Пример #1
MSCalibrator::invalidJam(int laneIndex) const {
    if (laneIndex < 0) {
        const int numLanes = (int)myEdge->getLanes().size();
        for (int i = 0; i < numLanes; ++i) {
            if (invalidJam(i)) {
                return true;
        return false;
    assert(laneIndex < (int)myEdge->getLanes().size());
    const MSLane* const lane = myEdge->getLanes()[laneIndex];
    if (lane->getVehicleNumber() < 4) {
        // cannot reliably detect invalid jams
        return false;
    // maxSpeed reflects the calibration target
    const bool toSlow = lane->getMeanSpeed() < 0.5 * myEdge->getSpeedLimit();
    return toSlow && remainingVehicleCapacity(laneIndex) < 1;
Пример #2
METriggeredCalibrator::execute(SUMOTime currentTime) {
    // get current simulation values (valid for the last simulation second)
    // XXX could we miss vehicle movements if this is called less often than every DELTA_T (default) ?

    // check whether an adaptation value exists
    if (isCurrentStateActive(currentTime)) {
        // all happens in isCurrentStateActive()
    } else {
        myEdgeMeanData.reset(); // discard collected values
        if (!mySpeedIsDefault) {
            // if not, reset adaptation values
            MESegment* first = MSGlobals::gMesoNet->getSegmentForEdge(mySegment->getEdge());
            const SUMOReal jamThresh = OptionsCont::getOptions().getFloat("meso-jam-threshold");
            while (first != 0) {
                first->setSpeed(myDefaultSpeed, currentTime, jamThresh);
                first = first->getNextSegment();
            mySpeedIsDefault = true;
        if (myCurrentStateInterval == myIntervals.end()) {
            // keep calibrator alive but do not call again
            return TIME2STEPS(86400);
        return myFrequency;
    // we are active
    if (!myDidSpeedAdaption && myCurrentStateInterval->v >= 0 && myCurrentStateInterval->v != mySegment->getEdge().getSpeedLimit()) {
        MESegment* first = MSGlobals::gMesoNet->getSegmentForEdge(mySegment->getEdge());
        while (first != 0) {
            first->setSpeed(myCurrentStateInterval->v, currentTime, -1);
            first = first->getNextSegment();
        mySpeedIsDefault = false;
        myDidSpeedAdaption = true;
    // clear invalid jams
    bool hadInvalidJam = false;
    while (invalidJam()) {
        hadInvalidJam = true;
        if (!myHaveWarnedAboutClearingJam) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Clearing jam at calibrator '" + myID + "' at time " + time2string(currentTime));
        // remove one vehicle currently on the segment
        if (mySegment->vaporizeAnyCar(currentTime)) {
        } else {
            if (!myHaveWarnedAboutClearingJam) {
                // this frequenly happens for very short edges
                WRITE_WARNING("Could not clear jam at calibrator '" + myID + "' at time " + time2string(currentTime));
        myHaveWarnedAboutClearingJam = true;
    if (myCurrentStateInterval->q >= 0) {
        // flow calibration starts here ...
        // compute the number of vehicles that should have passed the calibrator within the time
        // rom begin of the interval
        const SUMOReal totalHourFraction = STEPS2TIME(myCurrentStateInterval->end - myCurrentStateInterval->begin) / (SUMOReal) 3600.;
        const int totalWishedNum = (int)std::floor(myCurrentStateInterval->q * totalHourFraction + 0.5); // round to closest int
        int adaptedNum = passed() + myClearedInJam;
        if (!hadInvalidJam) {
            // only add vehicles if we do not have an invalid upstream jam to prevent spill-back
            const SUMOReal hourFraction = STEPS2TIME(currentTime - myCurrentStateInterval->begin + DELTA_T) / (SUMOReal) 3600.;
            const int wishedNum = (int)std::floor(myCurrentStateInterval->q * hourFraction + 0.5); // round to closest int
            // only the difference between inflow and aspiredFlow should be added, thus
            // we should not count vehicles vaporized from a jam here
            // if we have enough time left we can add missing vehicles later
            const int relaxedInsertion = (int)std::floor(STEPS2TIME(myCurrentStateInterval->end - currentTime) / 3);
            const int insertionSlack = MAX2(0, adaptedNum + relaxedInsertion - totalWishedNum);
            // increase number of vehicles
            //std::cout << "time:" << STEPS2TIME(currentTime) << " w:" << wishedNum << " s:" << insertionSlack << " before:" << adaptedNum;
            while (wishedNum > adaptedNum + insertionSlack && remainingVehicleCapacity() > maximumInflow()) {
                SUMOVehicleParameter* pars = myCurrentStateInterval->vehicleParameter;
                const MSRoute* route = myProbe != 0 ? myProbe->getRoute() : 0;
                if (route == 0) {
                    route = MSRoute::dictionary(pars->routeid);
                if (route == 0) {
                    WRITE_WARNING("No valid routes in calibrator '" + myID + "'.");
                if (!route->contains(myEdge)) {
                    WRITE_WARNING("Route '" + route->getID() + "' in calibrator '" + myID + "' does not contain edge '" + myEdge->getID() + "'.");
                MSVehicleType* vtype = MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl().getVType(pars->vtypeid);
                assert(route != 0 && vtype != 0);
                // build the vehicle
                const SUMOTime depart = mySegment->getNextInsertionTime(currentTime);
                SUMOVehicleParameter* newPars = new SUMOVehicleParameter(*pars);
                newPars->id = myID + "." + toString(depart) + "." + toString(myInserted);
                newPars->depart = depart;
                newPars->routeid = route->getID();
                MEVehicle* vehicle = static_cast<MEVehicle*>(MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl().buildVehicle(
                                         newPars, route, vtype, false, false));
                vehicle->setSegment(mySegment); // needed or vehicle will not be registered (XXX why?)
                vehicle->setEventTime(currentTime); // XXX superfluous?
                // move vehicle forward when the route does not begin at the calibrator's edge
                const MSEdge* myedge = &mySegment->getEdge();
                bool atDest = false;
                while (vehicle->getEdge() != myedge) {
                    // let the vehicle move to the next edge
                    atDest = vehicle->moveRoutePointer();
                // insert vehicle into the net
                if (atDest || !tryEmit(mySegment, vehicle)) {
                    //std::cout << "F ";
                    MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl().deleteVehicle(vehicle, true);
                //std::cout << "I ";
        //std::cout << " after:" << adaptedNum << "\n";
        // we only remove vehicles once we really have to
        while (totalWishedNum < adaptedNum) {
            if (!mySegment->vaporizeAnyCar(currentTime)) {
                // @bug: short edges may be jumped in a single step, giving us no chance to remove a vehicle
    if (myCurrentStateInterval->end <= currentTime + myFrequency) {
    return myFrequency;
Пример #3
MSCalibrator::execute(SUMOTime currentTime) {
    // get current simulation values (valid for the last simulation second)
    // XXX could we miss vehicle movements if this is called less often than every DELTA_T (default) ?
    const bool hadRemovals = removePending();
    // check whether an adaptation value exists
    if (isCurrentStateActive(currentTime)) {
        myAmActive = true;
        // all happens in isCurrentStateActive()
    } else {
        myAmActive = false;
        if (!mySpeedIsDefault) {
            // reset speed to default
            if (myLane == nullptr) {
            } else {
            mySpeedIsDefault = true;
        if (myCurrentStateInterval == myIntervals.end()) {
            // keep calibrator alive for gui but do not call again
            return TIME2STEPS(86400);
        return myFrequency;
    // we are active
    if (!myDidSpeedAdaption && myCurrentStateInterval->v >= 0) {
        if (myLane == nullptr) {
        } else {
        mySpeedIsDefault = false;
        myDidSpeedAdaption = true;

    const bool calibrateFlow = myCurrentStateInterval->q >= 0;
    const int totalWishedNum = totalWished();
    int adaptedNum = passed() + myClearedInJam;
#ifdef MSCalibrator_DEBUG
    std::cout << time2string(currentTime) << " " << myID
              << " q=" << myCurrentStateInterval->q
              << " totalWished=" << totalWishedNum
              << " adapted=" << adaptedNum
              << " jam=" << invalidJam(myLane == 0 ? -1 : myLane->getIndex())
              << " entered=" << myEdgeMeanData.nVehEntered
              << " departed=" << myEdgeMeanData.nVehDeparted
              << " arrived=" << myEdgeMeanData.nVehArrived
              << " left=" << myEdgeMeanData.nVehLeft
              << " waitSecs=" << myEdgeMeanData.waitSeconds
              << " vaporized=" << myEdgeMeanData.nVehVaporized
              << "\n";
    if (calibrateFlow && adaptedNum < totalWishedNum && !hadRemovals) {
        // we need to insert some vehicles
        const double hourFraction = STEPS2TIME(currentTime - myCurrentStateInterval->begin + DELTA_T) / (double) 3600.;
        const int wishedNum = (int)std::floor(myCurrentStateInterval->q * hourFraction + 0.5); // round to closest int
        // only the difference between inflow and aspiredFlow should be added, thus
        // we should not count vehicles vaporized from a jam here
        // if we have enough time left we can add missing vehicles later
        const int relaxedInsertion = (int)std::floor(STEPS2TIME(myCurrentStateInterval->end - currentTime) / 3);
        const int insertionSlack = MAX2(0, adaptedNum + relaxedInsertion - totalWishedNum);
        // increase number of vehicles
#ifdef MSCalibrator_DEBUG
                << "   wished:" << wishedNum
                << " slack:" << insertionSlack
                << " before:" << adaptedNum
                << "\n";
        while (wishedNum > adaptedNum + insertionSlack) {
            SUMOVehicleParameter* pars = myCurrentStateInterval->vehicleParameter;
            const MSRoute* route = myProbe != nullptr ? myProbe->getRoute() : nullptr;
            if (route == nullptr) {
                route = MSRoute::dictionary(pars->routeid);
            if (route == nullptr) {
                WRITE_WARNING("No valid routes in calibrator '" + myID + "'.");
            if (!route->contains(myEdge)) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Route '" + route->getID() + "' in calibrator '" + myID + "' does not contain edge '" + myEdge->getID() + "'.");
            const int routeIndex = (int)std::distance(route->begin(),
                                   std::find(route->begin(), route->end(), myEdge));
            MSVehicleType* vtype = MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl().getVType(pars->vtypeid);
            assert(route != 0 && vtype != 0);
            // build the vehicle
            SUMOVehicleParameter* newPars = new SUMOVehicleParameter(*pars);
            newPars->id = myID + "." + toString((int)STEPS2TIME(myCurrentStateInterval->begin)) + "." + toString(myInserted);
            newPars->depart = currentTime;
            newPars->routeid = route->getID();
            MSVehicle* vehicle;
            try {
                vehicle = dynamic_cast<MSVehicle*>(MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl().buildVehicle(
                                                       newPars, route, vtype, true, false));
            } catch (const ProcessError& e) {
                if (!MSGlobals::gCheckRoutes) {
                    vehicle = nullptr;
                } else {
                    throw e;
#ifdef MSCalibrator_DEBUG
            std::cout << " resetting route pos: " << routeIndex << "\n";
            if (myEdge->insertVehicle(*vehicle, currentTime)) {
                if (!MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl().addVehicle(vehicle->getID(), vehicle)) {
                    throw ProcessError("Emission of vehicle '" + vehicle->getID() + "' in calibrator '" + getID() + "'failed!");
#ifdef MSCalibrator_DEBUG
                std::cout << "I ";
            } else {
                // could not insert vehicle
#ifdef MSCalibrator_DEBUG
                std::cout << "F ";
                MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl().deleteVehicle(vehicle, true);
    if (myCurrentStateInterval->end <= currentTime + myFrequency) {
    return myFrequency;