Пример #1
QString KExiv2::getIptcTagString(const char* iptcTagName, bool escapeCR) const
        Exiv2::IptcKey iptcKey(iptcTagName);
        Exiv2::IptcData iptcData(d->iptcMetadata());
        Exiv2::IptcData::iterator it = iptcData.findKey(iptcKey);
        if (it != iptcData.end())
            std::ostringstream os;
            os << *it;
            QString tagValue(os.str().c_str());

            if (escapeCR)
                tagValue.replace('\n', ' ');

            return tagValue;
    catch( Exiv2::Error& e )
        d->printExiv2ExceptionError(QString("Cannot find Iptc key '%1' into image using Exiv2 ")
                                    .arg(iptcTagName), e);

    return QString();
Пример #2
 Iptcdatum& IptcData::operator[](const std::string& key)
     IptcKey iptcKey(key);
     iterator pos = findKey(iptcKey);
     if (pos == end()) {
         pos = findKey(iptcKey);
     return *pos;
Пример #3
// Always creates a new metadata entry.
// Passing invalidTypeId causes the type to be guessed.
// Guessing types is accurate for IPTC, but not for EXIF.
// Returns 0 on success
EXIVSIMPLE_API int AddMeta(HIMAGE img, const char *key, const char *val, DllTypeId type)
    assert(img && key && val);
    if (img==0 || key==0 || val==0) return -1;
    ImageWrapper *imgWrap = (ImageWrapper*)img;
    int rc = 2;

    Exiv2::IptcData &iptcData = imgWrap->image->iptcData();
    Exiv2::ExifData &exifData = imgWrap->image->exifData();

    std::string data(val);
        size_t dataLen = data.length();
        // if data starts and ends with quotes, remove them
        if (dataLen > 1 && *(data.begin()) == '\"' && *(data.rbegin()) == '\"') {
            data = data.substr(1, dataLen-2);

    try {
        Exiv2::IptcKey iptcKey(key);
        rc = 1;

        if (type == invalidTypeId)
            type = (DllTypeId)Exiv2::IptcDataSets::dataSetType(iptcKey.tag(), iptcKey.record());
        Exiv2::Value::AutoPtr value = Exiv2::Value::create((Exiv2::TypeId)type);

        rc = iptcData.add(iptcKey, value.get());
    catch(const Exiv2::AnyError&) {

    if (rc) {
        // Failed with iptc, so try exif
        try {
            Exiv2::ExifKey exifKey(key);
            rc = 1;

            // No way to get value type for exif... string is the most common
            if (type == invalidTypeId)
                type = asciiString;
            Exiv2::Value::AutoPtr value = Exiv2::Value::create((Exiv2::TypeId)type);

            exifData.add(exifKey, value.get());
            rc = 0;
        catch(const Exiv2::AnyError&) {

    return rc;
Пример #4
// This is weird because iptc and exif have not been "unified". Once
// they are unified, this DLL should not have to know
// about either... just generic images, keys, values, etc.
// buffsize should be the total size of *buff (including space for null)
// Note that if there is more than one entry (for some IPTC datasets) this
// returns the first one found. Currently no way to get the others.
// Returns 0 on success
EXIVSIMPLE_API int ReadMeta(HIMAGE img, const char *key, char *buff, int buffsize)
    assert(img && key && buff);
    if (img==0 || key==0 || buff==0 || buffsize==0) return -1;
    ImageWrapper *imgWrap = (ImageWrapper*)img;
    int rc = 2;

    Exiv2::IptcData &iptcData = imgWrap->image->iptcData();
    Exiv2::ExifData &exifData = imgWrap->image->exifData();

    try {
        // First try iptc
        Exiv2::IptcKey iptcKey(key);
        rc = 1;
        Exiv2::IptcData::const_iterator iter = iptcData.findKey(iptcKey);
        if (iter != iptcData.end()) {
            strncpy(buff, iter->value().toString().c_str(), buffsize);
            buff[buffsize-1] = 0;
            rc = 0;
    catch(const Exiv2::AnyError&) {

    if (rc) {
        // No iptc value, so try exif
        try {
            Exiv2::ExifKey exifKey(key);
            rc = 1;
            Exiv2::ExifData::const_iterator iter = exifData.findKey(exifKey);
            if (iter != exifData.end()) {
                strncpy(buff, iter->value().toString().c_str(), buffsize);
                buff[buffsize-1] = 0;
                rc = 0;
        catch(const Exiv2::AnyError&) {

    return rc;
Пример #5
// If multiple entires exist, this only remove the first one
// found. Call multiple times to remove many.
// Returns 0 on success
EXIVSIMPLE_API int RemoveMeta(HIMAGE img, const char *key)
    assert(img && key);
    if (img==0 || key==0) return -1;
    ImageWrapper *imgWrap = (ImageWrapper*)img;
    int rc = 2;

    Exiv2::IptcData &iptcData = imgWrap->image->iptcData();
    Exiv2::ExifData &exifData = imgWrap->image->exifData();

    try {
        Exiv2::IptcKey iptcKey(key);
        rc = 1;
        Exiv2::IptcData::iterator iter = iptcData.findKey(iptcKey);
        if (iter != iptcData.end()) {
            rc = 0;
    catch(const Exiv2::AnyError&) {

    if (rc) {
        // No iptc value, so try exif
        try {
            Exiv2::ExifKey exifKey(key);
            rc = 1;
            Exiv2::ExifData::iterator iter = exifData.findKey(exifKey);
            if (iter != exifData.end()) {
                rc = 0;
        catch(const Exiv2::AnyError&) {

    return rc;
Пример #6
QByteArray KExiv2::getIptcTagData(const char* iptcTagName) const
        Exiv2::IptcKey iptcKey(iptcTagName);
        Exiv2::IptcData iptcData(d->iptcMetadata());
        Exiv2::IptcData::iterator it = iptcData.findKey(iptcKey);
        if (it != iptcData.end())
            char *s = new char[(*it).size()];
            (*it).copy((Exiv2::byte*)s, Exiv2::bigEndian);
            QByteArray data(s, (*it).size());
            delete [] s;
            return data;
    catch( Exiv2::Error& e )
        d->printExiv2ExceptionError(QString("Cannot find Iptc key '%1' into image using Exiv2 ")
                                    .arg(iptcTagName), e);

    return QByteArray();
Пример #7
// Overwrites existing value if found, otherwise creates a new one.
// Passing invalidTypeId causes the type to be guessed.
// Guessing types is accurate for IPTC, but not for EXIF.
// Returns 0 on success
EXIVSIMPLE_API int ModifyMeta(HIMAGE img, const char *key, const char *val, DllTypeId type)
    assert(img && key && val);
    if (img==0 || key==0 || val==0) return -1;
    ImageWrapper *imgWrap = (ImageWrapper*)img;
    int rc = 2;

    Exiv2::IptcData &iptcData = imgWrap->image->iptcData();
    Exiv2::ExifData &exifData = imgWrap->image->exifData();

    std::string data(val);
    // if data starts and ends with quotes, remove them
    if (data.at(0) == '\"' && data.at(data.size()-1) == '\"') {
        data = data.substr(1, data.size()-2);

    try {
        Exiv2::IptcKey iptcKey(key);
        rc = 1;

        if (type == invalidTypeId)
            type = (DllTypeId)Exiv2::IptcDataSets::dataSetType(iptcKey.tag(), iptcKey.record());
        Exiv2::Value::AutoPtr value = Exiv2::Value::create((Exiv2::TypeId)type);

        Exiv2::IptcData::iterator iter = iptcData.findKey(iptcKey);
        if (iter != iptcData.end()) {
            rc = 0;
        else {
            rc = iptcData.add(iptcKey, value.get());
    catch(const Exiv2::AnyError&) {

    if (rc) {
        // Failed with iptc, so try exif
        try {
            Exiv2::ExifKey exifKey(key);
            rc = 1;

            // No way to get value type for exif... string is the most common
            if (type == invalidTypeId)
                type = asciiString;
            Exiv2::Value::AutoPtr value = Exiv2::Value::create((Exiv2::TypeId)type);

            Exiv2::ExifData::iterator iter = exifData.findKey(exifKey);
            if (iter != exifData.end()) {
                rc = 0;
            else {
                exifData.add(exifKey, value.get());
                rc = 0;
        catch(const Exiv2::AnyError&) {

    return rc;