Пример #1
void RGBb_to_YUVi(const uint8 *RGB,int *Y,int *U,int *V)
int R = RGB[0], G = RGB[1], B = RGB[2];

	*Y = Y_RGB(R,G,B);
	*U = U_RGB(R,G,B) + 127;
	*V = V_RGB(R,G,B) + 127;

	assert( isinrange(*Y,0,255) );
	assert( isinrange(*U,0,255) );
	assert( isinrange(*V,0,255) );
Пример #2
void RGBi_to_YUVi(int R,int G,int B,int *Y,int *U,int *V)
	assert( isinrange(R,0,255) );
	assert( isinrange(G,0,255) );
	assert( isinrange(B,0,255) );

	*Y = Y_RGB(R,G,B);
	*U = U_RGB(R,G,B) + 127;
	*V = V_RGB(R,G,B) + 127;

	assert( isinrange(*Y,0,255) );
	assert( isinrange(*U,0,255) );
	assert( isinrange(*V,0,255) );
Пример #3
double DropCutter::EdgeTest(const Cutter &cu, const double *e, const double *p1, const double *p2)
	// contact cutter against edge from p1 to p2

	// translate segment so that cutter is at (0,0)
	double start[3] = {p1[0] - e[0], p1[1] - e[1], p1[2]};
	double end[3] = {p2[0] - e[0], p2[1] - e[1], p2[2]};

	// find angle btw. segment and X-axis
	double dx = end[0] - start[0];
	double dy = end[1] - start[1];
	double alfa;
	if (fabs(dx) > 0.0000000000001)
		alfa = atan(dy / dx);
		alfa = 1.5707963267948966;

	//alfa = -alfa;
	// rotation matrix for rotation around z-axis:
	// should probably implement a matrix class later

	// rotate by angle alfa
	// need copy of data that does not change as we go through each line:
	double sx = start[0], sy = start[1], ex = end[0], ey = end[1];
	start[0] = sx * cos(alfa) + sy * sin(alfa);
	start[1] = -sx * sin(alfa) + sy * cos(alfa);
	end[0] = ex * cos(alfa) + ey * sin(alfa);
	end[1] = -ex * sin(alfa) + ey * cos(alfa);

	// check if segment is below cutter

	if (start[1] > 0)
		alfa = alfa+3.1415926535897932;
		start[0] = sx * cos(alfa) + sy * sin(alfa);
		start[1] = -sx * sin(alfa) + sy * cos(alfa);
		end[0] = ex * cos(alfa) + ey * sin(alfa);
		end[1] = -ex * sin(alfa) + ey * cos(alfa);

	if (fabs(start[1]-end[1])>0.0000000001)
		wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_T("EdgeTest ERROR! (start.y - end.y) = %lf"), start[1]-end[1]));
		return -10000000.0;

	double l = -start[1]; // distance from cutter to edge
	if (l < -heeksCAD->GetTolerance())
		wxMessageBox(_T("EdgeTest ERROR! l<0 !"));

	// System.Console.WriteLine("l=" + l+" start.y="+start.y+" end.y="+end.y);

	// now we have two different algorithms depending on the cutter:
	if (fabs(cu.r) < heeksCAD->GetTolerance())
		// this is the flat endmill case
		// it is easier and faster than the general case, so we handle it separately
		if (l > cu.R + heeksCAD->GetTolerance()) // edge is outside of the cutter
			return -10000000.0;
		else // we are inside the cutter
			if(fabs(end[0] - start[0]) < 0.000000001)return -10000000.0; // instead of maths error below

			// so calculate CC point
			double xc1 = sqrt(pow(cu.R, 2) - pow(l, 2));
			double xc2 = -xc1;
			double zc1 = ((xc1 - start[0]) / (end[0] - start[0])) * (end[2] - start[2]) + start[2];
			double zc2 = ((xc2 - start[0]) / (end[0] - start[0])) * (end[2] - start[2]) + start[2];

			// choose the higher point
			double zc,xc;
			if (zc1 > zc2)
				zc = zc1;
				xc = xc1;
				zc = zc2;
				xc = xc2;

			// now that we have a CC point, check if it's in the edge
			if ((start[0] > xc + heeksCAD->GetTolerance()) && (xc + heeksCAD->GetTolerance()< end[0]))
				return -10000000.0;
			else if ((end[0] < xc - heeksCAD->GetTolerance()) && (xc + heeksCAD->GetTolerance() > start[0]))
				return -10000000.0;
				return zc;

		// unreachable place (according to compiler)
	} // end of flat endmill (r=0) case
	else// if (cu.r > 0)
		// System.Console.WriteLine("edgetest r>0 case!");

		// this is the general case (r>0)   ball-nose or bull-nose (spherical or toroidal)
		// later a separate case for the ball-cutter might be added (for performance)

		double xd=0, w=0, h=0, xd1=0, xd2=0, xc=0 , ze=0, zc=0;

		if (l > cu.R + heeksCAD->GetTolerance()) // edge is outside of the cutter
			return -10000000.0;
		else if (((cu.R-cu.r)<l - heeksCAD->GetTolerance())&&(l<=cu.R + heeksCAD->GetTolerance()))
		{    // toroidal case
			xd=0; // center of ellipse
			w=sqrt(pow(cu.R,2)-pow(l,2)); // width of ellipse
			h=sqrt(pow(cu.r,2)-pow((l-(cu.R-cu.r)),2)); // height of ellipse
		else if ((cu.R-cu.r)>=l)
			// quarter ellipse case
			xd1=sqrt( pow((cu.R-cu.r),2)-pow(l,2));
			h=cu.r; // ellipse height
			w=sqrt( pow(cu.R,2)-pow(l,2) )- sqrt( pow((cu.R-cu.r),2)-pow(l,2) ); // ellipse height

		// now there is a special case where the theta calculation will fail if
		// the segment is horziontal, i.e. start.z==end.z  so we need to catch that here
		if (fabs(start[2] - end[2]) < heeksCAD->GetTolerance())
			if ((cu.R-cu.r)<l - heeksCAD->GetTolerance())
				// half-ellipse case
				ze = start[2] + h - cu.r;
				// quarter ellipse case
				xc = 0;
				ze = start[2];

			// now we have a CC point
			// so we need to check if the CC point is in the edge
			if (isinrange(start[0], end[0], xc))
				return ze;
				return -10000000.0;

		} // end horizontal edge special case

		// now the general case where the theta calculation works
		double theta = atan( h*(start[0]-end[0])/(w*(start[2]-end[2])) );

		if(fabs(end[0] - start[0]) < 0.000000001)return -10000000.0; // instead of maths error below

		// based on this calculate the CC point
		if (((cu.R - cu.r) < l - heeksCAD->GetTolerance()) && (cu.R <= l + heeksCAD->GetTolerance()))
			// half-ellipse case
			double xc1 = xd + fabs(w * cos(theta));
			double xc2 = xd - fabs(w * cos(theta));
			double zc1 = ((xc1 - start[0]) / (end[0] - start[0])) * (end[2] - start[2]) + start[2];
			double zc2 = ((xc2 - start[0]) / (end[0] - start[0])) * (end[2] - start[2]) + start[2];
			// select the higher point:
			if (zc1 > zc2)
				zc = zc1;
				xc = xc1;
				zc = zc2;
				xc = xc2;

			// quarter ellipse case
			double xc1 = xd1 + fabs(w * cos(theta));
			double xc2 = xd2 - fabs(w * cos(theta));
			double zc1 = ((xc1 - start[0]) / (end[0] - start[0])) * (end[2] - start[2]) + start[2];
			double zc2 = ((xc2 - start[0]) / (end[0] - start[0])) * (end[2] - start[2]) + start[2];
			// select the higher point:
			if (zc1 > zc2)
				zc = zc1;
				xc = xc1;
				zc = zc2;
				xc = xc2;

		// now we have a valid xc value, so calculate the ze value:
		ze = zc + fabs(h * sin(theta)) - cu.r;

		// finally, check that the CC point is in the edge
		if (isinrange(start[0],end[0],xc))
			return ze;
			return -10000000.0;

		// this line is unreachable (according to compiler)

	} // end of toroidal/spherical case

	// if we ever get here it is probably a serious error!
	wxMessageBox(_T("EdgeTest: ERROR: no case returned a valid ze!"));
	return -10000000.0;