned port) { port_ = int_to_string(port); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Modify the Header line of the ANG file if necessary // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string Hex2SqrConverter::modifyAngHeaderLine(char* buf, size_t length) { std::string line = ""; if (buf[0] != '#') { line = buf; m_HeaderIsComplete = true; return line; } // Start at the first character and walk until you find another non-space character size_t i = 1; while(buf[i] == ' ') { ++i; } size_t wordStart = i; size_t wordEnd = i+1; while(1) { if (buf[i] == 45 || buf[i] == 95) { ++i; } // "-" or "_" character else if (buf[i] >= 65 && buf[i] <=90) { ++i; } // Upper case alpha character else if (buf[i] >= 97 && buf[i] <=122) {++i; } // Lower case alpha character else { break;} } wordEnd = i; std::string word( &(buf[wordStart]), wordEnd - wordStart); if (word.size() == 0) { line = buf; return line; } if ( == 0) { line = "# " + word + ": SqrGrid"; } else if ( == 0) { line = "# " + word + ": " + float_to_string(m_XResolution); } else if ( == 0) { line = "# " + word + ": " + float_to_string(m_YResolution); } else if ( == 0) { line = "# " + word + ": " + int_to_string(m_NumCols); } else if ( == 0) { line = "# " + word + ": " + int_to_string(m_NumCols); } else if ( == 0) { line = "# " + word + ": " + int_to_string(m_NumRows); } else { line = buf; } return line; }
std::string SocketConnection::to_string() { return int_to_string(connfd); }
/***************************************************************************** * void main(void) * * Main application. * * In: n/a * * Out: n/a *****************************************************************************/ void main(void) { UInt16 state; char *temp_ptr; extern word _vba; uint8_t sw0, sw1; INTC_VBA = ((word)&_vba) >> (21-INTC_VBA_BITS); /* Set Vector Base Address */ /*** Processor Expert internal initialization. DON'T REMOVE THIS CODE!!! ***/ PE_low_level_init(); /*** End of Processor Expert internal initialization. ***/ /*StartDelay = pmem_read((unsigned int *)BOOT_START_DELAY_PLACE) & 0x00FF; if(!StartDelay) bootExit(); else bootTimerInit();*/ /* Write your code here */ GPIO_A_PER &= ~GPIO_A_PER_PE0_MASK; // set to GPIO mode GPIO_A_PER &= ~GPIO_A_PER_PE1_MASK; GPIO_A_DDR |= GPIO_A_DDR_DD0_MASK; // set as output GPIO_A_DDR |= GPIO_A_DDR_DD1_MASK; GPIO_A_DR &= ~GPIO_A_DR_D0_MASK; // set low GPIO_A_DR &= ~GPIO_A_DR_D1_MASK; Cpu_Delay100US(5000); // power-up delay // Initialize R0,R1,M01, and N for circular buffer (including shadows) asm { swap shadows ;// Switch to shadow registers moveu.w #(RX_DATA_SIZE-1),M01 ;// Set buffer size moveu.w #rx_data,R0 ;// Set starting address moveu.w #QSCI_STAT,R1 ;// Use R1 for SCI status register moveu.w #0,N ;// N is unused swap shadows ;// Switch back to normal registers } // with DEFCON 17, we used a timer to keep the badge in bootloader mode on power up for 10 seconds // for DEFCON 18, the bootloader mode is only enabled if both buttons are held down on power up // otherwise it jumps directly to the user application. no timer necessary, so that code is commented out // check buttons GPIO_C_PUR |= GPIO_C_PUR_PU0_MASK; // enable pull-up GPIO_C_PUR |= GPIO_C_PUR_PU1_MASK; GPIO_C_DDR &= ~GPIO_C_DDR_DD0_MASK; // set as input GPIO_C_DDR &= ~GPIO_C_DDR_DD1_MASK; GPIO_C_PER &= ~GPIO_C_PER_PE0_MASK; // set to GPIO mode GPIO_C_PER &= ~GPIO_C_PER_PE1_MASK; Cpu_Delay100US(1000); // setup delay #define SW0_PIN_MASK ((byte)1) /* Pin mask */ #define SW1_PIN_MASK ((byte)2) /* Pin mask */ sw0 = !((bool)(getRegBits(GPIO_C_RAWDATA,SW0_PIN_MASK))); sw1 = !((bool)(getRegBits(GPIO_C_RAWDATA,SW1_PIN_MASK))); if (sw0 || sw1) // one or more buttons has been pressed { Cpu_Delay100US(1000); // give the user time to press both buttons (also serves as 100mS debounce) sw0 = !((bool)(getRegBits(GPIO_C_RAWDATA,SW0_PIN_MASK))); sw1 = !((bool)(getRegBits(GPIO_C_RAWDATA,SW1_PIN_MASK))); } if (sw0 && sw1) // if both buttons have been pressed, enter bootloader { // Turn on LEDs so the user knows we're here GPIO_A_DR |= GPIO_A_DR_D0_MASK; // set high GPIO_A_DR |= GPIO_A_DR_D1_MASK; // Initialize globals mem_init(rx_data, NULL, RX_DATA_SIZE); data_out = data_in = rx_data; state = INITIAL_STATE; temp_ptr = rx_data; // Disable protection setReg(FM_PROT,BOOT_PROT_VALUE); // Output banner sci_tx(&StrCopyright[0]); // Now it is safe to enable interrupts Cpu_EnableInt(); do { // State: Initial State if (state == INITIAL_STATE) { status = 0; sci_tx(&StrWaitingSrec[0]); sci_tx_char(XON); state = WAIT_FOR_S; } if (data_in != temp_ptr) { //Timer_Disable(); // State: Wait for Header "S" if (state == WAIT_FOR_S) { temp_ptr = data_out; if (get_char(&temp_ptr) == 'S') { state = WAIT_FOR_0; } else { get_char(&data_out); } } // State: Wait for Header "0" else if (state == WAIT_FOR_0) { if (get_char(&temp_ptr) == '0') { state = WAIT_FOR_EOL; } else { get_char(&data_out); state = WAIT_FOR_S; } } // State: Wait for EOL else if (state == WAIT_FOR_EOL) { if (get_char(&temp_ptr) == '\r') { if (!(status & TX_XOFF)) { sci_tx_char(XOFF); status |= TX_XOFF; } srec_decode(); temp_ptr = data_out; } } } else { if (status & TX_XOFF) { sci_tx_char(XON); status &= ~TX_XOFF; } } // State: Error if (status & DOWNLOAD_ERROR) { sci_tx(StrErr); sci_tx(int_to_string(status)); state = INITIAL_STATE; sci_tx(StrNewLine); } //bootTimerCheck(); } while (status != DOWNLOAD_OK); sci_tx(StrNewLine); sci_tx(&StrLoaded[0]); } bootExit(); }
void Legami::leggi(vector<string>* v) { vector<User*>* vu = new vector<User*>; // aggiungo gli user senza la lista contatti e gruppi for(unsigned int i=0; i< v->size()-1; ++i) { // l'ultima riga e' per i gruppi string ruolo = tag((*v)[i], "<ruolo>", "</ruolo>"); // all'interno del tag User ci sono nick, password e profilo dello user // ma non i gruppi o i collegamenti, perchè devo prima popolare la base // di dati con tutti gli user per garantire uno stato consistente del db string s = tag((*v)[i], "<user>", "</user>"); User* user = User::leggi(s); // ora leggo il profilo dello user s = tag((*v)[i], "<profilo>", "</profilo>"); Profilo* p = Profilo::leggi(s); // collego il profilo allo user user->profilo = p; // aggiungo lo user nel db if(ruolo == "base") vu->push_back(user); else if(ruolo == "business") vu->push_back(new BusinessUser(*user)); else if(ruolo == "executive") vu->push_back(new ExecutiveUser(*user)); } // assegno il db all'oggetto di legami database = vu; // collegamenti for(unsigned int i=0; i < v->size()-1; ++i) { string s = (*v)[i]; string c = tag(s, "<collegamenti>", "</collegamenti>"); int num_coll = string_to_int(tag(c, "<numeroColl>", "</numeroColl>")); for(int j = 0; j < num_coll; ++j) { string t = tag(c, "<C" + int_to_string(j+1) + ">", "</C" + int_to_string(j+1) + ">"); string n = tag(t, "<nick>", "</nick>"); string ta = tag(t, "<tag>", "</tag>"); // cerco lo user con quel nick per aggiungere il puntatore al vettore dei collegamenti for(unsigned int k=0; k<database->size(); ++k) { if( ((*database)[k])->getNick() == n ) ((*database)[i])->insertContatto(new Contatto( ((*database)[k]), ta) ); } } } // gruppi (sono alla fine del file) string s = (*v)[v->size()-1]; string group = tag(s, "<gruppi>", "</gruppi>"); if(!group.empty()) { int num_gr = string_to_int( tag(group, "<numeroGr>", "</numeroGr>")); for(int i = 0; i<num_gr; ++i) { // i-esimo gruppo string t = tag(group, "<G" + int_to_string(i+1) + ">", "</G" + int_to_string(i+1) + ">"); string nomegr = tag(t, "<nomeGr>", "</nomeGr>"); string descgr = tag(t, "<descGr>", "</descGr>"); int numeroMembri = string_to_int(tag(t, "<numeroMembri>", "</numeroMembri>")); Gruppo* g = new Gruppo(nomegr, descgr, new vector<User*>); for(int j=0; j<numeroMembri; ++j) { // j-esimo membro dell'i-esimo gruppo string w = tag(t, "<" + int_to_string(j+1) + ">", "</" + int_to_string(j+1) + ">"); string nick = tag(w, "<nick>", "</nick>"); // cerco lo user con quel nick for(unsigned int k=0; k<database->size(); ++k) { if( ((*database)[k])->getNick() == nick ) { // aggiungo lo user alla lista degli appartenenti al gruppo g->aggiungi((*database)[k]); // aggiungo il gruppo alla lista dei gruppi dello user ((*database)[k])->insertGruppo(g); } } } } } }
string copy_file(string title, const char *dirfrom, const char *dirto, const char *filename, double filesize, double copy_currentsize, double copy_totalsize, int numfiles_current, int numfiles_total, int check_flag, int showprogress) { string cfrom=(string)dirfrom+(string)filename; string ctoo=(string)dirto+(string)filename; FILE *from, *to; string ret=""; double percent=copy_currentsize/copy_totalsize*100, oldpercent=percent, changepercent=0, current_copy_size=0; string current; string sfilename=(string)filename; string scurrent_files=int_to_string(numfiles_current); string stotal_files=int_to_string(numfiles_total); string stotal_size=convert_size(copy_totalsize, "auto"); PF.printf((title+" '"+sfilename+"'\r\n").c_str()); PF.printf(("- source: "+cfrom+" \r\n").c_str()); PF.printf(("- dest: "+ctoo+" \r\n").c_str()); if ((from = fopen(cfrom.c_str(), "rb"))==NULL) return "Cannot open source file ("+cfrom+") for reading!"; if (check_flag!=1) { char* buf = (char*) calloc (1, CHUNK+1); size_t size; if ((to = fopen(ctoo.c_str(), "wb"))==NULL) return "Cannot open destination file ("+ctoo+") for writing!"; do { //draw_copy(title, dirfrom, dirto, filename, cfrom, copy_currentsize, copy_totalsize, numfiles_current, numfiles_total, countsize); size = fread(buf, 1, CHUNK, from); if(ferror(from)) return "Error reading source file ("+cfrom+")!"; fwrite(buf, 1, size, to); if (ferror(to)) return "Error writing destination file ("+ctoo+")!"; if (showprogress==0) { current_copy_size=current_copy_size+(double)size; percent=(copy_currentsize+current_copy_size)/copy_totalsize*100; changepercent=percent-oldpercent; current="Processing "+scurrent_files+" of "+stotal_files+" files ("+convert_size(copy_currentsize+current_copy_size, "auto")+"/"+stotal_size+")"; //PF.printf((" "+int_to_string((int)percent)+"%% "+current+" \r\n").c_str()); //PF.printf((" change"+int_to_string((int)changepercent)+"%% real"+int_to_string((int)percent)+"%% "+current+" \r\n").c_str()); Mess.ProgressBarDialogFlip(); if (changepercent>1) { Mess.SingleProgressBarDialogChangeMessage(current.c_str()); Mess.ProgressBarDialogFlip(); Mess.SingleProgressBarDialogIncrease(changepercent); Mess.ProgressBarDialogFlip(); oldpercent=percent-(changepercent-(int)changepercent); } } } while(!feof(from)); free(buf); } else { char* buf = (char*) calloc (1, CHUNK+1); char* buf2 = (char*) calloc (1, CHUNK+1); size_t size, size2; if ((to = fopen(ctoo.c_str(), "rb"))==NULL) return "Cannot open destination file ("+ctoo+") for reading!"; do { size = fread(buf, 1, CHUNK, from); if(ferror(from)) return "Error reading source file ("+cfrom+")!"; size2 = fread(buf2, 1, CHUNK, to); if (ferror(to)) return "Error reading destination file ("+ctoo+")!"; if (size != size2) return "Source and destination files have different sizes!"; if (memcmp(buf, buf2, size)!=0) return "Source and destination files are different!"; if (showprogress==0) { current_copy_size=current_copy_size+(double)size; percent=(copy_currentsize+current_copy_size)/copy_totalsize*100; changepercent=percent-oldpercent; current="Processing "+scurrent_files+" of "+stotal_files+" files ("+convert_size(copy_currentsize+current_copy_size, "auto")+"/"+stotal_size+")"; //PF.printf((" "+int_to_string((int)percent)+"%% "+current+" \r\n").c_str()); //PF.printf((" change"+int_to_string((int)changepercent)+"%% real"+int_to_string((int)percent)+"%% "+current+" \r\n").c_str()); Mess.ProgressBarDialogFlip(); if (changepercent>1) { Mess.SingleProgressBarDialogChangeMessage(current.c_str()); Mess.ProgressBarDialogFlip(); Mess.SingleProgressBarDialogIncrease((int)changepercent); Mess.ProgressBarDialogFlip(); oldpercent=percent-(changepercent-(int)changepercent); } } } while(!feof(from) || !feof(to)); free(buf); free(buf2); } if (fclose(from)==EOF) return "Cannot close source file ("+cfrom+")!"; if (fclose(to)==EOF) return "Cannot close destination file ("+ctoo+")!"; return ""; }
string AstInt::to_string(int d) { return get_depth(d) + "INT: " + int_to_string(this->i) + "\n"; }
size_t simple_vsnprintf(char *buf, size_t size, const char *format, va_list va) { char *s = NULL; char *fp = (char *) format; size_t c = 0; unsigned long i = 0; long width = 0; bool islong = 0, caps = false, width_modifier = false, rpad = false; char pad = ' '; re_eval: while (*fp && c < size - 1) { if (*fp == '%' || width_modifier) { re_eval_with_modifier: ++fp; if (unlikely(width_modifier)) { if (egg_isdigit(*fp)) { width = 10 * width + (*fp - '0'); goto re_eval; } else width_modifier = false; } switch (*fp) { /* Left padding with zeroes */ case '0': width_modifier = true; pad = '0'; goto re_eval_with_modifier; /* Right padding with spaces */ case '-': rpad = true; goto re_eval_with_modifier; /* Left padding with spaces */ case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': width_modifier = true; width = 10 * width + (*fp - '0'); pad = ' '; goto re_eval_with_modifier; case 'z': case 'l': islong = 1; goto re_eval_with_modifier; case '^': //STRING caps = true; goto re_eval_with_modifier; case 's': //string s = va_arg(va, char *); break; case 'd': //int case 'i': if (islong) { i = va_arg(va, long); islong = 0; } else i = va_arg(va, int); s = int_to_string(i, 10); break; case 'D': //stupid eggdrop base64 i = va_arg(va, int); s = int_to_base64((unsigned int) i); break; case 'u': //unsigned if (islong) { i = va_arg(va, unsigned long); islong = 0; } else i = va_arg(va, unsigned int); s = unsigned_int_to_string(i, 10); break; case 'X': //HEX caps = true; case 'x': //hex if (islong) { i = va_arg(va, unsigned long); islong = 0; } else
void Usermanage::push_offline_line(int fd){ int found = this->find_user("fd", int_to_string(fd)); if(found != -1 && this->users[found].is_online()) this->users[found].send_offline_message(); }
void Usermanage::setcolor(int fd, int color){ int found = this->find_user("fd", int_to_string(fd)); if(found != -1) this->users[found].setcolor(color); }
int read_atom_data(int *p_ichar, int *p_num_atoms, int at_end, int num_of_chars, int *p_next_mol, atom *p_atom, int *p_mol_number) { int is_end,idummy,place,itsanum,iloop,ndigi,sign; int idum[10], igroup; char *p_key; /* check for end of molecule or file */ p_key= "end"; is_end= locate_string( p_key, p_ichar, num_of_chars); if (is_end && !at_end ) { /* first end encountered for a while, just end of molecule */ (*p_next_mol)++; return 1; } else if (is_end && at_end ) { /* the end of the atom list */ return 2; } else { /* a normal atom data line */ /* copy over atom name */ copy_int( p_ichar, &idum[0], 0, 3); int_to_string(&idum[0], &(p_atom->label[0]), 4); /* get x,y,z co-ordinates */ place= 1; place= next_space (p_ichar, place, num_of_chars ); p_atom->x = get_doub(p_ichar, num_of_chars, &place, &itsanum); p_atom->y = get_doub(p_ichar, num_of_chars, &place, &itsanum); p_atom->z = get_doub(p_ichar, num_of_chars, &place, &itsanum); /* get group label */ place= next_none_space( p_ichar, place, num_of_chars ); if (place == -1 ) { printf("Read error whilst trying to get the group from car file line:"); put_string(stdout, p_ichar,200); return -1; } copy_int( p_ichar, &idum[0], place, place+3); int_to_string(&idum[0],&(p_atom->group[0]), 4); place= next_space (p_ichar, place, num_of_chars ); /******* Get the group number, which can contain a string!! ***********/ place++; if (place == -1 ) { printf("Read error whilst trying to get the group number from car file line:"); put_string(stdout, p_ichar,200); return -1; } copy_int( p_ichar, &idum[0], place, place+3); int_to_string(&idum[0],&(p_atom->group_no[0]), 4); place= next_space (p_ichar, place, num_of_chars ); /* get potential type */ place= next_none_space( p_ichar, place, num_of_chars ); if (place == -1 ) { printf("Read error whilst trying to get the potential type from car file line:"); put_string(stdout, p_ichar,200); return -1; } copy_int( p_ichar, &idum[0], place, place+2); int_to_string( &idum[0], &(p_atom->pot[0]), 2); place= next_space (p_ichar, place, num_of_chars ); /* get element type */ place= next_none_space( p_ichar, place, num_of_chars ); if (place == -1 ) { printf("Read error whilst trying to get the element type from car file line:"); put_string(stdout,p_ichar,200); return -1; } copy_int( p_ichar, &idum[0], place, place+1); int_to_string( &idum[0], &(p_atom->elem[0]), 2); if (p_atom->elem[1] == ' ') p_atom->elem[1] = '\0'; place= next_space (p_ichar, place, num_of_chars ); /* get partial charge */ p_atom->part_chge= get_doub(p_ichar, num_of_chars, &place, &itsanum); if (!itsanum) { printf("Failed to find partial charge on car file line: \n"); put_string(stdout, p_ichar,200); } /* sort out molecule number and increment atom counter */ *p_mol_number= *p_next_mol; (*p_num_atoms)++; return 0; } }
/****************************************************************************** * BrowseAction *****************************************************************************/ static int BrowseOrSearchAction (ContentDir* cds, void* result_context, const char* objectId, const char* criteria, Index starting_index, Count requested_count, Count* nb_matched, Count* nb_returned, PtrArray* objects) { if (cds == NULL || objectId == NULL || criteria == NULL) { Log_Printf (LOG_ERROR, "BrowseOrSearchAction NULL parameter"); return UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM; // ----------> } // Create a working context for temporary allocations void* tmp_ctx = talloc_new (NULL); const bool browse = is_browse (criteria); IXML_Document* doc = NULL; int rc = Service_SendActionVa (OBJECT_SUPER_CAST(cds), &doc, (browse ? "Browse" : "Search"), (browse ? "ObjectID" : "ContainerID"), objectId, (browse ? "BrowseFlag" : "SearchCriteria"), criteria, "Filter", "*", "StartingIndex", int_to_string (tmp_ctx, starting_index), "RequestedCount", int_to_string (tmp_ctx, requested_count), "SortCriteria", "", NULL, NULL); if (doc == NULL && rc == UPNP_E_SUCCESS) rc = UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE; if (rc != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) { Log_Printf (LOG_ERROR, "BrowseOrSearchAction ObjectId='%s'", NN(objectId)); goto cleanup; // ----------> } const char* s = XMLUtil_FindFirstElementValue (XML_D2N (doc), "TotalMatches", true, true); STRING_TO_INT (s, *nb_matched, 0); s = XMLUtil_FindFirstElementValue (XML_D2N (doc), "NumberReturned", true, true); STRING_TO_INT (s, *nb_returned, 0); Log_Printf (LOG_DEBUG, "+++BROWSE RESULT+++\n%s\n", XMLUtil_GetDocumentString (tmp_ctx, doc)); const char* const resstr = XMLUtil_FindFirstElementValue (XML_D2N (doc), "Result", true, true); if (resstr == NULL) { Log_Printf (LOG_ERROR, "BrowseOrSearchAction ObjectId=%s : " "can't get 'Result' in doc=%s", objectId, XMLUtil_GetDocumentString (tmp_ctx, doc)); rc = UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE; goto cleanup; // ----------> } IXML_Document* const subdoc = ixmlParseBuffer (discard_const_p (char, resstr)); if (subdoc == NULL) { Log_Printf (LOG_ERROR, "BrowseOrSearchAction ObjectId=%s : " "can't parse 'Result'=%s", objectId, resstr); rc = UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE; } else { IXML_NodeList* containers = ixmlDocument_getElementsByTagName (subdoc, "container"); ContentDir_Count const nb_containers = ixmlNodeList_length (containers); IXML_NodeList* items = ixmlDocument_getElementsByTagName (subdoc, "item"); ContentDir_Count const nb_items = ixmlNodeList_length (items); if (nb_containers + nb_items != *nb_returned) { Log_Printf (LOG_ERROR, "BrowseOrSearchAction ObjectId=%s " "got %d containers + %d items, " "expected %d", objectId, (int) nb_containers, (int) nb_items, (int) *nb_returned); *nb_returned = nb_containers + nb_items; } if (criteria == CRITERIA_BROWSE_METADATA && *nb_returned != 1){ Log_Printf (LOG_ERROR, "ContentDir_Browse Metadata : " "not 1 result exactly ! Id=%s", NN(objectId)); } ContentDir_Count i; for (i = 0; i < *nb_returned; i++) { bool const is_container = (i < nb_containers); IXML_Element* const elem = (IXML_Element*) ixmlNodeList_item (is_container ? containers : items, is_container ? i : i - nb_containers); DIDLObject* o = DIDLObject_Create (result_context, elem, is_container); if (o) { PtrArray_Append (objects, o); } } if (containers) ixmlNodeList_free (containers); if (items) ixmlNodeList_free (items); ixmlDocument_free (subdoc); } cleanup: ixmlDocument_free (doc); doc = NULL; // Delete all temporary storage talloc_free (tmp_ctx); tmp_ctx = NULL; if (rc != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) *nb_returned = *nb_matched = 0; return rc; }
string AstInt::to_value() { return int_to_string(this->i); }
// central dispatcher of all url requests arriving at the webserver // returns true, if request has been dispatched within dispatch. Otherwise the caller // should assume that static content is to be displayed. bool CommandDispatcher::dispatch(string uri, string query, string body, string &response, bool &okOrNOk) { response = ""; string urlPath = getPath(uri); vector<string> urlParamName; vector<string> urlParamValue; compileURLParameter(query,urlParamName,urlParamValue); // check if direct cortex command defined via URL parameter // example: /cortex/LED?blink if (hasPrefix(uri, "/cortex")) { LOG(DEBUG) << uri << " " << query; string cmd = uri.substr(string("/cortex/").length()); for (int i = 0;i<CommDefType::NumberOfCommands;i++) { string cortexCmdStr = string(commDef[i].name); if (hasPrefix(cmd, cortexCmdStr)) { string command = string(commDef[i].name); // are there any parameters ? if (query.length() > 0) { std::istringstream iss(query); std::string token; while (std::getline(iss, token, '&')) { // extract name and value of parameter int equalsIdx = token.find("="); if (equalsIdx > 0) { string name = token.substr(0,equalsIdx); string value = token.substr(equalsIdx+1); command += " " + name + "=" + value; } else { command += " " + token; } } }; LOG(DEBUG) << "calling cortex with \"" << command << "\""; string cmdReply; TrajectoryExecution::getInstance().directAccess(command, cmdReply, okOrNOk); if (cmdReply.length() > 0) response += cmdReply + ""; if (okOrNOk) response += "ok"; else response += "failed"; return true; } } } // check, if cortex is called via one command string // example /direct?param=LED+blink if (hasPrefix(uri, "/direct")) { if (hasPrefix(query, "param=")) { LOG(DEBUG) << uri << " " << query; string cmd = urlDecode(query.substr(string("param=").length())); LOG(DEBUG) << "calling cortex with \"" << cmd << "\""; string cmdReply; TrajectoryExecution::getInstance().directAccess(cmd, cmdReply, okOrNOk); std::ostringstream s; if (okOrNOk) { s << "OK"; } else { s << "NOK(" << getLastError() << ") " << getErrorMessage(getLastError()); } response += s.str(); return true; } } // check, if TransactionExecutor is called with orchestrated calls if (hasPrefix(uri, "/executor/")) { string executorPath = uri.substr(string("/executor/").length()); if (hasPrefix(executorPath, "startupbot")) { LOG(DEBUG) << uri << " " << query; okOrNOk = TrajectoryExecution::getInstance().startupBot(); std::ostringstream s; if (okOrNOk) { s << "OK"; } else { s << "NOK(" << getLastError() << ") " << getErrorMessage(getLastError()); } response = s.str(); } else if (hasPrefix(executorPath, "teardownbot")) { LOG(DEBUG) << uri << " " << query; okOrNOk = TrajectoryExecution::getInstance().teardownBot(); std::ostringstream s; if (okOrNOk) { s << "OK"; } else { s << "NOK(" << getLastError() << ") " << getErrorMessage(getLastError()); } response = s.str(); return true; } else if (hasPrefix(executorPath, "nullpositionbot")) { LOG(DEBUG) << uri << " " << query; okOrNOk = TrajectoryExecution::getInstance().moveToNullPosition(); std::ostringstream s; if (okOrNOk) { s << "OK"; } else { s << "NOK(" << getLastError() << ") " << getErrorMessage(getLastError()); } response = s.str(); return true; } else if (hasPrefix(executorPath, "isupandrunning")) { response = ""; bool result = TrajectoryExecution::getInstance().isBotUpAndReady(); okOrNOk = true; response = result?"true":"false"; return true; } else if (hasPrefix(executorPath, "emergencystop")) { LOG(DEBUG) << uri << " " << query; response = ""; bool result = TrajectoryExecution::getInstance().emergencyStopBot(); okOrNOk = true; response = result?"true":"false"; return true; } else if (hasPrefix(executorPath, "setangles")) { LOG(DEBUG) << uri << " " << query; string param = urlDecode(query.substr(string("param=").length())); okOrNOk = TrajectoryExecution::getInstance().setAnglesAsString(param); std::ostringstream s; if (okOrNOk) { s << "OK"; } else { s << "NOK(" << getLastError() << ") " << getErrorMessage(getLastError()); } response = s.str(); return true; } else if (hasPrefix(executorPath, "getangles")) { LOG(DEBUG) << uri << " " << query; int indent = 0; response = TrajectoryExecution::getInstance().currentTrajectoryNodeToString(indent); okOrNOk = !isError(); return true; } else if (hasPrefix(executorPath, "settrajectory")) { LOG(DEBUG) << uri << " " << query; string param = urlDecode(body); LOG(DEBUG) << "body:" << param; TrajectoryExecution::getInstance().runTrajectory(param); okOrNOk = !isError(); std::ostringstream s; if (okOrNOk) { s << "OK"; } else { s << "NOK(" << getLastError() << ") " << getErrorMessage(getLastError()); } response += s.str(); return true; } else if (hasPrefix(executorPath, "stoptrajectory")) { LOG(DEBUG) << uri << " " << query; TrajectoryExecution::getInstance().stopTrajectory(); okOrNOk = !isError(); std::ostringstream s; if (okOrNOk) { s << "OK"; } else { s << "NOK(" << getLastError() << ") " << getErrorMessage(getLastError()); } response = s.str(); return true; } } if (hasPrefix(uri, "/web")) { string keyValue; if (getURLParameter(urlParamName, urlParamValue, "key", keyValue)) { if ("cortexcmd")) == 0) { if (getURLParameter(urlParamName, urlParamValue, "from", keyValue)) { int from = string_to_int(keyValue); if (from >=0 ) response = getCmdLineJson(from+1); else response = getCmdLineJson(0); } else response = getCmdLineJson(0); okOrNOk = true; return true; } else { if ("cortexlog")) == 0) { if (getURLParameter(urlParamName, urlParamValue, "from", keyValue)) { int from = string_to_int(keyValue); if (from >=0) response = getLogLineJson(from+1); else response = getLogLineJson(0); } else response = getLogLineJson(0); okOrNOk = true; return true; } else { if ("alert")) == 0) { if (getURLParameter(urlParamName, urlParamValue, "from", keyValue)) { int from = string_to_int(keyValue); if (from >=0) { response = getAlertLineJson(from); okOrNOk = true; return true; } } else { response = int_to_string(alertCounter); okOrNOk = true; return true; } } else { if ("heartbeat")) == 0) { response = getHeartbeatJson(); okOrNOk = true; return true; } } } } } else { if (getURLParameter(urlParamName, urlParamValue, "action", keyValue)) { if ("savecmd") == 0) { LOG(DEBUG) << uri << " " << query; string value; if (getURLParameter(urlParamName, urlParamValue, "value", value)) { string cmdReply; TrajectoryExecution::getInstance().directAccess(value, cmdReply, okOrNOk); response = cmdReply; return true; } } } } } okOrNOk = false; return false; }
bool Process::start() { #ifdef WIN32 handle_IN_Rd = NULL; handle_IN_Wr = NULL; handle_OUT_Rd = NULL; handle_OUT_Wr = NULL; handle_ERR_Rd = NULL; handle_ERR_Wr = NULL; p_stdin = -1; p_stdout = -1; p_stderr = -1; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES saAttr; saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); saAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; // Create a pipe for the child process's STDOUT. if ( ! CreatePipe(&handle_OUT_Rd, &handle_OUT_Wr, &saAttr, 0) ) return false; // Create a pipe for the child process's STDERR. if ( ! CreatePipe(&handle_ERR_Rd, &handle_ERR_Wr, &saAttr, 0) ) return false; // Create a pipe for the child process's STDIN. if (! CreatePipe(&handle_IN_Rd, &handle_IN_Wr, &saAttr, 0)) return false; if (explicit_mode) { if ( ! SetHandleInformation(handle_IN_Rd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 1) ) return false; if ( ! SetHandleInformation(handle_OUT_Wr, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 1) ) return false; } // Ensure the write handle to the pipe for STDIN is not inherited. if ( ! SetHandleInformation(handle_IN_Wr, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) ) return false; // Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDOUT is not inherited. if ( ! SetHandleInformation(handle_OUT_Rd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) ) return false; // Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDERR is not inherited. if ( ! SetHandleInformation(handle_ERR_Rd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) ) return false; STARTUPINFO siStartInfo; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; // Set up members of the PROCESS_INFORMATION structure. ZeroMemory( &piProcInfo, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION) ); stringstream cmdbuffer; int curargument = 0; while (arguments[curargument]) { cmdbuffer << "\"" << arguments[curargument] << "\" "; curargument++; } stringstream envbuffer; map<string, string>::iterator iter; for (iter = env.begin(); iter != env.end(); ++iter) { envbuffer << iter->first << string("=") << iter->second << '\0'; } // Set up members of the STARTUPINFO structure. // This structure specifies the STDIN and STDOUT handles for redirection. ZeroMemory( &siStartInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO) ); siStartInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); if (!explicit_mode) { siStartInfo.hStdError = handle_ERR_Wr; siStartInfo.hStdOutput = handle_OUT_Wr; siStartInfo.hStdInput = handle_IN_Rd; siStartInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; } else { siStartInfo.hStdError = handle_ERR_Wr; HANDLE pHandle = GetCurrentProcess(); HANDLE handle_IN_Rd2, handle_OUT_Wr2; DuplicateHandle(pHandle, handle_IN_Rd, pHandle, &handle_IN_Rd2, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS, true, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); DuplicateHandle(pHandle, handle_OUT_Wr, pHandle, &handle_OUT_Wr2, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS, true, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); envbuffer << string("TRAX_IN=") << handle_IN_Rd2 << '\0'; envbuffer << string("TRAX_OUT=") << handle_OUT_Wr2 << '\0'; } envbuffer << '\0'; LPCSTR curdir = directory.empty() ? NULL : directory.c_str(); if (!CreateProcess(NULL, (char *) cmdbuffer.str().c_str(), NULL, NULL, true, 0, (void *)envbuffer.str().c_str(), curdir, &siStartInfo, &piProcInfo )) { std::cout << "Error: " << GetLastError() << std::endl; cleanup(); return false; } int wrfd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)handle_IN_Wr, 0); int rdfd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)handle_OUT_Rd, _O_RDONLY); int erfd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)handle_ERR_Rd, _O_RDONLY); if (wrfd == -1 || rdfd == -1) { stop(); return false; } p_stdin = wrfd; p_stdout = rdfd; p_stderr = erfd; if (!p_stdin || !p_stdout) { stop(); return false; } #else if (pid) return false; pipe(out); pipe(in); pipe(err); vector<string> vars; map<string, string>::iterator iter; for (iter = env.begin(); iter != env.end(); ++iter) { // if (iter->first == "PWD") continue; vars.push_back(iter->first + string("=") + iter->second); } posix_spawn_file_actions_init(&action); posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&action, out[1]); posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&action, in[0]); posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&action, err[0]); if (!explicit_mode) { posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&action, out[0], 0); posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&action, in[1], 1); posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&action, err[1], 2); } else { posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&action, err[1], 2); vars.push_back(string("TRAX_OUT=") + int_to_string(in[1])); vars.push_back(string("TRAX_IN=") + int_to_string(out[0])); } std::vector<char *> vars_c(vars.size() + 1); for (std::size_t i = 0; i != vars.size(); ++i) { vars_c[i] = &vars[i][0]; } vars_c[vars.size()] = NULL; string cwd = __getcwd(); if (directory.size() > 0) chdir(directory.c_str()); if (posix_spawnp(&pid, program, &action, NULL, arguments, { cleanup(); pid = 0; if (directory.size() > 0) chdir(cwd.c_str()); return false; } if (directory.size() > 0) chdir(cwd.c_str()); p_stdin = out[1]; p_stdout = in[0]; p_stderr = err[0]; #endif return true; }
char* itos(int number) { return int_to_string(number); }
int main() { // On aura TOUJOURS comme première fichier map "Map1.tmx" puis un nombre de map a définir string etatMap = "start"; int nbMap = 20; // Tableau des différentes Maps vector<string> Maps; for(int i = 1; i < (nbMap + 1); i++) { string nomMap = "map/Map"; nomMap.append(int_to_string(i)); nomMap.append(".tmx"); Maps.push_back(nomMap); //cout << "la map " << nomMap << " a ete pushe" << endl; } string Map_EnCours = Maps[0]; unsigned int Map_Actuelle = 0; tile** Matrice; //tile** MatriceTest; //int LARGEUR_MAP = NbColonnes * LARGEUR_TILE; //int HAUTEUR_MAP = NbLignes * HAUTEUR_TILE; bool debugMode = true; // Fenêtre RenderWindow app(VideoMode((int)WINDOW_SIZE.x, (int)WINDOW_SIZE.y, 32), "Another : Beta v0.2"); // Frames Per Second (FPS) //app.setFramerateLimit(60); // limite la fenêtre à 60 images par seconde // NE PAS mettre les deux en meme temps app.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); Texture myTile, myEchelle, myBullet, myEnnemi, myEnnemi2, myPlayer, myPlayer2, lifeBonus, myEndBlock, tileSet1, myInterrupteur, myDoor, myCheckpoint, reward; if (!myBullet.loadFromFile(SPRITES_FILE_PATH_BULLET)) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myBullet.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myEnnemi.loadFromFile(SPRITES_FILE_PATH_ENNEMI)) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myEnnemi.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myEnnemi2.loadFromFile(SPRITES_FILE_PATH_ENNEMI_2)) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myEnnemi2.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myPlayer.loadFromFile(SPRITES_FILE_PATH_PLAYER)) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myPlayer.SetSmooth(false); } if (!lifeBonus.loadFromFile(SPRITES_FILE_PATH_LIFEBONUS)) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //lifeBonus.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myTile.loadFromFile("images/blocTerre.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myTile.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myEchelle.loadFromFile("images/blocEchelle.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myEchelle.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myEndBlock.loadFromFile("images/blocFin.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myEndBlock.SetSmooth(false); } if (!tileSet1.loadFromFile("map/tileset1.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //tileSet1.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myInterrupteur.loadFromFile("images/interrupteur.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myInterrupteur.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myDoor.loadFromFile("images/porteCoulissante.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myDoor.SetSmooth(false); } if (!myCheckpoint.loadFromFile("images/checkpoint.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //myCheckpoint.SetSmooth(false); } if (!reward.loadFromFile("images/reward.png")) // Si le chargement a échoué { cerr<<"Erreur durant le chargement de l'image"<<endl; } else { //reward.SetSmooth(false); } vector<Bullet> vectorBullet; vector<Character> vectorCharacter; vector<Object*> vectorObject; // ====== Variable importante !! ======= // int x = 150; // int y = 150; int controleSaut = false; /* Booléen qui va permettre de ne pas relancer un second saut avant d'avoir relaché la touche */ float transparence = 0; float transparenceInverse = 255; Clock clockTempsMap; Clock clockFrame; bool startGame = false; bool changementDeMap = false; /*string etatMap = "start"; // Tableau des différentes Maps vector<string> Maps; for(int i = 1; i < (nbMap + 1); i++) { string nomMap = "map/Map"; nomMap.append(int_to_string(i)); nomMap.append(".tmx"); Maps.push_back(nomMap); //cout << "la map " << nomMap << " a ete pushe" << endl; }*/ // ===================================== // ===================================== // Création et positionnement du joueur au lancement du jeu // ========================= // Création d'une vue qui suivra les déplacements du joueur View vue = app.getDefaultView(); View hud; // ========================================================= // Création des barres de vie et d'énergie du joueur et du rectangle de fondu sf::RectangleShape hud1; hud1.setSize(sf::Vector2f(150, 140)); hud1.setFillColor(sf::Color(190, 200, 200)); hud1.setOutlineColor(sf::Color::Black); hud1.setOutlineThickness(1); sf::RectangleShape barLife; barLife.setSize(sf::Vector2f(50, 10)); barLife.setFillColor(sf::Color::Red); barLife.setOutlineColor(sf::Color::Black); barLife.setOutlineThickness(1); sf::RectangleShape barPower; barPower.setSize(sf::Vector2f(50, 10)); barPower.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 150, 255)); barPower.setOutlineColor(sf::Color::Black); barPower.setOutlineThickness(1); sf::RectangleShape fondu; fondu.setSize(sf::Vector2f(WINDOW_SIZE.x, WINDOW_SIZE.y)); // =============================================================== // Menu menu(app, false, changementDeMap, hud, WINDOW_SIZE, startGame, Maps, Map_EnCours, Map_Actuelle); createMap(Map_EnCours, &Matrice, tileSet1, myInterrupteur, myDoor, myCheckpoint, reward, vectorObject); int NbColonnes = nbColonnesMap(Map_EnCours); int NbLignes = nbLignesMap(Map_EnCours); int LARGEUR_TILE = largeurTileMap(Map_EnCours); int HAUTEUR_TILE = largeurTileMap(Map_EnCours); Player player(myPlayer, 0, 0, PLAYER_SPEED, "bleu", "normal"); PlayerPosition(player, &Matrice, NbColonnes, NbLignes, LARGEUR_TILE, "depart"); clockTempsMap.restart(); cout << "Map en cours avant main" << Map_EnCours << endl; cout << "Map Actuelle avant main" << Map_Actuelle << endl; // Boucle principale while (app.isOpen()) { // Remplissage de l'écran (couleur noire par défaut) app.clear(); //vue.setSize(WINDOW_SIZE.x, WINDOW_SIZE.y); app.setView(vue); hud = app.getDefaultView(); // On récupère le temps de rafraichissement entre chaque frame pour ajuster la vitesse du jeu float frameTime = clockFrame.restart().asSeconds(); bool actionElement = false; // On modifier la valeur du temps de la map /*if(clockTempsMap.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() > 0.1f) { tempsMap += 0.1f; clockTempsMap.restart(); }*/ /* Gestion de l'affichage d'un certain nombre de tile autour du player, et non toute la map */ int indexPlayerI = convertToIndex(player.getLeftSide(), LARGEUR_TILE); int indexPlayerJ = convertToIndex(player.getBottomSide(), LARGEUR_TILE); /* Les nombre en dessous permettent de déterminer la distance ou lon affiche la map autour du héro */ float visionI = 20, visionJ = 10; int idPImoins = indexPlayerI - visionI; int idPIplus = indexPlayerI + visionI; int idPJmoins = indexPlayerJ - visionJ; int idPJplus = indexPlayerJ + visionJ; if(idPImoins < 0) idPImoins = 0; if(idPIplus > NbColonnes) idPIplus = NbColonnes; if(idPJmoins < 0) idPJmoins = 0; if(idPJplus > NbLignes) idPJplus = NbLignes; for(int j=idPJmoins; j<idPJplus; j++) for(int i=idPImoins; i<idPIplus; i++) if(Matrice[i][j].spr != 0) app.draw(*Matrice[i][j].spr); //================================================= /* REGENERATION du POWER */ player.setPower(player.getPower() + 0.2f); if(player.getPower() > 100.0f) player.setPower(100.0f); if(player.getPower() < 0) player.setPower(0); if(player.getPower() > 50.0f) player.setSurchauffe(false); /* ===================== */ /* == LIFE == */ if(player.getLife() <= 100) player.upLife(0.05f); if(player.getLife() > 200.0f) player.setLife(200.0f); if(player.getLife() < 0) player.setLife(0); /* ===================== */ // Dès que la vitesse descend en dessous de 0 alors le joueur n'est plus en saut if(player.getSpeedY() < 0) player.setEnSaut(false); /* ===================== */ /* GRAVITE : On diminue la vitesse verticale si pas sur Terre */ if(!player.surTerre()){ player.setSpeedY(player.getSpeedY() - 30.0f); /* Effet de resistance de l'air */ if((CollisionDecorLateralSide(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, player, Matrice, vectorObject) == 1) || (CollisionDecorLateralSide(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, player, Matrice, vectorObject) == 2) ) { if(player.getSpeedY() < -400.0f) player.setSpeedY(-400.0f); } else { if(player.getSpeedY() < -800.0f) player.setSpeedY(-800.0f); } } /* ===================== */ /* On enleve la GRAVITE lorsque l'on est au sol */ if(player.surTerre()){ player.setSpeedY(0); } /* ===================== */ /* CLOCK du freeze Time */ if(player.getFreeze()){ if(player.getClockFreeze() > 1.5f){ player.setFreeze(false); player.setSpeedY(0); } } // ====================== Event event; while (app.pollEvent(event)) { if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && event.key.code == Keyboard::Space){ //player.setEnSaut(false); controleSaut = false; } if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && event.key.code == Keyboard::Down){ player.setDescendre(false); } if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && event.key.code == Keyboard::Right){ player.setDeplacement(false); player.setMouvementDroite(false); } if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && event.key.code == Keyboard::Left){ player.setDeplacement(false); player.setMouvementGauche(false); } if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && event.key.code == Keyboard::LShift){ player.notShooting(); } switch(event.type) { case Event::Closed : // Croix de fermeture app.close(); break; case Event::KeyPressed : // Appui sur une touche { switch(event.key.code) { case Keyboard::Escape : // Touche echap if(player.surTerre()) { startGame = false; menu(app, true, changementDeMap, hud, WINDOW_SIZE, startGame, Maps, Map_EnCours, Map_Actuelle); if(changementDeMap) { clockTempsMap.restart(); player.setScore(0); deleteMatrice(&Matrice, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorObject); createMap(Map_EnCours, &Matrice, tileSet1, myInterrupteur, myDoor, myCheckpoint, reward, vectorObject); NbColonnes = nbColonnesMap(Map_EnCours); NbLignes = nbLignesMap(Map_EnCours); PlayerPosition(player, &Matrice, NbColonnes, NbLignes, LARGEUR_TILE, "depart"); changementDeMap = false; } } else { cout << "Vous devez etre sur terre pour aller dans le menu. (En cas de probleme, sautez !)" << endl; } break; default: break; } } default: break; } } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Left)) { if(!player.getMouvementDroite()){ player.setMouvementGauche(true); if(!player.getFreeze()){ // if(!Matrice[mxGauche][myGauche].solid){ if(!player.getFreeze()) //if(player.getSpeed() > -15.0f) player.deplacementGaucheX(); // } player.setDeplacement(true); } player.setDirectionGauche(); } } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Right)) { if(!player.getMouvementGauche()){ player.setMouvementDroite(true); if(!player.getFreeze()){ //if(!Matrice[mxDroite][myDroite].solid){ if(!player.getFreeze()) //if(player.getSpeed() < 15.0f) player.deplacementDroiteX(); //} player.setDeplacement(true); } player.setDirectionDroite(); } } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Space)) { if(!controleSaut && !player.getFreeze() && player.surTerre()){ player.setSpeedY(650.0f); player.setEnSaut(true); controleSaut = true; } if(!controleSaut && !player.getFreeze() && !player.surTerre()) { if(CollisionDecorLateralSide(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, player, Matrice, vectorObject) == 1) { player.setSpeedY(850.0f); player.setSpeed(700.0f); player.setEnSaut(true); controleSaut = true; //cout << "saut gauche" << endl; } else if(CollisionDecorLateralSide(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, player, Matrice, vectorObject) == 2) { player.setSpeedY(850.0f); player.setSpeed(-700.0f); player.setEnSaut(true); controleSaut = true; //cout << "saut droite" << endl; } } } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::A)) { if(!player.getSurchauffe()){ player.teleport(); player.setFreeze(false); } } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::E)) { actionElement = true; } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::P)) { etatMap = "end"; } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Z)) { if(!player.getFreeze()) player.freezeTime(); } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::LShift)) { if(player.getClockBullet() > 0.2f){ if(player.getDirection() == "droite"){ vectorBullet.push_back(Bullet(myBullet, (player.getRightSide() - 10), (player.getTopSide() + 12.0f), (BULLET_SPEED * frameTime), player.getDirection(), player.getEquipe(), "ball")); }else if(player.getDirection() == "gauche"){ vectorBullet.push_back(Bullet(myBullet, (player.getLeftSide() - 20), (player.getTopSide() + 12.0f), (BULLET_SPEED * frameTime), player.getDirection(), player.getEquipe(), "ball")); } player.resetClockBullet(); } player.shootAnimation(); } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Down)) { player.setDescendre(true); } // =================================================== // =============== AFFICHAGE DES TESTS =============== // =================================================== /*if(CollisionDecorPlafond(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, player, Matrice)) cout << " COLLISION PLAFOND " << endl; else cout << " PAS COLLISION PLAFOND " << endl; if(CollisionDecorSol(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, player, Matrice)) cout << " COLLISION SOL " << endl; else cout << " PAS COLLISION SOL " << endl; */ /*if(player.surTerre()) cout << " SUR TERRE " << endl; else cout << " PAS SUR TERRE " << endl; */ //cout << player.getSpeed() << endl; /* cout << vectorCharacter.size() << endl; cout << vectorBullet.size() << endl; cout << vectorObject.size() << endl;*/ // cout << "speed y :" << player.getSpeedY() << endl; // =================================================== // =================================================== /* Friction / Ralentissement de la vitesse latérale */ if(!player.getDeplacement()){ if(player.getSpeed() > 1500.0f){ player.setSpeed(player.getSpeed() - 500.0f); }else if(player.getSpeed() < -1500.0f){ player.setSpeed(player.getSpeed() + 500.0f); } if(player.getSpeed() > 0){ if(player.getSpeed() < 150.00f){ player.setSpeed(0); } else{ player.setSpeed(player.getSpeed() - 50.00f); } }else if(player.getSpeed() < 0){ if(player.getSpeed() > -150.0f){ player.setSpeed(0); } else{ player.setSpeed(player.getSpeed() + 50.00f); } } } /* Lorsque le joueur n'est pas Freeze on effectue les essai de mouvement sur X et Y pour on application la nouvelle position */ if(!player.getFreeze()){ EssaiDeplacementX(Matrice, frameTime, player, player.getSpeed(), LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorObject); if(EssaiDeplacementY(Matrice, frameTime, player, player.getSpeedY(), LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorObject)){ // Si true, alors le joueur est en contact avec un bloc de fin de niveau cout << "ERREUR" << endl; cout << Map_Actuelle << " " << Map_EnCours << endl; etatMap = "end"; } player.setPosition(); } // =========================================================================== // =========== Double boucle testant chaque balles si elle est en =========== // =========== collision avec un ennemi, un player, un mur ou rien =========== // =========================================================================== for(int unsigned i = 0; i < vectorBullet.size(); i++){ if(CollisionBulletDecor(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorBullet[i], Matrice)){ vectorBullet[i].kill(); } if(vectorBullet[i].getDirection() == "droite"){ vectorBullet[i].deplacementDroiteX(); }else if(vectorBullet[i].getDirection() == "gauche"){ vectorBullet[i].deplacementGaucheX(); } vectorBullet[i].drawBullet(app); // Collision des balles et des ennemis for(int unsigned j = 0; j < vectorCharacter.size(); j++){ float degatDeal; // On test si l'équipe de la balle est la meme que celle du character, si non, on peut tester la collision if(vectorBullet[i].getEquipe() != vectorCharacter[j].getEquipe()){ if(!vectorBullet[i].isKilled()){ if(CollisionBulletCharacter(vectorBullet[i], vectorCharacter[j])){ degatDeal = vectorBullet[i].getDegat(); vectorCharacter[j].downLife(degatDeal); vectorBullet[i].kill(); } } } } // Collision des balles et des objet for(int unsigned j = 0; j < vectorObject.size(); j++){ if(vectorObject[j]->getSolid()){ if(CollisionObjectBullet(vectorObject[j], vectorBullet[i])){ vectorBullet[i].kill(); if(vectorObject[j]->getBreakable()){ vectorObject[j]->kill(); } } } } // Collision des balles et du joueur if(vectorBullet[i].getEquipe() != player.getEquipe()){ if(!vectorBullet[i].isKilled()){ if(CollisionBulletCharacter(vectorBullet[i], player)){ float degatDeal = vectorBullet[i].getDegat(); player.downLife(degatDeal); vectorBullet[i].kill(); } } } } // =========================================================================== // =================================================== // ============== Boucle sur les objets ============== // =================================================== for(int unsigned i = 0; i < vectorObject.size(); i++){ for(int unsigned j = 0; j < vectorCharacter.size(); j++){ if(CollisionObjectCharacter(vectorObject[i], vectorCharacter[j])){ float life = vectorObject[i]->getLife(); vectorCharacter[j].upLife(life); vectorObject[i]->kill(); } } if(CollisionObjectCharacter(vectorObject[i], player)){ if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "lifeBonus"){ float life = vectorObject[i]->getLife(); player.upLife(life); vectorObject[i]->kill(); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "interrupteur"){ if(actionElement){ if(vectorObject[i]->getEstActive() == false){ vectorObject[i]->setActive(); vectorObject[i]->resetClockInt(); } } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "tilePique"){ if(vectorObject[i]->getDeadly()){ player.kill(); } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "checkpoint"){ if(!vectorObject[i]->getActive()){ vectorObject[i]->setActive(true); player.setInitialPosition(vectorObject[i]->getX(), vectorObject[i]->getY()); for(int unsigned j = 0; j < vectorObject.size(); j++){ if(vectorObject[j]->getType() == "checkpoint"){ if(j != i) { if(vectorObject[j]->getActive()){ vectorObject[j]->setActive(false); } } } } } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "blockPique"){ if(vectorObject[i]->getDeadly()){ player.kill(); } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "reward"){ int val = vectorObject[i]->getValeur(); player.setScore(player.getScore() + val); vectorObject[i]->kill(); } } //cout << "test 1030 et taille de : " << vectorObject.size() << endl; if((vectorObject[i]->getType() == "interrupteur") && (vectorObject[i]->getEstActive())){ if(vectorObject[i]->getClockInt() > vectorObject[i]->getDelai()){ vectorObject[i]->setNotActive(); } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "door"){ if(vectorObject[i]->buttonIsActive()){ vectorObject[i]->setOpen(true); } else{ if(!CollisionObjectCharacter(vectorObject[i], player)) vectorObject[i]->setOpen(false); } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "launcher"){ if(!vectorObject[i]->getIsReady()){ if(vectorObject[i]->getClock() > vectorObject[i]->getDecallage()){ vectorObject[i]->resetClock(); vectorObject[i]->setReady(true); } } else{ if(vectorObject[i]->getClock() > vectorObject[i]->getInterval()){ vectorObject[i]->resetClock(); float x, y; if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "gauche") { x = (vectorObject[i]->getLeftSide()) - 5.0f; y = (vectorObject[i]->getTopSide()) + 15.0f; vectorBullet.push_back(Bullet(myBullet, x, y, (BULLET_SPEED * frameTime), vectorObject[i]->getDirection(), vectorObject[i]->getEquipe(), vectorObject[i]->getAmmoType())); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "droite") { x = (vectorObject[i]->getRightSide()) - 15.0f; y = (vectorObject[i]->getTopSide()) + 15.0f; vectorBullet.push_back(Bullet(myBullet, x, y, (BULLET_SPEED * frameTime), vectorObject[i]->getDirection(), vectorObject[i]->getEquipe(), vectorObject[i]->getAmmoType())); } } } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "blockPique"){ // if(EssaiDeplacementY(Matrice, app, player, player.getSpeedY(), LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorObject)){ if(CollisionObjectDecor(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, i, vectorObject, Matrice)) { if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "gauche"){ vectorObject[i]->setDirection("droite"); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "droite"){ vectorObject[i]->setDirection("gauche"); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "haut"){ vectorObject[i]->setDirection("bas"); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "bas"){ vectorObject[i]->setDirection("haut"); } } if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "gauche"){ vectorObject[i]->deplacementGaucheX(); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "droite"){ vectorObject[i]->deplacementDroiteX(); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "haut"){ vectorObject[i]->deplacementHautY(); } else if(vectorObject[i]->getDirection() == "bas"){ vectorObject[i]->deplacementBasY(); } } else if(vectorObject[i]->getType() == "reward"){ if(CollisionObjectDecor(LARGEUR_TILE, HAUTEUR_TILE, NbColonnes, NbLignes, i, vectorObject, Matrice)) { vectorObject[i]->deplacement(true, frameTime); } else { vectorObject[i]->deplacement(false, frameTime); } } vectorObject[i]->drawObject(app); } /** A AJUSTER */ vue.setCenter((int)(player.getX() + (player.GetSprite().getLocalBounds().width)/2), (int)(player.getY() + (player.GetSprite().getLocalBounds().height)/2)); player.drawPlayer(app); // == Boucle permettant de supprimer du Vector les balles qui sont "killed" après une collision for(int unsigned i = 0; i < vectorBullet.size();){ if(vectorBullet[i].isKilled()) vectorBullet.erase(vectorBullet.begin()+i); else i++; } // == Boucle permettant de supprimer du Vector les Ennemis qui sont "killed" lorsqu'il n'ont plus de points de vie /* // == Ou plutot de faire respawn le Character for(int unsigned i = 0; i < vectorCharacter.size();){ if(vectorCharacter[i].isKilled()){ vectorCharacter[i].setX(vectorCharacter[i].getInitialX()); vectorCharacter[i].setY(vectorCharacter[i].getInitialY()); vectorCharacter[i].setLife(vectorCharacter[i].getInitialLife()); vectorCharacter[i].setSpeed(vectorCharacter[i].getInitialSpeed()); vectorCharacter[i].setEnSaut(vectorCharacter[i].enSautInitial()); vectorCharacter[i].setSurTerre(vectorCharacter[i].surTerreInitial()); vectorCharacter[i].setPosition(); // vectorCharacter.erase(vectorCharacter.begin()+i); }else i++; }*/ // == Boucle permettant de supprimer du Vector les objets qui sont "killed" lorsqu'ils ont été utilisés for(int unsigned i = 0; i < vectorObject.size();){ if(vectorObject[i]->isKilled()) vectorObject.erase(vectorObject.begin()+i); else i++; } // == Test permettant de voir si le player est Killed, et de le faire respawn en conséquence // systeme de CHECKPOINT ici if(player.isKilled()){ player.setX(player.getInitialX()); player.setY(player.getInitialY()); player.setLife(player.getInitialLife()); player.setSpeed(player.getInitialSpeed()); player.setEnSaut(player.enSautInitial()); player.setSurTerre(player.surTerreInitial()); player.revive(); player.setPosition(); // vectorCharacter.erase(vectorCharacter.begin()+i); } app.setView(hud); // IMPORTANT << // On affiche le block hud1 hud1.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2)), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2))); app.draw(hud1); // Permet d'afficher les FPS en mode debug if(debugMode){ sf::Text fpsMessage; int FPS; ostringstream oss; FPS = 1 / frameTime; oss << "FPS : " << FPS; fpsMessage.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2) + 20.0f), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2) + 110.0f)); fpsMessage.setColor(Color(255,0,0,255)); fpsMessage.setString(oss.str()); fpsMessage.setCharacterSize(14); app.draw(fpsMessage); } // On Affiche le Score sf::Text score; ostringstream oss2; oss2 << "Score : " << player.getScore(); score.setColor(Color(0,0,0,255)); score.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2) + 20.0f), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2) + 90.0f)); score.setCharacterSize(14); score.setString(oss2.str()); app.draw(score); // On Affiche le temps sf::Text tpsMaps; ostringstream oss3; oss3 << "Temps : " << clockTempsMap.getElapsedTime().asSeconds(); tpsMaps.setColor(Color(0,0,0,255)); tpsMaps.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2) + 20.0f), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2) + 70.0f)); tpsMaps.setCharacterSize(14); tpsMaps.setString(oss3.str()); app.draw(tpsMaps); // Affichage d'un message "surcharge" si l'energie est basse sf::Text txtSurcharge; txtSurcharge.setString("Overheating !"); txtSurcharge.setColor(Color(255,0,0,255)); txtSurcharge.setCharacterSize(14); txtSurcharge.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2) + 20.0f), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2) + 50.0f)); if(player.getSurchauffe()) app.draw(txtSurcharge); // Variations des barres de vies et de power barLife.setSize(sf::Vector2f(player.getLife(), 10.0f)); barPower.setSize(sf::Vector2f(player.getPower(), 10.0f)); barLife.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2) + 20.0f), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2) + 10.0f)); barPower.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2) + 20.0f), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2) + 30.0f)); if(player.getSurchauffe()){ barPower.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 25, 100)); } else{ barPower.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 150, 255)); } app.draw(barLife); app.draw(barPower); //cout << "x now :" << player.getX() << endl; //cout << "speed Y :" << player.getSpeedY() << endl; if(etatMap == "end"){ /* Systeme de fondu pour fin de niveau // Le rectangle suit le joueur pour éviter tout problème visuel */ fondu.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2)), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2))); fondu.setFillColor(sf::Color(0,0,0,transparence)); app.draw(fondu); // La transparence s'effectue a 0.5 par frame ( a modifier si besoin !) if(transparence < 255){ transparence += 1.0f; } if(transparence >= 255){ save((Map_Actuelle + 2), player.getScore(), clockTempsMap.getElapsedTime().asSeconds()); // MapActuelle + 2 car pour le niveau 1 mapActuelle = 0 et que l'on veux save le dernier niveau que l'on //a atteint donc fin du 1 = 0 + 2 = 2 clockTempsMap.restart(); player.setScore(0); deleteMatrice(&Matrice, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorObject); GoToNextMap(Map_EnCours, Map_Actuelle, Maps); createMap(Map_EnCours, &Matrice, tileSet1, myInterrupteur, myDoor, myCheckpoint, reward, vectorObject); NbColonnes = nbColonnesMap(Map_EnCours); NbLignes = nbLignesMap(Map_EnCours); // On repositionne le joueur en fonction des valeurs initiales // ========= // IMPORTANT // Les valeurs "initiales" varieront en fonction des checkpoint et des changement de niveau // ========= // ======================== PlayerPosition(player, &Matrice, NbColonnes, NbLignes, LARGEUR_TILE, "depart"); // ================================= etatMap = "transition"; // TEMPORAIRE transparence = 0; } } if(etatMap == "transition"){ // On réalise un fondu (inverse) pour réafficher le jeu fondu.setPosition((hud.getCenter().x - (hud.getSize().x / 2)), (hud.getCenter().y - (hud.getSize().y / 2))); fondu.setFillColor(sf::Color(0,0,0,transparenceInverse)); app.draw(fondu); if(transparenceInverse > 0){ transparenceInverse -= 2.0f; } if(transparenceInverse <= 0) { etatMap = "start"; transparenceInverse = 255; } } // Affichage de la fenêtre à l'écran app.display(); } deleteMatrice(&Matrice, NbColonnes, NbLignes, vectorObject); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void lcd_sd_menu_details_callback(uint8_t nr) { if (nr == 0) { return; } for(uint8_t idx=0; idx<LCD_CACHE_COUNT; idx++) { if (LCD_CACHE_ID(idx) == nr) { if (LCD_CACHE_TYPE(idx) == 1) { lcd_lib_draw_string_centerP(53, PSTR("Folder")); }else{ char buffer[64]; if (LCD_DETAIL_CACHE_ID() != nr) { card.getfilename(nr - 1); if (card.errorCode()) { card.clearError(); return; } LCD_DETAIL_CACHE_ID() = nr; LCD_DETAIL_CACHE_TIME() = 0; for(uint8_t e=0; e<EXTRUDERS; e++) LCD_DETAIL_CACHE_MATERIAL(e) = 0; card.openFile(card.filename, true); if (card.isFileOpen()) { for(uint8_t n=0;n<8;n++) { card.fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0'; while (strlen(buffer) > 0 && buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] < ' ') buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '\0'; if (strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR(";TIME:"), 6) == 0) LCD_DETAIL_CACHE_TIME() = atol(buffer + 6); else if (strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR(";MATERIAL:"), 10) == 0) LCD_DETAIL_CACHE_MATERIAL(0) = atol(buffer + 10); #if EXTRUDERS > 1 else if (strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR(";MATERIAL2:"), 11) == 0) LCD_DETAIL_CACHE_MATERIAL(1) = atol(buffer + 11); #endif } } if (card.errorCode()) { //On a read error reset the file position and try to keep going. (not pretty, but these read errors are annoying as hell) card.clearError(); LCD_DETAIL_CACHE_ID() = 255; } } if (LCD_DETAIL_CACHE_TIME() > 0) { char* c = buffer; if (led_glow_dir) { strcpy_P(c, PSTR("Time: ")); c += 6; c = int_to_time_string(LCD_DETAIL_CACHE_TIME(), c); }else{ strcpy_P(c, PSTR("Material: ")); c += 10; float length = float(LCD_DETAIL_CACHE_MATERIAL(0)) / (M_PI * (material[0].diameter / 2.0) * (material[0].diameter / 2.0)); if (length < 10000) c = float_to_string(length / 1000.0, c, PSTR("m")); else c = int_to_string(length / 1000.0, c, PSTR("m")); #if EXTRUDERS > 1 if (LCD_DETAIL_CACHE_MATERIAL(1)) { *c++ = '/'; float length = float(LCD_DETAIL_CACHE_MATERIAL(1)) / (M_PI * (material[1].diameter / 2.0) * (material[1].diameter / 2.0)); if (length < 10000) c = float_to_string(length / 1000.0, c, PSTR("m")); else c = int_to_string(length / 1000.0, c, PSTR("m")); } #endif } lcd_lib_draw_string(3, 53, buffer); }else{ lcd_lib_draw_stringP(3, 53, PSTR("No info available")); } } } } }
void cRandom_Sound::Editor_Activate(void) { CEGUI::WindowManager& wmgr = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton(); // filename CEGUI::Editbox* editbox = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox*>(wmgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/Editbox", "editor_sound_filename")); Editor_Add(UTF8_("Filename"), UTF8_("Sound filename"), editbox, 200); editbox->setText(m_filename.c_str()); editbox->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Editbox::EventTextChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&cRandom_Sound::Editor_Filename_Text_Changed, this)); // continuous CEGUI::Checkbox* checkbox = static_cast<CEGUI::Checkbox*>(wmgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/Checkbox", "editor_sound_continuous")); Editor_Add(UTF8_("Continuous"), UTF8_("Check if the sound should be played continuously instead of randomly"), checkbox, 50); checkbox->setSelected(m_continuous); checkbox->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Checkbox::EventCheckStateChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&cRandom_Sound::Editor_Continuous_Changed, this)); // delay min editbox = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox*>(wmgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/Editbox", "editor_sound_delay_min")); Editor_Add(UTF8_("Delay Minimum"), UTF8_("Minimal delay until played again"), editbox, 90); editbox->setValidationString("^[+]?\\d*$"); editbox->setText(int_to_string(m_delay_min)); editbox->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Editbox::EventTextChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&cRandom_Sound::Editor_Delay_Min_Text_Changed, this)); // delay max editbox = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox*>(wmgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/Editbox", "editor_sound_delay_max")); Editor_Add(UTF8_("Maximum"), UTF8_("Maximal delay until played again"), editbox, 90, 28, 0); editbox->setValidationString("^[+]?\\d*$"); editbox->setText(int_to_string(m_delay_max)); editbox->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Editbox::EventTextChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&cRandom_Sound::Editor_Delay_Max_Text_Changed, this)); // volume min editbox = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox*>(wmgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/Editbox", "editor_sound_volume_min")); Editor_Add(UTF8_("Volume Minimum"), UTF8_("Minimal random volume for each play"), editbox, 90); editbox->setValidationString("^[+]?\\d*$"); editbox->setText(int_to_string(static_cast<int>(m_volume_min))); editbox->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Editbox::EventTextChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&cRandom_Sound::Editor_Volume_Min_Text_Changed, this)); // volume max editbox = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox*>(wmgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/Editbox", "editor_sound_volume_max")); Editor_Add(UTF8_("Maximum"), UTF8_("Maximal random volume for each play"), editbox, 90, 28, 0); editbox->setValidationString("^[+]?\\d*$"); editbox->setText(int_to_string(static_cast<int>(m_volume_max))); editbox->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Editbox::EventTextChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&cRandom_Sound::Editor_Volume_Max_Text_Changed, this)); // volume reduction begin editbox = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox*>(wmgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/Editbox", "editor_sound_volume_reduction_begin")); Editor_Add(UTF8_("Volume Reduction Begin"), UTF8_("Volume reduction begins gradually at this distance"), editbox, 90); editbox->setValidationString("^[+]?\\d*$"); editbox->setText(int_to_string(static_cast<int>(m_volume_reduction_begin))); editbox->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Editbox::EventTextChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&cRandom_Sound::Editor_Volume_Reduction_Begin_Text_Changed, this)); // volume reduction end editbox = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox*>(wmgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/Editbox", "editor_sound_volume_reduction_end")); Editor_Add(UTF8_("End"), UTF8_("Volume reduction ends at this distance. Sound is not played beyond this."), editbox, 90, 28, 0); editbox->setValidationString("^[+]?\\d*$"); editbox->setText(int_to_string(static_cast<int>(m_volume_reduction_end))); editbox->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::Editbox::EventTextChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&cRandom_Sound::Editor_Volume_Reduction_End_Text_Changed, this)); // init Editor_Init(); }
static void tune_item_details_callback(uint8_t nr) { char* c = (char*)lcd_cache; if (nr == 2) c = int_to_string(feedmultiply, c, PSTR("%")); else if (nr == 3) { c = int_to_string(current_temperature[0], c, PSTR("C")); *c++ = '/'; c = int_to_string(target_temperature[0], c, PSTR("C")); } #if EXTRUDERS > 1 else if (nr == 4) { c = int_to_string(current_temperature[1], c, PSTR("C")); *c++ = '/'; c = int_to_string(target_temperature[1], c, PSTR("C")); } #endif else if (nr == 3 + EXTRUDERS) { c = int_to_string(current_temperature_bed, c, PSTR("C")); *c++ = '/'; c = int_to_string(target_temperature_bed, c, PSTR("C")); } else if (nr == 4 + EXTRUDERS) c = int_to_string(int(fanSpeed) * 100 / 255, c, PSTR("%")); else if (nr == 5 + EXTRUDERS) c = int_to_string(extrudemultiply[0], c, PSTR("%")); #if EXTRUDERS > 1 else if (nr == 6 + EXTRUDERS) c = int_to_string(extrudemultiply[1], c, PSTR("%")); #endif else if (nr == 7 + EXTRUDERS) { c = int_to_string(led_brightness_level, c, PSTR("%")); if (led_mode == LED_MODE_ALWAYS_ON || led_mode == LED_MODE_WHILE_PRINTING || led_mode == LED_MODE_BLINK_ON_DONE) analogWrite(LED_PIN, 255 * int(led_brightness_level) / 100); } else return; lcd_lib_draw_string(5, 53, (char*)lcd_cache); }
void nb_sock_recv_file(struct aeEventLoop *eventLoop, int sockfd, void *clientData, int mask) { aio_work_node_t *work_node; storage_client_t *pClient; nb_file_t *file; char temp_storage_id; pClient = (storage_client_t *)clientData; file = &pClient->file; logDebug("nb_sock_recv_file,%s",pClient->file.file_name); if(file->need_name == 1) { // pClient->trunk_file_node = grasp_non_occupied_trunk_file(&g_storage_service.trunk_file_pool,\ pClient->nio_node->non_occupied_trunk_file_head,pClient->file.file_size); LOCK_IF_ERROR("nb_sock_recv_file",g_storage_service.heart_beat_lock); int_to_string(g_storage_service.heart_beat.storage_id,&temp_storage_id,1); UNLOCK_IF_ERROR("nb_sock_recv_file",g_storage_service.heart_beat_lock); pClient->file.start_offlen = pClient->trunk_file_node->size; pClient->trunk_file_node->file_name[4] = temp_storage_id; memcpy(pClient->file.file_name+8,pClient->trunk_file_node->file_name,5); if(pClient->trunk_file_node->fd == 0) { if((pClient->trunk_file_node->fd = open(pClient->trunk_file_node->file_name,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT,0664)) == -1) { logError( "file: "__FILE__",line: %d,"\ "nb_sock_recv_file call open file failed,"\ "errno: %d,error info: %s",\ __LINE__,errno,strerror(errno)); clean_storage_client(pClient); return ; } } pClient->file.fd = pClient->trunk_file_node->fd; // storage_nio_read(&file->file_size,sizeof(file->file_size),do_upload_to_storage,NULL,"nb_sock_recv_file"); return ; } mem_node_t *mem_node; if(file->read_size+BUF_MAXSIZE <= file->file_size) { mem_node = get_freed_mem(&pClient->nio_node->dio_buf_pool); if(mem_node == NULL) return ; work_node = mem_node->buf; work_node->mem_node = mem_node; pClient->cur_aio_node = work_node; work_node->arg = pClient; work_node->proc = do_recv_file_count; work_node->res_queue = pClient->nio_node->res_queue; storage_nio_read(&work_node->buf,BUF_MAXSIZE,finish_buf_read,NULL,"nb_sock_recv_file"); return ; } if(file->read_size != file->file_size) { mem_node = get_freed_mem(&pClient->nio_node->dio_buf_pool); if(mem_node == NULL) return ; work_node = mem_node->buf; work_node->mem_node = mem_node; pClient->cur_aio_node = work_node; work_node->arg = pClient; work_node->proc = do_recv_file_count_end; work_node->res_queue = pClient->nio_node->res_queue; storage_nio_read(&work_node->buf,file->file_size-file->read_size,finish_buf_read,NULL,"nb_sock_recv_file"); return ; } return ; }
void print_C_switch(ostream& out, string component, const StateMachine& machine) { out << "// Auto generated C++ code started by "<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<< endl; out << "// " << machine.getIdent() << ": " << machine.getShorthand() << endl; out << endl; out << "#include \"Global.h\"" << endl; out << "#include \"" << component << "_Controller.h\"" << endl; out << "#include \"" << component << "_State.h\"" << endl; out << "#include \"" << component << "_Event.h\"" << endl; out << "#include \"Types.h\"" << endl; out << "#include \"System.h\"" << endl; out << "#include \"Profiler.h\"" << endl; out << endl; out << "#define HASH_FUN(state, event) ((int(state)*" << component << "_Event_NUM)+int(event))" << endl; out << endl; out << "TransitionResult " << component << "_Controller::doTransition(" << component << "_Event event, " << component << "_State state, " << "const Address& addr)" << endl; out << "{" << endl; out << " " << component << "_State next_state = state;" << endl; out << endl; out << " DEBUG_NEWLINE(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio);" << endl; out << " DEBUG_MSG(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio,*this);" << endl; out << " DEBUG_EXPR(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio,g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime());" << endl; out << " DEBUG_EXPR(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio,state);" << endl; out << " DEBUG_EXPR(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio,event);" << endl; out << " DEBUG_EXPR(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio,addr);" << endl; out << endl; out << " TransitionResult result = doTransitionWorker(event, state, next_state, addr);" << endl; out << endl; out << " if (result == TransitionResult_Valid) {" << endl; out << " DEBUG_EXPR(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio, next_state);" << endl; out << " DEBUG_NEWLINE(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio);" << endl; out << " s_profiler.countTransition(state, event);" << endl; out << " if (g_param_ptr->PROTOCOL_DEBUG_TRACE()) {" << endl << " g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->profileTransition(\"" << component << "\", m_id, addr, " << endl << " " << component << "_State_to_string(state), " << endl << " " << component << "_Event_to_string(event), " << endl << " " << component << "_State_to_string(next_state), " << endl << " \"\");" << endl << " }" << endl; out << " " << component << "_setState(addr, next_state);" << endl; out << " " << endl; out << " } else if (result == TransitionResult_ResourceStall) {" << endl; out << " if (g_param_ptr->PROTOCOL_DEBUG_TRACE()) {" << endl << " g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->profileTransition(\"" << component << "\", m_id, addr, " << endl << " " << component << "_State_to_string(state), " << endl << " " << component << "_Event_to_string(event), " << endl << " " << component << "_State_to_string(next_state), " << endl << " \"Resource Stall\");" << endl << " }" << endl; out << " } else if (result == TransitionResult_ProtocolStall) {" << endl; out << " DEBUG_MSG(GENERATED_COMP,HighPrio,\"stalling\");" << endl << " DEBUG_NEWLINE(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio);" << endl; out << " if (g_param_ptr->PROTOCOL_DEBUG_TRACE()) {" << endl << " g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->profileTransition(\"" << component << "\", m_id, addr, " << endl << " " << component << "_State_to_string(state), " << endl << " " << component << "_Event_to_string(event), " << endl << " " << component << "_State_to_string(next_state), " << endl << " \"Protocol Stall\");" << endl << " }" << endl << " }" << endl; out << " return result;" << endl; out << "}" << endl; out << endl; out << "TransitionResult " << component << "_Controller::doTransitionWorker(" << component << "_Event event, " << component << "_State state, " << component << "_State& next_state, " << "const Address& addr)" << endl; out << "{" << endl; out << "" << endl; out << " switch(HASH_FUN(state, event)) {" << endl; Map<string, Vector<string> > code_map; // This map will allow suppress generating duplicate code Vector<string> code_vec; for(int i=0; i<machine.numTransitions(); i++) { const Transition& t = machine.getTransition(i); string case_string = component + "_State_" + t.getStatePtr()->getIdent() + ", " + component + "_Event_" + t.getEventPtr()->getIdent(); string code; code += " {\n"; // Only set next_state if it changes if (t.getStatePtr() != t.getNextStatePtr()) { code += " next_state = " + component + "_State_" + t.getNextStatePtr()->getIdent() + ";\n"; } const Vector<Action*>& action_vec = t.getActions(); int numActions = action_vec.size(); // Check for resources Vector<string> code_sorter; const Map<Var*, int>& res = t.getResources(); Vector<Var*> res_keys = res.keys(); for (int i=0; i<res_keys.size(); i++) { string temp_code; temp_code += " if (!" + (res_keys[i]->getCode()) + ".areNSlotsAvailable(" + int_to_string(res.lookup(res_keys[i])) + ")) {\n"; temp_code += " return TransitionResult_ResourceStall;\n"; temp_code += " }\n"; code_sorter.insertAtBottom(temp_code); } // Emit the code sequences in a sorted order. This makes the // output deterministic (without this the output order can vary // since Map's keys() on a vector of pointers is not deterministic code_sorter.sortVector(); for (int i=0; i<code_sorter.size(); i++) { code += code_sorter[i]; } // Figure out if we stall bool stall = false; for (int i=0; i<numActions; i++) { if(action_vec[i]->getIdent() == "z_stall") { stall = true; } } if (stall) { code += " return TransitionResult_ProtocolStall;\n"; } else { for (int i=0; i<numActions; i++) { code += " " + action_vec[i]->getIdent() + "(addr);\n"; } code += " return TransitionResult_Valid;\n"; } code += " }\n"; // Look to see if this transition code is unique. if (code_map.exist(code)) { code_map.lookup(code).insertAtBottom(case_string); } else { Vector<string> vec; vec.insertAtBottom(case_string); code_map.add(code, vec); code_vec.insertAtBottom(code); } } // Walk through all of the unique code blocks and spit out the // corresponding case statement elements for (int i=0; i<code_vec.size(); i++) { string code = code_vec[i]; // Iterative over all the multiple transitions that share the same code for (int case_num=0; case_num<code_map.lookup(code).size(); case_num++) { string case_string = code_map.lookup(code)[case_num]; out << " case HASH_FUN(" << case_string << "):" << endl; } out << code; } out << " default:" << endl; out << " WARN_EXPR(m_id);" << endl; out << " WARN_EXPR(g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime());" << endl; out << " WARN_EXPR(addr);" << endl; out << " WARN_EXPR(event);" << endl; out << " WARN_EXPR(state);" << endl; out << " ERROR_MSG(\"Invalid transition\");" << endl; out << " }" << endl; out << " return TransitionResult_Valid;" << endl; out << "}" << endl; }