Пример #1
IpodDeviceHelper::initializeIpod( const QString &mountPoint,
                                  const Ui::IpodConfiguration *configureDialogUi,
                                  QString &errorMessage )
    bool success = true;

    int currentModelIndex = configureDialogUi->modelComboBox->currentIndex();
    QByteArray modelNumber = configureDialogUi->modelComboBox->itemData( currentModelIndex ).toString().toUtf8();
    if( !modelNumber.isEmpty() )
        modelNumber.prepend( 'x' );  // ModelNumStr should start with x
        const char *modelNumberRaw = modelNumber.constData();
        Itdb_Device *device = itdb_device_new();
        // following call reads existing SysInfo
        itdb_device_set_mountpoint( device, QFile::encodeName( mountPoint ) );
        const char *field = "ModelNumStr";
        debug() << "Setting SysInfo field" << field << "to value" << modelNumberRaw;
        itdb_device_set_sysinfo( device, field, modelNumberRaw );
        GError *error = 0;
        success = itdb_device_write_sysinfo( device, &error );
        if( !success )
            if( error )
                errorMessage = i18nc( "Do not translate SysInfo",
                                      "Failed to write SysInfo: %1", error->message );
                g_error_free( error );
                errorMessage = i18nc( "Do not translate SysInfo",
                    "Failed to write SysInfo file due to an unreported error" );
        itdb_device_free( device );
        if( !success )
            return success;

    QString name = configureDialogUi->nameLineEdit->text();
    if( name.isEmpty() )
        name = ipodName( 0 ); // return fallback name

    GError *error = 0;
    success = itdb_init_ipod( QFile::encodeName( mountPoint ), 0 /* model number */,
                              name.toUtf8(), &error );
    if( error )
        errorMessage = QString::fromUtf8( error->message );
        g_error_free( error );
        error = 0;
    if( !success && errorMessage.isEmpty() )
        errorMessage = i18n( "Cannot initialize iPod due to an unreported error." );
    return success;
Пример #2
 * itdb_photodb_free:
 * @photodb: an #Itdb_PhotoDB
 * Free the memory taken by @photodb. 
void itdb_photodb_free (Itdb_PhotoDB *photodb)
	if (photodb)
		g_list_foreach (photodb->photoalbums,
				(GFunc)(itdb_photodb_photoalbum_free), NULL);
		g_list_free (photodb->photoalbums);
		g_list_foreach (photodb->photos,
				(GFunc)(itdb_artwork_free), NULL);
		g_list_free (photodb->photos);
		itdb_device_free (photodb->device);

		if (photodb->userdata && photodb->userdata_destroy)
		    (*photodb->userdata_destroy) (photodb->userdata);

		g_free (photodb);
static void
fill_model_combo (GtkWidget *combo, const char *mount_path)
	GHashTable *models;
	Itdb_Device *device;
	GtkTreeStore *store;
	const Itdb_IpodInfo *ipod_info;
	GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
	struct FillModelContext ctx;

	device = itdb_device_new ();
	itdb_device_set_mountpoint (device, mount_path);
	itdb_device_read_sysinfo (device);
	ipod_info = itdb_device_get_ipod_info (device);
	itdb_device_free (device);

	store = gtk_tree_store_new (1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
	gtk_combo_box_set_model (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo), GTK_TREE_MODEL (store));

	ctx.combo = combo;
	ctx.store = store;
	ctx.ipod_info = ipod_info;
	models = build_model_table (mount_path);
	g_hash_table_foreach (models, fill_one_generation, &ctx);
	g_hash_table_destroy (models);
	g_object_unref (store);

	gtk_cell_layout_clear (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo));

	renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
	gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer, FALSE);
	gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo),
					    NULL, NULL);