Пример #1
bool LLAudioSource::isDone() const
	static const F32 MAX_AGE = 60.f;
	static const F32 MAX_UNPLAYED_AGE = 15.f;
	static const F32 MAX_MUTED_AGE = 11.f;
		// If we decode bad data then just kill this source entirely.
		return true;
	else if (isLoop())
		// Looped sources never die on their own.
		return false;
	else if (hasPendingPreloads())
		// If there are pending preload requests then keep it alive.
		return false;
	else if (mQueuedDatap)
		// Don't kill this sound if we've got something queued up to play.
		return false;
	else if(mPlayedOnce && (!mChannelp || !mChannelp->isPlaying()))
		// This is a single-play source and it already did its thing.
		return true;

	F32 elapsed = mAgeTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();

	if (!mChannelp)
		LLAudioData* adp = mCurrentDatap;

		//Still decoding.
		if(adp && adp->isInPreload())
			return false;

		// We don't have a channel assigned, and it's been
		// over 15 seconds since we tried to play it.  Don't bother.
		return (elapsed > (mSourceMuted ? MAX_MUTED_AGE : MAX_UNPLAYED_AGE));
	else if (mChannelp->isPlaying())
		// Arbitarily cut off non-looped sounds when they're old.
		return elapsed > MAX_AGE;
	else if(!isSyncSlave())
		// The sound isn't playing back after 15 seconds, kill it.
		// This might happen if all channels are in use and this source is low-priority
		return elapsed > MAX_UNPLAYED_AGE;

	return false;
Пример #2
bool LLAudioSource::play(const LLUUID &audio_uuid)
	// Special abuse of play(); don't play a sound, but kill it.
	if (audio_uuid.isNull())
		if (getChannel())
			if (!isMuted())
				mCurrentDatap = NULL;
		return false;

	// Reset our age timeout if someone attempts to play the source.

	if (!gAudiop)
		LL_WARNS("AudioEngine") << "LLAudioEngine instance doesn't exist!" << LL_ENDL;
		return false;

	LLAudioData *adp = gAudiop->getAudioData(audio_uuid);

	if (isMuted())
		return false;

	bool has_buffer = gAudiop->updateBufferForData(adp, audio_uuid);
	if (!has_buffer)
		// Don't bother trying to set up a channel or anything, we don't have an audio buffer.
		return false;

	if (!setupChannel())
		return false;

	if (isSyncSlave())
		// A sync slave, it doesn't start playing until it's synced up with the master.
		// Flag this channel as waiting for sync, and return true.
		return true;

	return true;
bool LLAudioSource::play(const LLUUID &audio_uuid)
	// Special abuse of play(); don't play a sound, but kill it.
	if (audio_uuid.isNull())
		if (getChannel())
			llassert(this == getChannel()->getSource());
			if (!isMuted())
				mCurrentDatap = NULL;
		return false;

	// <edit>
	if(mType != LLAudioEngine::AUDIO_TYPE_UI) //&& mSourceID.notNull())
		logSoundPlay(this, audio_uuid);
	// </edit>

	// Reset our age timeout if someone attempts to play the source.

	LLAudioData *adp = gAudiop->getAudioData(audio_uuid);

	if (isMuted())
		return false;

	bool has_buffer = gAudiop->updateBufferForData(adp, audio_uuid);
	if (!has_buffer)
		// Don't bother trying to set up a channel or anything, we don't have an audio buffer.
		return false;

	if (!setupChannel())
		return false;

	if (isSyncSlave())
		// A sync slave, it doesn't start playing until it's synced up with the master.
		// Flag this channel as waiting for sync, and return true.
		return true;

	return true;
Пример #4
BOOL LLAudioSource::play(const LLUUID &audio_uuid)
	if (audio_uuid.isNull())
		if (getChannel())
			addAudioData(NULL, TRUE);
	// Reset our age timeout if someone attempts to play the source.

	LLAudioData *adp = gAudiop->getAudioData(audio_uuid);

	BOOL has_buffer = gAudiop->updateBufferForData(adp, audio_uuid);


	if (!has_buffer)
		// Don't bother trying to set up a channel or anything, we don't have an audio buffer.
		return FALSE;

	if (!setupChannel())
		return FALSE;

	if (isSyncSlave())
		// A sync slave, it doesn't start playing until it's synced up with the master.
		// Flag this channel as waiting for sync, and return true.
		return TRUE;

	return TRUE;
Пример #5
bool LLAudioSource::play(const LLUUID &audio_uuid)
	// NaCl - Sound Explorer
	if(mType != LLAudioEngine::AUDIO_TYPE_UI) //&& mSourceID.notNull())
		logSoundPlay(mLogID, this, mPositionGlobal, mType, audio_uuid, mOwnerID, mSourceID, mIsTrigger, mLoop);
	// NaCl End
	// Special abuse of play(); don't play a sound, but kill it.
	if (audio_uuid.isNull())
		if (getChannel())
			// NaCl - Sound Explorer
			// NaCl End
			if (!isMuted())
				mCurrentDatap = NULL;
		return false;

	// Reset our age timeout if someone attempts to play the source.

	if (!gAudiop)
		LL_WARNS("AudioEngine") << "LLAudioEngine instance doesn't exist!" << LL_ENDL;
		return false;

	LLAudioData *adp = gAudiop->getAudioData(audio_uuid);
	if( !adp )
		return false;

	if (isMuted())
		return false;

	bool has_buffer = gAudiop->updateBufferForData(adp, audio_uuid);
	if (!has_buffer)
		// Don't bother trying to set up a channel or anything, we don't have an audio buffer.
		return false;

	if (!setupChannel())
		return false;

	if (isSyncSlave())
		// A sync slave, it doesn't start playing until it's synced up with the master.
		// Flag this channel as waiting for sync, and return true.
		return true;

	return true;