Пример #1
gdecode_t rpc_debmod_t::dbg_get_debug_event(debug_event_t *event, int timeout_ms)
  if ( has_pending_event )
    verbev(("get_debug_event => has pending event, returning it\n"));
    *event = pending_event;
    has_pending_event = false;
    poll_debug_events = false;
    return GDE_ONE_EVENT;

  gdecode_t result = GDE_NO_EVENT;
  if ( poll_debug_events )
    // do we have something waiting?
    // we must use TIMEOUT here to avoid competition between
    // IDA analyzer and the debugger program.
    // The analysis will be slow during the application run.
    // As soon as the program is suspended, the analysis will be fast
    // because get_debug_event() will not be called.
    if ( irs_ready(irs, TIMEOUT) != 0 )
      verbev(("get_debug_event => remote has an event for us\n"));
      // get the packet - it should be RPC_EVENT (nothing else can be)
      qstring empty;
      int flags = timeout_ms > 0
                ? SET_PRF_TIMEOUT(timeout_ms) | PRF_POLL
                : PRF_DONT_POLL;
      rpc_packet_t *rp = process_request(empty, flags);
      verbev(("get_debug_event => processed remote event, has=%d\n", has_pending_event));
      if ( rp != NULL || !has_pending_event )
        warning("rpc: event protocol error (rp=%p has_event=%d)", rp, has_pending_event);
        return GDE_ERROR;
    verbev(("get_debug_event => first time, send GET_DEBUG_EVENT\n"));
    qstring cmd = prepare_rpc_packet(RPC_GET_DEBUG_EVENT);
    append_long(cmd, timeout_ms);

    rpc_packet_t *rp = process_request(cmd);
    if ( rp == NULL )
      return GDE_ERROR;
    const uchar *answer = (uchar *)(rp+1);
    const uchar *end = answer + rp->length;

    result = gdecode_t(extract_long(&answer, end));
    if ( result >= GDE_ONE_EVENT )
      extract_debug_event(&answer, end, event);
      poll_debug_events = true;
    verbev(("get_debug_event => remote said %d, poll=%d now\n", result, poll_debug_events));
  return result;
Пример #2
ssize_t irs_recv(idarpc_stream_t *irs, void *buf, size_t n, int timeout)
  if ( timeout != -1 && !irs_ready(irs, timeout) )
    return -1; // no data
  return qrecv(sock_from_irs(irs), buf, (int)n);
Пример #3
gdecode_t idaapi rpc_debmod_t::dbg_get_debug_event(debug_event_t *event, int timeout_ms)
  if ( has_pending_event )
    verbev(("get_debug_event => has pending event, returning it\n"));
    *event = pending_event;
    has_pending_event = false;
    poll_debug_events = false;
    return GDE_ONE_EVENT;

  gdecode_t result = GDE_NO_EVENT;
  if ( poll_debug_events )
    // do we have something waiting?
    if ( irs_ready(irs, timeout_ms) != 0 )
      verbev(("get_debug_event => remote has an event for us\n"));
      // get the packet - it should be RPC_EVENT (nothing else can be)
      bytevec_t empty;
      rpc_packet_t *rp = process_request(empty);
      verbev(("get_debug_event => processed remote event, has=%d\n", has_pending_event));
      if ( rp != NULL || !has_pending_event )
        warning("rpc: event protocol error (rp=%p has_event=%d)", rp, has_pending_event);
        return GDE_ERROR;
    verbev(("get_debug_event => first time, send GET_DEBUG_EVENT\n"));
    bytevec_t req = prepare_rpc_packet(RPC_GET_DEBUG_EVENT);
    append_dd(req, timeout_ms);

    rpc_packet_t *rp = process_request(req);
    if ( rp == NULL )
      return GDE_ERROR;
    const uchar *answer = (uchar *)(rp+1);
    const uchar *end = answer + rp->length;

    result = gdecode_t(extract_long(&answer, end));
    if ( result >= GDE_ONE_EVENT )
      extract_debug_event(&answer, end, event);
      poll_debug_events = true;
    verbev(("get_debug_event => remote said %d, poll=%d now\n", result, poll_debug_events));
  return result;