Пример #1
char* CompiledLoop::checkLoopVar() {
#ifdef unnecessary
  // first check if loop var is initialized to lower bound
  BB* beforeLoopBB = _beforeLoop->bb();
  // search for assignment preceeding loop
  for (Node* n = _beforeLoop; 
       n && n->bb() == beforeLoopBB && (!n->isAssignNode() || ((AssignNode*)n)->dest() != loopVar); 
       n = n->firstPrev()) ;
  if (n && n->bb() == beforeLoopBB) {
    // ok, found the assignment
    assert(n->isAssignNode() && ((AssignNode*)n)->dest() == loopVar, "oops");
  } else {
    return "no lower-bound assignment to loop var before loop";
  // check usage of loop var within loop

  // quick check: must have at least 2 defs (initialization plus increment)
  if (_loopVar->isSinglyAssigned()) return "loopVar has single definition globally";

  // loop variable must have exactly one def in loop, and def must be result of an addition
  // usual code pattern: SAPn = add(loopVar, const); ...; loopVar := SAPn
  if (defsInLoop(_loopVar) != 1) return "loopVar has != 1 defs in loop";
  NonTrivialNode* n1 = findDefInLoop(_loopVar);
  if (defsInLoop(n1->src()) != 1) return "loopVar has != 1 defs in loop (2)";
  NonTrivialNode* n2 = findDefInLoop(n1->src());
  PReg* operand;
  ArithOpCode op;
  if (n2->isTArithNode()) {
    operand = ((TArithRRNode*)n2)->operand();
    op = ((TArithRRNode*)n2)->op();
  } else if (n2->isArithNode()) {
    operand = ((ArithRRNode*)n2)->operand();
    op = ((ArithRRNode*)n2)->op();
  } else {
    return "loopVar def not an arithmetic operation";
  _incNode = n2;
  if (op != tAddArithOp && op != tSubArithOp) return "loopVar def isn't an add/sub";
  if (_incNode->src() == _loopVar) {
    if (!isIncrement(operand, op)) return "loopVar isn't incremented by constant/loop-invariant";
  } else if (operand == _loopVar) {
    if (!isIncrement(_incNode->src(), op)) return "loopVar isn't incremented by constant/loop-invariant";
  } else {
    return "loopVar def isn't an increment";

  // at this point, we finally know for sure whether the loop is counting up or down
  // check that loop is bounded at all 
  BranchOpCode branchOp = _loopBranch->op();
  bool loopVarMustBeLeft = (branchOp == GTBranchOp || branchOp == GEBranchOp) ^ !_isCountingUp;
  NonTrivialNode* compare = (NonTrivialNode*)_loopBranch->firstPrev();
  if (loopVarMustBeLeft != (compare->src() == _loopVar)) {
    return "loopVar is on wrong side of comparison (loop not bounded)";

  return NULL;
Пример #2
/* NumberTextCtrl::getDecNumber
 * Returns the number currently entered. If it's an incrememt or
 * decrement, returns [base] incremented/decremented by the number
double NumberTextCtrl::getDecNumber(double base)
	// If decimals aren't allowed just return truncated integral value
	if (!allow_decimal)
		return getNumber(base);

	string val = GetValue();

	// Get double value
	double dval;
	if (val.IsEmpty())
		return 0;
	else if (val.StartsWith("--") || val.StartsWith("++"))
		val = val.Mid(2);
	else if (val.StartsWith("+"))
		val = val.Mid(1);

	// Return it (incremented/decremented based on [base])
	if (isIncrement())
		return base + dval;
	else if (isDecrement())
		return base - dval;
		return dval;
Пример #3
/* NumberTextCtrl::getNumber
 * Returns the number currently entered. If it's an incrememt or
 * decrement, returns [base] incremented/decremented by the number
int NumberTextCtrl::getNumber(int base)
	string val = GetValue();

	// Get integer value
	long lval;
	if (val.IsEmpty())
		return 0;
	else if (val.StartsWith("--") || val.StartsWith("++") || val.StartsWith("**") || val.StartsWith("//"))
		val = val.Mid(2);
	else if (val.StartsWith("+") || val.StartsWith("*") || val.StartsWith("/"))
		val = val.Mid(1);

	// Return it (incremented/decremented based on [base])
	if (isIncrement())
		return base + lval;
	else if (isDecrement())
		return base - lval;
	else if (isFactor())
		return base * lval;
	else if (isDivisor())
		return base / lval;
		return lval;