Пример #1
 * RFC2428 states ....
 *   The first two fields contained in the parenthesis MUST be blank. The
 *   third field MUST be the string representation of the TCP port number
 *   on which the server is listening for a data connection.
 *   The network protocol used by the data connection will be the same network
 *   protocol used by the control connection. In addition, the network
 *   address used to establish the data connection will be the same
 *   network address used for the control connection.
 *   An example response    string follows:
 *       Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||6446|)
 * ... which in fact means that again both address families IPv4 and IPv6
 * are supported. But gladly it's not necessary to parse because it doesn't
 * occur in EPSV responses. We can leverage ftp_ip_address which is
 * protocol independent and already set.
static gboolean
parse_extended_pasv_response(const guchar *line, gint linelen, guint16 *ftp_port,
        guint *pasv_offset, guint *ftp_port_len)
    gint       n;
    gchar     *args;
    gchar     *p;
    gchar     *e;
    guchar     c;
    gboolean   ret             = FALSE;
    gboolean   delimiters_seen = FALSE;

     * Copy the rest of the line into a null-terminated buffer.
    args = wmem_strndup(wmem_packet_scope(), line, linelen);
    p = args;

     * Look for ( <d> <d> <d>
       (Try to cope with '(' in description)
    for (; !delimiters_seen;) {
        guchar delimiter = '\0';
        while ((c = *p) != '\0' && (c != '('))

        if (*p == '\0') {
            return FALSE;

        /* Skip '(' */

        /* Make sure same delimiter is used 3 times */
        for (n=0; n<3; n++) {
            if ((c = *p) != '\0') {
                if (delimiter == '\0' && isvalid_rfc2428_delimiter(c)) {
                    delimiter = c;
                if (c != delimiter) {
            else {
        delimiters_seen = TRUE;

     * Should now be at digits.
    if (*p != '\0') {
        const gchar* endptr;
        gboolean port_valid;
         * We didn't run out of text without finding anything.
        port_valid = ws_strtou16(p, &endptr, ftp_port);
        /* the conversion returned false, but the converted value could
           be valid instead, check it out */
        if (!port_valid && *endptr == '|')
            port_valid = TRUE;
        if (port_valid) {
            *pasv_offset = (guint32)(p - args);

            ret = TRUE;

            /* get port string length */
            if ((e=strchr(p,')')) == NULL) {
                ret = FALSE;
            else {
                *ftp_port_len = (guint)(--e - p);

    return ret;
Пример #2
 * RFC2428 states ....
 *   The first two fields contained in the parenthesis MUST be blank. The   
 *   third field MUST be the string representation of the TCP port number    
 *   on which the server is listening for a data connection. 
 *   The network protocol used by the data connection will be the same network
 *   protocol used by the control connection. In addition, the network    
 *   address used to establish the data connection will be the same    
 *   network address used for the control connection.
 *   An example response    string follows:         
 *       Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||6446|)
 * ... which in fact means that again both address families IPv4 and IPv6
 * are supported. But gladly it's not necessary to parse because it doesn't
 * occur in EPSV responses. We can leverage ftp_ip_address which is 
 * protocol independent and already set.
static gboolean
parse_extended_pasv_response(const guchar *line, gint linelen, guint16 *ftp_port,
        guint *pasv_offset, guint *ftp_port_len)
    gint       n;
    gchar     *args;
    gchar     *p;
    gchar     *e;
    guchar     c;
    gboolean   ret             = FALSE;
    gboolean   delimiters_seen = FALSE;

     * Copy the rest of the line into a null-terminated buffer.
    args = ep_strndup(line, linelen);
    p = args;

     * Look for ( <d> <d> <d>
       (Try to cope with '(' in description)
    for (; !delimiters_seen;) {
        guchar delimiter = '\0';
        while ((c = *p) != '\0' && (c != '('))

        if (*p == '\0') {
            return FALSE;

        /* Skip '(' */

        /* Make sure same delimiter is used 3 times */
        for (n=0; n<3; n++) {
            if ((c = *p) != '\0') {
                if (delimiter == '\0' && isvalid_rfc2428_delimiter(c)) {
                    delimiter = c;
                if (c != delimiter) {
            else {
        delimiters_seen = TRUE;

     * Should now be at digits.
    if (*p != '\0') {
         * We didn't run out of text without finding anything.
        *ftp_port = atoi(p);
        *pasv_offset = (guint32)(p - args);

        ret = TRUE;

        /* get port string length */
        if ((e=strchr(p,')')) == NULL) {
            ret = FALSE;
        else {
            *ftp_port_len = (guint)(--e - p);

    return ret;
Пример #3
 * RFC2428 states...
 *     AF Number   Protocol
 *     ---------   --------
 *     1           Internet Protocol, Version 4
 *     2           Internet Protocol, Version 6
 *     AF Number   Address Format      Example
 *     ---------   --------------      -------
 *     1           dotted decimal
 *     2           IPv6 string         1080::8:800:200C:417A
 *                 representations
 *                 defined in
 *     The following are sample EPRT commands:
 *          EPRT |1||6275|
 *          EPRT |2|1080::8:800:200C:417A|5282|
 *     The first command specifies that the server should use IPv4 to open a
 *     data connection to the host "" on TCP port 6275.  The
 *     second command specifies that the server should use the IPv6 network
 *     protocol and the network address "1080::8:800:200C:417A" to open a
 *     TCP data connection on port 5282.
 * ... which means in fact that RFC2428 is capable to handle both,
 * IPv4 and IPv6 so we have to care about the address family and properly
 * act depending on it.
static gboolean
parse_eprt_request(const guchar* line, gint linelen, guint32 *eprt_af,
        guint32 *eprt_ip, guint16 *eprt_ipv6, guint16 *ftp_port,
        guint32 *eprt_ip_len, guint32 *ftp_port_len)
    gint      delimiters_seen = 0;
    gchar     delimiter;
    gint      fieldlen;
    gchar    *field;
    gint      n;
    gint      lastn;
    char     *args, *p;
    gboolean  ret = TRUE;

    /* line contains the EPRT parameters, we need at least the 4 delimiters */
    if (!line || linelen<4)
        return FALSE;

    /* Copy the rest of the line into a null-terminated buffer. */
    args = wmem_strndup(wmem_packet_scope(), line, linelen);
    p = args;
     * Handle a NUL being in the line; if there's a NUL in the line,
     * strlen(args) will terminate at the NUL and will thus return
     * a value less than linelen.
    if ((gint)strlen(args) < linelen)
        linelen = (gint)strlen(args);

     * RFC2428 sect. 2 states ...
     *     The EPRT command keyword MUST be followed by a single space (ASCII
     *     32). Following the space, a delimiter character (<d>) MUST be
     *     specified.
     * ... the preceding <space> is already stripped so we know that the first
     * character must be the delimiter and has just to be checked to be valid.
    if (!isvalid_rfc2428_delimiter(*p))
        return FALSE;  /* EPRT command does not follow a vaild delimiter;
                        * malformed EPRT command - immediate escape */

    delimiter = *p;
    /* Validate that the delimiter occurs 4 times in the string */
    for (n = 0; n < linelen; n++) {
        if (*(p+n) == delimiter)
    if (delimiters_seen != 4)
        return FALSE; /* delimiter doesn't occur 4 times
                       * probably no EPRT request - immediate escape */

    /* we know that the first character is a delimiter... */
    delimiters_seen = 1;
    lastn = 0;
    /* ... so we can start searching from the 2nd onwards */
    for (n=1; n < linelen; n++) {

        if (*(p+n) != delimiter)

        /* we found a delimiter */

        fieldlen = n - lastn - 1;
        if (fieldlen<=0)
            return FALSE; /* all fields must have data in them */
        field =  p + lastn + 1;

        if (delimiters_seen == 2) {     /* end of address family field */
            gchar *af_str;
            af_str = wmem_strndup(wmem_packet_scope(), field, fieldlen);
            if (!ws_strtou32(af_str, NULL, eprt_af))
                return FALSE;
        else if (delimiters_seen == 3) {/* end of IP address field */
            gchar *ip_str;
            ip_str = wmem_strndup(wmem_packet_scope(), field, fieldlen);

            if (*eprt_af == EPRT_AF_IPv4) {
                if (str_to_ip(ip_str, eprt_ip))
                   ret = TRUE;
                   ret = FALSE;
            else if (*eprt_af == EPRT_AF_IPv6) {
                if (str_to_ip6(ip_str, eprt_ipv6))
                   ret = TRUE;
                   ret = FALSE;
                return FALSE; /* invalid/unknown address family */

            *eprt_ip_len = fieldlen;
        else if (delimiters_seen == 4) {/* end of port field */
            gchar *pt_str;
            pt_str = wmem_strndup(wmem_packet_scope(), field, fieldlen);

            if (!ws_strtou16(pt_str, NULL, ftp_port))
                return FALSE;
            *ftp_port_len = fieldlen;

        lastn = n;

    return ret;
Пример #4
 * RFC2428 states...
 *     AF Number   Protocol 
 *     ---------   --------         
 *     1           Internet Protocol, Version 4 
 *     2           Internet Protocol, Version 6 
 *     AF Number   Address Format      Example         
 *     ---------   --------------      -------         
 *     1           dotted decimal         
 *     2           IPv6 string         1080::8:800:200C:417A                     
 *                 representations                     
 *                 defined in 
 *     The following are sample EPRT commands:         
 *          EPRT |1||6275|         
 *          EPRT |2|1080::8:800:200C:417A|5282|
 *     The first command specifies that the server should use IPv4 to open a    
 *     data connection to the host "" on TCP port 6275.  The    
 *     second command specifies that the server should use the IPv6 network    
 *     protocol and the network address "1080::8:800:200C:417A" to open a    
 *     TCP data connection on port 5282.
 * ... which means in fact that RFC2428 is capable to handle both, 
 * IPv4 and IPv6 so we have to care about the address family and properly
 * act depending on it.
static gboolean
parse_eprt_request(const guchar* line, gint linelen, guint32 *eprt_af, 
        guint32 *eprt_ip, guint16 *eprt_ipv6, guint16 *ftp_port, 
        guint32 *eprt_ip_len, guint32 *ftp_port_len) 
    gint      delimiters_seen = 0;
    gchar     delimiter;
    gint      fieldlen;
    gchar    *field;
    gint      n;
    gint      lastn;
    char     *args, *p;
    gboolean  ret = TRUE;

    if (!line)
        return FALSE;
    /* Copy the rest of the line into a null-terminated buffer. */
    args = ep_strndup(line, linelen);
    p = args;

     * RFC2428 sect. 2 states ...
     *     The EPRT command keyword MUST be followed by a single space (ASCII
     *     32). Following the space, a delimiter character (<d>) MUST be
     *     specified.
     * ... the preceding <space> is already stripped so we know that the first
     * character must be the delimiter and has just to be checked to be valid.
    if (!isvalid_rfc2428_delimiter(*p))
        return FALSE;  /* EPRT command does not follow a vaild delimiter;
                        * malformed EPRT command - immediate escape */

    delimiter = *p; 
    /* Validate that the delimiter occurs 4 times in the string */
    for (n = 0; n < linelen; n++) {
        if (*(p+n) == delimiter) 
    if (delimiters_seen != 4)
        return FALSE; /* delimiter doesn't occur 4 times 
                       * probably no EPRT request - immediate escape */

    /* we know that the first character is a delimiter... */
    delimiters_seen = 1;
    lastn = 0;
    /* ... so we can start searching from the 2nd onwards */
    for (n=1; n < linelen; n++) {

        if (*(p+n) != delimiter)

        /* we found a delimiter */

        fieldlen = n - lastn - 1;
        if (fieldlen<=0)
            return FALSE; /* all fields must have data in them */
        field =  p + lastn + 1;

        if (delimiters_seen == 2) {     /* end of address family field */
            gchar *af_str;
            af_str = ep_strndup(field, fieldlen);
            *eprt_af = atoi(af_str);
        else if (delimiters_seen == 3) {/* end of IP address field */
            gchar *ip_str;
            ip_str = ep_strndup(field, fieldlen);

            if (*eprt_af == EPRT_AF_IPv4) {
                if (inet_pton(AF_INET, ip_str, eprt_ip) == 1)
                   ret = TRUE;
                   ret = FALSE;
            else if (*eprt_af == EPRT_AF_IPv6) {
                if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip_str, eprt_ipv6) == 1)
                   ret = TRUE;
                   ret = FALSE;
                return FALSE; /* invalid/unknown address family */

            *eprt_ip_len = fieldlen;
        else if (delimiters_seen == 4) {/* end of port field */
            gchar *pt_str;
            pt_str = ep_strndup(field, fieldlen);

            *ftp_port = atoi(pt_str);
            *ftp_port_len = fieldlen;

        lastn = n;

    return ret;