Пример #1
scorearea_keypress_event (GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventKey * event)
              Denemo.keyboard_state |= (0xf & klock_mask (event->keyval));
              Denemo.keyboard_state ^= llock_mask (event->keyval);
              // if((event->keyval==GDK_Alt_L)||(event->keyval==GDK_Alt_R))
              //  Denemo.keyboard_state |= CHORD_MASK;
              set_midi_in_status ();
  //g_print("press Denemo %x state %x klock %x\n", Denemo.keyboard_state, event->state, klock_mask(event->keyval));

  //g_debug("State eored %x\n", (lock_mask(event->keyval)^event->state));
  if (divert_key_event && !isModifier (event) && divert_key_id == Denemo.project->id)
      dnm_clean_event (event);
      *divert_key_event = event;
      //g_object_ref(event); FIXME do we need to keep it around?
      gtk_main_quit ();
      return TRUE;              //*is* reached main loop exits to the caller of the loop when it next gains control

  (void) process_key_event (event, perform_command);
  return TRUE;                  //I think this means do not run any other handlers after this.
Пример #2
bool HotkeyWidget::isValid(int key) const
    switch (key) {
    case 0:
    case Qt::Key_Escape:
    case Qt::Key_unknown:
        return false;

    return !isModifier(key);
Пример #3
QString ConvertASCIIToEnc::getSequence(int &i)
	QString seq = nextSequence(i);
	static QRegExp reBraces("\\{([a-zA-Z]?)\\}");

	if(isModifier(seq)) {
		KILE_DEBUG_MAIN << "\tisModifier true : " << seq;
		if(seq[seq.length() - 1].isLetter()) {
			seq += ' ';

		while(m_io->currentLine()[i].isSpace()) {

		if(m_io->currentLine().mid(i, 2) == "{}") {
			i = i + 2;

		if(m_io->currentLine()[i] == '\\') {
			seq += nextSequence(i);
		else {
			if(reBraces.exactMatch(m_io->currentLine().mid(i, 3))) {
				KILE_DEBUG_MAIN << "\tbraces detected";
				i = i + 3;
				seq += reBraces.cap(1);
			else {
				QChar nextChar = m_io->currentLine()[i++];
				if(!nextChar.isSpace()) {
					seq += (QString)nextChar;
	else if(m_map->canEncode(seq)) {
		if(m_io->currentLine().mid(i, 2) == "{}") {
			i = i + 2;
		else if(m_io->currentLine()[i].isSpace()) {

	return seq;
Пример #4
std::string EventManager::getGDKEventStr(GdkEventKey* event) {
	std::string returnValue("");

	// Don't react on modifiers only (no actual key like A, 2, U, etc.)
	if (isModifier(event)) {
		return returnValue;

	// Convert the GDKEvent state into modifier flags
	const unsigned int modifierFlags = _modifiers.getKeyboardFlags(event->state);

	// Construct the complete string
	returnValue += _modifiers.getModifierStr(modifierFlags, true);
	returnValue += (returnValue != "") ? "-" : "";
	returnValue += gdk_keyval_name(gdk_keyval_to_upper(event->keyval));

	return returnValue;
Пример #5
void HotkeyWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
    if (mKeyboardFocus) {

    if (isModifier(event->key())) {

    if (!isValid(event->key())) {
        setText(tr("Invalid hotkey"));

    mHotkey = QKeySequence(event->key() + (event->modifiers() & ~Qt::KeypadModifier));

Пример #6
static gboolean
capture_look_binding (GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventKey * event, gpointer user_data)
  GdkModifierType modifiers;
  GtkTreeModel *model;
  GtkTreeSelection *selection;
  GtkTreeIter iter;
  GtkTreePath *path;
  gint command_idx;
  keyboard_dialog_data *cbdata = (keyboard_dialog_data *) user_data;
  gtk_statusbar_pop (cbdata->statusbar, cbdata->context_id);
  //get the shortcut
  if (isModifier (event))
    return TRUE;
  dnm_clean_event (event);
  modifiers = dnm_sanitize_key_state (event);

  //look for the keybinding
  command_idx = lookup_command_for_keybinding (Denemo.map, event->keyval, modifiers);
  //if the binding is associated to a command
  if (command_idx == -1)
      gchar *name = dnm_accelerator_name (event->keyval, event->state);
      GList *g = (GList *) g_hash_table_lookup (Denemo.map->continuations_table, name);

      GString *continuations = g_string_new ("");
      GString *final_list = g_string_new ("");
      for (; g; g = g->next)
          g_string_append_printf (continuations, "%s%s%s", name, ",", (gchar *) g->data);
          command_idx = lookup_command_for_keybinding_name (Denemo.map, continuations->str);
          const gchar *this = lookup_name_from_idx (Denemo.map, command_idx);
          g_string_append_printf (final_list, "%s,%s=%s ", name, (gchar *) g->data, this);
          g_string_assign (continuations, "");
      if (final_list->len)
        cbdata->twokeylist = final_list;
Пример #7
static gboolean
capture_add_binding (GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventKey * event, gpointer user_data)
  GdkModifierType modifiers;
  guint command_idx;
  GtkTreeModel *model;
  GtkTreeSelection *selection;
  GtkTreeIter iter;
  GtkTreePath *path;
  gint *array;
  keyboard_dialog_data *cbdata = (keyboard_dialog_data *) user_data;
  //get the shortcut
  if (isModifier (event))
    return TRUE;
  dnm_clean_event (event);
  modifiers = dnm_sanitize_key_state (event);
  gchar *name = dnm_accelerator_name (event->keyval, event->state);
  if (!strcmp(name, "VoidSymbol"))
        warningdialog (_("VoidSymbol not allowed"));
        return TRUE;
  if (cbdata->two_key == 1)
      gint command_idx = lookup_command_for_keybinding_name (Denemo.map, name);
      if (command_idx == -1)
          cbdata->first_keyval = event->keyval;
          cbdata->first_modifiers = modifiers;
          cbdata->two_key = 2;
          return TRUE;
          cbdata->two_key = 0;
          gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf (_("The command %s has the shortcut: %s\nDelete it first or start again selecting an unused keypress."), lookup_name_from_idx (Denemo.map, command_idx), name);
          warningdialog (msg);
          g_free (msg);
          g_free (name);
          g_warning ("trying to set a two key starting with a single");
          return TRUE;
  //get the command_index
  selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (cbdata->command_view);
  gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &model, &iter);
  path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (model, &iter);
  array = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path);
  command_idx = array[0]; //this fails in general, yielding the value in cbdata, instead ...
  gchar* cname = NULL;
  gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, COL_NAME, &cname, -1);
  command_idx = lookup_command_from_name (Denemo.map, cname);
  if(command_idx != cbdata->command_id)
    g_warning("correct command idx %d compare %d for action of name %s\n", command_idx, cbdata->command_id, cname);
  gtk_tree_path_free (path);

  if (cbdata->two_key == 0 && (GList *) g_hash_table_lookup (Denemo.map->continuations_table, name))
      //g_warning("There is a two key binding starting with this");
      gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf (_("There is at least one two-key shortcut that starts with: %s\nFind them using the Find button\nDelete it/those first or start again selecting an unused keypress."), name);
      warningdialog (msg);
      g_free (msg);
      g_free (name);
      return TRUE;
  g_free (name);
  //set the new binding
  if (cbdata->two_key == 2)
    add_twokeybinding_to_idx (Denemo.map, cbdata->first_keyval, cbdata->first_modifiers, event->keyval, modifiers, command_idx, POS_FIRST);
    add_keybinding_to_idx (Denemo.map, event->keyval, modifiers, command_idx, POS_FIRST);

  command_row* row = NULL;
  keymap_get_command_row (Denemo.map, &row, command_idx);
  GtkListStore* bindings_model = GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model(cbdata->binding_view));
  update_bindings_model(bindings_model, row->bindings);

  gtk_statusbar_pop (cbdata->statusbar, cbdata->context_id);
  g_signal_handler_disconnect (GTK_WIDGET (widget), cbdata->handler_key_press);
  g_signal_handler_disconnect (GTK_WIDGET (widget), cbdata->handler_focus_out);
  cbdata->two_key = 0;
  return TRUE;
Пример #8
 bool belongsTo(uint16_t scancode) const { return isKey(scancode) || isModifier(scancode); }
Пример #9
//return the value of perform_command if executed or "" if keypress is part of a two-key shortcut, or NULL toherwise
gchar *
process_key_event (GdkEventKey * event, gchar * perform_command ())
  keymap *the_keymap = Denemo.map;
  //g_debug("\n********\nCaps Lock %x?\n\n********\nShifted %x?\n", event->state&GDK_LOCK_MASK,          event->state&GDK_SHIFT_MASK     );
    gint state;
    state = (lock_mask (event->keyval) ^ event->state);
    if (state || ((event->keyval == GDK_Caps_Lock) || (event->keyval == GDK_Num_Lock)))
      set_cursor_for (state);   // MUST LOOK AHEAD to state after keypress HERE CATCH modifiers and set the cursor for them.....
  dnm_clean_event (event);

  if (isModifier (event))
    return NULL;

  /* Look up the keystroke in the keymap and execute the appropriate
   * function */
  static GString *prefix_store = NULL;
  if (!prefix_store)
    prefix_store = g_string_new ("");

  gint command_idx = lookup_command_for_keyevent (event);
  if ((prefix_store->len == 0) && (command_idx != -1))
      const gchar *command_name = lookup_name_from_idx (the_keymap, command_idx);
      if (command_name)
          if (Denemo.prefs.learning)
              gchar *name = dnm_accelerator_name (event->keyval, event->state);
              KeyStrokeShow (name, command_idx, TRUE);
              g_free (name);
          if (Denemo.ScriptRecording)
                        if (idx_has_callback (the_keymap, command_idx))
                                append_scheme_call ((gchar *) command_name);
          //g_debug("Single Key shortcut %s invokes %s\n", dnm_accelerator_name(event->keyval, event->state), command_name);
          return perform_command (command_name, event);
          g_warning ("Error: action %i has no name", command_idx);
          return NULL;

  /*  we create a store for the prefix char and look to see if it is populated when a keystroke is received. If it is populated, we try for the two-key combination, {???else we try for the single key, and if that fails populate the store. OR if it fails clear store}. If the two-key combination works we clear the store. If the two-key combination fails we try for the single key, if that succeeds we clear the store if it fails we set the store to the unresolved keystroke.  */

  gchar *ret = NULL;
  if (prefix_store->len)
      gchar *name = dnm_accelerator_name (event->keyval, event->state);
      //g_debug("second key %s\n", name);
      g_string_append_printf (prefix_store, "%c%s", ',', name);
      command_idx = lookup_command_for_keybinding_name (Denemo.map, prefix_store->str);

      if (command_idx != -1)
          const gchar *command_name = lookup_name_from_idx (the_keymap, command_idx);
          if (command_name)
              if (Denemo.prefs.learning)
                  KeyStrokeShow (prefix_store->str, command_idx, FALSE);
                    if (Denemo.ScriptRecording)
                            if (idx_has_callback (the_keymap, command_idx))
                                    append_scheme_call ((gchar *) command_name);
              ret = perform_command (command_name, event);
        {                       //Two key name was not a binding
          ret = NULL;
          write_status (Denemo.project);
          if ((Denemo.project->view != DENEMO_MENU_VIEW) || Denemo.prefs.learning)
                            Denemo.prefs.learning = TRUE;
              KeyStrokeDecline (prefix_store->str);
          toggle_to_drawing_area (TRUE);        //restore menus, in case the user is lost and needs to look up a keypress
          if (Denemo.project->view != DENEMO_MENU_VIEW)
                        toggle_to_drawing_area (TRUE);
      g_string_assign (prefix_store, "");
      Denemo.continuations = NULL;
      return ret;
    {                           //no prefix stored
      gchar *name = dnm_accelerator_name (event->keyval, event->state); //FIXME free name

      if ((Denemo.continuations = (GList *) g_hash_table_lookup (Denemo.map->continuations_table, name)))
          GList *g;
          GString *continuations = g_string_new ("");
          for (g = Denemo.continuations; g; g = g->next)
            g_string_append_printf (continuations, "%s%s", (gchar *) g->data, _(", or "));
          g_string_printf (prefix_store, _( "Prefix Key %s, waiting for key %stype Esc to abort"), name, continuations->str);
          g_string_free (continuations, TRUE);
          if (Denemo.prefs.immediateplayback)
              play_note (DEFAULT_BACKEND, 0, 9, 61, 300, 127 * Denemo.project->movement->master_volume);
          //gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (Denemo.statusbar), Denemo.status_context_id);
          gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (Denemo.statuslabel), prefix_store->str);
          g_string_assign (prefix_store, name);
          if (Denemo.prefs.learning)
              KeyStrokeAwait (name);
          return "";            //continuation available
          if ((Denemo.project->view != DENEMO_MENU_VIEW) || Denemo.prefs.learning)
                            Denemo.prefs.learning = TRUE;
              KeyStrokeDecline (name);
          toggle_to_drawing_area (TRUE);  //restore menus, in case the user is lost and needs to look up a keypress
          if (Denemo.project->view != DENEMO_MENU_VIEW)
                        toggle_to_drawing_area (TRUE);
      return NULL;
  return NULL;