Пример #1
// Create a station from a sacfile
station *loadStation(char *filename)
	station *s = NULL;

	SACHEAD *h = io_readSacHead(filename);
	if (h == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "On Station file %s not found.\n", filename);
		return s;

	s = malloc(sizeof(station));

	s->lat = h->stla;
	s->lon = h->stlo;
	// Elevation should be in KM and + is down !
	s->el = -h->stel / 1000.0;
	s->name = NULL;
	s->net = NULL;

	//  fprintf(stderr, "File: %s ", filename);
	hdu_getValueFromChar("kstnm", h, NULL, NULL, &s->name);
	hdu_getValueFromChar("knetwk", h, NULL, NULL, &s->net);

	h = io_freeData(h);

	return s;
Пример #2
// Create a pick from a sacfile
pick *loadPick(char *filename, stations * ss)
	char *name = NULL;
	char *net = NULL;
	int Id;

	pick *p = NULL;

	SACHEAD *h = io_readSacHead(filename);
	if (h == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "On pick file %s not found.\n", filename);
		return p;

	/* Check if the file is picked */
	if (h->f == -12345. || h->a == -12345.) {
		h = io_freeData(h);
		return p;

	hdu_getValueFromChar("KSTNM", h, NULL, NULL, &name);
	hdu_getValueFromChar("KNETWK", h, NULL, NULL, &net);

	Id = getStationId(ss, name, net);

	if (Id == -1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Station for pick %s not found.\n", filename);
		h = io_freeData(h);
		name = io_freeData(name);
		net = io_freeData(net);
		return p;

	p = malloc(sizeof(pick));
	p->station = Id;
	p->phase = 1;
	p->tobs = h->f - h->o;
	p->tref = h->a - h->o;
	p->difference = p->tobs - p->tref;
	p->residual = -999.9;

	p->gcarc = h->gcarc;
	p->baz = h->baz;

	h = io_freeData(h);
	name = io_freeData(name);
	net = io_freeData(net);

	return p;
Пример #3
// Create one event from a sac filename
event *loadEvent(char *sacFilename)
	event *e = NULL;
	int i;
	SACHEAD *h = io_readSacHead(sacFilename);
	if (h == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "On Event file %s not found.\n", sacFilename);
		return e;

	e = malloc(sizeof(event));

	e->Id = NULL;
	hdu_getValueFromChar("kevnm", h, NULL, NULL, &e->Id);
	// if no id use the folder name
	if ((i = strncmp(e->Id, SAC_HEADER_CHAR_UNDEFINED, strlen(SAC_HEADER_CHAR_UNDEFINED)) == 0)) {
		char *filenamecopy = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(sacFilename)+1));
		strcpy(filenamecopy, sacFilename);

		char *basefolder;
		basefolder = dirname(filenamecopy);
		e->Id = malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(basefolder)+1));
		strcpy(e->Id, basefolder);

		filenamecopy = NULL;
		fprintf(stderr, "Warning, no kevnm defined using the folder name.\n");

	e->lat = h->evla;
	e->lon = h->evlo;
	e->depth = h->evdp;
	e->magnitude = h->mag;
	e->n = 0;
	e->resMean = 0.0;
	e->resStd = 0.0;
	e->hasMean = 0;
	e->picks = NULL;

	h = io_freeData(h);

	return e;
Пример #4
int findHas(glob_t *glb) {
	int has = 0;
	if (glb == NULL)
		return has;
	if (glb->gl_pathc == 0)
		return has;
	SACHEAD *head = io_readSacHead(glb->gl_pathv[0]);
	if (head != NULL){
		if (head->unused27 == 1) 
			has = 1;
		head = io_freeData(head);
	return has;
Пример #5
int findFilters(glob_t *glb, float *lp, float *hp) {
	int state = 0;
	// Set default values
	*lp = getConfigAsNumber(config, NAME_LP, DEFAULT_LP);
	*hp = getConfigAsNumber(config, NAME_HP, DEFAULT_HP);

	if (glb == NULL)
		return state;

	if (glb->gl_pathc == 0)
		return state;

	SACHEAD *head = io_readSacHead(glb->gl_pathv[0]);
	if (head == NULL)
		return state;

	//P phase
	if (getConfigAsNumber(config, NAME_PICK, DEFAULT_PICK) == P){
		if (head->unused11 != -12345.0 && head->unused12 != -12345.0 && head->unused11 > head->unused12) {
			*lp = head->unused11;
			*hp = head->unused12;
			state = (head->unused11 > head->unused12);

	} else if (getConfigAsNumber(config, NAME_PICK, DEFAULT_PICK) == S){ //Phase S
		if (head->unused6 != -12345.0 && head->unused7 != -12345.0 && head->unused6 > head->unused7) {
			*lp = head->unused6;
			*hp = head->unused7;
			state = (head->unused6 > head->unused7);

	} else
		sprintf(message,"Something is not right\n");

	head = io_freeData(head);

	return state;