Пример #1
void QGstAppSrc::pushDataToAppSrc()
    if (!isStreamValid() || !m_setup)

    if (m_dataRequested && !m_enoughData) {
        qint64 size;
        if (m_dataRequestSize == (unsigned int)-1)
            size = qMin(m_stream->bytesAvailable(), queueSize());
            size = qMin(m_stream->bytesAvailable(), (qint64)m_dataRequestSize);
        void *data = g_malloc(size);
        GstBuffer* buffer = gst_app_buffer_new(data, size, g_free, data);
        buffer->offset = m_stream->pos();
        qint64 bytesRead = m_stream->read((char*)GST_BUFFER_DATA(buffer), size);
        buffer->offset_end =  buffer->offset + bytesRead - 1;

        if (bytesRead > 0) {
            m_dataRequested = false;
            m_enoughData = false;
            GstFlowReturn ret = gst_app_src_push_buffer (GST_APP_SRC (element()), buffer);
            if (ret == GST_FLOW_ERROR) {
                qWarning()<<"appsrc: push buffer error";
            } else if (ret == GST_FLOW_WRONG_STATE) {
                qWarning()<<"appsrc: push buffer wrong state";
            } else if (ret == GST_FLOW_RESEND) {
                qWarning()<<"appsrc: push buffer resend";
    } else if (m_stream->atEnd()) {
Пример #2
SINT SoundSourceMp3::restartDecoding(
        const SeekFrameType& seekFrame) {
    qDebug() << "restartDecoding @" << seekFrame.frameIndex;

    // Discard decoded output
    m_madSynthCount = 0;

    if (getMinFrameIndex() == seekFrame.frameIndex) {

    mad_stream_options(&m_madStream, MAD_OPTION_IGNORECRC);
    if (getMinFrameIndex() == seekFrame.frameIndex) {

    // Fill input buffer
    mad_stream_buffer(&m_madStream, seekFrame.pInputData,
            m_fileSize - (seekFrame.pInputData - m_pFileData));

    if (getMinFrameIndex() < seekFrame.frameIndex) {
        // Muting is done here to eliminate potential pops/clicks
        // from skipping Rob Leslie explains why here:
        // http://www.mars.org/mailman/public/mad-dev/2001-August/000321.html

    if (!decodeFrameHeader(&m_madFrame.header, &m_madStream, false)) {
        if (!isStreamValid(m_madStream)) {
            // Failure -> Seek to EOF
            return getFrameCount();

    return seekFrame.frameIndex;
Пример #3
SINT SoundSourceMp3::readSampleFrames(
        SINT numberOfFrames, CSAMPLE* sampleBuffer,
        SINT sampleBufferSize, bool readStereoSamples) {
    DEBUG_ASSERT(getSampleBufferSize(numberOfFrames, readStereoSamples) <= sampleBufferSize);

    const SINT numberOfFramesTotal = math_min(
            numberOfFrames, getMaxFrameIndex() - m_curFrameIndex);

    CSAMPLE* pSampleBuffer = sampleBuffer;
    SINT numberOfFramesRemaining = numberOfFramesTotal;
    while (0 < numberOfFramesRemaining) {
        if (0 >= m_madSynthCount) {
            // When all decoded output data has been consumed...
            DEBUG_ASSERT(0 == m_madSynthCount);
            // ...decode the next MP3 frame

            // WARNING: Correctly evaluating and handling the result
            // of mad_frame_decode() has proven to be extremely tricky.
            // Don't change anything at the following lines of code
            // unless you know what you are doing!!!
            unsigned char const* pMadThisFrame = m_madStream.this_frame;
            if (mad_frame_decode(&m_madFrame, &m_madStream)) {
                // Something went wrong when decoding the frame...
                if (MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN == m_madStream.error) {
                    // Abort
                if (isUnrecoverableError(m_madStream)) {
                    qWarning() << "Unrecoverable MP3 frame decoding error:"
                            << mad_stream_errorstr(&m_madStream);
                    // Abort decoding
                if (isRecoverableError(m_madStream)) {
                    if (pMadThisFrame != m_madStream.this_frame) {
                        // Ignore all recoverable errors (and especially
                        // "lost synchronization" warnings) while skipping
                        // over prefetched frames after seeking.
                        if (pSampleBuffer) {
                            qWarning() << "Recoverable MP3 frame decoding error:"
                                    << mad_stream_errorstr(&m_madStream);
                        } else {
                            // Decoded samples will simply be discarded
                            qDebug() << "Recoverable MP3 frame decoding error while skipping:"
                                << mad_stream_errorstr(&m_madStream);
                    // Continue decoding
            if (pMadThisFrame == m_madStream.this_frame) {
                qDebug() << "Retry decoding MP3 frame @" << m_curFrameIndex;
                // Retry decoding


            const SINT madFrameChannelCount = MAD_NCHANNELS(&m_madFrame.header);
            if (madFrameChannelCount != getChannelCount()) {
                qDebug() << "MP3 frame header with mismatching number of channels"
                        << madFrameChannelCount << "<>" << getChannelCount();

            // Once decoded the frame is synthesized to PCM samples
            mad_synth_frame(&m_madSynth, &m_madFrame);
            const SINT madSynthSampleRate =  m_madSynth.pcm.samplerate;
            if (madSynthSampleRate != getSamplingRate()) {
                qDebug() << "Reading MP3 data with different sampling rate"
                        << madSynthSampleRate << "<>" << getSamplingRate();
            m_madSynthCount = m_madSynth.pcm.length;
            DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < m_madSynthCount);

        const SINT synthReadCount = math_min(
                m_madSynthCount, numberOfFramesRemaining);
        if (pSampleBuffer) {
            DEBUG_ASSERT(m_madSynthCount <= m_madSynth.pcm.length);
            const SINT madSynthOffset =
                    m_madSynth.pcm.length - m_madSynthCount;
            DEBUG_ASSERT(madSynthOffset < m_madSynth.pcm.length);
            const SINT madSynthChannelCount = m_madSynth.pcm.channels;
            DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < madSynthChannelCount);
            DEBUG_ASSERT(madSynthChannelCount <= getChannelCount());
            if (madSynthChannelCount != getChannelCount()) {
                qDebug() << "Reading MP3 data with different number of channels"
                        << madSynthChannelCount << "<>" << getChannelCount();
            if (kChannelCountMono == madSynthChannelCount) {
                // MP3 frame contains a mono signal
                if (readStereoSamples || (kChannelCountStereo == getChannelCount())) {
                    // The reader explicitly requested a stereo signal
                    // or the AudioSource itself provides a stereo signal.
                    // Mono -> Stereo: Copy 1st channel twice
                    for (SINT i = 0; i < synthReadCount; ++i) {
                        const CSAMPLE sampleValue = madScaleSampleValue(
                                m_madSynth.pcm.samples[0][madSynthOffset + i]);
                        *pSampleBuffer++ = sampleValue;
                        *pSampleBuffer++ = sampleValue;
                } else {
                    // Mono -> Mono: Copy 1st channel
                    for (SINT i = 0; i < synthReadCount; ++i) {
                        const CSAMPLE sampleValue = madScaleSampleValue(
                                m_madSynth.pcm.samples[0][madSynthOffset + i]);
                        *pSampleBuffer++ = sampleValue;
            } else {
                // MP3 frame contains a stereo signal
                DEBUG_ASSERT(kChannelCountStereo == madSynthChannelCount);
                // If the MP3 frame contains a stereo signal then the whole
                // AudioSource must also provide 2 channels, because the
                // maximum channel count of all MP3 frames is used.
                DEBUG_ASSERT(kChannelCountStereo == getChannelCount());
                // Stereo -> Stereo: Copy 1st + 2nd channel
                for (SINT i = 0; i < synthReadCount; ++i) {
                    *pSampleBuffer++ = madScaleSampleValue(
                            m_madSynth.pcm.samples[0][madSynthOffset + i]);
                    *pSampleBuffer++ = madScaleSampleValue(
                            m_madSynth.pcm.samples[1][madSynthOffset + i]);
        // consume decoded output data
        m_madSynthCount -= synthReadCount;
        m_curFrameIndex += synthReadCount;
        numberOfFramesRemaining -= synthReadCount;

    DEBUG_ASSERT(numberOfFramesTotal >= numberOfFramesRemaining);
    return numberOfFramesTotal - numberOfFramesRemaining;
Пример #4
SoundSource::OpenResult SoundSourceMp3::tryOpen(const AudioSourceConfig& /*audioSrcCfg*/) {

    if (!m_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to open file:" << m_file.fileName();
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    // Get a pointer to the file using memory mapped IO
    m_fileSize = m_file.size();
    m_pFileData = m_file.map(0, m_fileSize);
    // NOTE(uklotzde): If the file disappears unexpectedly while mapped
    // a SIGBUS error might occur that is not handled and will terminate
    // Mixxx immediately. This behavior is documented in the manpage of
    // mmap(). It has already appeared due to hardware errors and is
    // described in the following bug report:
    // https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1452005

    // Transfer it to the mad stream-buffer:
    mad_stream_options(&m_madStream, MAD_OPTION_IGNORECRC);
    mad_stream_buffer(&m_madStream, m_pFileData, m_fileSize);
    DEBUG_ASSERT(m_pFileData == m_madStream.this_frame);

    m_avgSeekFrameCount = 0;
    m_curFrameIndex = getMinFrameIndex();
    int headerPerSamplingRate[kSamplingRateCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < kSamplingRateCount; ++i) {
        headerPerSamplingRate[i] = 0;

    // Decode all the headers and calculate audio properties

    unsigned long sumBitrate = 0;

    mad_header madHeader;

    SINT maxChannelCount = getChannelCount();
    do {
        if (!decodeFrameHeader(&madHeader, &m_madStream, true)) {
            if (isStreamValid(m_madStream)) {
                // Skip frame
            } else {
                // Abort decoding

        // Grab data from madHeader
        const unsigned int madSampleRate = madHeader.samplerate;

        // TODO(XXX): Replace DEBUG_ASSERT with static_assert
        // MAD must not change its enum values!
        DEBUG_ASSERT(MAD_UNITS_8000_HZ == 8000);
        const mad_units madUnits = static_cast<mad_units>(madSampleRate);

        const long madFrameLength = mad_timer_count(madHeader.duration, madUnits);
        if (0 >= madFrameLength) {
            qWarning() << "Skipping MP3 frame with invalid length"
                    << madFrameLength
                    << "in:" << m_file.fileName();
            // Skip frame

        const SINT madChannelCount = MAD_NCHANNELS(&madHeader);
        if (isValidChannelCount(maxChannelCount) && (madChannelCount != maxChannelCount)) {
            qWarning() << "Differing number of channels"
                    << madChannelCount << "<>" << maxChannelCount
                    << "in some MP3 frame headers:"
                    << m_file.fileName();
        maxChannelCount = math_max(madChannelCount, maxChannelCount);

        const int samplingRateIndex = getIndexBySamplingRate(madSampleRate);
        if (samplingRateIndex >= kSamplingRateCount) {
            qWarning() << "Invalid sample rate:" << m_file.fileName()
                    << madSampleRate;
            // Abort
            return OpenResult::FAILED;
        // Count valid frames separated by its sampling rate

        addSeekFrame(m_curFrameIndex, m_madStream.this_frame);

        // Accumulate data from the header
        sumBitrate += madHeader.bitrate;

        // Update current stream position
        m_curFrameIndex += madFrameLength;

        DEBUG_ASSERT(0 <= (m_madStream.this_frame - m_pFileData));
    } while (quint64(m_madStream.this_frame - m_pFileData) < m_fileSize);


    if (MAD_ERROR_NONE != m_madStream.error) {
        // Unreachable code for recoverable errors
        if (MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN != m_madStream.error) {
            qWarning() << "Unrecoverable MP3 header error:"
                    << mad_stream_errorstr(&m_madStream);
            // Abort
            return OpenResult::FAILED;

    if (m_seekFrameList.empty()) {
        // This is not a working MP3 file.
        qWarning() << "SSMP3: This is not a working MP3 file:"
                << m_file.fileName();
        // Abort
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    int mostCommonSamplingRateIndex = kSamplingRateCount; // invalid
    int mostCommonSamplingRateCount = 0;
    int differentRates = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < kSamplingRateCount; ++i) {
        // Find most common sampling rate
        if (mostCommonSamplingRateCount < headerPerSamplingRate[i]) {
            mostCommonSamplingRateCount = headerPerSamplingRate[i];
            mostCommonSamplingRateIndex = i;

    if (differentRates > 1) {
        qWarning() << "Differing sampling rate in some headers:"
                   << m_file.fileName();
        for (int i = 0; i < kSamplingRateCount; ++i) {
            if (0 < headerPerSamplingRate[i]) {
                qWarning() << headerPerSamplingRate[i] << "MP3 headers with sampling rate" << getSamplingRateByIndex(i);

        qWarning() << "MP3 files with varying sample rate are not supported!";
        qWarning() << "Since this happens most likely due to a corrupt file";
        qWarning() << "Mixxx tries to plays it with the most common sample rate for this file";

    if (mostCommonSamplingRateIndex < kSamplingRateCount) {
    } else {
        qWarning() << "No single valid sampling rate in header";
        // Abort
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    // Initialize the AudioSource

    // Calculate average values
    m_avgSeekFrameCount = getFrameCount() / m_seekFrameList.size();
    const unsigned long avgBitrate = sumBitrate / m_seekFrameList.size();
    setBitrate(avgBitrate / 1000);

    // Terminate m_seekFrameList
    addSeekFrame(m_curFrameIndex, 0);

    // Reset positions
    m_curFrameIndex = getMinFrameIndex();

    // Restart decoding at the beginning of the audio stream
    m_curFrameIndex = restartDecoding(m_seekFrameList.front());
    if (m_curFrameIndex != m_seekFrameList.front().frameIndex) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to start decoding:" << m_file.fileName();
        // Abort
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    return OpenResult::SUCCEEDED;
Пример #5
void QGstAppSrc::sendEOS()
    if (isStreamValid() && !stream()->isSequential())
Пример #6
bool QGstAppSrc::doSeek(qint64 value)
    if (isStreamValid())
        return stream()->seek(value);
    return false;