Пример #1
void cheat_manager::load_cheats(const char *filename)
	std::string searchstr(machine().options().cheat_path());
	std::string curpath;
	for (path_iterator path(searchstr); path.next(curpath); )
	emu_file cheatfile(std::move(searchstr), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
		// loop over all instrances of the files found in our search paths
		for (osd_file::error filerr = cheatfile.open(filename, ".xml"); filerr == osd_file::error::NONE; filerr = cheatfile.open_next())
			osd_printf_verbose("Loading cheats file from %s\n", cheatfile.fullpath());

			// read the XML file into internal data structures
			xml_parse_options options = { nullptr };
			xml_parse_error error;
			options.error = &error;
			std::unique_ptr<xml_data_node, void (*)(xml_data_node *)> rootnode(xml_data_node::file_read(cheatfile, &options), [] (xml_data_node *node) { node->file_free(); });

			// if unable to parse the file, just bail
			if (rootnode == nullptr)
				throw emu_fatalerror("%s.xml(%d): error parsing XML (%s)\n", filename, error.error_line, error.error_message);

			// find the layout node
			xml_data_node *mamecheatnode = rootnode->get_child("mamecheat");
			if (mamecheatnode == nullptr)
				throw emu_fatalerror("%s.xml: missing mamecheatnode node", filename);

			// validate the config data version
			int version = mamecheatnode->get_attribute_int("version", 0);
			if (version != CHEAT_VERSION)
				throw emu_fatalerror("%s.xml(%d): Invalid cheat XML file: unsupported version", filename, mamecheatnode->line);

			// parse all the elements
			for (xml_data_node const *cheatnode = mamecheatnode->get_child("cheat"); cheatnode != nullptr; cheatnode = cheatnode->get_next_sibling("cheat"))
				// load this entry
				auto curcheat = std::make_unique<cheat_entry>(*this, m_symtable, filename, *cheatnode);

				// make sure we're not a duplicate
				if (REMOVE_DUPLICATE_CHEATS && curcheat->is_duplicate())
					osd_printf_verbose("Ignoring duplicate cheat '%s' from file %s\n", curcheat->description(), cheatfile.fullpath());
				else // add to the end of the list

	// handle errors cleanly
	catch (emu_fatalerror &err)
		osd_printf_error("%s\n", err.string());
Пример #2
	engine_factory( const std::string &name )
		if (is_duplicate(name)) {
		factory_ptr ptr_to_this(this);
Пример #3
	goal_factory( const std::string &name )
		if (is_duplicate(name)) {
		factory_ptr ptr_to_this(this);
Пример #4
static int add_scan_param(gchar *hex_ssid, char *raw_ssid, int ssid_len,
			int freq, GSupplicantScanParams *scan_data,
			int driver_max_scan_ssids, char *ssid_name)
	unsigned int i;
	struct scan_ssid *scan_ssid;

	if (driver_max_scan_ssids > scan_data->num_ssids &&
			(hex_ssid != NULL || raw_ssid != NULL)) {
		gchar *ssid;
		unsigned int j = 0, hex;

		if (hex_ssid != NULL) {
			size_t hex_ssid_len = strlen(hex_ssid);

			ssid = g_try_malloc0(hex_ssid_len / 2);
			if (ssid == NULL)
				return -ENOMEM;

			for (i = 0; i < hex_ssid_len; i += 2) {
				sscanf(hex_ssid + i, "%02x", &hex);
				ssid[j++] = hex;
		} else {
			ssid = raw_ssid;
			j = ssid_len;

		 * If we have already added hidden AP to the list,
		 * then do not do it again. This might happen if you have
		 * used or are using multiple wifi cards, so in that case
		 * you might have multiple service files for same AP.
		if (is_duplicate(scan_data->ssids, ssid, j) == TRUE)
			return 0;

		scan_ssid = g_try_new(struct scan_ssid, 1);
		if (scan_ssid == NULL) {
			return -ENOMEM;

		memcpy(scan_ssid->ssid, ssid, j);
		scan_ssid->ssid_len = j;
		scan_data->ssids = g_slist_prepend(scan_data->ssids,


		DBG("SSID %s added to scanned list of %d entries", ssid_name,

		if (hex_ssid != NULL)
	} else
Пример #5
static void
local_lock(cfglockd_t type, struct lock_msg *msg, daemonaddr_t *client)
	if (is_duplicate(type, msg->pid, msg->seq)) {
		if (the_lock.remote_daemon == NULL &&
		    (the_lock.type == LOCK_WRITE ||
		    the_lock.type == LOCK_READ) &&
		    the_lock.holding_pid[0] == msg->pid) {
			send_lockmsg(LOCK_LOCKED, (pid_t)0, client, msg->seq);
	} else {
		queue_lock(type, msg, client);
Пример #6
void Dict::store_words()
  //cout << "Store words called successfully" << endl;

  int current_size = INIT_SIZE;
  int current_count = 0;

  for(int i = 0; i < current_size && !reference.eof(); i++)

    reference >> words[i];
    if(reference.eof()) break; // may need to move this further down

    if(!isalpha(words[i][words[i].length() - 1]))
        words[i].resize(words[i].length() - 1); // get rid of punctuation

    if(is_duplicate(words, i))

      // pretend it never happened...


    } // if


    ////cout << i << ": " << words[i] << endl;
    if(current_count == current_size)
      resize(words, current_size);

  } // for i

  // clear ifstream object and set it back to the start
  reference.clear(); // reset eof value and stuff
  reference.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); // move back to start of file

  word_count = current_count;

  //cout << "Current count (words): " << current_count << endl;
  //cout << "done" << endl;

} // store_words()
Пример #7
static void
local_unlock(pid_t pid, uint8_t seq, int method)
	struct lockdaemon *ldp;
	int i;

	if (method == NORMAL_UNLOCK && is_duplicate(LOCK_NOTLOCKED, pid, seq)) {

	if (the_lock.type == LOCK_READ) {
		/* delete reference to pid of reading process */
		for (i = 0; i < the_lock.nholders; i++) {
			if (the_lock.holding_pid[i] == pid) {
				DPF((stderr, "decrement lockers from %d\n",
		for (; i < the_lock.nholders; i++) {
			the_lock.holding_pid[i] = the_lock.holding_pid[i+1];
		if (the_lock.nholders > 0)
	} else {
		/* LOCK_WRITE */
		if (pid != the_lock.holding_pid[0])
		the_lock.holding_pid[0] = (pid_t)0;
		for (i = 0, ldp = daemon_list; i < MAX_DAEMONS; i++, ldp++) {
			if (ldp->inuse == 0)
			if (ldp->up)
				send_lockmsg(UNLOCK, (pid_t)0, &(ldp->host), 0);
Пример #8
/* Print or prepare for printing addresses from InternetAddressList. */
static void
process_address_list (const search_context_t *ctx,
		      InternetAddressList *list)
    InternetAddress *address;
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < internet_address_list_length (list); i++) {
	address = internet_address_list_get_address (list, i);
	    InternetAddressGroup *group;
	    InternetAddressList *group_list;

	    group = INTERNET_ADDRESS_GROUP (address);
	    group_list = internet_address_group_get_members (group);
	    if (group_list == NULL)

	    process_address_list (ctx, group_list);
	} else {
	    InternetAddressMailbox *mailbox = INTERNET_ADDRESS_MAILBOX (address);
	    mailbox_t mbx = {
		.name = internet_address_get_name (address),
		.addr = internet_address_mailbox_get_addr (mailbox),

	    /* OUTPUT_COUNT only works with deduplication */
	    if (ctx->dedup != DEDUP_NONE &&
		is_duplicate (ctx, mbx.name, mbx.addr))

	    /* OUTPUT_COUNT and DEDUP_ADDRESS require a full pass. */
	    if (ctx->output & OUTPUT_COUNT || ctx->dedup == DEDUP_ADDRESS)

	    print_mailbox (ctx, &mbx);
int uniformize_catalog(fitstable_t* intable, fitstable_t* outtable,
					   const char* racol, const char* deccol,
					   const char* sortcol, anbool sort_ascending,
					   double sort_min_cut,
					   // ?  Or do this cut in a separate process?
					   int bighp, int bignside,
					   int nmargin,
					   // uniformization nside.
					   int Nside,
					   double dedup_radius,
					   int nsweeps,
					   char** args, int argc) {
	anbool allsky;
	intmap_t* starlists;
	int NHP;
	anbool dense = FALSE;
	double dedupr2 = 0.0;
	tfits_type dubl;
	int N;
	int* inorder = NULL;
	int* outorder = NULL;
	int outi;
	double *ra = NULL, *dec = NULL;
	il* myhps = NULL;
	int i,j,k;
	int nkeep = nsweeps;
	int noob = 0;
	int ndup = 0;
	struct oh_token token;
	int* npersweep = NULL;
	qfits_header* outhdr = NULL;
	double *sortval = NULL;

	if (bignside == 0)
		bignside = 1;
	allsky = (bighp == -1);

    if (Nside % bignside) {
        ERROR("Fine healpixelization Nside must be a multiple of the coarse healpixelization Nside");
        return -1;
	if (Nside > HP_MAX_INT_NSIDE) {
		ERROR("Error: maximum healpix Nside = %i", HP_MAX_INT_NSIDE);
		return -1;

	NHP = 12 * Nside * Nside;
	logverb("Healpix Nside: %i, # healpixes on the whole sky: %i\n", Nside, NHP);
	if (!allsky) {
		logverb("Creating index for healpix %i, nside %i\n", bighp, bignside);
		logverb("Number of healpixes: %i\n", ((Nside/bignside)*(Nside/bignside)));
	logverb("Healpix side length: %g arcmin.\n", healpix_side_length_arcmin(Nside));

	dubl = fitscolumn_double_type();
	if (!racol)
		racol = "RA";
	ra = fitstable_read_column(intable, racol, dubl);
	if (!ra) {
		ERROR("Failed to find RA column (%s) in table", racol);
		return -1;
	if (!deccol)
		deccol = "DEC";
	dec = fitstable_read_column(intable, deccol, dubl);
	if (!dec) {
		ERROR("Failed to find DEC column (%s) in table", deccol);
		return -1;

	N = fitstable_nrows(intable);
	logverb("Have %i objects\n", N);

	// FIXME -- argsort and seek around the input table, and append to
	// starlists in order; OR read from the input table in sequence and
	// sort in the starlists?
	if (sortcol) {
		logverb("Sorting by %s...\n", sortcol);
		sortval = fitstable_read_column(intable, sortcol, dubl);
		if (!sortval) {
			ERROR("Failed to read sorting column \"%s\"", sortcol);
			return -1;
		inorder = permuted_sort(sortval, sizeof(double),
								sort_ascending ? compare_doubles_asc : compare_doubles_desc,
								NULL, N);
		if (sort_min_cut > -HUGE_VAL) {
			logverb("Cutting to %s > %g...\n", sortcol, sort_min_cut);
			// Cut objects with sortval < sort_min_cut.
			if (sort_ascending) {
				// skipped objects are at the front -- find the first obj
				// to keep
				for (i=0; i<N; i++)
					if (sortval[inorder[i]] > sort_min_cut)
				// move the "inorder" indices down.
				if (i)
					memmove(inorder, inorder+i, (N-i)*sizeof(int));
				N -= i;
			} else {
				// skipped objects are at the end -- find the last obj to keep.
				for (i=N-1; i>=0; i--)
					if (sortval[inorder[i]] > sort_min_cut)
				N = i+1;
			logverb("Cut to %i objects\n", N);

	token.nside = bignside;
	token.finenside = Nside;
	token.hp = bighp;

	if (!allsky && nmargin) {
		int bigbighp, bighpx, bighpy;
		//int ninside;
		il* seeds = il_new(256);
		logverb("Finding healpixes in range...\n");
        healpix_decompose_xy(bighp, &bigbighp, &bighpx, &bighpy, bignside);
		//ninside = (Nside/bignside)*(Nside/bignside);
		// Prime the queue with the fine healpixes that are on the
		// boundary of the big healpix.
		for (i=0; i<((Nside / bignside) - 1); i++) {
			// add (i,0), (i,max), (0,i), and (0,max) healpixes
            int xx = i + bighpx * (Nside / bignside);
            int yy = i + bighpy * (Nside / bignside);
            int y0 =     bighpy * (Nside / bignside);
			// -1 prevents us from double-adding the corners.
            int y1 =(1 + bighpy)* (Nside / bignside) - 1;
            int x0 =     bighpx * (Nside / bignside);
            int x1 =(1 + bighpx)* (Nside / bignside) - 1;
            assert(xx < Nside);
            assert(yy < Nside);
            assert(x0 < Nside);
            assert(x1 < Nside);
            assert(y0 < Nside);
            assert(y1 < Nside);
			il_append(seeds, healpix_compose_xy(bigbighp, xx, y0, Nside));
			il_append(seeds, healpix_compose_xy(bigbighp, xx, y1, Nside));
			il_append(seeds, healpix_compose_xy(bigbighp, x0, yy, Nside));
			il_append(seeds, healpix_compose_xy(bigbighp, x1, yy, Nside));
        logmsg("Number of boundary healpixes: %zu (Nside/bignside = %i)\n", il_size(seeds), Nside/bignside);

		myhps = healpix_region_search(-1, seeds, Nside, NULL, NULL,
									  outside_healpix, &token, nmargin);
		logmsg("Number of margin healpixes: %zu\n", il_size(myhps));

		il_sort(myhps, TRUE);
		// DEBUG
		il_check_sorted_ascending(myhps, TRUE);

	dedupr2 = arcsec2distsq(dedup_radius);
	starlists = intmap_new(sizeof(int32_t), nkeep, 0, dense);

	logverb("Placing stars in grid cells...\n");
	for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
		int hp;
		bl* lst;
		int32_t j32;
		anbool oob;
		if (inorder) {
			j = inorder[i];
			//printf("Placing star %i (%i): sort value %s = %g, RA,Dec=%g,%g\n", i, j, sortcol, sortval[j], ra[j], dec[j]);
		} else
			j = i;
		hp = radecdegtohealpix(ra[j], dec[j], Nside);
		//printf("HP %i\n", hp);
		// in bounds?
		oob = FALSE;
		if (myhps) {
			oob = (outside_healpix(hp, &token) && !il_sorted_contains(myhps, hp));
		} else if (!allsky) {
			oob = (outside_healpix(hp, &token));
		if (oob) {
			//printf("out of bounds.\n");

		lst = intmap_find(starlists, hp, TRUE);
		 printf("list has %i existing entries.\n", bl_size(lst));
		 for (k=0; k<bl_size(lst); k++) {
		 bl_get(lst, k, &j32);
		 printf("  %i: index %i, %s = %g\n", k, j32, sortcol, sortval[j32]);

		// is this list full?
		if (nkeep && (bl_size(lst) >= nkeep)) {
			// Here we assume we're working in sorted order: once the list is full we're done.
			//printf("Skipping: list is full.\n");

		if ((dedupr2 > 0.0) &&
			is_duplicate(hp, ra[j], dec[j], Nside, starlists, ra, dec, dedupr2)) {
			//printf("Skipping: duplicate\n");

		// Add the new star (by index)
		j32 = j;
		bl_append(lst, &j32);
	logverb("%i outside the healpix\n", noob);
	logverb("%i duplicates\n", ndup);

	myhps = NULL;
	inorder = NULL;
	ra = NULL;
	dec = NULL;

	outorder = malloc(N * sizeof(int));
	outi = 0;

	npersweep = calloc(nsweeps, sizeof(int));

	for (k=0; k<nsweeps; k++) {
		int starti = outi;
		int32_t j32;
		for (i=0;; i++) {
			bl* lst;
			int hp;
			if (!intmap_get_entry(starlists, i, &hp, &lst))
			if (bl_size(lst) <= k)
			bl_get(lst, k, &j32);
			outorder[outi] = j32;
			//printf("sweep %i, cell #%i, hp %i, star %i, %s = %g\n", k, i, hp, j32, sortcol, sortval[j32]);
		logmsg("Sweep %i: %i stars\n", k+1, outi - starti);
		npersweep[k] = outi - starti;

		if (sortcol) {
			// Re-sort within this sweep.
			permuted_sort(sortval, sizeof(double),
						  sort_ascending ? compare_doubles_asc : compare_doubles_desc,
						  outorder + starti, npersweep[k]);
			 for (i=0; i<npersweep[k]; i++) {
			 printf("  within sweep %i: star %i, j=%i, %s=%g\n",
			 k, i, outorder[starti + i], sortcol, sortval[outorder[starti + i]]);

	starlists = NULL;

	sortval = NULL;

	logmsg("Total: %i stars\n", outi);
	N = outi;

	outhdr = fitstable_get_primary_header(outtable);
    if (allsky)
        qfits_header_add(outhdr, "ALLSKY", "T", "All-sky catalog.", NULL);
    qfits_header_add(outhdr, "HISTORY", "This file was generated by the command-line:", NULL, NULL);
    fits_add_args(outhdr, args, argc);
    qfits_header_add(outhdr, "HISTORY", "(end of command line)", NULL, NULL);
	fits_add_long_history(outhdr, "uniformize-catalog args:");
	fits_add_long_history(outhdr, "  RA,Dec columns: %s,%s", racol, deccol);
	fits_add_long_history(outhdr, "  sort column: %s", sortcol);
	fits_add_long_history(outhdr, "  sort direction: %s", sort_ascending ? "ascending" : "descending");
	if (sort_ascending)
		fits_add_long_history(outhdr, "    (ie, for mag-like sort columns)");
		fits_add_long_history(outhdr, "    (ie, for flux-like sort columns)");
	fits_add_long_history(outhdr, "  uniformization nside: %i", Nside);
	fits_add_long_history(outhdr, "    (ie, side length ~ %g arcmin)", healpix_side_length_arcmin(Nside));
	fits_add_long_history(outhdr, "  deduplication scale: %g arcsec", dedup_radius);
	fits_add_long_history(outhdr, "  number of sweeps: %i", nsweeps);

    fits_header_add_int(outhdr, "NSTARS", N, "Number of stars.");
    fits_header_add_int(outhdr, "HEALPIX", bighp, "Healpix covered by this catalog, with Nside=HPNSIDE");
    fits_header_add_int(outhdr, "HPNSIDE", bignside, "Nside of HEALPIX.");
	fits_header_add_int(outhdr, "CUTNSIDE", Nside, "uniformization scale (healpix nside)");
	fits_header_add_int(outhdr, "CUTMARG", nmargin, "margin size, in healpixels");
	//qfits_header_add(outhdr, "CUTBAND", cutband, "band on which the cut was made", NULL);
	fits_header_add_double(outhdr, "CUTDEDUP", dedup_radius, "deduplication radius [arcsec]");
	fits_header_add_int(outhdr, "CUTNSWEP", nsweeps, "number of sweeps");
	//fits_header_add_double(outhdr, "CUTMINMG", minmag, "minimum magnitude");
	//fits_header_add_double(outhdr, "CUTMAXMG", maxmag, "maximum magnitude");
	for (k=0; k<nsweeps; k++) {
		char key[64];
		sprintf(key, "SWEEP%i", (k+1));
        fits_header_add_int(outhdr, key, npersweep[k], "# stars added");

	if (fitstable_write_primary_header(outtable)) {
		ERROR("Failed to write primary header");
		return -1;

	// Write output.
	fitstable_add_fits_columns_as_struct2(intable, outtable);
	if (fitstable_write_header(outtable)) {
		ERROR("Failed to write output table header");
		return -1;
	logmsg("Writing output...\n");
	logverb("Row size: %i\n", fitstable_row_size(intable));
	if (fitstable_copy_rows_data(intable, outorder, N, outtable)) {
		ERROR("Failed to copy rows from input table to output");
		return -1;
	if (fitstable_fix_header(outtable)) {
		ERROR("Failed to fix output table header");
		return -1;
	return 0;
Пример #10
// Functions
int looper( sampleInfo::ID sampleID, std::vector<analyzer*> analyzers, int nEvents, bool readFast ) {

  // Intro
  cout << "====================================================" << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "  WELCOME TO STOP BABY ANALYZER! " << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "====================================================" << endl;
  cout << endl;

  // Benchmark
  TBenchmark *bmark = new TBenchmark();

  // Input SampleInfo
  sampleInfo::sampleUtil sample( sampleID );

  bool sampleIsTTbar = false;
  if( sample.id == sampleInfo::k_ttbar_powheg_pythia8 ||
      sample.id == sampleInfo::k_ttbar_powheg_pythia8_ext4 ||
      sample.id == sampleInfo::k_ttbar_singleLeptFromT_madgraph_pythia8 ||
      sample.id == sampleInfo::k_ttbar_singleLeptFromT_madgraph_pythia8_ext1 ||
      sample.id == sampleInfo::k_ttbar_singleLeptFromTbar_madgraph_pythia8 ||
      sample.id == sampleInfo::k_ttbar_singleLeptFromTbar_madgraph_pythia8_ext1 ||
      sample.id == sampleInfo::k_ttbar_diLept_madgraph_pythia8 ||
      sample.id == sampleInfo::k_ttbar_diLept_madgraph_pythia8_ext1 ) {
    sampleIsTTbar = true;
  // Input chain
  TChain *chain = new TChain("t");
  cout << "    Processing the following: " << endl;  
  for(int iFile=0; iFile<(int)sample.inputBabies.size(); iFile++) {
    // input directory
    string input = sample.baby_i_o.first;
    // input file
    input += sample.inputBabies[iFile];
    chain->Add( input.c_str() );
    cout << "      " << input << endl; 
  cout << endl;
  // Output File

  // output dir
  string f_output_name = "";
  f_output_name += sample.baby_i_o.second;

  // output name
  f_output_name += sample.label;
  f_output_name += ".root";

  // output file
  TFile *f_output = new TFile( f_output_name.c_str(), "recreate" );

  // print output location
  cout << "    Output Written to: " << endl;
  cout << "      " << f_output_name << endl;
  cout << endl;

  // JSON File Tools
  const char* json_file = "../StopCORE/inputs/json_files/Cert_271036-284044_13TeV_23Sep2016ReReco_Collisions16_JSON.txt"; // 35.876fb final 2016 run
  if( sample.isData ) set_goodrun_file_json(json_file);

  // Event Weight Utilities
  cout << "    Loading eventWeight Utilities..." << endl << endl;
  wgtInfo.setUp( sample.id, useBTagSFs_fromFiles_, useLepSFs_fromFiles_, add2ndLepToMet_ );  
  wgtInfo.apply_cr2lTrigger_sf  = (apply_cr2lTrigger_sf_ && add2ndLepToMet_);
  wgtInfo.apply_bTag_sf         = apply_bTag_sf_;
  wgtInfo.apply_lep_sf          = apply_lep_sf_;
  wgtInfo.apply_vetoLep_sf      = apply_vetoLep_sf_;
  wgtInfo.apply_tau_sf          = apply_tau_sf_;
  wgtInfo.apply_lepFS_sf        = apply_lepFS_sf_;
  wgtInfo.apply_topPt_sf        = apply_topPt_sf_;
  wgtInfo.apply_metRes_sf       = apply_metRes_sf_;
  wgtInfo.apply_metTTbar_sf     = apply_metTTbar_sf_;
  wgtInfo.apply_ttbarSysPt_sf   = apply_ttbarSysPt_sf_;
  wgtInfo.apply_ISR_sf          = apply_ISR_sf_;
  wgtInfo.apply_pu_sf           = apply_pu_sf_;
  wgtInfo.apply_sample_sf       = apply_sample_sf_;

  // Declare genClassification list
  cout << "    Loading genClassyList: ";
  std::vector< genClassyInfo::Util > genClassyList;
  if( sample.isData ) {
    for(int iGenClassy=0; iGenClassy<genClassyInfo::k_nGenClassy; iGenClassy++) {
      genClassyList.push_back( genClassyInfo::Util(genClassyInfo::ID(iGenClassy)) );
  const int nGenClassy=(int)genClassyList.size();
  cout << nGenClassy << " genClassifications" << endl << endl;

  // Declare Systematics
  cout << "    Loading systematicList: ";
  std::vector< sysInfo::Util > systematicList;
  if( sample.isData || analyzeFast_ ) {
    for(int iSys=0; iSys<sysInfo::k_nSys; iSys++) {
      systematicList.push_back( sysInfo::Util(sysInfo::ID(iSys)) );
  const int nSystematics = (int)systematicList.size();
  cout << nSystematics << " systematics" << endl << endl;

	// Count number of analyzers in the list
	const int nAnalyzers = analyzers.size();

  //                    //
  // Declare Histograms //
  //                    //
  //  For Using DownStream Scripts, please adhere to the conventions:
  //    histogram_name = "your_name_here"+"__"+regionList[i]+"__genClassy_"+genClassyObject.label+"__systematic_"+sysInfoObject.label;
  //  Where regionList is the list of "SR", "CR0b", "CR0b_tightBTagHighMlb" or "CR2l"
  //    And systematicList[0] is the nominal selection
  //    And if there is andditional selection involved in this histogram, please refer to it in "you name here"

  cout << "    Preparing histograms" << endl << endl;

	// Declare yield histograms
  f_output->cd(); // All yield histos will belong to the output file
	for( analyzer* thisAnalyzer : analyzers ) {

		TH1D* h_template = thisAnalyzer->GetYieldTemplate();
		TH3D* h_template_signal = thisAnalyzer->GetYieldTemplateSignal();

		for( int iClassy=0; iClassy<nGenClassy; iClassy++ ) {
			for( int iSys=0; iSys<nSystematics; iSys++ ) {

				int histIndex = iClassy*nSystematics + iSys;

				// Gen and Systematic String
				TString reg_gen_sys_name = "__";
				reg_gen_sys_name += thisAnalyzer->GetLabel();
				reg_gen_sys_name += "__genClassy_";
				reg_gen_sys_name += genClassyList[iClassy].label;
				reg_gen_sys_name += "__systematic_";
				reg_gen_sys_name += systematicList[iSys].label;

				TH1* h_tmp = 0;

				TString yieldname = "h_yields";
				yieldname += reg_gen_sys_name;
				if( sample.isSignalScan ) h_tmp = (TH3D*)h_template_signal->Clone( yieldname );
				else                      h_tmp = (TH1D*)h_template->Clone( yieldname );
				thisAnalyzer->SetYieldHistogram( histIndex, h_tmp );

			} // End loop over systematics
		} // End loop over genClassys
	} // End loop over analyzers


  // Declare non-yield histograms

  int nMassPts = 1;
  if( sample.isSignalScan ) nMassPts = (int)sample.massPtList.size();

  const int nHistosVars = nAnalyzers*nGenClassy*nMassPts;

  // nJets
  TH1D *h_nJets[nHistosVars];
  // nBTags
  TH1D *h_nBTags[nHistosVars];
  // lep1 pT
  TH1D *h_lep1Pt_incl[nHistosVars];
  // lep2 pT
  TH1D *h_lep2Pt_incl[nHistosVars];
  // jet pT
  TH1D *h_jetPt_incl[nHistosVars];
  // jet1 pT
  TH1D *h_jet1Pt_incl[nHistosVars];
  // jet2 pT
  TH1D *h_jet2Pt_incl[nHistosVars];
  // DeepCSV jet1 pT
  TH1D *h_deepcsvJet1Pt_incl[nHistosVars];
  // DeepCSV jet2 pT
  TH1D *h_deepcsvJet2Pt_incl[nHistosVars];
  // met
  TH1D *h_met_incl[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_met_lt4j[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_met_ge4j[nHistosVars];

  // lep1lep2bbMetPt
  TH1D *h_lep1lep2bbMetPt_incl[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_lep1lep2bbMetPt_lt4j[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_lep1lep2bbMetPt_ge4j[nHistosVars];

  // mt
  TH1D *h_mt_incl[nHistosVars];
  // modTopness
  TH1D *h_modTopness_incl[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_modTopness_lt4j[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_modTopness_ge4j[nHistosVars];

  // mlb
  TH1D *h_mlb_incl[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_mlb_lt4j[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_mlb_ge4j[nHistosVars];

  // mlb
  TH1D *h_mlb_lt0modTopness[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_mlb_ge0modTopness[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_mlb_ge10modTopness[nHistosVars];
  // mlb, met sideband CR
  TH1D *h_mlb_150to250met_incl[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_mlb_150to250met_lt4j[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_mlb_150to250met_ge4j[nHistosVars];

  // ml2b
  TH1D *h_mlb_lep2_incl[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_mlb_lep2_lt4j[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_mlb_lep2_ge4j[nHistosVars];
  // ml2b
  TH1D *h_mlb_lep2_150to250met_incl[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_mlb_lep2_150to250met_lt4j[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_mlb_lep2_150to250met_ge4j[nHistosVars];

  // Gen ttbar system pT
  TH1D *h_gen_ttbarPt_incl[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_gen_ttbarPt_lt4j[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_gen_ttbarPt_ge4j[nHistosVars];

  // Gen 2nd lepton ID
  TH1D *h_gen_lep2_id_incl[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_gen_lep2_id_lt4j[nHistosVars];
  TH1D *h_gen_lep2_id_ge4j[nHistosVars];

  f_output->cd(); // All non-yield histos will belong to the output file
  for(int iReg=0; iReg<nAnalyzers; iReg++) {
    for(int iGen=0; iGen<nGenClassy; iGen++) {
      for(int iMassPt=0; iMassPt<nMassPts; iMassPt++) {

				// Histo Index
				int iHisto = iReg*nGenClassy*nMassPts + iGen*nMassPts + iMassPt;

				int mStop = 0;
				int mLSP  = 0;
				if(sample.isSignalScan) {
					mStop = sample.massPtList[iMassPt].first;
					mLSP  = sample.massPtList[iMassPt].second;

				TString hName = "";
				TString reg_gen_sys_name = "__";
				reg_gen_sys_name += analyzers.at(iReg)->GetLabel();
				reg_gen_sys_name += "__genClassy_";
				reg_gen_sys_name += genClassyList[iGen].label;
				reg_gen_sys_name += "__systematic_";
				reg_gen_sys_name += systematicList[0].label;
				if( sample.isSignalScan ) {
					reg_gen_sys_name += "__mStop_";
					reg_gen_sys_name += mStop;
					reg_gen_sys_name += "__mLSP_";
					reg_gen_sys_name += mLSP;

				// Njets
				hName = "h_nJets" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_nJets[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Number of Selected Jets;nJets", 11, -0.5, 10.5);

				// nBTags
				hName = "h_nBTags" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_nBTags[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Number of b-Tagged Jets;nBTags", 5, -0.5, 4.5);

				// lep1Pt

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_lep1Pt__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_lep1Pt_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Lepton p_{T};p_{T} [GeV]", 20.0, 0.0, 200.0 );

				// lep2Pt

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_lep2Pt__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_lep2Pt_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Trailing Lepton p_{T};p_{T} [GeV]", 20.0, 0.0, 200.0 );
				// jetPt

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_jetPt__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_jetPt_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Jet p_{T};p_{T} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );
				// jet1Pt

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_jet1Pt__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_jet1Pt_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Leading Jet p_{T};p_{T} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

				// jet2Pt

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_jet2Pt__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_jet2Pt_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "2nd Leading Jet p_{T};p_{T} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );
				// DeepCSVJet1Pt

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_deepcsvJet1Pt__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_deepcsvJet1Pt_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Leading DeepCSV Jet p_{T};p_{T} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

				// DeepCSVJet2Pt

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_deepcsvJet2Pt__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_deepcsvJet2Pt_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "2nd Leading DeepCSV Jet p_{T};p_{T} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

				// met

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_met__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_met_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "MET;MET [GeV]", 32, 0.0, 800.0 );
				// <4j Selection
				hName = "h_met__lt4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_met_lt4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "MET;MET [GeV]", 32, 0.0, 800.0 );

				// >=4j Selection
				hName = "h_met__ge4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_met_ge4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "MET;MET [GeV]", 32, 0.0, 800.0 );


				// lep1lep2bbMetPt

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_lep1lep2bbMetPt__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_lep1lep2bbMetPt_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "lep1(lep2)bbMet system p_{T};p_{T} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );
				// <4j Selection
				hName = "h_lep1lep2bbMetPt__lt4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_lep1lep2bbMetPt_lt4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "lep1(lep2)bbMet system p_{T};p_{T} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

				// >=4j Selection
				hName = "h_lep1lep2bbMetPt__ge4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_lep1lep2bbMetPt_ge4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "lep1(lep2)bbMet system p_{T};p_{T} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

				// mt

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_mt__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mt_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{T};M_{T} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );
				// modTopness

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_modTopness__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_modTopness_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Modified Topness;Modified Topness", 20, -20.0, 20.0 );
				// <4j Selection
				hName = "h_modTopness__lt4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_modTopness_lt4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Modified Topness;Modified Topness", 20, -20.0, 20.0 );

				// >=4j Selection
				hName = "h_modTopness__ge4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_modTopness_ge4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Modified Topness;Modified Topness", 20, -20.0, 20.0 );

				// mlb

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_mlb__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{lb};M_{lb} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );
				// <4j Selection
				hName = "h_mlb__lt4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_lt4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{lb};M_{lb} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

				// >=4j Selection
				hName = "h_mlb__ge4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_ge4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{lb};M_{lb} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );


				// mlb, inclusive nJets, modTopness bins

				// <0 modTopness Selection
				hName = "h_mlb__lt0modTopnessSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_lt0modTopness[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{lb};M_{lb} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

				// >=0 modTopness Selection
				hName = "h_mlb__ge0modTopnessSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_ge0modTopness[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{lb};M_{lb} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );
				// >=10 modTopness Selection
				hName = "h_mlb__ge10modTopnessSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_ge10modTopness[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{lb};M_{lb} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

				// mlb, met sideband CR

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_mlb_150to250met__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_150to250met_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{lb};M_{lb} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );
				// <4j Selection
				hName = "h_mlb_150to250met__lt4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_150to250met_lt4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{lb};M_{lb} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

				// >=4j Selection
				hName = "h_mlb_150to250met__ge4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_150to250met_ge4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{lb};M_{lb} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

				// mlb_lep2

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_mlb_lep2__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_lep2_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{l2b};M_{l2b} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );
				// <4j Selection
				hName = "h_mlb_lep2__lt4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_lep2_lt4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{l2b};M_{l2b} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

				// >=4j Selection
				hName = "h_mlb_lep2__ge4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_lep2_ge4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{l2b};M_{l2b} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

				// mlb_lep2, met CR sideband

				// Incl Selection
				hName = "h_mlb_lep2_150to250met__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_lep2_150to250met_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{l2b};M_{l2b} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );
				// <4j Selection
				hName = "h_mlb_lep2_150to250met__lt4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_lep2_150to250met_lt4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{l2b};M_{l2b} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

				// >=4j Selection
				hName = "h_mlb_lep2_150to250met__ge4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
				h_mlb_lep2_150to250met_ge4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "M_{l2b};M_{l2b} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );


				// Gen ttbar pT
				if( !sample.isData ) {
					// Incl Selection
					hName = "h_gen_ttbarPt__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
					h_gen_ttbarPt_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Gen t#bar{t} system p_{T};p_{T} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );
					// <4j Selection
					hName = "h_gen_ttbarPt__lt4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
					h_gen_ttbarPt_lt4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Gen t#bar{t} system p_{T};p_{T} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

					// >=4j Selection
					hName = "h_gen_ttbarPt__ge4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
					h_gen_ttbarPt_ge4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Gen t#bar{t} system p_{T};p_{T} [GeV]", 24, 0.0, 600.0 );

					// Gen Lep2 ID
					// Incl Selection
					hName = "h_gen_lep2_id__inclSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
					h_gen_lep2_id_incl[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Gen 2nd Lepton ID;ID", 7, 1.0, 8.0 );
					h_gen_lep2_id_incl[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "ele");
					h_gen_lep2_id_incl[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "mu");
					h_gen_lep2_id_incl[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "lep tau, ele");
					h_gen_lep2_id_incl[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "lep tau, mu");
					h_gen_lep2_id_incl[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "had tau, 1 prong");
					h_gen_lep2_id_incl[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6, "had tau, 3 prong");
					h_gen_lep2_id_incl[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7, "\"other\" tau");
					// <4j Selection
					hName = "h_gen_lep2_id__lt4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
					h_gen_lep2_id_lt4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Gen 2nd Lepton ID;ID", 7, 1.0, 8.0 );
					h_gen_lep2_id_lt4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "ele");
					h_gen_lep2_id_lt4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "mu");
					h_gen_lep2_id_lt4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "lep tau, ele");
					h_gen_lep2_id_lt4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "lep tau, mu");
					h_gen_lep2_id_lt4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "had tau, 1 prong");
					h_gen_lep2_id_lt4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6, "had tau, 3 prong");
					h_gen_lep2_id_lt4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7, "\"other\" tau");

					// >=4j Selection
					hName = "h_gen_lep2_id__ge4jSelection" + reg_gen_sys_name;
					h_gen_lep2_id_ge4j[iHisto] = new TH1D( hName, "Gen 2nd Lepton ID;ID", 7, 1.0, 8.0 );
					h_gen_lep2_id_ge4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "ele");
					h_gen_lep2_id_ge4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "mu");
					h_gen_lep2_id_ge4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "lep tau, ele");
					h_gen_lep2_id_ge4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "lep tau, mu");
					h_gen_lep2_id_ge4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "had tau, 1 prong");
					h_gen_lep2_id_ge4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6, "had tau, 3 prong");
					h_gen_lep2_id_ge4j[iHisto]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7, "\"other\" tau");

				} // end if sample is ttbar

      } // end loop over mass pts (1 pt only if not signal scan)
    } // end loop over genClassifications for histogram arrays
  } // end loop over analyzers/regions for histogram arrays

	// Set up cutflow histograms
	TH1D* h_cutflow[nAnalyzers];
	for( int iAna=0; iAna<nAnalyzers; iAna++ ) {

		analyzer* thisAnalyzer = analyzers.at(iAna);
		std::string histName  = "h_cutflow_";
		std::string histTitle = "Cutflow histogram ";
		histName  += thisAnalyzer->GetLabel();
		histTitle += thisAnalyzer->GetLabel();

		h_cutflow[iAna] = selectionInfo::get_cutflowHistoTemplate( thisAnalyzer->GetSelections(), histName, histTitle );

  //                  //
  // Loop Over Events //
  //                  //
  // Event Counters
  cout << "    Loading files to loop over" << endl << endl;
  unsigned int nEventsTotal = 0;
  unsigned int nEventsChain = chain->GetEntries();
  if( nEvents >= 0 ) nEventsChain = nEvents;
  // Grab list of files
  TObjArray *listOfFiles = chain->GetListOfFiles();
  TIter fileIter(listOfFiles);
  TFile *currentFile = 0;
  while ( (currentFile = (TFile*)fileIter.Next()) ) {
    //                  //
    // Get File Content //
    //                  //
    // Open File and Get Tree
    TFile *file = new TFile( currentFile->GetTitle(), "read" );
    TTree *tree = (TTree*)file->Get("t");
    if(readFast) TTreeCache::SetLearnEntries(10);
    if(readFast) tree->SetCacheSize(128*1024*1024);
    // Get weight histogram from baby
    wgtInfo.getWeightHistogramFromBaby( file );
    // Loop over Events in current file
    if( nEventsTotal >= nEventsChain ) continue;
    unsigned int nEventsTree = tree->GetEntriesFast();
    for( unsigned int event = 0; event < nEventsTree; ++event) {

      //                   //
      // Get Event Content //
      //                   //
      // Read Tree
      if( nEventsTotal >= nEventsChain ) continue;
      if(readFast) tree->LoadTree(event);

      // Progress
      stop_1l_babyAnalyzer::progress( nEventsTotal, nEventsChain );

      //                 //
      // Check Selection //
      //                 //

      // Check JSON
      if( sample.isData && applyjson ) {
	if( !goodrun(run(),ls()) ) continue;
      // Check duplicate event
      if( sample.isData ) {
	duplicate_removal::DorkyEventIdentifier id(run(), evt(), ls());
	if( is_duplicate(id) ) continue;

      // Check WNJets genPt
      if( sample.id == sampleInfo::k_W1JetsToLNu_madgraph_pythia8 ||
					sample.id == sampleInfo::k_W2JetsToLNu_madgraph_pythia8 ||
					sample.id == sampleInfo::k_W3JetsToLNu_madgraph_pythia8 ||
					sample.id == sampleInfo::k_W4JetsToLNu_madgraph_pythia8    ) {
				if( nupt()>200.0 ) continue;

			// Pre-calculate all the event weights

      //                         //
      // Compute Event Variables //
      //                         //

      // Find the gen pT of the ttbar system
      double ttbarPt = -99.9;
      LorentzVector genTTbar_LV;
      int nFoundGenTop=0;
      if( sampleIsTTbar ) {
				for(int iGen=0; iGen<(int)genqs_p4().size(); iGen++) {
					if( abs(genqs_id().at(iGen))==6 && genqs_isLastCopy().at(iGen) ) {
						genTTbar_LV += genqs_p4().at(iGen);
					} // end if last copy of top
				} // end loop over gen quarks

				if( nFoundGenTop == 2 ) ttbarPt = genTTbar_LV.Pt();

      } // end if sample is ttbar

      // Find the gen ID of the 2nd lepton
      double matched_lep_dr = 0.1;

      int gen2ndLep__idx = -1;
      int gen2ndLep__id = -99;
      int gen2ndLep__tauDecay = -1;
      int fill_bin_genLep2ID = -1;
      if( !sample.isData && is2lep() ) {
				// match leading lepton first
				int genLep_matchedTo_selLep__idx = -1;
				for(int iGen=0; iGen<(int)genleps_p4().size(); iGen++) {
					if( abs(genleps_id().at(iGen)) != abs(lep1_pdgid()) ) continue;
					if( !genleps_isLastCopy().at(iGen) ) continue;
					if( !genleps_fromHardProcessFinalState().at(iGen) &&
							!genleps_fromHardProcessDecayed().at(iGen)       ) continue;
					if( ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR(genleps_p4().at(iGen), lep1_p4()) < matched_lep_dr ) {
						genLep_matchedTo_selLep__idx = iGen;

				// If matched selected lepton, find lost gen lepton
				if( genLep_matchedTo_selLep__idx>0 ) {

					for(int iGen=0; iGen<(int)genleps_p4().size(); iGen++) {
						if( iGen == genLep_matchedTo_selLep__idx ) continue;
						if( !genleps_isLastCopy().at(iGen) ) continue;
						if( !genleps_fromHardProcessFinalState().at(iGen) &&
								!genleps_fromHardProcessDecayed().at(iGen)       ) continue;
						gen2ndLep__idx = iGen;
						gen2ndLep__id = genleps_id().at(iGen);
						gen2ndLep__tauDecay = genleps_gentaudecay().at(iGen);

					// If found second lep
					if( gen2ndLep__idx>=0 ) {
						if( abs(gen2ndLep__id)==11 ) fill_bin_genLep2ID = 1;  // "ele";
						if( abs(gen2ndLep__id)==13 ) fill_bin_genLep2ID = 2;  // "mu";
						if( abs(gen2ndLep__id)==15 ) {
							if( gen2ndLep__tauDecay==1 ) fill_bin_genLep2ID = 3;  // "lep tau, ele";
							if( gen2ndLep__tauDecay==2 ) fill_bin_genLep2ID = 4;  // "lep tau, mu";
							if( gen2ndLep__tauDecay==3 ) fill_bin_genLep2ID = 5;  // "had tau, 1 prong";
							if( gen2ndLep__tauDecay==4 ) fill_bin_genLep2ID = 6;  // "had tau, 3 prong";
							if( gen2ndLep__tauDecay==5 ) fill_bin_genLep2ID = 7;  // "\"other\" tau";
						} // end if 2nd lep is tau

					} // end if found 2nd gen lep
				} // end if found first gen lep, matched to selected lepton
      } // end if 2lep event and not data

      // Calculate p4 of (lep1 lep2 b b) system
      LorentzVector lep1lep2bb_TLV(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);

      LorentzVector lep1lep2bbMet_TLV(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
      double lep1lep2bbMet_pt = -99.9;

      lep1lep2bb_TLV += lep1_p4();
      if(nvetoleps()>1) lep1lep2bb_TLV += lep2_p4();
      int jet1_idx = -1;
      double max_deepcsv = -99.9;
      for(int iJet=0; iJet<(int)ak4pfjets_p4().size(); iJet++) {
				if( ak4pfjets_deepCSV().at(iJet) > max_deepcsv ) {
					jet1_idx = iJet;
					max_deepcsv  = ak4pfjets_deepCSV().at(iJet);
      if(jet1_idx>=0) lep1lep2bb_TLV += ak4pfjets_p4().at(jet1_idx);
      int jet2_idx = -1;
      max_deepcsv = -99.9;
      for(int iJet=0; iJet<(int)ak4pfjets_p4().size(); iJet++) {
				if( iJet==jet1_idx ) continue;
				if( ak4pfjets_deepCSV().at(iJet) > max_deepcsv ) {
					jet2_idx = iJet;
					max_deepcsv = ak4pfjets_deepCSV().at(iJet);
      if(jet2_idx>=0) lep1lep2bb_TLV += ak4pfjets_p4().at(jet2_idx);
      // Calculate p4 of (lep1 lep2 b b MET) system
      lep1lep2bbMet_TLV = lep1lep2bb_TLV;
      LorentzVector met_TLV( pfmet()*cos(pfmet_phi()), pfmet()*sin(pfmet_phi()), 0.0, pfmet() );
      lep1lep2bbMet_TLV += met_TLV;
      lep1lep2bbMet_pt = lep1lep2bbMet_TLV.Pt();

      // Calculate mlb using lep2 instead of lep1
      LorentzVector lep2b_TLV(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
      double minDr = 99.9;
      int minBJetIdx = -99;
      if(nvetoleps()>1) {
				lep2b_TLV += lep2_p4();
				for(int iJet=0; iJet<(int)ak4pfjets_p4().size(); iJet++) {
					if(!ak4pfjets_passMEDbtag().at(iJet)) continue;
					if(ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR(ak4pfjets_p4().at(iJet),lep2_p4())<minDr) {
						minDr = ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR(ak4pfjets_p4().at(iJet),lep2_p4());
						minBJetIdx = iJet;
				} // end loop over jets
				if(minBJetIdx>=0) lep2b_TLV += ak4pfjets_p4().at(minBJetIdx);
      } // end if nvetoleps>1

      int mStop = mass_stop();
      int mLSP  = mass_lsp();

			//                                                         //
			// Loop over all analyzers, genClassy's, systematics, etc. //
			//                                                         //

			// Loop over all analyzers
			for( int iAna=0; iAna<nAnalyzers; iAna++ ) {
				analyzer* thisAnalyzer = analyzers.at(iAna);

				// Make an array of which genClassy's this event passes
				bool passedGenClassies[genClassyInfo::k_nGenClassy];
				for( genClassyInfo::Util thisGenClassy : thisAnalyzer->GetGenClassifications() ) {
					passedGenClassies[thisGenClassy.id] = thisGenClassy.eval_GenClassy();

					// Manually correct the ZZto2L2Nu sample
					if( sample.id==sampleInfo::k_ZZTo2L2Nu_powheg_pythia8 ) {
						if( thisGenClassy.id == genClassyInfo::k_ge2lep ||
								thisGenClassy.id == genClassyInfo::k_incl ) passedGenClassies[thisGenClassy.id] = true;
						else passedGenClassies[thisGenClassy.id] = false;

				// Check if this event passes selections with JES set to nominal
				//  (saves us having to evaluate this for every systematic)
				thisAnalyzer->SetJesType( 0 );
				bool pass_JESnominal = thisAnalyzer->PassSelections();

				// Fill cutflow histogram
				std::vector<bool> cutflow_results = selectionInfo::get_selectionResults( thisAnalyzer->GetSelections() );
				for( uint i=0; i<cutflow_results.size(); i++ ) {
					if( !cutflow_results.at(i) ) break;
					h_cutflow[iAna]->Fill( i+1 );

				// Loop over all systematics in the analyzer
				for( sysInfo::Util thisSystematic : thisAnalyzer->GetSystematics() ) {

					// Check if this event passes selections, and also set the appropriate JES type for future use
					if( thisSystematic.id == sysInfo::k_JESUp ) {
						thisAnalyzer->SetJesType( 1 );
						if( !thisAnalyzer->PassSelections() ) continue;
					else if( thisSystematic.id == sysInfo::k_JESDown ) {
						thisAnalyzer->SetJesType( -1 );
						if( !thisAnalyzer->PassSelections() ) continue;
					else {
						thisAnalyzer->SetJesType( 0 );
						if( !pass_JESnominal ) continue;

					// If we've passed selections, then get the event weight and the categories passed
					double weight = thisAnalyzer->GetEventWeight( thisSystematic.id );
					std::vector<int> categories_passed = thisAnalyzer->GetCategoriesPassed();

					// Loop over all the gen classifications that we passed
					for( genClassyInfo::Util thisGenClassy : thisAnalyzer->GetGenClassifications() ) {
						int iGen = thisGenClassy.id;
						if( !passedGenClassies[iGen] ) continue;

						// Get the index for the histogram corresponding to this genClassy and systematic
						int histIndex = iGen*nSystematics + thisSystematic.id;

						// Fill yield histograms
						for( int category : categories_passed ) {
							if( sample.isSignalScan ) {
								TH3D* yieldHisto = (TH3D*)thisAnalyzer->GetYieldHistogram( histIndex );
								yieldHisto->Fill( mStop, mLSP, category, weight );
							else thisAnalyzer->GetYieldHistogram( histIndex )->Fill( category, weight );

						//                                 //
						// Fill other non-yield histograms //
						//                                 //

						if( thisSystematic.id == sysInfo::k_nominal ) {

							for(int iMassPt=0; iMassPt<nMassPts; iMassPt++) {

								if( sample.isSignalScan && mStop!=sample.massPtList[iMassPt].first && mLSP!=sample.massPtList[iMassPt].second ) continue;
								//if(!isnormal(wgt_nominal)) cout << "NaN/inf weight: nEntries=" << wgtInfo.nEvents << ", lepSF=" << wgtInfo.sf_lep << ", vetoLep="<< wgtInfo.sf_vetoLep << ", btagSF=" << wgtInfo.sf_bTag << endl;
								// Histo Index
								int iHisto = iAna*nGenClassy*nMassPts + iGen*nMassPts + iMassPt;

								// Vars
								double nGoodJets = ngoodjets();

								bool add2ndLepToMet = thisAnalyzer->GetAdd2ndLep();

								double mt =         add2ndLepToMet ? mt_met_lep_rl() : mt_met_lep();
								double modTopness = add2ndLepToMet ? topnessMod_rl() : topnessMod();
								double met =        add2ndLepToMet ? pfmet_rl() : pfmet();

								double mlb = Mlb_closestb();
								if( TString(thisAnalyzer->GetLabel()).Contains("CR0b") ) mlb = ( lep1_p4() + ak4pfjets_leadbtag_p4() ).M();

								// Met Sideband CR area, met>=150

								if( met>=150 && met<250 ) {
									// mlb, met sideband CR
									h_mlb_150to250met_incl[iHisto]->Fill( mlb, weight );
									if( nGoodJets<4 )  h_mlb_150to250met_lt4j[iHisto]->Fill( mlb, weight );
									if( nGoodJets>=4 ) h_mlb_150to250met_ge4j[iHisto]->Fill( mlb, weight );
									// mlb_lep2, met sideband CR
									if(nvetoleps()>1 && minBJetIdx>=0) {
										h_mlb_lep2_150to250met_incl[iHisto]->Fill( lep2b_TLV.M(), weight );
										if( nGoodJets<4 )  h_mlb_lep2_150to250met_lt4j[iHisto]->Fill( lep2b_TLV.M(), weight );
										if( nGoodJets>=4 ) h_mlb_lep2_150to250met_ge4j[iHisto]->Fill( lep2b_TLV.M(), weight );

								} // end if 150<met<250

								// Signal Region Area, met>=250
								if( met<250.0 ) continue;
								// nJets
								h_nJets[iHisto]->Fill( nGoodJets, weight );

								// nBTags
								h_nBTags[iHisto]->Fill( ngoodbtags(), weight );
								// lep1 pT
								h_lep1Pt_incl[iHisto]->Fill( lep1_p4().Pt(), weight );

								// lep2 pT
								if( nvetoleps()>1 ) h_lep2Pt_incl[iHisto]->Fill( lep2_p4().Pt(), weight );

								// jet pT
								for(int iJet=0; iJet<(int)ak4pfjets_p4().size(); iJet++) h_jetPt_incl[iHisto]->Fill( ak4pfjets_p4().at(iJet).Pt(), weight );

								// jet1 pT
								h_jet1Pt_incl[iHisto]->Fill( ak4pfjets_p4().at(0).Pt(), weight );

								// jet2 pT
								h_jet2Pt_incl[iHisto]->Fill( ak4pfjets_p4().at(1).Pt(), weight );

								// DeepCSV jet1 pT
								if(jet1_idx>=0) h_deepcsvJet1Pt_incl[iHisto]->Fill( ak4pfjets_p4().at(jet1_idx).Pt(), weight );

								// DeepCSV jet2 pT
								if(jet2_idx>=0) h_deepcsvJet2Pt_incl[iHisto]->Fill( ak4pfjets_p4().at(jet2_idx).Pt(), weight );

								// met
								h_met_incl[iHisto]->Fill( met, weight );
								if( nGoodJets<4  ) h_met_lt4j[iHisto]->Fill( met, weight );
								if( nGoodJets>=4 ) h_met_ge4j[iHisto]->Fill( met, weight );

								// lep1lep2bbMetPt
								h_lep1lep2bbMetPt_incl[iHisto]->Fill( lep1lep2bbMet_pt, weight );
								if( nGoodJets<4  ) h_lep1lep2bbMetPt_lt4j[iHisto]->Fill( lep1lep2bbMet_pt, weight );
								if( nGoodJets>=4 ) h_lep1lep2bbMetPt_ge4j[iHisto]->Fill( lep1lep2bbMet_pt, weight );

								// mt
								h_mt_incl[iHisto]->Fill( mt, weight );

								// modTopness
								h_modTopness_incl[iHisto]->Fill( modTopness, weight );
								if( nGoodJets<4  ) h_modTopness_lt4j[iHisto]->Fill( modTopness, weight );
								if( nGoodJets>=4 ) h_modTopness_ge4j[iHisto]->Fill( modTopness, weight );

								// mlb
								h_mlb_incl[iHisto]->Fill( mlb, weight );
								if( nGoodJets<4 )  h_mlb_lt4j[iHisto]->Fill( mlb, weight );
								if( nGoodJets>=4 ) h_mlb_ge4j[iHisto]->Fill( mlb, weight );

								// mlb, modTopness bins
								if(modTopness<0.0)   h_mlb_lt0modTopness[iHisto]->Fill( mlb, weight );
								if(modTopness>=0.0)  h_mlb_ge0modTopness[iHisto]->Fill( mlb, weight );
								if(modTopness>=10.0) h_mlb_ge10modTopness[iHisto]->Fill( mlb, weight );

								// mlb_lep2
								if(nvetoleps()>1 && minBJetIdx>=0) {
									h_mlb_lep2_incl[iHisto]->Fill( lep2b_TLV.M(), weight );
									if( nGoodJets<4 )  h_mlb_lep2_lt4j[iHisto]->Fill( lep2b_TLV.M(), weight );
									if( nGoodJets>=4 ) h_mlb_lep2_ge4j[iHisto]->Fill( lep2b_TLV.M(), weight );

								// Gen TTBar System
								if( sampleIsTTbar ) {
									h_gen_ttbarPt_incl[iHisto]->Fill( ttbarPt, weight );
									if( nGoodJets<4 )  h_gen_ttbarPt_lt4j[iHisto]->Fill( ttbarPt, weight );
									if( nGoodJets>=4 ) h_gen_ttbarPt_ge4j[iHisto]->Fill( ttbarPt, weight );

								// Gen 2nd Lep ID
								if( !sample.isData && is2lep() && gen2ndLep__idx>=0 ) {
									h_gen_lep2_id_incl[iHisto]->Fill( fill_bin_genLep2ID, weight );
									if( ngoodjets()<4 )  h_gen_lep2_id_lt4j[iHisto]->Fill( fill_bin_genLep2ID, weight );
									if( ngoodjets()>=4 ) h_gen_lep2_id_ge4j[iHisto]->Fill( fill_bin_genLep2ID, weight );

							} // end loop over mass points (1 if not signal scan)

						} // End filling of non-yield histograms

					} // End loop over genClassy's

				} // End loop over systematics

			} // End loop over analyzers

		} // End loop over events in tree

    // Clean Up
    delete tree;
    delete file;

  } // end loop over file list

  // Output Sanitation
  if ( nEventsChain != nEventsTotal ) {
	  cout << Form( "ERROR: number of events from files (%d) is not equal to total number of events (%d)", nEventsChain, nEventsTotal ) << endl;

  // Print Selection Cutflow
  cout << "====================================================" << endl;
  cout << endl;
  for(int iAna=0; iAna<nAnalyzers; iAna++) {
	  cout << "    " << analyzers.at(iAna)->GetLabel() << " Cutflow: " << endl;
	  for(int iCut=1; iCut<=(int)h_cutflow[iAna]->GetNbinsX(); iCut++) {
		  cout << "      nEvents pass " << h_cutflow[iAna]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(iCut) << " = " << h_cutflow[iAna]->GetBinContent(iCut) << endl;
	  cout << endl;
	  cout << endl;
  cout << "====================================================" << endl;

  // Clean stopCORE objects

  // Close Output File

  // Clean input chain
  if( sample.isData ) duplicate_removal::clear_list();

  // Benchmark Reporting
  cout << endl;
  cout << nEventsTotal << " Events Processed" << endl;
  cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
  cout << "CPU  Time:	" << Form( "%.01f", bmark->GetCpuTime("benchmark")  ) << endl;
  cout << "Real Time:	" << Form( "%.01f", bmark->GetRealTime("benchmark") ) << endl;
  cout << endl;
  delete bmark;

  cout << "====================================================" << endl;

  // Return!
  return 0;

} // End of function "looper"