Пример #1
 * This gets the client name from which the backup was made
static int get_client_name(UAContext *ua, RESTORE_CTX *rx)
   int i;

    * If no client name specified yet, get it now
   if (!rx->ClientName) {
       * Try command line argument
      i = find_arg_with_value(ua, NT_("client"));
      if (i < 0) {
         i = find_arg_with_value(ua, NT_("backupclient"));
      if (i >= 0) {
         if (!is_name_valid(ua->argv[i], &ua->errmsg)) {
            ua->error_msg("%s argument: %s", ua->argk[i], ua->errmsg);
            return 0;

         rx->ClientName = bstrdup(ua->argv[i]);
         return 1;
      memset(&cr, 0, sizeof(cr));
      if (!get_client_dbr(ua, &cr)) {
         return 0;
      rx->ClientName = bstrdup(cr.Name);

   return 1;
Пример #2
 * This is where we pick up a client name to restore to.
static int get_restore_client_name(UAContext *ua, RESTORE_CTX &rx)
   /* Start with same name as backup client */
   bstrncpy(rx.RestoreClientName, rx.ClientName, sizeof(rx.RestoreClientName));    

   /* try command line argument */
   int i = find_arg_with_value(ua, NT_("restoreclient"));
   if (i >= 0) {
      if (!is_name_valid(ua->argv[i], &ua->errmsg)) {
         ua->error_msg("%s argument: %s", ua->argk[i], ua->errmsg);
         return 0;
      bstrncpy(rx.RestoreClientName, ua->argv[i], sizeof(rx.RestoreClientName));
      return 1;
   return 1;
Пример #3
 * This routine is ONLY for resource names
 *  Store a name at specified address.
void store_name(LEX *lc, RES_ITEM *item, int index, int pass)
   POOLMEM *msg = get_pool_memory(PM_EMSG);
   lex_get_token(lc, T_NAME);
   if (!is_name_valid(lc->str, &msg)) {
      scan_err1(lc, "%s\n", msg);
   /* Store the name both pass 1 and pass 2 */
   if (*(item->value)) {
      scan_err2(lc, _("Attempt to redefine name \"%s\" to \"%s\"."),
         *(item->value), lc->str);
   *(item->value) = bstrdup(lc->str);
   set_bit(index, res_all.hdr.item_present);
Пример #4
 * This is where we pick up a client name to restore to.
static int get_restore_client_name(UAContext *ua, RESTORE_CTX &rx)
   int i;

    * Try command line argument
   i = find_arg_with_value(ua, NT_("restoreclient"));
   if (i >= 0) {
      if (!is_name_valid(ua->argv[i], &ua->errmsg)) {
         ua->error_msg("%s argument: %s", ua->argk[i], ua->errmsg);
         return 0;
      rx.RestoreClientName = bstrdup(ua->argv[i]);
      return 1;

   rx.RestoreClientName = bstrdup(rx.ClientName);
   return 1;
Пример #5
 * This gets the client name from which the backup was made
static bool get_client_name(UAContext *ua, RESTORE_CTX *rx)
   int i;
   memset(&cr, 0, sizeof(cr));

    * If no client name specified yet, get it now
   if (!rx->ClientName) {
       * Try command line argument
      i = find_arg_with_value(ua, NT_("client"));
      if (i < 0) {
         i = find_arg_with_value(ua, NT_("backupclient"));
      if (i >= 0) {
         if (!is_name_valid(ua->argv[i], ua->errmsg)) {
            ua->error_msg("%s argument: %s", ua->argk[i], ua->errmsg);
            return false;
         bstrncpy(cr.Name, ua->argv[i], sizeof(cr.Name));
         if (!db_get_client_record(ua->jcr, ua->db, &cr)) {
            ua->error_msg("invalid %s argument: %s\n", ua->argk[i], ua->argv[i]);
            return false;
         rx->ClientName = bstrdup(ua->argv[i]);
         return true;
      if (!get_client_dbr(ua, &cr)) {
         return false;
      rx->ClientName = bstrdup(cr.Name);

   return true;
Пример #6
 * This is where we pick up a client name to restore to.
static bool get_restore_client_name(UAContext *ua, RESTORE_CTX &rx)
   int i;

    * Try command line argument
   i = find_arg_with_value(ua, NT_("restoreclient"));
   if (i >= 0) {
      if (!is_name_valid(ua->argv[i], ua->errmsg)) {
         ua->error_msg("%s argument: %s", ua->argk[i], ua->errmsg);
         return false;
      if (!GetClientResWithName(ua->argv[i])) {
         ua->error_msg("invalid %s argument: %s\n", ua->argk[i], ua->argv[i]);
         return false;
      rx.RestoreClientName = bstrdup(ua->argv[i]);
      return true;

   rx.RestoreClientName = bstrdup(rx.ClientName);
   return true;
Пример #7
/* This version expects the length of the item which we must check. */
bool acl_access_ok(UAContext *ua, int acl, const char *item, int len)
   /* The resource name contains nasty characters */
   if (acl != Where_ACL && !is_name_valid(item, NULL)) {
      Dmsg1(1400, "Access denied for item=%s\n", item);
      return false;

   /* If no console resource => default console and all is permitted */
   if (!ua || !ua->cons) {
      Dmsg0(1400, "Root cons access OK.\n");
      return true;                    /* No cons resource -> root console OK for everything */

   alist *list = ua->cons->ACL_lists[acl];
   if (!list) {                       /* empty list */
      if (len == 0 && acl == Where_ACL) {
         return true;                 /* Empty list for Where => empty where */
      return false;                   /* List empty, reject everything */

   /* Special case *all* gives full access */
   if (list->size() == 1 && strcasecmp("*all*", (char *)list->get(0)) == 0) {
      return true;

   /* Search list for item */
   for (int i=0; i<list->size(); i++) {
      if (strcasecmp(item, (char *)list->get(i)) == 0) {
         Dmsg3(1400, "ACL found %s in %d %s\n", item, acl, (char *)list->get(i));
         return true;
   return false;
Пример #8
int process_args(int argc, char *argv[], char batch_mode)
	int c;
	char mode = 0;
	char time_ok = 0;
	char room = 0;
	char *filename;
	record *rec = calloc(1, sizeof(record));
	record *first = NULL;
	record *last = NULL;
	EVP_CIPHER_CTX en_ctx, de_ctx;

	optind = 0;
	opterr = 0;
	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, ":T:K:E:G:ALR:B:")) != -1)
		switch (c)
		case 'T':
			if (mode == BATCH_MODE) 
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			mode = DEFAULT_MODE;
			if (strtoi(optarg, &(rec->timestamp)) || !rec->timestamp)
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			time_ok = 1;
		case 'K':
			if (mode == BATCH_MODE)
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			mode = DEFAULT_MODE;
			if (!is_token_valid(optarg))
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			rec->token = optarg;
		case 'E':
			if (mode == BATCH_MODE)
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			mode = DEFAULT_MODE;
			if (rec->ptype == GUEST)
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			rec->ptype = EMPLOYEE;
			if (!is_name_valid(optarg))
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			rec->name = optarg;
		case 'G':
			if (mode == BATCH_MODE)
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			mode = DEFAULT_MODE;
			if (rec->ptype == EMPLOYEE)
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			rec->ptype = GUEST;
			if (!is_name_valid(optarg))
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			rec->name = optarg;
		case 'A':
			if (mode == BATCH_MODE)
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			mode = DEFAULT_MODE;
			if (rec->etype == DEPARTURE)
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			rec->etype = ARRIVAL;
		case 'L':
			if (mode == BATCH_MODE)
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			mode = DEFAULT_MODE;
			if (rec->etype == ARRIVAL)
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			rec->etype = DEPARTURE;
		case 'R':
			if (mode == BATCH_MODE)
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			mode = DEFAULT_MODE;
			if (strtoi(optarg, &(rec->room_id)))
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			room = 1;
		case 'B':
			if (mode == DEFAULT_MODE || batch_mode)
				return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
			mode = BATCH_MODE;
			filename = optarg;
			return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
	if (mode == BATCH_MODE)
		if (batch(filename))
			return print_error(ARG_ERROR);
		return NO_ERROR;

	//Checa opcoes mandatorias
	if (mode != DEFAULT_MODE || !time_ok || rec->token == NULL || rec->name == NULL 
	  || rec->etype == UNDEF_E || optind >= argc)
		return print_error(ARG_ERROR);

	//Ajusta o evento de acordo com a presenca de sala
	if (!room)
		if (rec->etype == ARRIVAL)
			rec->etype = G_ARRIVAL;
			rec->etype = G_DEPARTURE;

	//Inicia contextos de seguranca
	if ((aes_init((unsigned char *) rec->token, strlen(rec->token), &en_ctx, &de_ctx)))
		return print_error(ARG_ERROR);

	//validacoes de consistencia
	c = read_records(&first, argv[optind], &last, &de_ctx);
	if (c)
		return c;

	if ((c = check_record(first, rec)))
		return print_error(ARG_ERROR);

	if (!first)
		first = rec;
		if (!last)
			last = first;
		last->next = rec;
	write_record(first, argv[optind], &en_ctx);

	//TODO em batch, esses registros poderiam ser mantidos para evitar reler o arquivo.
	if (first != rec)
		last->next = NULL;


	return NO_ERROR;
Пример #9
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    // 1. parse arguments

    if (argc != 4) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    const std::string name  = argv[1];
    const int size       = std::atoi(argv[2]);
    const int count      = std::atoi(argv[3]);

    if (!is_name_valid(name)) {
        printf("Unknown function name '%s'.\n", name.c_str());
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (size <= 0) {
        printf("Size must be greater than 0.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (count <= 0) {
        printf("Iteration count must be greater than 0.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // 2. initialize memory

    uint8_t* data = static_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(size));
    if (data == nullptr) {
        printf("allocation failed");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    for (int i=0; i < size; i++) {
        data[i] = i;

    // 3. run the test

    size_t n = 0;
    size_t k = count;

    std::printf("running %-30s...", name.c_str());

    const auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

    if (name == "lookup-8") {

        while (k-- > 0) {
            n += popcnt_lookup_8bit(data, size);

    } else if (name == "lookup-64") {

        while (k-- > 0) {
            n += popcnt_lookup_64bit(data, size);

    } else if (name == "bit-parallel") {

        while (k-- > 0) {
            n += popcnt_parallel_64bit_naive(data, size);

    } else if (name == "bit-parallel-optimized") {

        while (k-- > 0) {
            n += popcnt_parallel_64bit_optimized(data, size);
    } else if (name == "sse-bit-parallel") {

        while (k-- > 0) {
            n += popcnt_SSE_bit_parallel(data, size);
    } else if (name == "sse-lookup") {

        while (k-- > 0) {
            n += popcnt_SSE_lookup(data, size);
    } else if (name == "cpu") {

        while (k-- > 0) {
            n += popcnt_cpu_64bit(data, size);
    } else if (name == "lookup-3") {

        while (k-- > 0) {
            n += popcnt_lookup3_8bit(data, size);
    } else if (name == "lookup-4") {

        while (k-- > 0) {
            n += popcnt_lookup4_8bit(data, size);
    } else if (name == "lookup-7") {

        while (k-- > 0) {
            n += popcnt_lookup7_8bit(data, size);
    } else {
        assert(false && "wrong function name handling");

    const auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

    const std::chrono::duration<double> td = t2-t1;

    printf("reference result = %lu, time = %10.6f s\n", n, td.count());


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #10
 * Implement Bareos bconsole command  purge action
 *     purge action= pool= volume= storage= devicetype=
static int action_on_purge_cmd(UAContext *ua, const char *cmd)
   bool allpools = false;
   int drive = -1;
   int nb = 0;
   uint32_t *results = NULL;
   const char *action = "all";
   STORERES *store = NULL;
   POOLRES *pool = NULL;
   MEDIA_DBR mr;
   POOL_DBR pr;
   BSOCK *sd = NULL;

   memset(&pr, 0, sizeof(pr));

   /* Look at arguments */
   for (int i=1; i<ua->argc; i++) {
      if (bstrcasecmp(ua->argk[i], NT_("allpools"))) {
         allpools = true;

      } else if (bstrcasecmp(ua->argk[i], NT_("volume")) &&
                 is_name_valid(ua->argv[i], NULL)) {
         bstrncpy(mr.VolumeName, ua->argv[i], sizeof(mr.VolumeName));

      } else if (bstrcasecmp(ua->argk[i], NT_("devicetype")) &&
                 ua->argv[i]) {
         bstrncpy(mr.MediaType, ua->argv[i], sizeof(mr.MediaType));

      } else if (bstrcasecmp(ua->argk[i], NT_("drive")) && ua->argv[i]) {
         drive = atoi(ua->argv[i]);

      } else if (bstrcasecmp(ua->argk[i], NT_("action")) &&
                 is_name_valid(ua->argv[i], NULL)) {

   /* Choose storage */
   ua->jcr->res.wstore = store = get_storage_resource(ua, false);
   if (!store) {
      goto bail_out;

   switch (store->Protocol) {
   case APT_NDMPV2:
   case APT_NDMPV3:
   case APT_NDMPV4:
      ua->warning_msg(_("Storage has non-native protocol.\n"));
      goto bail_out;

   if (!open_db(ua)) {
      Dmsg0(100, "Can't open db\n");
      goto bail_out;

   if (!allpools) {
      /* force pool selection */
      pool = get_pool_resource(ua);
      if (!pool) {
         Dmsg0(100, "Can't get pool resource\n");
         goto bail_out;
      bstrncpy(pr.Name, pool->name(), sizeof(pr.Name));
      if (!db_get_pool_record(ua->jcr, ua->db, &pr)) {
         Dmsg0(100, "Can't get pool record\n");
         goto bail_out;
      mr.PoolId = pr.PoolId;

    * Look for all Purged volumes that can be recycled, are enabled and
    *  have more the 10,000 bytes.
   mr.Recycle = 1;
   mr.Enabled = 1;
   mr.VolBytes = 10000;
   set_storageid_in_mr(store, &mr);
   bstrncpy(mr.VolStatus, "Purged", sizeof(mr.VolStatus));
   if (!db_get_media_ids(ua->jcr, ua->db, &mr, &nb, &results)) {
      Dmsg0(100, "No results from db_get_media_ids\n");
      goto bail_out;

   if (!nb) {
      ua->send_msg(_("No Volumes found to perform %s action.\n"), action);
      goto bail_out;

   if ((sd = open_sd_bsock(ua)) == NULL) {
      Dmsg0(100, "Can't open connection to sd\n");
      goto bail_out;

    * Loop over the candidate Volumes and actually truncate them
   for (int i=0; i < nb; i++) {
      mr.MediaId = results[i];
      if (db_get_media_record(ua->jcr, ua->db, &mr)) {
         /* TODO: ask for drive and change Pool */
         if (bstrcasecmp("truncate", action) || bstrcasecmp("all", action)) {
            do_truncate_on_purge(ua, &mr, pr.Name, store->dev_name(), drive, sd);
      } else {
         Dmsg1(0, "Can't find MediaId=%lld\n", (uint64_t) mr.MediaId);

   if (sd) {
      ua->jcr->store_bsock = NULL;
   ua->jcr->res.wstore = NULL;
   if (results) {

   return 1;