Пример #1
    float MathUtils::atan2f(float y, float x)
        // MSDN docs appear to state that Infinity is in the domain for atan2f, but
        // that does not appear to be true.  So implement the whole mess here.

        // Easy cases are handled by the libc function.
        if (isFiniteAndNonzerof(y) && isFiniteAndNonzerof(x))
            return ::atan2f(y, x);

        if (isNaNf(x)) return x;
        if (isNaNf(y)) return y;
        if (isInfinitef(y))
            if (!isInfinitef(x))
                return (y > 0 ? (PI_f / 2) : -(PI_f / 2));
            float r = (x > 0 ? (PI_f / 4) : (3 * PI_f / 4));
            return (y > 0 ? r : -r);
        else if (y != 0)
            if (x == 0)
                return (y > 0 ? (PI_f / 2) : -(PI_f / 2));
            float r = (x > 0 ? 0.0f : PI_f);
            return (y > 0 ? r : -r); 
        else // y == 0
            int32_t zx = isZerof(x);
            int32_t zy = isZerof(y);
            float r = (x > 0 || zx == 1) ? 0 : PI_f;
            return (zy > 0) ? r : -r;
Пример #2
void matrixx_t::load(const matrixf_t& rhs) {
    GLfixed* xp = m;
    GLfloat const* fp = rhs.elements();
    unsigned int i = 16;
    do {
        const GLfloat f = *fp++;
        *xp++ = isZerof(f) ? 0 : gglFloatToFixed(f);
    } while (--i);
Пример #3
void matrixf_t::rotate(GLfloat a, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
    matrixf_t rotation;
    GLfloat* r = rotation.m;
    GLfloat c, s;
    r[3] = 0;   r[7] = 0;   r[11]= 0;
    r[12]= 0;   r[13]= 0;   r[14]= 0;   r[15]= 1;
    a *= GLfloat(M_PI / 180.0f);
    sincosf(a, &s, &c);
    if (isOnef(x) && isZerof(y) && isZerof(z)) {
        r[5] = c;   r[10]= c;
        r[6] = s;   r[9] = -s;
        r[1] = 0;   r[2] = 0;
        r[4] = 0;   r[8] = 0;
        r[0] = 1;
    } else if (isZerof(x) && isOnef(y) && isZerof(z)) {
        r[0] = c;   r[10]= c;
        r[8] = s;   r[2] = -s;
        r[1] = 0;   r[4] = 0;
        r[6] = 0;   r[9] = 0;
        r[5] = 1;
    } else if (isZerof(x) && isZerof(y) && isOnef(z)) {
        r[0] = c;   r[5] = c;
        r[1] = s;   r[4] = -s;
        r[2] = 0;   r[6] = 0;
        r[8] = 0;   r[9] = 0;
        r[10]= 1;
    } else {
        const GLfloat len = sqrtf(x*x + y*y + z*z);
        if (!isOnef(len)) {
            const GLfloat recipLen = reciprocalf(len);
            x *= recipLen;
            y *= recipLen;
            z *= recipLen;
        const GLfloat nc = 1.0f - c;
        const GLfloat xy = x * y;
        const GLfloat yz = y * z;
        const GLfloat zx = z * x;
        const GLfloat xs = x * s;
        const GLfloat ys = y * s;
        const GLfloat zs = z * s;		
        r[ 0] = x*x*nc +  c;    r[ 4] =  xy*nc - zs;    r[ 8] =  zx*nc + ys;
        r[ 1] =  xy*nc + zs;    r[ 5] = y*y*nc +  c;    r[ 9] =  yz*nc - xs;
        r[ 2] =  zx*nc - ys;    r[ 6] =  yz*nc + xs;    r[10] = z*z*nc +  c;