bool DataTypeClassNameParser::Parser::read_raw_arguments(std::string* args) { skip_blank(); if (is_eos() || str_[index_] == ')' || str_[index_] == ',') { *args = ""; return true; } if (str_[index_] != '(') { parse_error(str_, index_, "Expected '('"); return false; } int i = index_; int open = 1; while (open > 0) { ++index_; if (is_eos()) { parse_error(str_, index_, "Expected ')'"); return false; } if (str_[index_] == '(') { open++; } else if (str_[index_] == ')') { open--; } } ++index_; // Skip ')' *args = str_.substr(i, index_); return true; }
bool DataTypeClassNameParser::Parser::get_type_params(TypeParamsVec* params) { if (is_eos()) { params->clear(); return true; } if (str_[index_] != '(') { parse_error(str_, index_, "Expected '(' before type parameters"); return false; } ++index_; // Skip '(' while (skip_blank_and_comma()) { if (str_[index_] == ')') { ++index_; return true; } std::string param; if (!read_one(¶m)) { return false; } params->push_back(param); } parse_error(str_, index_, "Unexpected end of string"); return false; }
void DataTypeCqlNameParser::Parser::parse_type_parameters(TypeParamsVec* params) { params->clear(); if (is_eos()) return; skip_blank_and_comma(); if (str_[index_] != '<') { LOG_ERROR("Expecting char %u of %s to be '<' but '%c' found", (unsigned int)index_, str_.c_str(), str_[index_]); return; } ++index_; // Skip '<' std::string name; std::string args; while (skip_blank_and_comma()) { if (str_[index_] == '>') { ++index_; return; } parse_type_name(&name); if (!read_raw_type_parameters(&args)) return; params->push_back(name + args); } }
bool DataTypeCqlNameParser::Parser::read_raw_type_parameters(std::string* params) { skip_blank(); params->clear(); if (is_eos() || str_[index_] == '>' || str_[index_] == ',') return true; if (str_[index_] != '<') { LOG_ERROR("Expecting char %u of %s to be '<' but '%c' found", (unsigned int)index_, str_.c_str(), str_[index_]); return false; } size_t start_index = index_; int open = 1; bool in_quotes = false; while (open > 0) { ++index_; if (is_eos()) { LOG_ERROR("Angle brackets not closed in type %s", str_.c_str()); return false; } if (!in_quotes) { if (str_[index_] == '"') { in_quotes = true; } else if (str_[index_] == '<') { open++; } else if (str_[index_] == '>') { open--; } } else if (str_[index_] == '"') { in_quotes = false; } } ++index_; // Move past the trailing '>' params->assign(str_.begin() + start_index, str_.begin() + index_); return true; }
void DataTypeClassNameParser::Parser::read_next_identifier(std::string* name) { size_t i = index_; while (!is_eos() && is_identifier_char(str_[index_])) ++index_; if (name != NULL) { if (index_ > i) { *name = str_.substr(i, index_ - i); } else{ name->clear(); } } }
void DataTypeCqlNameParser::Parser::read_next_identifier(std::string* name) { size_t start_index = index_; if (str_[start_index] == '"') { ++index_; while (!is_eos()) { bool is_quote = str_[index_] == '"'; ++index_; if (is_quote) { if (!is_eos() && str_[index_] == '"') { ++index_; } else { break; } } } } else { while (!is_eos() && (is_identifier_char(str_[index_]) || str_[index_] == '"')) { ++index_; } } name->assign(str_.begin() + start_index, str_.begin() + index_); }
bool DataTypeClassNameParser::Parser::get_collection_params(NameAndTypeParamsVec* params) { if (is_eos()) { params->clear(); return true; } if (str_[index_] != '(') { parse_error(str_, index_, "Expected '(' before collection parameters"); return false; } ++index_; // Skip '(' return get_name_and_type_params(params); }
// bool SkSVGAttributeParser::parseIRI(SkSVGStringType* iri) { // consume preceding whitespace this->parseWSToken(); // we only support local fragments if (!this->parseExpectedStringToken("#")) { return false; } const auto* start = fCurPos; this->advanceWhile([](char c) -> bool { return !is_eos(c) && c != ')'; }); if (start == fCurPos) { return false; } *iri = SkString(start, fCurPos - start); return true; }
bool skip_blank_and_comma() { bool comma_found = false; while (!is_eos()) { int c = str_[index_]; if (c == ',') { if (comma_found) { return true; } else { comma_found = true; } } else if (!is_blank(c)) { return true; } ++index_; } return false; }
inline bool SkSVGAttributeParser::parseEOSToken() { return is_eos(*fCurPos); }
void skip_blank() { while (!is_eos() && is_blank(str_[index_])) { ++index_; } }