void QMJsonObject::insert(const QString &key, const QMPointer<QMJsonValue> &value, QMJsonReplacementPolicy policy) { if (key.isEmpty() == true) return; auto iter = mHash.find(key); if (iter != mHash.end()) { switch (policy) { case QMJsonReplacementPolicy_Replace: this->erase(iter); break; case QMJsonReplacementPolicy_Ignore: return; }; } if (value.isNull() == true) { auto newValue = QMPointer<QMJsonValue>(new QMJsonValue); mHash.insert(key, newValue); emit itemAdded(key, newValue); } else { mHash.insert(key, value); emit itemAdded(key, value); } }
void Scene::addGroup(LayerGroup *group, bool isVisible, int before) { if(group == NULL) return; if(indexOfGroup(group) != -1) return; // Already added if(before < 0) { // Position is relative to the right before += m_groups.count() + 1; } before = qBound(0, before, m_groups.count()); // Was the group previously shared? bool wasShared = group->isShared(); GroupInfo info; info.group = group; info.sceneItem = new SceneItem(this, group); info.isVisible = isVisible; m_groups.insert(before, info); if(m_isVisible && isVisible) group->refVisible(); // Create scene items for child layers. Must be done completely before // emitting any signals to prevent crashes const LayerList &layers = group->getLayers(); for(int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) { Layer *layer = layers.at(i); m_layerSceneItems[layer] = new SceneItem(this, layer); } // Connect to group signals so we know when to update our scene items connect(group, &LayerGroup::groupChanged, this, &Scene::groupChanged); connect(group, &LayerGroup::layerAdded, this, &Scene::layerAdded); connect(group, &LayerGroup::destroyingLayer, this, &Scene::destroyingLayer); connect(group, &LayerGroup::layerMoved, this, &Scene::layerMoved); connect(group, &LayerGroup::layerChanged, this, &Scene::layerChanged); // We must emit signals after we have added everything to our lists // otherwise slots will access invalid data emit itemAdded(info.sceneItem); for(int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) { Layer *layer = layers.at(i); emit itemAdded(m_layerSceneItems[layer]); } // If the group has changed shared state then emit a changed signal if(wasShared != group->isShared()) group->groupChanged(group); // Remote emit }
QgsAppLegendInterface::QgsAppLegendInterface( QgsLegend * legend ) : mLegend( legend ) { connect( legend, SIGNAL( itemAdded( QModelIndex ) ), this, SIGNAL( itemAdded( QModelIndex ) ) ); connect( legend, SIGNAL( itemMoved( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ), this, SLOT( updateIndex( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ) ); connect( legend, SIGNAL( itemMoved( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ), this, SIGNAL( groupRelationsChanged( ) ) ); connect( legend, SIGNAL( itemMovedGroup( QgsLegendItem *, int ) ), this, SIGNAL( groupRelationsChanged() ) ); // connect( legend, SIGNAL( itemChanged( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ) ), this, SIGNAL( groupRelationsChanged() ) ); connect( legend, SIGNAL( itemRemoved() ), this, SIGNAL( itemRemoved() ) ); }
void MyXmppClient::initRosterManager() { rosterManager = &xmppClient->rosterManager(); qDebug() << "MyXmppClient::clientStateChanged(): initializing roster manager"; QObject::connect( rosterManager, SIGNAL(presenceChanged(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(initPresence(const QString, const QString)), Qt::UniqueConnection ); QObject::connect( rosterManager, SIGNAL(rosterReceived()), this, SLOT(initRoster()), Qt::UniqueConnection ); QObject::connect( rosterManager, SIGNAL(subscriptionReceived(QString)), this, SLOT(notifyNewSubscription(QString)), Qt::UniqueConnection ); QObject::connect( rosterManager, SIGNAL(itemAdded(QString)), this, SLOT(itemAdded(QString)), Qt::UniqueConnection ); QObject::connect( rosterManager, SIGNAL(itemRemoved(QString)), this, SLOT(itemRemoved(QString)), Qt::UniqueConnection ); QObject::connect( rosterManager, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(itemChanged(QString)), Qt::UniqueConnection ); }
//Toggle to automatically expand all items when new item added void BC_Bulletin::autoExpand() { if(ui->pushButton_4->isChecked()) { connect(this, SIGNAL(itemAdded()), ui->tx, SLOT(expandAll())); connect(this, SIGNAL(itemAdded()), ui->fsw, SLOT(expandAll())); } else { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(itemAdded()), ui->tx, SLOT(expandAll())); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(itemAdded()), ui->fsw, SLOT(expandAll())); } }
//Toggle to automatically scroll to bottom when new item added void BC_Bulletin::autoScroll() { if (ui->pushButton_3->isChecked()) { connect(this, SIGNAL(itemAdded()), ui->tx, SLOT(scrollToBottom())); connect(this, SIGNAL(itemAdded()), ui->fsw, SLOT(scrollToBottom())); } else { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(itemAdded()), ui->tx, SLOT(scrollToBottom())); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(itemAdded()), ui->fsw, SLOT(scrollToBottom())); } }
void btQVariantListWidget::insertItem() { QListWidgetItem * item = new QListWidgetItem("New Item"); item->setFlags(returnItemFlags()); listWidget->addItem(item); emit itemAdded(item); }
void MusicFileList::buildMusicList() { QDir musicDir(parentFolder); QStringList filters; filters //MPEG 1 Layer III (LibMAD) << "*.mp3" //OGG Vorbis and FLAC (LibOGG, LibVorbis, LibFLAC) << "*.ogg" << "*.flac" //Uncompressed audio data << "*.wav" << "*.voc" << "*.aiff" //MIDI << "*.mid" //MikMod (Modules) << "*.mod" << "*.it" << "*.s3m" << "*.669" << "*.med" << "*.xm" << "*.amf" << "*.apun" << "*.dsm" << "*.far" << "*.gdm" << "*.imf" << "*.mtm" << "*.okt" << "*.stm" << "*.stx" << "*.ult" << "*.uni" //GAME EMU << "*.ay" << "*.gbs"<<"*.gym"<<"*.hes"<<"*.kss"<<"*.nsf"<<"*.nsfe"<<"*.sap"<<"*.spc"<<"*.vgm"<<"*.vgz"; musicDir.setSorting(QDir::Name); musicDir.setNameFilters(filters); QDirIterator dirsList(parentFolder, filters, QDir::Files|QDir::NoSymLinks|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while(dirsList.hasNext()) { dirsList.next(); emit itemAdded(musicDir.relativeFilePath(dirsList.filePath())); if(fileWalker.isCanceled()) break; } }
void QKeyList::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* evt) { QMenu menu(this); QAction* addObjItem = menu.addAction(tr("Add Object")); QAction* delObjItem = menu.addAction(tr("Remove Object")); if (currentItem() == NULL) delObjItem->setEnabled(false); QAction* sel = menu.exec(evt->globalPos()); if (sel == addObjItem) { QFindKeyDialog dlg(this); if (fKeys.size() > 0) dlg.init(PrpShopMain::ResManager(), fKeys.back()->getLocation(), fKeys.back()->getType()); else dlg.init(PrpShopMain::ResManager(), fContainer->getLocation()); if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { addKey(dlg.selection()); emit itemAdded(dlg.selection()); } } else if (sel == delObjItem) { int idx = indexOfTopLevelItem(currentItem()); delItem(idx); emit itemRemoved(idx); } }
void QgsAddRemoveItemCommand::switchState() { if ( mState == Added ) { // Remove if ( mComposition ) { mComposition->itemsModel()->setItemRemoved( mItem ); mComposition->removeItem( mItem ); } emit itemRemoved( mItem ); mState = Removed; } else //Removed { // Add if ( mComposition ) { mComposition->itemsModel()->setItemRestored( mItem ); mComposition->addItem( mItem ); } emit itemAdded( mItem ); mState = Added; } mComposition->project()->setDirty( true ); }
void OSObjectListCBDS::onObjectAdded(const WorkspaceObject & workspaceObject) { if(std::find(m_types.begin(),m_types.end(),workspaceObject.cast<model::ModelObject>().iddObjectType()) != m_types.end()) { m_workspaceObjects << workspaceObject; connect(workspaceObject.getImpl<model::detail::ModelObject_Impl>().get(), &model::detail::ModelObject_Impl::onChange, this, &OSObjectListCBDS::onObjectChanged); if( m_allowEmptySelection ) { emit itemAdded(m_workspaceObjects.size()); } else { emit itemAdded(m_workspaceObjects.size() - 1); } } }
DockManagerNotificationBackend::DockManagerNotificationBackend(QObject* parent) : AbstractNotificationBackend(parent) , _bus(QDBusConnection::sessionBus()) { NotificationSettings notificationSettings; _enabled = notificationSettings.value("DockManager/Enabled", false).toBool(); notificationSettings.notify("DockManager/Enabled", this, &DockManagerNotificationBackend::enabledChanged); _dock = new QDBusInterface("net.launchpad.DockManager", "/net/launchpad/DockManager", "net.launchpad.DockManager", _bus, this); if (_dock->isValid()) { _bus.connect("net.launchpad.DockManager", "/net/launchpad/DockManager", "net.launchpad.DockManager", "ItemAdded", this, SLOT(itemAdded(QDBusObjectPath))); } else { // evil implementations (awn) use fd.o _dock = new QDBusInterface("org.freedesktop.DockManager", "/org/freedesktop/DockManager", "org.freedesktop.DockManager", _bus, this); if (_dock->isValid()) { _bus.connect("org.freedesktop.DockManager", "/org/freedesktop/DockManager", "org.freedesktop.DockManager", "ItemAdded", this, SLOT(itemAdded(QDBusObjectPath))); } else { _available = _enabled = false; return; } } _available = true; itemAdded(QDBusObjectPath()); connect(Client::coreConnection(), &CoreConnection::progressValueChanged, this, selectOverload<int>(&DockManagerNotificationBackend::updateProgress)); connect(Client::coreConnection(), &CoreConnection::synchronized, this, &DockManagerNotificationBackend::synchronized); }
void ButtonWithMenu::addItem(const Item &item) { m_items.append(item); if (m_items.count() == 1) { setCurrentItem(item); } emit itemAdded(item); }
void VLCWrapper::addRow (const QString& location) { libvlc_media_t *m = libvlc_media_new_path (Instance_.get (), location.toUtf8 ()); if (!libvlc_media_list_add_media (List_.get (), m)) emit itemAdded (GetItemMeta (RowCount () - 1, location), location); else libvlc_media_release (m); }
void ItemList::add(Item* item) { CHECK_PARAM_RET(item != NULL); CHECK_PARAM_RET(!contains(item)); CHECK_PARAM_RET(!contains(item->itemId())); //CHECK_PARAM_RET(item->parent() == m_proj); m_items.insert(item); m_map.insert(item->itemId(), item); emit itemAdded(item->itemId()); }
void QObjectListModel::insertItem(int index, QObject *item) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), index, index); _list->insert(index, item); connect(item, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(removeDestroyedItem())); endInsertRows(); emit itemAdded(item); emit itemCountChanged(); }
void QObjectListModel::addItem(QObject *item) { int z = _list->count(); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), z, z); _list->append(item); connect(item, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(removeDestroyedItem())); endInsertRows(); emit itemAdded(item); emit itemCountChanged(); }
void GengridItemBase::Prepend(Evas_Object *_gengrid) { gengrid = _gengrid; item = elm_gengrid_item_prepend(gengrid, &item_class, this, _item_sel_cb, /* select function */ this); /* select function data */ elm_object_item_data_set(item, this); itemAdded(); }
MusicFileList::MusicFileList(QString Folder, QString current, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::MusicFileList) { parentFolder=Folder; lastCurrentFile=current; ui->setupUi(this); connect(this, SIGNAL(itemAdded(QString)), this, SLOT(addItem(QString))); fileWalker = QtConcurrent::run(this, &MusicFileList::buildMusicList); }
void QgsBillBoardRegistry::addItem( void* parent, const QImage &image, const QgsPoint &worldPos , const QString &layerId ) { QMap<void*, QgsBillBoardItem*>::iterator it = mItems.find( parent ); if ( it == mItems.end() ) { it = mItems.insert( parent, new QgsBillBoardItem ); } it.value()->image = image; it.value()->worldPos = worldPos; it.value()->layerId = layerId; emit itemAdded( it.value() ); }
void GengridItemBase::InsertAfter(Evas_Object *_gengrid, GengridItemBase *after) { gengrid = _gengrid; item = elm_gengrid_item_insert_after(gengrid, &item_class, this, after->item, _item_sel_cb, /* select function */ this); /* select function data */ elm_object_item_data_set(item, this); itemAdded(); }
void GengridItemBase::InsertBefore(Evas_Object *_gengrid, GengridItemBase *before) { gengrid = _gengrid; item = elm_gengrid_item_insert_before(gengrid, &item_class, this, before->item, _item_sel_cb, /* select function */ this); /* select function data */ elm_object_item_data_set(item, this); itemAdded(); }
void WBorderLayout::add(std::unique_ptr<WLayoutItem> item, LayoutPosition position) { auto& it = itemAtPosition(position); if (it.item_) { LOG_ERROR("supports only one widget per position"); return; } it.item_ = std::move(item); itemAdded(it.item_.get()); }
void GenlistItemBase::Prepend(Evas_Object *_genlist, GenlistItemBase *gparent) { genlist = _genlist; item = elm_genlist_item_prepend(genlist, &item_class, this, (gparent)?gparent->item:NULL, /* parent item */ flags, _item_sel_cb, /* select function */ this); /* select function data */ elm_object_item_data_set(item, this); itemAdded(); }
FeedListWidget::FeedListWidget(QWidget *parent, const RssManagerPtr& rssmanager): QTreeWidget(parent), m_rssManager(rssmanager) { setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::InternalMove); setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); setColumnCount(1); headerItem()->setText(0, tr("RSS feeds")); m_unreadStickyItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(this); m_unreadStickyItem->setText(0, tr("Unread") + QString::fromUtf8(" (") + QString::number(rssmanager->unreadCount(), 10)+ QString(")")); m_unreadStickyItem->setData(0,Qt::DecorationRole, IconProvider::instance()->getIcon("mail-folder-inbox")); itemAdded(m_unreadStickyItem, rssmanager); connect(this, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), SLOT(updateCurrentFeed(QTreeWidgetItem*))); setCurrentItem(m_unreadStickyItem); }
bool SqlHistory::init(PluginSystemInterface *plugin_system) { PluginInterface::init(plugin_system); m_engine = new SqlHistoryNamespace::SqlEngine; if(!plugin_system->setLayerInterface(HistoryLayer, m_engine)) { delete m_engine; m_engine = 0; return false; } plugin_system->registerEventHandler("Core/ContactList/ItemAdded", this, SLOT(itemAdded(TreeModelItem,QString))); return true; }
bool ItemDocument::registerItem(QCanvasItem *qcanvasItem) { if (!qcanvasItem) return false; requestEvent(ItemDocument::ItemDocumentEvent::ResizeCanvasToItems); if (Item *item = dynamic_cast<Item*>(qcanvasItem)) { m_itemList[item->id()] = item; connect(item, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged())); itemAdded(item); return true; } return false; }
void GenlistItemBase::InsertBefore(Evas_Object *_genlist, GenlistItemBase *before, GenlistItemBase *gparent) { genlist = _genlist; item = elm_genlist_item_insert_before(genlist, &item_class, this, (gparent)?gparent->item:NULL, /* parent item */ before->item, flags, _item_sel_cb, /* select function */ this); /* select function data */ elm_object_item_data_set(item, this); itemAdded(); }
void WindowModel::addItem(int id) { if (!m_complete) return; LipstickCompositor *c = LipstickCompositor::instance(); LipstickCompositorWindow *window = static_cast<LipstickCompositorWindow *>(c->windowForId(id)); if (!approveWindow(window)) return; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_items.count(), m_items.count()); m_items.append(id); endInsertRows(); emit itemAdded(m_items.count() - 1); emit itemCountChanged(); }
int Velasquez::EditorScene::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QGraphicsScene::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: cleared(); break; case 1: backgroundColorChanged((*reinterpret_cast< const QColor(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 2: itemAdded((*reinterpret_cast< QGraphicsItem*(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 3: itemRemoved((*reinterpret_cast< QGraphicsItem*(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 4: onSelectionChanged(); break; default: ; } _id -= 5; } return _id; }