void OTCaller::delCallback() { // if (NULL != _callback) // TODO this may be a memory leak. // delete _callback; // But I know we're currently crashing from deleting same object twice. // And since the object comes from Java, who am I to delete it? Let Java clean it up. if (isCallbackSet()) OTLog::Output(0, "OTCaller::delCallback: WARNING: setting existing callback object pointer to NULL. " "(This message doesn't trigger if it was already NULL.)\n"); //-------------------------------- _callback = NULL; }
void OTCaller::callTwo() { ZeroOutPassword(); // Make sure there isn't some old password still in here. if (isCallbackSet()) { OTLog::Output(0, "OTCaller::callTwo: FYI, Executing password callback (two)...\n"); _callback->runTwo(this->GetDisplay(), m_Password); } else { OTLog::Output(0, "OTCaller::callTwo: WARNING: Failed attempt to trigger password callback (two), due to \"it hasn't been set yet.\"\n"); } }
void OTCaller::delCallback() { // if (nullptr != _callback) // TODO this may be a memory leak. // delete _callback; // But I know we're currently crashing from // deleting same object twice. // And since the object comes from Java, who am I to delete it? Let Java // clean it up. if (isCallbackSet()) otOut << "OTCaller::delCallback: WARNING: setting existing callback " "object pointer to nullptr. " "(This message doesn't trigger if it was already nullptr.)\n"; _callback = nullptr; }
void OTCaller::callTwo() { ZeroOutPassword(); // Make sure there isn't some old password still in here. if (isCallbackSet()) { otOut << "OTCaller::callTwo: FYI, Executing password callback (two)...\n"; _callback->runTwo(GetDisplay(), m_Password); } else { otOut << "OTCaller::callTwo: WARNING: Failed attempt to trigger " "password callback (two), due to \"it hasn't been set " "yet.\"\n"; } }