Пример #1
void AddDataMethod( id_type access_type, TypeInfo *typ, List *varlist ) {

    unsigned            varcnt;
    VarInfo             *info;

    if( inSubPgm ) {

    assert( varlist );
    assert( typ );

    SRU.curr.vars.varlist = varlist;
    copyTypeInfo( &(SRU.curr.vars.type), typ );
    SRU.curr.vars.access_id = access_type;
    SRU.curr.vars.typ_id = isTypeKnown( &SRU.curr.vars.type );
    if( !SRU.curr.vars.typ_id ) {
        SRU.curr.vars.fake = TRUE;
        // NYI -  put out a good error msg
        varcnt = GetListCount( SRU.curr.vars.varlist );
        for( ; varcnt > 0; varcnt-- ) {
            info = GetListItem( SRU.curr.vars.varlist, varcnt - 1 );
            Warning( UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE, info->name, typ->name );
    } else {
        SRU.curr.vars.fake = FALSE;
    SRU.curr_typ = SRU_VARIABLE;
Пример #2
void SetFunction( TypeInfo *ret, char *fname ) {

    if( inSubPgm ) {

    assert( fname );
    assert( ret );

    copyTypeInfo( &( SRU.curr.sp.ret_type ), ret );
    SRU.curr.sp.name = MemStrDup( fname );
    SRU.curr.sp.typ = ST_FUNCTION;
    SRU.curr_typ = SRU_SUBPROG;
    SRU.curr.sp.typ_id = isTypeKnown( ret ); /* we must first set sp info */
    if( !SRU.curr.sp.typ_id ) {
        /* issue warning if unknown type is found and set fake bit */
        /* only issue a warning for forward definitions so we don't issue
         * the same warning twice */
        if( SRU.sections->data.sec.primary == ST_FORWARD ) {
            Warning( UNKNOWN_TYPE, ret->name, fname );
        SRU.curr.sp.fake = TRUE;
Пример #3
QString WatchData::toString() const
    const char *doubleQuoteComma = "\",";
    QString res;
    QTextStream str(&res);
    str << QLatin1Char('{');
    if (!iname.isEmpty())
        str << "iname=\"" << iname << doubleQuoteComma;
    str << "sortId=\"" << sortId << doubleQuoteComma;
    if (!name.isEmpty() && name != iname)
        str << "name=\"" << name << doubleQuoteComma;
    if (error)
        str << "error,";
    if (address) {
        str << "addr=\"0x" << address << doubleQuoteComma;
    if (referencingAddress) {
        str << "referencingaddr=\"0x" << referencingAddress << doubleQuoteComma;
    if (!exp.isEmpty())
        str << "exp=\"" << exp << doubleQuoteComma;

    if (!variable.isEmpty())
        str << "variable=\"" << variable << doubleQuoteComma;

    if (isValueNeeded())
        str << "value=<needed>,";
    if (isValueKnown() && !value.isEmpty())
        str << "value=\"" << value << doubleQuoteComma;

    if (!editvalue.isEmpty())
        str << "editvalue=\"<...>\",";
    //    str << "editvalue=\"" << editvalue << doubleQuoteComma;

    if (!dumperFlags.isEmpty())
        str << "dumperFlags=\"" << dumperFlags << doubleQuoteComma;

    if (isTypeNeeded())
        str << "type=<needed>,";
    if (isTypeKnown() && !type.isEmpty())
        str << "type=\"" << type << doubleQuoteComma;

    if (isHasChildrenNeeded())
        str << "hasChildren=<needed>,";
    if (isHasChildrenKnown())
        str << "hasChildren=\"" << (hasChildren ? "true" : "false") << doubleQuoteComma;

    if (isChildrenNeeded())
        str << "children=<needed>,";
    if (res.endsWith(QLatin1Char(',')))
        res.truncate(res.size() - 1);
    return res + QLatin1Char('}');
Пример #4
void AddParm( TypeInfo *typ, char *tname, ArrayInfo *array ) {

/* add parameter to current function's list */

    var_rec     *ptmp;

    if( inSubPgm ) {

    assert( tname );
    assert( typ );

    ptmp = MemMalloc( sizeof( var_rec ) );
    memset( ptmp, 0, sizeof( var_rec ) );
    if( SRU.curr.sp.last_parm ) {
        SRU.curr.sp.last_parm->next = ptmp;
    } else {
        SRU.curr.sp.parm_list = ptmp;
    SRU.curr.sp.last_parm = ptmp;
    copyTypeInfo( &ptmp->type, typ );
    ptmp->typ_id = isTypeKnown( typ );
    if( !ptmp->typ_id ) {
        ptmp->fake = TRUE;
    ptmp->next = NULL;
    ptmp->name = MemStrDup( tname );
    if( array == NULL ) {
        ptmp->array = NULL;
    } else {
        ptmp->array = MemMalloc( sizeof( ArrayInfo ) );
        memcpy( ptmp->array, array, sizeof( ArrayInfo ) );