int main() { initializeGraphics(); MouseType mouseObject = IDLE; int cursorXLocation = 10; int cursorYLocation = 10; // These control building & unit logic GameEntity* buildingsContainer = NULL; GameEntity* unitsContainer = NULL; uint16_t population = 0; // This controls population count uint16_t frame = 0; // This counts frames uint16_t unitSpawnDelay = 0; // This controls the delay between unit spawns while (true) { FlipBuffers(); // Flip buffers ClearScreen8(SAND_COLOR); // Clear screen render(buildingsContainer,unitsContainer); // Render all buildings and units animatePowerPlant(frame); // Animate the power plant animateBarracks(frame); // Animate the barracks if(mouseObject!=IDLE) // If there has been some mouse action ... { if(isMovement(mouseObject)) // ... and it is movement ... { move(cursorXLocation,cursorYLocation,mouseObject); // ... movet the mouse. } else if(isPlacement(mouseObject)) // ... if it is placement ... { place(cursorXLocation,cursorYLocation,mouseObject,buildingsContainer); // ... attempt placement. } else if(isSpawning(mouseObject) && unitSpawnDelay==0 && population!=POP_CAP) // ... if it is a unit and it's not to soon after the last unit was trained and population cap has not been reached ... { spawn(unitsContainer,buildingsContainer); // place the unit population++; // increase population unitSpawnDelay = UNIT_SPAWN_COOLDOWN_PERIOD; // start cooldown timer } } drawCursor(cursorXLocation,cursorYLocation); // Draw the cursor mouseObject = updatedMouseType(); // Update the mouse WaitVSync(); // Sync frame = (frame == 100) ? 0 : frame+1; // Reset frame count every 100 frames, else increase by one if(unitSpawnDelay!=0) // If there is a cooldown timer in action ... unitSpawnDelay--; // ... update it! } // We are environmentaly concious, so we clean after ourselves delete buildingsContainer; delete unitsContainer; return 0; }
void Goblin_v2::moveAdvance(Mult::Mult_Object *obj, Gob_Object *gobDesc, int16 nextAct, int16 framesCount) { if (!obj->goblinStates) return; movePathFind(obj, 0, 0); playSounds(obj); Mult::Mult_AnimData *animData = obj->pAnimData; framesCount = _vm->_scenery->getAnimLayer(animData->animation, animData->layer)->framesCount; if (animData->isPaused == 0) animData->frame++; switch (animData->stateType) { case 0: case 1: animData->isPaused = 0; break; case 4: if (animData->frame == 0) animData->isPaused = 1; break; case 6: if (animData->frame >= framesCount) animData->isPaused = 1; break; } switch (animData->state) { case 0: case 1: case 7: case 13: case 16: case 23: case 40: case 41: animData->curLookDir = 0; break; case 2: case 15: case 18: case 21: case 26: case 38: animData->curLookDir = 2; break; case 3: case 4: case 5: case 12: case 19: case 22: case 42: case 43: animData->curLookDir = 4; break; case 6: case 14: case 17: case 20: case 27: case 39: animData->curLookDir = 6; break; case 8: case 9: case 28: case 29: if (animData->pathExistence == 4) animData->pathExistence = 5; break; } if ((animData->newState != -1) && (animData->frame == framesCount) && (animData->newState != animData->state)) { animData->nextState = animData->newState; animData->newState = -1; animData->state = animData->nextState; Scenery::AnimLayer *animLayer = _vm->_scenery->getAnimLayer(animData->animation, animData->layer); *obj->pPosX += animLayer->animDeltaX; *obj->pPosY += animLayer->animDeltaY; int16 animation = obj->goblinStates[animData->nextState][0].animation; int16 layer = obj->goblinStates[animData->nextState][0].layer; animData->layer = layer; animData->animation = animation; animData->frame = 0; return; } if (isMovement(animData->state)) { int16 state = animData->nextState; if (animData->frame == ((framesCount + 1) / 2)) { int16 gobX = obj->goblinX; int16 gobY = obj->goblinY + 1; advMovement(obj, state); if (animData->state != state) { int16 animation = obj->goblinStates[state][0].animation; int16 layer = obj->goblinStates[state][0].layer; animData->layer = layer; animData->animation = animation; animData->frame = 0; animData->state = state; _vm->_scenery->updateAnim(layer, 0, animation, 0, *obj->pPosX, *obj->pPosY, 0); uint32 gobPosX = gobX * _vm->_map->getTilesWidth(); uint32 gobPosY = (gobY * _vm->_map->getTilesHeight()) - (_vm->_scenery->_animBottom - _vm->_scenery->_animTop); if (_vm->_map->hasBigTiles()) gobPosY -= gobY / 2; *obj->pPosX = gobPosX; *obj->pPosY = gobPosY; } } } if (animData->frame < framesCount) return; int16 state = animData->nextState; int16 animation = obj->goblinStates[state][0].animation; int16 layer = obj->goblinStates[state][0].layer; animData->layer = layer; animData->animation = animation; animData->frame = 0; animData->state = state; int16 gobX = obj->goblinX; int16 gobY = obj->goblinY + 1; advMovement(obj, state); _vm->_scenery->updateAnim(layer, 0, animation, 0, *obj->pPosX, *obj->pPosY, 0); uint32 gobPosX = gobX * _vm->_map->getTilesWidth(); uint32 gobPosY = (gobY * _vm->_map->getTilesHeight()) - (_vm->_scenery->_animBottom - _vm->_scenery->_animTop); if (_vm->_map->hasBigTiles()) gobPosY -= gobY / 2; *obj->pPosX = gobPosX; *obj->pPosY = gobPosY; }
/** * Fire off the position + velocitiy + movement direction topic. */ void Topics::posvelmov() { ros::Publisher posPub, velPub, pmovPub, nmovPub; posPub = node.advertise<std_msgs::Float64MultiArray>("pos", 1000); velPub = node.advertise<std_msgs::Float64MultiArray>("vel", 1000); pmovPub = node.advertise<std_msgs::Float64MultiArray>("pmov", 1000); nmovPub = node.advertise<std_msgs::Float64MultiArray>("nmov", 1000); std_msgs::Float64MultiArray posMsg; std_msgs::Float64MultiArray velMsg; std_msgs::Float64MultiArray pmovMsg; std_msgs::Float64MultiArray nmovMsg; uima::ANIterator jsIter = gateway.getANIterator("JointState"); uima::Feature jsnF = gateway.getFeature("JointState", "jointNames"); uima::Feature jtpF = gateway.getFeature("JointState", "jointTrajectoryPoint"); uima::Feature posF = gateway.getFeature("JointTrajectoryPoint", "positions"); uima::Feature velF = gateway.getFeature("JointTrajectoryPoint", "velocities"); uima::ANIterator pmovIter = gateway.getANIterator("PositiveMovement"); uima::ANIterator nmovIter = gateway.getANIterator("NegativeMovement"); uima::Feature pmovnF = gateway.getFeature("PositiveMovement", "jointName"); uima::Feature nmovnF = gateway.getFeature("NegativeMovement", "jointName"); uima::AnnotationFS js, pmov, nmov; uima::FeatureStructure jtp; uima::StringArrayFS names; uima::DoubleArrayFS positions, velocities; std::vector<int>::const_iterator it; std::size_t i; while (node.ok() && (jsIter.isValid() || loop)) { if (!jsIter.isValid()) { jsIter = gateway.getANIterator("JointState"); } js = jsIter.get(); names = js.getStringArrayFSValue(jsnF); jtp = js.getFSValue(jtpF); positions = jtp.getDoubleArrayFSValue(posF); velocities = jtp.getDoubleArrayFSValue(velF); // Gene fresh message.;;;;;;;; for (it = joints.begin(), i = 0; it != joints.end(); it++, i++) {[i] = positions.get(*it);[i] = velocities.get(*it); if (isMovement(pmovIter, pmovnF, names.get(*it), js.getBeginPosition())) {[i] = positions.get(*it); } if (isMovement(nmovIter, nmovnF, names.get(*it), js.getBeginPosition())) {[i] = positions.get(*it); } } // Print current message data. if (echo) { std::puts(utils::join(, " | ").c_str()); std::puts(utils::join(, " | ").c_str()); std::puts(utils::join(, " | ").c_str()); std::puts(utils::join(, " | ").c_str()); std::puts("\n"); } posPub.publish(posMsg); velPub.publish(velMsg); pmovPub.publish(pmovMsg); nmovPub.publish(nmovMsg); jsIter.moveToNext(); ros::spinOnce(); rate.sleep(); } }