Пример #1
 * Given the remctl object (for error reporting), host, and port, attempt a
 * network connection.  Returns the file descriptor if successful or
 * INVALID_SOCKET on failure.
static socket_type
internal_connect(struct remctl *r, const char *host, unsigned short port)
    struct addrinfo hints, *ai;
    char portbuf[16];
    int status;
    socket_type fd;

     * Look up the remote host and open a TCP connection.  Call getaddrinfo
     * and network_connect instead of network_connect_host so that we can
     * report the complete error on host resolution.
    memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
    hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
    snprintf(portbuf, sizeof(portbuf), "%hu", port);
    status = getaddrinfo(host, portbuf, &hints, &ai);
    if (status != 0) {
        internal_set_error(r, "unknown host %s: %s", host,
        return INVALID_SOCKET;
    fd = network_connect(ai, r->source, r->timeout);
    if (fd == INVALID_SOCKET) {
        internal_set_error(r, "cannot connect to %s (port %hu): %s", host,
                           port, socket_strerror(socket_errno));
        return INVALID_SOCKET;
    return fd;
Пример #2
 void set_error_with_response(Address address, const SharedRefPtr<Response>& response,
                              CassError code, const std::string& message) {
   ScopedMutex lock(&mutex_);
   address_ = address;
   response_ = response;
   internal_set_error(code, message, lock);
Пример #3
 * Send a command to the server using protocol v1.  Returns true on success,
 * false on failure.
internal_v1_commandv(struct remctl *r, const struct iovec *command,
                     size_t count)
    gss_buffer_desc token;
    size_t i;
    char *p;
    OM_uint32 data, major, minor;
    int status;

    /* Allocate room for the total message: argc, {<length><arg>}+. */
    token.length = 4;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
        token.length += 4 + command[i].iov_len;
    token.value = malloc(token.length);
    if (token.value == NULL) {
        internal_set_error(r, "cannot allocate memory: %s", strerror(errno));
        return false;

    /* First, the argument count.  Then, each argument. */
    p = token.value;
    data = htonl(count);
    memcpy(p, &data, 4);
    p += 4;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        data = htonl(command[i].iov_len);
        memcpy(p, &data, 4);
        p += 4;
        memcpy(p, command[i].iov_base, command[i].iov_len);
        p += command[i].iov_len;

    /* Send the result. */
    status = token_send_priv(r->fd, r->context, TOKEN_DATA | TOKEN_SEND_MIC,
                             &token, r->timeout, &major, &minor);
    if (status != TOKEN_OK) {
        internal_token_error(r, "sending token", status, major, minor);
        return false;
    r->ready = true;
    return true;
Пример #4
 * Given the remctl struct, the host to connect to, the principal name (which
 * may be NULL to use the default), and a pointer to a gss_name_t, import that
 * principal into a GSS-API name.  We want to use a host-based name if
 * possible since that will trigger domain to realm mapping and name
 * canonicalization if desired, but given an arbitrary Kerberos principal, we
 * don't know whether it's host-based or not.  Therefore, if the principal was
 * specified explicitly, always just use it.
 * Returns true on success and false on failure.
static bool
internal_import_name(struct remctl *r, const char *host,
                     const char *principal, gss_name_t *name)
    gss_buffer_desc name_buffer;
    char *defprinc = NULL;
    OM_uint32 major, minor;
    gss_OID oid;

     * If principal is NULL, use host@<host>.  Don't use xmalloc here since it
     * dies on failure and that's rude for a library.
    if (principal == NULL) {
        if (asprintf(&defprinc, "host@%s", host) < 0) {
            internal_set_error(r, "cannot allocate memory: %s",
            return false;
        principal = defprinc;

     * Import the name.  If principal was null, we use a host-based OID;
     * otherwise, specify that the name is a Kerberos principal.
    name_buffer.value = (char *) principal;
    name_buffer.length = strlen(principal) + 1;
    if (defprinc == NULL)
        oid = GSS_C_NT_USER_NAME;
    major = gss_import_name(&minor, &name_buffer, oid, name);
    if (defprinc != NULL)
    if (major != GSS_S_COMPLETE) {
        internal_gssapi_error(r, "parsing name", major, minor);
        return false;
    return true;
Пример #5
 void set_error_with_host_address(Address address, CassError code, const std::string& message) {
   ScopedMutex lock(&mutex_);
   address_ = address;
   internal_set_error(code, message, lock);
Пример #6
 * Open a new connection to a server.  Returns true on success, false on
 * failure.  On failure, sets the error message appropriately.
internal_open(struct remctl *r, const char *host, unsigned short port,
              const char *principal)
    int status, flags;
    bool port_fallback = false;
    socket_type fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
    gss_buffer_desc send_tok, recv_tok, *token_ptr;
    gss_buffer_desc empty_token = { 0, (void *) "" };
    gss_name_t name = GSS_C_NO_NAME;
    gss_ctx_id_t gss_context = GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT;
    OM_uint32 major, minor, init_minor, gss_flags;
    static const OM_uint32 wanted_gss_flags
    static const OM_uint32 req_gss_flags

     * If port is 0, default to trying the standard port and then falling back
     * on the old port.
    if (port == 0) {
        port = REMCTL_PORT;
        port_fallback = true;

    /* Make the network connection. */
    fd = internal_connect(r, host, port);
    if (fd == INVALID_SOCKET && port_fallback)
        fd = internal_connect(r, host, REMCTL_PORT_OLD);
    if (fd == INVALID_SOCKET)
        goto fail;
    r->fd = fd;

    /* Import the name. */
    if (!internal_import_name(r, host, principal, &name))
        goto fail;

     * Default to protocol version two, but if some other protocol is already
     * set in the remctl struct, don't override.  This facility is used only
     * for testing currently.
    if (r->protocol == 0)
        r->protocol = 2;

    /* Send the initial negotiation token. */
    status = token_send(fd, TOKEN_NOOP | TOKEN_CONTEXT_NEXT | TOKEN_PROTOCOL,
                        &empty_token, r->timeout);
    if (status != TOKEN_OK) {
        internal_token_error(r, "sending initial token", status, 0, 0);
        goto fail;

    /* Perform the context-establishment loop.
     * On each pass through the loop, token_ptr points to the token to send to
     * the server (or GSS_C_NO_BUFFER on the first pass).  Every generated
     * token is stored in send_tok which is then transmitted to the server;
     * every received token is stored in recv_tok, which token_ptr is then set
     * to, to be processed by the next call to gss_init_sec_context.
     * GSS-API guarantees that send_tok's length will be non-zero if and only
     * if the server is expecting another token from us, and that
     * gss_init_sec_context returns GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED if and only if the
     * server has another token to send us.
     * We start with the assumption that we're going to do protocol v2, but if
     * the server ever drops TOKEN_PROTOCOL from the response, we fall back to
     * v1.
    token_ptr = GSS_C_NO_BUFFER;
    do {
        major = gss_init_sec_context(&init_minor, GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL, 
                    &gss_context, name, (const gss_OID) GSS_KRB5_MECHANISM,
                    wanted_gss_flags, 0, NULL, token_ptr, NULL, &send_tok,
                    &gss_flags, NULL);
        if (token_ptr != GSS_C_NO_BUFFER)

        /* If we have anything more to say, send it. */
        if (send_tok.length != 0) {
            flags = TOKEN_CONTEXT;
            if (r->protocol > 1)
                flags |= TOKEN_PROTOCOL;
            status = token_send(fd, flags, &send_tok, r->timeout);
            if (status != TOKEN_OK) {
                internal_token_error(r, "sending token", status, major, minor);
                gss_release_buffer(&minor, &send_tok);
                goto fail;
        gss_release_buffer(&minor, &send_tok);

        /* On error, report the error and abort. */
        if (major != GSS_S_COMPLETE && major != GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED) {
            internal_gssapi_error(r, "initializing context", major,
            goto fail;

        /* If we're still expecting more, retrieve it. */
        if (major == GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED) {
            status = token_recv(fd, &flags, &recv_tok, TOKEN_MAX_LENGTH,
            if (status != TOKEN_OK) {
                internal_token_error(r, "receiving token", status, major,
                goto fail;
            if (r->protocol > 1 && (flags & TOKEN_PROTOCOL) != TOKEN_PROTOCOL)
                r->protocol = 1;
            token_ptr = &recv_tok;
    } while (major == GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED);

     * If the flags we get back from the server are bad and we're doing
     * protocol v2, report an error and abort.  This must be done after
     * establishing the context, since Heimdal doesn't report all flags until
     * context negotiation is complete.
    if (r->protocol > 1 && (gss_flags & req_gss_flags) != req_gss_flags) {
        internal_set_error(r, "server did not negotiate acceptable GSS-API"
                           " flags");
        goto fail;

    /* Success.  Set the context in the struct remctl object. */
    r->context = gss_context;
    r->ready = 0;
    gss_release_name(&minor, &name);
    return true;

    if (fd != INVALID_SOCKET)
    r->fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
    if (name != GSS_C_NO_NAME)
        gss_release_name(&minor, &name);
    if (gss_context != GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT)
        gss_delete_sec_context(&minor, &gss_context, GSS_C_NO_BUFFER);
    return false;
Пример #7
 * Retrieve the output from the server using protocol version one and return
 * it.  This function will actually be called twice, once to retrieve the
 * output data and once to retrieve the exit status.  The old protocol
 * returned those together in one message, so we have to buffer the exit
 * status and return it on the second call.  Returns a remctl output struct on
 * success and NULL on failure.
struct remctl_output *
internal_v1_output(struct remctl *r)
    int status, flags;
    gss_buffer_desc token;
    OM_uint32 data, major, minor, length;
    char *p;

     * First, see if we already had an output struct.  If so, this is the
     * second call and we should just return the exit status.
    if (r->output != NULL && !r->ready) {
        if (r->output->type == REMCTL_OUT_STATUS)
            r->output->type = REMCTL_OUT_DONE;
        else {
            r->output->type = REMCTL_OUT_STATUS;
        r->output->status = r->status;
        return r->output;

    /* Otherwise, we have to read the token from the server. */
    status = token_recv_priv(r->fd, r->context, &flags, &token,
                             TOKEN_MAX_LENGTH, r->timeout, &major, &minor);
    if (status != TOKEN_OK) {
        internal_token_error(r, "receiving token", status, major, minor);
        if (status == TOKEN_FAIL_EOF || status == TOKEN_FAIL_TIMEOUT) {
            gss_delete_sec_context(&minor, &r->context, GSS_C_NO_BUFFER);
            r->context = GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT;
            r->fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
            r->ready = false;
        return NULL;
    if (flags != TOKEN_DATA) {
        internal_set_error(r, "unexpected token from server");
        gss_release_buffer(&minor, &token);
        return NULL;

    /* Extract the return code, message length, and data. */
    if (token.length < 8) {
        internal_set_error(r, "malformed result token from server");
        gss_release_buffer(&minor, &token);
        return NULL;
    p = token.value;
    memcpy(&data, p, 4);
    r->status = ntohl(data);
    p += 4;
    memcpy(&data, p, 4);
    length = ntohl(data);
    p += 4;
    if (length != token.length - 8) {
        internal_set_error(r, "malformed result token from server");
        gss_release_buffer(&minor, &token);
        return NULL;

     * Allocate the new output token.  We make another copy of the data,
     * unfortunately, so that we don't have to keep the token around to free
     * later.
    r->output = malloc(sizeof(struct remctl_output));
    if (r->output == NULL) {
        internal_set_error(r, "cannot allocate memory: %s", strerror(errno));
        gss_release_buffer(&minor, &token);
        return NULL;
    r->output->type = REMCTL_OUT_OUTPUT;
    r->output->data = malloc(length);
    if (r->output->data == NULL) {
        internal_set_error(r, "cannot allocate memory: %s", strerror(errno));
        gss_release_buffer(&minor, &token);
        return NULL;
    memcpy(r->output->data, p, length);
    r->output->length = length;
    gss_release_buffer(&minor, &token);

     * We always claim everything was stdout since we have no way of knowing
     * better with protocol version one.
    r->output->stream = 1;

     * We can only do one round with protocol version one, so close the
     * connection now.
    gss_delete_sec_context(&minor, &r->context, GSS_C_NO_BUFFER);
    r->context = GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT;
    r->fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
    r->ready = false;
    return r->output;