bool pt_PieceTable::_realInsertObject(PT_DocPosition dpos, PTObjectType pto, const gchar ** attributes, const gchar ** properties, pf_Frag_Object ** ppfo) { UT_ASSERT_HARMLESS((pto == PTO_Math) || (pto == PTO_Embed) || (properties == NULL)); // dpos == 1 seems to be generally bad. - plam // I'm curious about how often it happens. Please mail me if it does! UT_ASSERT_HARMLESS(dpos > 1); // TODO currently we force the caller to pass in the attr/prop. // TODO this is probably a good thing for Images, but might be // TODO bogus for things like Fields. UT_return_val_if_fail (m_pts==PTS_Editing, false); // store the attributes and properties and get an index to them. PT_AttrPropIndex apiOld = 0, indexAP; pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFound = getFragFromPosition(dpos,&pf,&fragOffset); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFound,false); pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = NULL; bool bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFrag(pf,&pfs); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); if(isEndFootnote((pf_Frag *) pfs)) { bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip((pf_Frag *)pfs,&pfs); } UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux, false); apiOld = _chooseIndexAP(pf,fragOffset); if (!m_varset.mergeAP(PTC_AddFmt, apiOld, attributes, properties, &indexAP, m_pDocument)) return false; // get the fragment at the given document position. PT_BlockOffset blockOffset = _computeBlockOffset(pfs,pf) + fragOffset; pf_Frag_Object * pfo = NULL; if (!_insertObject(pf,fragOffset,pto,indexAP,pfo)) return false; // create a change record, add it to the history, and notify // anyone listening. PX_ChangeRecord_Object * pcr = new PX_ChangeRecord_Object(PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_InsertObject, dpos,indexAP, pfo->getXID(), pto,blockOffset, pfo->getField(),reinterpret_cast<PL_ObjectHandle>(pfo)); UT_return_val_if_fail (pcr,false); m_history.addChangeRecord(pcr); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); *ppfo = pfo; return true; }
bool pt_PieceTable::insertStrux(PT_DocPosition dpos, PTStruxType pts, pf_Frag_Strux ** ppfs_ret) { if(m_pDocument->isMarkRevisions()) { // when the strux is inserted in non-revision mode, it inherits the AP from the previous // strux. In revision mode this does not necessarily work because we may need to have a // different revision attribute. Consequently, we need to ensure that the AP that gets // assigned to the new strux contains all relevant attrs and props from the AP of the // previous strux -- we do this by obtaining the index of the AP of the previous strux and // running it through _translateRevisionAttribute() which will gives back all attrs and // props that need to be passed to _realInsertStrux() pf_Frag_Strux * pfsContainer = NULL; bool bFoundContainer = _getStruxFromPosition(dpos,&pfsContainer); // the orig. strux UT_return_val_if_fail(bFoundContainer, false); if(isEndFootnote(pfsContainer)) { bFoundContainer = _getStruxFromFragSkip(pfsContainer,&pfsContainer); UT_return_val_if_fail(bFoundContainer, false); } PT_AttrPropIndex indexAP = 0; if (pfsContainer->getStruxType() == pts) { indexAP = pfsContainer->getIndexAP(); } PP_RevisionAttr Revisions(NULL); const gchar ** ppRevAttrib = NULL; const gchar ** ppRevProps = NULL; _translateRevisionAttribute(Revisions, indexAP, PP_REVISION_ADDITION, ppRevAttrib, ppRevProps, 0, 0); //return _realChangeStruxFmt(PTC_AddFmt, dpos, dpos + iLen, ppRevAttrib,ppRevProps,pts); return _realInsertStrux(dpos,pts,ppRevAttrib,ppRevProps,ppfs_ret); } else { return _realInsertStrux(dpos,pts,0,0,ppfs_ret); } }
bool pt_PieceTable::_realChangeSpanFmt(PTChangeFmt ptc, PT_DocPosition dpos1, PT_DocPosition dpos2, const gchar ** attributes, const gchar ** properties, bool bRevisionDelete) { // apply a span-level formatting change to the given region. UT_return_val_if_fail (m_pts==PTS_Editing,false); _tweakFieldSpan(dpos1,dpos2); // // Deal with case of exactly selecting the endOfFootnote // pf_Frag * pfEndDum = m_fragments.findFirstFragBeforePos(dpos2); if(isEndFootnote(pfEndDum)) { if(dpos2 > dpos1) { dpos2--; } } // // Deal with addStyle // bool bApplyStyle = (PTC_AddStyle == ptc); const gchar ** sProps = NULL; const gchar ** lProps = properties; if(bApplyStyle) { // // OK for styles we expand out all defined properties including BasedOn styles // Then we use these to eliminate any specfic properties in the current strux // Then properties in the current strux will resolve to those defined in the // style (they exist there) to specifc values in strux (if not overridden by // the style) then finally to default value. // const gchar * szStyle = UT_getAttribute(PT_STYLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME,attributes); PD_Style * pStyle = NULL; UT_return_val_if_fail (szStyle,false); getDocument()->getStyle(szStyle,&pStyle); UT_return_val_if_fail (pStyle,false); UT_Vector vProps; // // Get the vector of properties // pStyle->getAllProperties(&vProps,0); // // Finally make the const gchar * array of properties // UT_uint32 countp = vProps.getItemCount() + 1; sProps = (const gchar **) UT_calloc(countp, sizeof(gchar *)); countp--; UT_uint32 i; for(i=0; i<countp; i++) { sProps[i] = (const gchar *) vProps.getNthItem(i); } sProps[i] = NULL; lProps = sProps; } if (dpos1 == dpos2) // if length of change is zero, then we have a toggle format. { UT_uint32 startUndoPos = m_history.getUndoPos(); bool bRes = _insertFmtMarkFragWithNotify(ptc,dpos1,attributes,lProps); UT_uint32 endUndoPos = m_history.getUndoPos(); // Won't be a persistant change if it's just a toggle PX_ChangeRecord *pcr=0; m_history.getUndo(&pcr,true); if (pcr && (startUndoPos != endUndoPos) ) { UT_DEBUGMSG(("Setting persistance of change to false\n")); pcr->setPersistance(false); m_history.setSavePosition(m_history.getSavePosition()+1); } if(bApplyStyle) { FREEP(sProps); } return bRes; } UT_return_val_if_fail (dpos1 < dpos2,false); bool bHaveAttributes, bHaveProperties; bHaveAttributes = (attributes && *attributes); bHaveProperties = (lProps && *lProps); pf_Frag * pf_First; pf_Frag * pf_End; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset_First; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset_End; bool bFound; bFound = getFragsFromPositions(dpos1,dpos2,&pf_First,&fragOffset_First,&pf_End,&fragOffset_End); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFound, false); #if 0 { pf_Frag * pf1, * pf2; PT_BlockOffset fo1, fo2; bool bFound1 = getFragFromPosition(dpos1,&pf1,&fo1); bool bFound2 = getFragFromPosition(dpos2,&pf2,&fo2); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFound1 && bFound2, false); UT_return_val_if_fail ((pf1==pf_First) && (fragOffset_First==fo1), false); UT_return_val_if_fail ((pf2==pf_End) && (fragOffset_End==fo2), false); } #endif // see if the amount of text to be changed is completely // contained within a single fragment. if so, we have a // simple change. otherwise, we need to set up a multi-step // change -- it may not actually take more than one step, // but it is too complicated to tell at this point, so we // assume it will and don't worry about it. // // we are in a simple change if the beginning and end are // within the same fragment. // NOTE: if we call beginMultiStepGlob() we ***MUST*** call // NOTE: endMultiStepGlob() before we return -- otherwise, // NOTE: the undo/redo won't be properly bracketed. bool bSimple = (pf_First == pf_End); if (!bSimple) beginMultiStepGlob(); pf_Frag_Strux * pfsContainer = NULL; pf_Frag * pfNewEnd; UT_uint32 fragOffsetNewEnd; UT_uint32 length = dpos2 - dpos1; while (length != 0) { // FIXME: Special check to support a FmtMark at the end of the // document. This is necessary because FmtMarks don't have a // length... See bug 452. if (0 == length && (!pf_First || pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark != pf_First->getType())) break; UT_return_val_if_fail (dpos1+length==dpos2, false); UT_uint32 lengthInFrag = pf_First->getLength() - fragOffset_First; UT_uint32 lengthThisStep = UT_MIN(lengthInFrag, length); switch (pf_First->getType()) { case pf_Frag::PFT_EndOfDoc: default: UT_DEBUGMSG(("fragment type: %d\n",pf_First->getType())); UT_ASSERT_HARMLESS(0); if(bApplyStyle) { FREEP(sProps); } return false; case pf_Frag::PFT_Strux: { // we are only applying span-level changes, so we ignore strux. // but we still need to update our loop indices. pfNewEnd = pf_First->getNext(); fragOffsetNewEnd = 0; pfsContainer = static_cast<pf_Frag_Strux *> (pf_First); bool bFoundStrux = false; if(isEndFootnote(pfsContainer)) { bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(pfsContainer,&pfsContainer); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux, false); } } break; case pf_Frag::PFT_Text: { if (!pfsContainer) { bool bFoundStrux; bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromPosition(dpos1,&pfsContainer); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); if(isEndFootnote(pfsContainer)) { bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(pfsContainer,&pfsContainer); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); } } bool bResult; bResult = _fmtChangeSpanWithNotify(ptc,static_cast<pf_Frag_Text *>(pf_First), fragOffset_First,dpos1,lengthThisStep, attributes,lProps, pfsContainer,&pfNewEnd,&fragOffsetNewEnd,bRevisionDelete); UT_return_val_if_fail (bResult,false); } break; case pf_Frag::PFT_Object: { if (!pfsContainer) { bool bFoundStrux; bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromPosition(dpos1,&pfsContainer); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); if(isEndFootnote(pfsContainer)) { bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(pfsContainer,&pfsContainer); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); } } bool bResult; bResult = _fmtChangeObjectWithNotify(ptc,static_cast<pf_Frag_Object *>(pf_First), fragOffset_First,dpos1,lengthThisStep, attributes,lProps, pfsContainer,&pfNewEnd,&fragOffsetNewEnd,false); UT_return_val_if_fail (bResult,false); } break; case pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark: { if (!pfsContainer) { bool bFoundStrux; bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromPosition(dpos1,&pfsContainer); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); if(isEndFootnote(pfsContainer)) { bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(pfsContainer,&pfsContainer); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); } } bool bResult; bResult = _fmtChangeFmtMarkWithNotify(ptc,static_cast<pf_Frag_FmtMark *>(pf_First), dpos1, attributes,lProps, pfsContainer,&pfNewEnd,&fragOffsetNewEnd); UT_return_val_if_fail (bResult,false); } break; } dpos1 += lengthThisStep; length -= lengthThisStep; // since _fmtChange{Span,FmtMark,...}WithNotify(), can delete pf_First, mess with the // fragment list, and does some aggressive coalescing of // fragments, we cannot just do a pf_First->getNext() here. // to advance to the next fragment, we use the *NewEnd variables // that each of the cases routines gave us. pf_First = pfNewEnd; if (!pf_First) length = 0; fragOffset_First = fragOffsetNewEnd; } if(bApplyStyle) { FREEP(sProps); } if (!bSimple) endMultiStepGlob(); return true; }
bool pt_PieceTable::_doTheDo(const PX_ChangeRecord * pcr, bool bUndo) { // actually do the work of the undo or redo. m_bDoingTheDo = true; switch (pcr->getType()) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_GlobMarker: DONE(); m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_InsertSpan: { const PX_ChangeRecord_Span * pcrSpan = static_cast<const PX_ChangeRecord_Span *>(pcr); pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; UT_DEBUGMSG(("_undo insertspan Pos = %d \n",pcr->getPosition())); bool bFound = getFragFromPosition(pcrSpan->getPosition(),&pf,&fragOffset); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFound,false); pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = NULL; bool bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFrag(pf,&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); if(isEndFootnote(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs))) { bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs),&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); } PT_BlockOffset newOffset = pcrSpan->getPosition() - pfs->getPos() -1; if (!_insertSpan(pf,pcrSpan->getBufIndex(),fragOffset, pcrSpan->getLength(),pcrSpan->getIndexAP(), pcrSpan->getField())) return false; DONE(); pcrSpan->AdjustBlockOffset(newOffset); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); } m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_DeleteSpan: { // Our deleteSpan is much simpler than the main routine. // We can do this becase the change history is composed // of atomic operations, whereas the main routine has to // to deal with whatever the user chose to do (and cut // it into a series of steps). const PX_ChangeRecord_Span * pcrSpan = static_cast<const PX_ChangeRecord_Span *>(pcr); pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFound = getFragFromPosition(pcrSpan->getPosition(),&pf,&fragOffset); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFound,false); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (pf->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Text,false); pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = NULL; bool bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFrag(pf,&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux, false); if(isEndFootnote(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs))) { bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs),&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux, false); } UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux, false); UT_sint32 newOffset = pcrSpan->getPosition() - pfs->getPos() -1; //was -2 if(newOffset < 0) newOffset = 0; pf_Frag_Text * pft = static_cast<pf_Frag_Text *> (pf); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (pft->getIndexAP() == pcrSpan->getIndexAP(),false); xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("deletespan in _doTheDo length %d \n",pcrSpan->getLength())); UT_uint32 iLenDeleted = fragOffset + pft->getLength(); if(iLenDeleted >= pcrSpan->getLength()) { _deleteSpan(pft,fragOffset,pcrSpan->getBufIndex(),pcrSpan->getLength(),NULL,NULL); } else { pf_Frag_Text * pftNext = static_cast<pf_Frag_Text *>(pft->getNext()); UT_uint32 iLenDel = pft->getLength() - fragOffset; iLenDeleted = 0; while(pft && (pft ->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Text) && (iLenDeleted <pcrSpan->getLength()) ) { _deleteSpan(pft,fragOffset,pcrSpan->getBufIndex(),iLenDel,NULL,NULL); pft = pftNext; pftNext = static_cast<pf_Frag_Text *>(pft->getNext()); iLenDeleted += iLenDel; iLenDel = pcrSpan->getLength() - iLenDeleted; if(iLenDel > pft->getLength()) iLenDel = pft->getLength(); fragOffset = 0; } } UT_DEBUGMSG(("newOffset %d spanBlockOffset %d \n",newOffset,pcrSpan->getBlockOffset())); pcrSpan->AdjustBlockOffset(newOffset); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); DONE(); } m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ChangeSpan: { // ChangeSpan is it's own inverse. similarly, we have a much simpler // job than the main routine, because we have broken up the user's // request into atomic operations. const PX_ChangeRecord_SpanChange * pcrs = static_cast<const PX_ChangeRecord_SpanChange *>(pcr); pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFound = getFragFromPosition(pcrs->getPosition(),&pf,&fragOffset); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFound, false); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (pf->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Text, false); pf_Frag_Text * pft = static_cast<pf_Frag_Text *> (pf); pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = NULL; bool bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFrag(pf,&pfs); if(isEndFootnote(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs))) { bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs),&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux, false); } UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux, false); PT_BlockOffset newOffset = pcrs->getPosition() - pfs->getPos() -1; // we need to loop here, because even though we have a simple (atomic) change, // the document may be fragmented slightly differently (or rather, it may not // yet be possible to coalesce it (until the end of the loop)). pf_Frag * pfEnd; UT_uint32 fragOffsetEnd; UT_uint32 length = pcrs->getLength(); while (length) { UT_uint32 lengthInFrag = pft->getLength() - fragOffset; UT_uint32 lengthThisStep = UT_MIN(lengthInFrag, length); _fmtChangeSpan(pft,fragOffset,lengthThisStep,pcrs->getIndexAP(),&pfEnd,&fragOffsetEnd); length -= lengthThisStep; if (length == 0) break; UNDO_return_val_if_fail (pfEnd->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Text, false); pft = static_cast<pf_Frag_Text *> (pfEnd); fragOffset = fragOffsetEnd; } DONE(); pcrs->AdjustBlockOffset(newOffset); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); } m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_InsertStrux: { const PX_ChangeRecord_Strux * pcrStrux = static_cast<const PX_ChangeRecord_Strux *>(pcr); pf_Frag_Strux * pfsNew = NULL; if (!_createStrux(pcrStrux->getStruxType(),pcrStrux->getIndexAP(),&pfsNew)) return false; pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFoundFrag = getFragFromPosition(pcrStrux->getPosition(),&pf,&fragOffset); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundFrag, false); // get the strux containing the given position. // TODO see if we can avoid this call to _getStruxFromPosition ?? pf_Frag_Strux * pfsContainer = NULL; bool bFoundContainer = _getStruxFromPosition(pcrStrux->getPosition(),&pfsContainer); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundContainer,false); if(isEndFootnote(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfsContainer))) { bool bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfsContainer),&pfsContainer); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux, false); } _insertStrux(pf,fragOffset,pfsNew); DONE(); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfsContainer,pfsNew,pcr); } return true; case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_DeleteStrux: { const PX_ChangeRecord_Strux * pcrStrux = static_cast<const PX_ChangeRecord_Strux *>(pcr); pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFoundFrag = getFragFromPosition(pcrStrux->getPosition(),&pf,&fragOffset); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundFrag,false); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (pf->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Strux,false); pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = static_cast<pf_Frag_Strux *> (pf); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (pcrStrux->getStruxType() == pfs->getStruxType(),false); bool bResult = _unlinkStrux(pfs,NULL,NULL); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bResult,false); DONE(); delete pfs; } m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ChangeStrux: { // ChangeStrux is it's own inverse. const PX_ChangeRecord_StruxChange * pcrs = static_cast<const PX_ChangeRecord_StruxChange *>(pcr); pf_Frag_Strux * pfs; bool bFound = _getStruxFromPosition(pcrs->getPosition(),&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFound,false); bool bResult = _fmtChangeStrux(pfs,pcrs->getIndexAP()); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bResult,false); DONE(); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); } m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_InsertObject: { const PX_ChangeRecord_Object * pcrObject = static_cast<const PX_ChangeRecord_Object *>(pcr); pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFound = getFragFromPosition(pcrObject->getPosition(),&pf,&fragOffset); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFound, false); pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = NULL; bool bFoundStrux2 = _getStruxFromFrag(pf,&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux2, false); if(isEndFootnote(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs))) { bool bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs),&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); } pf_Frag_Object * pfo = NULL; if (!_insertObject(pf,fragOffset,pcrObject->getObjectType(), pcrObject->getIndexAP(),pfo)) return false; pcrObject->setObjectHandle(pfo); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (pfo,false); UT_sint32 newOffset = pcrObject->getPosition() - pfs->getPos() -1; // need to set field pointers to values of new pointer // as old field doesn't exist pf = pfo->getNext(); while (pf&&pf->getType()==pf_Frag::PFT_Text&& pf->getField()) { pf_Frag_Text * pft = static_cast<pf_Frag_Text *>(pf); pft->setField(pfo->getField()); pf = pft->getNext(); } DONE(); pcrObject->AdjustBlockOffset(newOffset); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); // don't update field until all of changes have been made } m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_DeleteObject: { const PX_ChangeRecord_Object * pcrObject = static_cast<const PX_ChangeRecord_Object *>(pcr); pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFound = getFragFromPosition(pcrObject->getPosition(),&pf,&fragOffset); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFound, false); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (pf->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Object,false); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (fragOffset == 0,false); pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = NULL; bool bFoundStrux2 = _getStruxFromFrag(pf,&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux2,false); if(isEndFootnote(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs))) { bool bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs),&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); } UT_sint32 newOffset = pcrObject->getPosition() - pfs->getPos() -1; // was -2 if(newOffset < 0) newOffset = 0; pf_Frag_Object * pfo = static_cast<pf_Frag_Object *> (pf); if((pfo->getObjectType() != PTO_Math) && ((pfo->getObjectType() != PTO_Embed))) { UNDO_return_val_if_fail (pfo->getIndexAP() == pcrObject->getIndexAP(),false); } _deleteObject(pfo,NULL,NULL); DONE(); pcrObject->AdjustBlockOffset(newOffset); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); } m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ChangeObject: { // ChangeSpan is it's own inverse. const PX_ChangeRecord_ObjectChange * pcro = static_cast<const PX_ChangeRecord_ObjectChange *>(pcr); pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFound = getFragFromPosition(pcro->getPosition(),&pf,&fragOffset); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFound,false); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (pf->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Object,false); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (fragOffset == 0, false); pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = NULL; bool bFoundStrux2 = _getStruxFromFrag(pf,&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux2,false); if(isEndFootnote(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs))) { bool bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs),&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); } UT_sint32 newOffset = pcro->getPosition() - pfs->getPos() -1; pf_Frag_Object * pfo = static_cast<pf_Frag_Object *> (pf); _fmtChangeObject(pfo,pcro->getIndexAP(),NULL,NULL); DONE(); pcro->AdjustBlockOffset(newOffset); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); } m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_InsertFmtMark: { const PX_ChangeRecord_FmtMark * pcrFM = static_cast<const PX_ChangeRecord_FmtMark *>(pcr); pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFound = getFragFromPosition(pcrFM->getPosition(),&pf,&fragOffset); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFound, false); pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = NULL; bool bFoundStrux2 = _getStruxFromFrag(pf,&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux2, false); if(isEndFootnote(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs))) { bool bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfs),&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); } UT_sint32 newOffset = pcrFM->getPosition() - pfs->getPos() -1; if (!_insertFmtMark(pf,fragOffset,pcrFM->getIndexAP())) return false; DONE(); pcrFM->AdjustBlockOffset(newOffset); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); } m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_DeleteFmtMark: { const PX_ChangeRecord_FmtMark * pcrFM = static_cast<const PX_ChangeRecord_FmtMark *>(pcr); pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFound = getFragFromPosition(pcrFM->getPosition(),&pf,&fragOffset); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFound, false); // we backup one because we have zero length and getFragFromPosition() // returns the right-most thing with this document position. if(pf->getType() != pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark) pf = pf->getPrev(); if(pf->getType()==pf_Frag::PFT_Strux) { if(pf->getNext() && pf->getNext()->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Strux) { DONE(); m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; } if(pf->getNext() && pf->getNext()->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Text) { pf = pf->getNext(); if(pf->getNext() && pf->getNext()->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark) { pf = pf->getNext(); } } } UNDO_return_val_if_fail (pf->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark,false); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (fragOffset == 0,false); pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = NULL; bool bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(pf,&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); UT_sint32 newOffset = pcrFM->getPosition() - pfs->getPos() -1; pf_Frag_FmtMark * pffm = static_cast<pf_Frag_FmtMark *> (pf); // UNDO_return_val_if_fail (pffm->getIndexAP() == pcrFM->getIndexAP(),false); _deleteFmtMark(pffm,NULL,NULL); DONE(); pcrFM->AdjustBlockOffset(newOffset); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); } m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ChangeFmtMark: { // ChangeFmt is it's own inverse. const PX_ChangeRecord_FmtMarkChange * pcrFMC = static_cast<const PX_ChangeRecord_FmtMarkChange *>(pcr); pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFound = getFragFromPosition(pcrFMC->getPosition(),&pf,&fragOffset); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFound,false); // we backup one because we have zero length and getFragFromPosition() // returns the right-most thing with this document position. if(pf->getType() != pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark) pf = pf->getPrev(); if(pf->getType()==pf_Frag::PFT_Strux) { if(pf->getNext() && pf->getNext()->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Strux) { DONE(); m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; } } UNDO_return_val_if_fail (pf->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark,false); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (fragOffset == 0,false); pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = NULL; bool bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip(pf,&pfs); UNDO_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); UT_sint32 newOffset = pcrFMC->getPosition() - pfs->getPos() -1; pf_Frag_FmtMark * pffm = static_cast<pf_Frag_FmtMark *> (pf); _fmtChangeFmtMark(pffm,pcrFMC->getIndexAP(),NULL,NULL); DONE(); m_bDoingTheDo = false; pcrFMC->AdjustBlockOffset(newOffset); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); } return true; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ChangePoint: DONE(); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(NULL, pcr); m_bDoingTheDo = false; return true; default: UT_ASSERT_HARMLESS(0); m_bDoingTheDo = false; return false; } }
bool pt_PieceTable::_realInsertStrux(PT_DocPosition dpos, PTStruxType pts, const gchar ** attributes, const gchar ** properties, pf_Frag_Strux ** ppfs_ret) { // insert a new structure fragment at the given document position. // this function can only be called while editing the document. // Also can specify an indexAP to be used for the frag rather // than that obtained by default. Very useful for insertting // Cells where you can immediately specify the cell position in // a table. this function can only be called while editing the // document. UT_return_val_if_fail (m_pts==PTS_Editing, false); // get the fragment at the doc postion containing the given // document position. pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFoundFrag = getFragFromPosition(dpos,&pf,&fragOffset); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundFrag, false); // get the strux containing the given position. pf_Frag_Strux * pfsContainer = NULL; bool bFoundContainer = _getStruxFromPosition(dpos,&pfsContainer); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundContainer,false); // // Can only insert an endTOC into a TOC // if((pfsContainer->getStruxType() == PTX_SectionTOC) && (pts != PTX_EndTOC)) { bFoundContainer = _getStruxFromPosition(pfsContainer->getPos(),&pfsContainer); dpos--; } if(isEndFootnote(pfsContainer)) { bFoundContainer = _getStruxFromFragSkip(pfsContainer,&pfsContainer); } // if we are inserting something similar to the previous strux, // we will clone the attributes/properties; we assume that the // new strux should have the same AP as the one which preceeds us. // This is generally true for inserting a paragraph -- it should // inherit the style of the one we just broke. PT_AttrPropIndex indexAP = 0; if (pfsContainer->getStruxType() == pts) { // TODO paul, add code here to see if this strux has a "followed-by" // TODO paul, property (or property in the style) and get the a/p // TODO paul, from there rather than just taking the attr/prop // TODO paul, of the previous strux. indexAP = pfsContainer->getIndexAP(); } // // Look to see if we're in the middle of a hyperlink span now. // pf_Frag * pHype = _findPrevHyperlink(pf); if(pHype != NULL && (pts != PTX_SectionFrame) // allow annotations in // hyperlinks && (pts != PTX_SectionAnnotation) && (pts != PTX_EndAnnotation)) // frames are always placed // at the end of blocks // so we don't need this { // // We have an open hyperlink! FIXME later we should allow this by terminating // the hyperlink span just before this strux, then doing the insert strux. // Instead for now we'll just disallow this insertStrux. // // This assert is to remind use to write the code to terminate // the hyperlink. // pf_Frag * pEndHype = _findNextHyperlink(pf); PT_DocPosition posEnd = 0; if(pEndHype) { posEnd = pEndHype->getPos(); } // // OK now insert a new end of hyperlink at pf // insertObject(dpos, PTO_Hyperlink,NULL,NULL); m_fragments.cleanFrags(); dpos++; if(posEnd > 0) { // // Now delete the old endhyperlink. // pf_Frag * pfEnd = NULL; UT_uint32 newOff = 0; posEnd++; // from the insert UT_uint32 offset = 0; _deleteObjectWithNotify(posEnd, static_cast<pf_Frag_Object*>(pEndHype), offset,1,pfsContainer,&pfEnd,&newOff,true); } m_fragments.cleanFrags(); bFoundFrag = getFragFromPosition(dpos,&pf,&fragOffset); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundFrag, false); } // // If desired, merge in the specified attributes/properties. This // enables cells to inherit the properties of the block from which // they were inserted. // if (attributes || properties) { PT_AttrPropIndex pAPIold = indexAP; bool bMerged = m_varset.mergeAP(PTC_AddFmt,pAPIold,attributes,properties,&indexAP,getDocument()); UT_UNUSED(bMerged); UT_ASSERT_HARMLESS(bMerged); } pf_Frag_Strux * pfsNew = NULL; if (!_createStrux(pts,indexAP,&pfsNew)) return false; pfsNew->setXID(getXID()); // when inserting paragraphs, we try to remember the current // span formatting active at the insertion point and add a // FmtMark immediately after the block. this way, if the // user keeps typing text, the FmtMark will control it's // attr/prop -- if the user warps away and/or edits elsewhere // and then comes back to this point (the FmtMark may or may // not still be here) new text will either use the FmtMark or // look to the right. bool bNeedGlob = false; PT_AttrPropIndex apFmtMark = 0; if (pfsNew->getStruxType() == PTX_Block) { bNeedGlob = _computeFmtMarkForNewBlock(pfsNew,pf,fragOffset,&apFmtMark); if (bNeedGlob) beginMultiStepGlob(); // if we are leaving an empty block (are stealing all it's content) we should // put a FmtMark in it to remember the active span fmt at the time. // this lets things like hitting two consecutive CR's and then comming // back to the first empty paragraph behave as expected. // fixme sevior here if ((pf->getType()==pf_Frag::PFT_Text) && (fragOffset == 0) && (pf->getPrev()!=NULL) && (pf->getPrev()->getType()==pf_Frag::PFT_Strux)) { pf_Frag_Strux *pfsStrux = static_cast<pf_Frag_Strux *>(pf->getPrev()); if(pfsStrux->getStruxType() == PTX_Block) { _insertFmtMarkAfterBlockWithNotify(pfsContainer,dpos,apFmtMark); } } } // // Look if we're placing an endcell in an empty block. If so, // insert a format mark // if (pfsNew->getStruxType() == PTX_EndCell) { if((pf->getPrev()!=NULL) && (pf->getPrev()->getType()==pf_Frag::PFT_Strux)) { pf_Frag_Strux *pfsStrux = static_cast<pf_Frag_Strux *>(pf->getPrev()); if(pfsStrux->getStruxType() == PTX_Block) { _insertFmtMarkAfterBlockWithNotify(pfsContainer,dpos,apFmtMark); } } } // insert this frag into the fragment list. Update the container strux as needed _insertStrux(pf,fragOffset,pfsNew); if (ppfs_ret) *ppfs_ret = pfsNew; // create a change record to describe the change, add // it to the history, and let our listeners know about it. if(pfsNew->getStruxType() == PTX_SectionFrame) { // Inserting a sectionFrame screws up dos. It goes just before the next // block strux found. dpos = pfsNew->getPrev()->getPos() + pfsNew->getPrev()->getLength(); } PX_ChangeRecord_Strux * pcrs = new PX_ChangeRecord_Strux(PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_InsertStrux, dpos,indexAP,pfsNew->getXID(), pts); UT_return_val_if_fail (pcrs,false); // add record to history. we do not attempt to coalesce these. m_history.addChangeRecord(pcrs); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfsContainer,pfsNew,pcrs); if (bNeedGlob) { UT_return_val_if_fail (!pfsNew->getNext() || pfsNew->getNext()->getType()!=pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark, false); _insertFmtMarkAfterBlockWithNotify(pfsNew,dpos+pfsNew->getLength(),apFmtMark); endMultiStepGlob(); } return true; }
/*! * If we do an insert strux on a pf_Frag_Strux we actually insert the new strux * BEFORE pf. In this case the container is actually in strux before this one. * In this case pfsActual returns the rela containing strux. */ void pt_PieceTable::_insertStrux(pf_Frag * pf, PT_BlockOffset fragOffset, pf_Frag_Strux * pfsNew) { // insert the new strux frag at (pf,fragOffset) // // In the case of Frames, the frame must be placed just before the next // strux (that's not an emebedded-type strux // if(pfsNew->getStruxType() == PTX_SectionFrame) { pf_Frag_Strux * pfsNext = NULL; if(pf->getType() != pf_Frag::PFT_Strux) { _getNextStruxAfterFragSkip(pf, &pfsNext); if(pfsNext != NULL) { pf = static_cast<pf_Frag *>(pfsNext); } if(isEndFootnote(pf)) { pf = pf->getNext(); } fragOffset = 0; } } switch (pf->getType()) { default: UT_ASSERT_HARMLESS(0); return; case pf_Frag::PFT_Object: case pf_Frag::PFT_EndOfDoc: case pf_Frag::PFT_Strux: { // insert pfsNew before pf. // TODO this may introduce some oddities due to empty paragraphs. // TODO investigate this later. UT_return_if_fail (fragOffset == 0); // // OK find the real container strux. // m_fragments.insertFrag(pf->getPrev(),pfsNew); return; } case pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark: { // insert pfsNew after pf. // before this. // TODO check this. UT_return_if_fail (fragOffset == 0); m_fragments.insertFrag(pf,pfsNew); return; } case pf_Frag::PFT_Text: { // insert pfsNew somewhere inside pf. // we have a text fragment which we must deal with. // if we are in the middle of it, we split it. // if we are at one of the ends of it, we just insert // the fragment. // TODO if we are at one of the ends of the fragment, // TODO should we create a zero-length fragment in one // TODO of the paragraphs so that text typed will have // TODO the right attributes. pf_Frag_Text * pft = static_cast<pf_Frag_Text *> (pf); UT_uint32 fragLen = pft->getLength(); if (fragOffset == fragLen) { // we are at the right end of the fragment. // insert the strux after the text fragment. m_fragments.insertFrag(pft,pfsNew); // TODO decide if we should create a zero-length // TODO fragment in the new paragraph to retain // TODO the attr/prop of the pft. // TODO pf_Frag_Text * pftNew = new... // TODO m_fragments.insertFrag(pfsNew,pftNew); } else if (fragOffset == 0) { // we are at the left end of the fragment. // insert the strux before the text fragment. m_fragments.insertFrag(pft->getPrev(),pfsNew); } else { // we are in the middle of a text fragment. split it // and insert the new strux in between the pieces. UT_uint32 lenTail = pft->getLength() - fragOffset; PT_BufIndex biTail = m_varset.getBufIndex(pft->getBufIndex(),fragOffset); pf_Frag_Text * pftTail = new pf_Frag_Text(this,biTail,lenTail,pft->getIndexAP(),pft->getField()); UT_return_if_fail (pftTail); pft->changeLength(fragOffset); m_fragments.insertFrag(pft,pfsNew); m_fragments.insertFrag(pfsNew,pftTail); } return; } } }
bool pt_PieceTable::insertStrux(PT_DocPosition dpos, PTStruxType pts, const gchar ** attributes, const gchar ** properties, pf_Frag_Strux ** ppfs_ret) { if(m_pDocument->isMarkRevisions()) { // This is just like the previous method, except that in addition to calling // _translateRevisionAttribute() we also need to set the attrs and props // passed to us. pf_Frag_Strux * pfsContainer = NULL; bool bFoundContainer = _getStruxFromPosition(dpos,&pfsContainer); // the orig. strux UT_return_val_if_fail(bFoundContainer, false); if(isEndFootnote(pfsContainer)) { bFoundContainer = _getStruxFromFragSkip(pfsContainer,&pfsContainer); UT_return_val_if_fail(bFoundContainer, false); } PT_AttrPropIndex indexAP = 0; if (pfsContainer->getStruxType() == pts) { indexAP = pfsContainer->getIndexAP(); } PP_RevisionAttr Revisions(NULL); const gchar ** ppRevAttrs = NULL; const gchar ** ppRevProps = NULL; _translateRevisionAttribute(Revisions, indexAP, PP_REVISION_ADDITION, ppRevAttrs, ppRevProps, NULL, NULL); // count original attributes and the revision-inherited attributes // and add them to the revision attribute UT_uint32 iAttrCount = 0; for (; attributes && attributes[iAttrCount]; iAttrCount+=2){} UT_uint32 iRevAttrCount = 0; for (; ppRevAttrs && ppRevAttrs[iRevAttrCount]; iRevAttrCount+=2){} const gchar ** ppRevAttrib = NULL; if(iAttrCount + iRevAttrCount > 0) { ppRevAttrib = new const gchar * [iAttrCount + iRevAttrCount + 1]; UT_return_val_if_fail( ppRevAttrib, false ); UT_uint32 i = 0; for (i = 0; i < iAttrCount; ++i) { ppRevAttrib[i] = attributes[i]; } for (; i < iRevAttrCount + iAttrCount; ++i) { ppRevAttrib[i] = ppRevAttrs[i - iAttrCount]; } ppRevAttrib[i] = NULL; } //return _realChangeStruxFmt(PTC_AddFmt, dpos, dpos + iLen, ppRevAttrib,NULL,pts); bool bRet = _realInsertStrux(dpos,pts,ppRevAttrib,properties,ppfs_ret); delete [] ppRevAttrib; return bRet; } else { return _realInsertStrux(dpos,pts,attributes,properties,ppfs_ret); } }
bool pt_PieceTable::_realInsertSpan(PT_DocPosition dpos, const UT_UCSChar * p, UT_uint32 length, const gchar ** attributes, const gchar ** properties, fd_Field * pField, bool bAddChangeRec) { // insert character data into the document at the given position. UT_return_val_if_fail (m_pts==PTS_Editing, false); // get the fragment at the given document position. pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFound = getFragFromPosition(dpos,&pf,&fragOffset); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFound,false); // append the text data to the end of the current buffer. PT_BufIndex bi; if (!m_varset.appendBuf(p,length,&bi)) return false; pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = NULL; bool bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFrag(pf,&pfs); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); if(isEndFootnote((pf_Frag *)pfs)) { bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip((pf_Frag *) pfs,&pfs); } UT_return_val_if_fail (pfs,false); if(pfs->getStruxType() == PTX_EndFrame) { bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip((pf_Frag *) pfs,&pfs); } // we just did a getFragFromPosition() which gives us the // the thing *starting* at that position. if we have a // fragment boundary at that position, it's sort of arbitrary // whether we treat this insert as a prepend to the one we just found // or an append to the previous one (when it's a text frag). // in the normal case, we want the Attr/Prop of a character // insertion to take the AP of the thing to the immediate // left (seems to be what MS-Word and MS-WordPad do). It's also // useful when the user hits the BOLD button (without a) // selection) and then starts typing -- ideally you'd like // all of the text to have bold not just the first. therefore, // we will see if we are on a text-text boundary and backup // (and thus appending) to the previous. bool bNeedGlob = false; PT_AttrPropIndex indexAP = 0; if ( (fragOffset==0) && (pf->getPrev()) ) { bool bRightOfFmtMark = (pf->getPrev()->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark); if (bRightOfFmtMark) { // if we're just to the right of a _FmtMark, we want to replace // it with a _Text frag with the same attr/prop (we // only used the _FmtMark to remember a toggle format // before we had text for it). pf_Frag_FmtMark * pfPrevFmtMark = static_cast<pf_Frag_FmtMark *>(pf->getPrev()); indexAP = pfPrevFmtMark->getIndexAP(); if (_lastUndoIsThisFmtMark(dpos)) { // if the last thing in the undo history is the insertion of this // _FmtMark, then let's remember the indexAP, do an undo, and then // insert the text. this way the only thing remaining in the undo // is the insertion of this text (with no globbing around it). then // a user-undo will undo all of the coalesced text back to this point // and leave the insertion point as if the original InsertFmtMark // had never happened. // // we don't allow consecutive FmtMarks, but the undo may be a // changeFmtMark and thus just re-change the mark frag rather // than actually deleting it. so we loop here to get back to // the original insertFmtMark (this is the case if the user hit // BOLD then ITALIC then UNDERLINE then typed a character). do { undoCmd(); } while (_lastUndoIsThisFmtMark(dpos)); } else { // for some reason, something else has happened to the document // since this _FmtMark was inserted (perhaps it was one that we // inserted when we did a paragraph break and inserted several // to remember the current inline formatting). // // here we have to do it the hard way and use a glob and an // explicit deleteFmtMark. note that this messes up the undo // coalescing. that is, if the user starts typing at this // position and then hits UNDO, we will erase all of the typing // except for the first character. the second UNDO, will erase // the first character and restores the current FmtMark. if the // user BACKSPACES instead of doing the second UNDO, both the // first character and the FmtMark would be gone. // // TODO decide if we like this... // NOTE this causes BUG#431.... :-) bNeedGlob = true; beginMultiStepGlob(); _deleteFmtMarkWithNotify(dpos,pfPrevFmtMark,pfs,&pf,&fragOffset); } // we now need to consider pf invalid, since the fragment list may have // been coalesced as the FmtMarks were deleted. let's recompute them // but with a few shortcuts. bFound = getFragFromPosition(dpos,&pf,&fragOffset); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFound, false); bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFrag(pf,&pfs); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); if(isEndFootnote((pf_Frag *)pfs)) { bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip((pf_Frag *)pfs,&pfs); } UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux, false); xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("Got FragStrux at Pos %d \n",pfs->getPos())); // with the FmtMark now gone, we make a minor adjustment so that we // try to append text to the previous rather than prepend to the current. // this makes us consistent with other places in the code. if ( (fragOffset==0) && (pf->getPrev()) && (pf->getPrev()->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Text) && pf->getPrev()->getField()== NULL ) { // append to the end of the previous frag rather than prepend to the current one. pf = pf->getPrev(); fragOffset = pf->getLength(); } } else if (pf->getPrev()->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Text && pf->getPrev()->getField()==NULL) { pf_Frag_Text * pfPrevText = static_cast<pf_Frag_Text *>(pf->getPrev()); indexAP = pfPrevText->getIndexAP(); // append to the end of the previous frag rather than prepend to the current one. pf = pf->getPrev(); fragOffset = pf->getLength(); } else { indexAP = _chooseIndexAP(pf,fragOffset); // PLAM: This is the list of field attrs that should not inherit // PLAM: to the span following a field. const gchar * pFieldAttrs[12]; pFieldAttrs[0] = "type"; pFieldAttrs[1] = NULL; pFieldAttrs[2] = "param"; pFieldAttrs[3] = NULL; pFieldAttrs[4] = "name"; pFieldAttrs[5] = NULL; pFieldAttrs[6] = "endnote-id"; pFieldAttrs[7] = NULL; pFieldAttrs[8] = NULL; pFieldAttrs[9] = NULL; pFieldAttrs[10] = NULL; pFieldAttrs[11] = NULL; const PP_AttrProp * pAP = NULL; if (!getAttrProp(indexAP, &pAP)) return false; if (pAP->areAnyOfTheseNamesPresent(pFieldAttrs, NULL)) { // We do not want to inherit a char style from a field. pFieldAttrs[8] = "style"; PP_AttrProp * pAPNew = pAP->cloneWithElimination(pFieldAttrs, NULL); if (!pAPNew) return false; pAPNew->markReadOnly(); if (!m_varset.addIfUniqueAP(pAPNew, &indexAP)) return false; } } } else { // is existing fragment a field? If so do nothing // Or should we display a message to the user? if(pf->getField() != NULL) { return false; } indexAP = _chooseIndexAP(pf,fragOffset); } PT_BlockOffset blockOffset = _computeBlockOffset(pfs,pf) + fragOffset; PX_ChangeRecord_Span * pcr = NULL; if(attributes || properties) { // we need to add the attrs and props passed to us ... PT_AttrPropIndex indexNewAP; bool bMerged; bMerged = m_varset.mergeAP(PTC_AddFmt,indexAP,attributes,properties,&indexNewAP,getDocument()); UT_ASSERT_HARMLESS( bMerged ); if(bMerged) indexAP = indexNewAP; } if (!_insertSpan(pf,bi,fragOffset,length,indexAP,pField)) { if (bNeedGlob) endMultiStepGlob(); return false; } // note: because of coalescing, pf should be considered invalid at this point. // create a change record, add it to the history, and notify // anyone listening. pcr = new PX_ChangeRecord_Span(PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_InsertSpan, dpos,indexAP,bi,length, blockOffset, pField); UT_return_val_if_fail (pcr, false); pcr->setDocument(m_pDocument); bool canCoalesce = _canCoalesceInsertSpan(pcr); if (!bAddChangeRec || (canCoalesce && !m_pDocument->isCoalescingMasked())) { if (canCoalesce) m_history.coalesceHistory(pcr); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); delete pcr; } else { m_history.addChangeRecord(pcr); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); } if (bNeedGlob) endMultiStepGlob(); return true; }
bool pt_PieceTable::_realInsertObject(PT_DocPosition dpos, PTObjectType pto, const gchar ** attributes, const gchar ** properties ) { // dpos == 1 seems to be generally bad. - plam // I'm curious about how often it happens. Please mail me if it does! UT_ASSERT_HARMLESS(dpos > 1); // TODO currently we force the caller to pass in the attr/prop. // TODO this is probably a good thing for Images, but might be // TODO bogus for things like Fields. UT_return_val_if_fail (m_pts==PTS_Editing,false); // store the attributes and properties and get an index to them. UT_UTF8String sProps; UT_sint32 i = 0; sProps.clear(); if(properties != NULL) { for(i=0;(properties[i] != NULL);i+=2) { UT_DEBUGMSG(("Object: szProps = |%s| \n",properties[i])); sProps +=properties[i]; sProps += ":"; sProps += properties[i+1]; if(properties[i+2] != NULL) { sProps += ";"; } } } UT_GenericVector<const gchar*> Atts; Atts.clear(); if(attributes) { for(i=0; attributes[i] != 0; i++) { Atts.addItem(attributes[i]); } } if(sProps.size() > 0) { Atts.addItem("props"); Atts.addItem(sProps.utf8_str()); } PT_AttrPropIndex indexAP; if (!m_varset.storeAP(&Atts,&indexAP)) return false; // get the fragment at the given document position. pf_Frag * pf = NULL; PT_BlockOffset fragOffset = 0; bool bFound = getFragFromPosition(dpos,&pf,&fragOffset); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFound,false); pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = NULL; bool bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFrag(pf,&pfs); UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); if(isEndFootnote((pf_Frag *) pfs)) { bFoundStrux = _getStruxFromFragSkip((pf_Frag *)pfs,&pfs); } UT_return_val_if_fail (bFoundStrux,false); PT_BlockOffset blockOffset = _computeBlockOffset(pfs,pf) + fragOffset; pf_Frag_Object * pfo = NULL; if (!_insertObject(pf,fragOffset,pto,indexAP,pfo)) return false; // create a change record, add it to the history, and notify // anyone listening. PX_ChangeRecord_Object * pcr = new PX_ChangeRecord_Object(PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_InsertObject, dpos,indexAP,pfo->getXID(),pto,blockOffset, pfo->getField(),reinterpret_cast<PL_ObjectHandle>(pfo)); UT_return_val_if_fail (pcr,false); m_history.addChangeRecord(pcr); m_pDocument->notifyListeners(pfs,pcr); return true; }