Пример #1
static bool is_query_valid(struct cursor *cursor, uint64_t potential_size, uint8_t offset)
    SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "  Check query valid of potential size %"PRIu64" and offset %"PRIu8, potential_size, offset);
    // We check if last character is printable
    uint64_t last_char_pos = MIN(cursor->cap_len, potential_size) - 1;
    uint8_t last_char = cursor_peek_u8(cursor, last_char_pos);
    if (!is_print(last_char)) {
        SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "  Last char 0x%02x at pos %"PRIu64" is not printable", last_char, last_char_pos);
        return false;
    // We check if last character + 1 is not printable. If it is printable, size might be incorrect
    // We assume chunked string if size >= 0x40
    if (potential_size < MAX_OCI_CHUNK && potential_size < cursor->cap_len) {
        if (cursor->cap_len - 1 > potential_size)  {
            char next_char = cursor_peek_u8(cursor, potential_size + 1);
            if (is_print(next_char)) {
                SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "  Char following last char 0x%02x is printable", next_char);
                return false;
    // We check if first characters are printable
    if (PROTO_OK == is_range_print(cursor, MIN_QUERY_SIZE, offset)) {
        return true;
    return false;
Пример #2
static bool lookup_query(struct cursor *cursor)
    #define MIN_QUERY_SIZE 10
    #define QUERY_WITH_SIZE 12
    while (cursor->cap_len > QUERY_WITH_SIZE) {
        uint8_t c;
        uint8_t potential_size = 0;
        do {
            c = cursor_peek_u8(cursor, 1);
            potential_size = cursor_read_u8(cursor);
        } while (cursor->cap_len > QUERY_WITH_SIZE && !isprint(c));
        SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Found potential size 0x%02x and first printable %c", potential_size, c);
        // Check on found size
        if (potential_size < MIN_QUERY_SIZE || potential_size > cursor->cap_len) continue;
        // We check if last character is printable
        if (!isprint(cursor_peek_u8(cursor, potential_size - 1))) continue;
        // We check if first characters are printable
        if (PROTO_OK == is_range_print(cursor, MIN_QUERY_SIZE)) {
            cursor_rollback(cursor, 1);
            return true;
    return false;
Пример #3
static enum proto_parse_status tns_parse_sql_query_oci(struct sql_proto_info *info, struct cursor *cursor)
    SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Parsing an oci query");
    uint8_t query_size = parse_query_header(cursor);
    struct query_candidate candidate = {.num_candidate_size = 0};
    if (query_size > 0) {
        candidate.candidate_sizes[candidate.num_candidate_size++] = query_size;

    bool has_query = lookup_query(cursor, &candidate);
    info->u.query.sql[0] = '\0';
    info->u.query.truncated = 0;
    if (has_query) {
        SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Found a query, parsing it");
        if (candidate.is_chunked) {
            cursor_read_chunked_string(cursor, info->u.query.sql, sizeof(info->u.query.sql), MAX_OCI_CHUNK);
        } else {
            cursor_read_fixed_string(cursor, info->u.query.sql, sizeof(info->u.query.sql), candidate.query_size);
    SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Sql parsed: %s", info->u.query.sql);
    info->set_values |= SQL_SQL;
    // Drop the rest
    if(cursor->cap_len > 0) cursor_drop(cursor, cursor->cap_len - 1);
    return PROTO_OK;

 * | 1 byte | 1 + 0-8 bytes | 1 byte | 1 + 0-4 bytes  | Lots of unknown bytes | variable  |
 * | Unk    | Sql len       | Unk    | Num end fields | Unk                   | sql query |
static enum proto_parse_status tns_parse_sql_query_jdbc(struct sql_proto_info *info, struct cursor *cursor)
    SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Parsing a jdbc query");
    enum proto_parse_status status = PROTO_OK;

    DROP_FIX(cursor, 1);

    uint_least64_t sql_len;
    if (PROTO_OK != (status = cursor_read_variable_int(cursor, &sql_len))) return status;
    SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Size sql %zu", sql_len);

    DROP_FIX(cursor, 1);
    DROP_FIX(cursor, 2);

    info->u.query.sql[0] = '\0';
    info->u.query.truncated = 0; // TODO Handle truncated
    if (sql_len > 0) {
        // Some unknown bytes
        while (cursor->cap_len > 1 && PROTO_OK != is_range_print(cursor, MIN(MIN_QUERY_SIZE, sql_len), 1)) {
            // TODO drop to the first non printable
            cursor_drop(cursor, 1);
        if (sql_len > 0xff && 0xff == cursor_peek_u8(cursor, 0)) {
            SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Looks like prefixed length chunks of size 0xff...");
            status = cursor_read_chunked_string(cursor, info->u.query.sql, sizeof(info->u.query.sql), 0xff);
        } else if (sql_len > MAX_OCI_CHUNK && MAX_OCI_CHUNK == cursor_peek_u8(cursor, 0)) {
            SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Looks like prefixed length chunks of size 0x40...");
            status = cursor_read_chunked_string(cursor, info->u.query.sql, sizeof(info->u.query.sql),
        } else {
            // We don't care about the first non printable character
            cursor_drop(cursor, 1);
            // In rare occurrence where sql_len == first character, we check the byte after the expected query,
            // if it's printable, the first character is probably the prefixed size.
            if (cursor_peek_u8(cursor, 0) == sql_len && sql_len < cursor->cap_len && is_print(cursor_peek_u8(cursor, sql_len)))
                cursor_drop(cursor, 1);
            SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Looks like a fixed string of size %zu", sql_len);
            int written_bytes = cursor_read_fixed_string(cursor, info->u.query.sql,
                    sizeof(info->u.query.sql), sql_len);
            if (written_bytes < 0) return PROTO_TOO_SHORT;
        if (status != PROTO_OK) return status;
    SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Sql parsed: %s", info->u.query.sql);
    info->set_values |= SQL_SQL;

    return PROTO_OK;