Пример #1
Файл: ast.c Проект: rpruim/julia
value_t fl_defined_julia_global(value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    argcount("defined-julia-global", nargs, 1);
    (void)tosymbol(args[0], "defined-julia-global");
    char *name = symbol_name(args[0]);
    return jl_boundp(jl_current_module, jl_symbol(name)) ? FL_T : FL_F;
Пример #2
static void symtab_search(jl_sym_t *tree, int *pcount, ios_t *result,
                          const char *prefix, int plen)
    do {
        if (common_prefix(prefix, tree->name) == plen &&
            jl_boundp(jl_system_module, tree)) {
            ios_puts(tree->name, result);
            ios_putc('\n', result);
        if (tree->left)
            symtab_search(tree->left, pcount, result, prefix, plen);
        tree = tree->right;
    } while (tree != NULL);
Пример #3
static void symtab_search(jl_sym_t *tree, int *pcount, ios_t *result,
                          jl_module_t *module, const char *str,
                          const char *prefix, int plen)
    do {
        if (common_prefix(prefix, tree->name) == plen &&
            (module ? jl_defines_or_exports_p(module, tree) : jl_boundp(jl_current_module, tree))) {
            ios_puts(str, result);
            ios_puts(tree->name + plen, result);
            ios_putc('\n', result);
        if (tree->left)
            symtab_search(tree->left, pcount, result, module, str, prefix, plen);
        tree = tree->right;
    } while (tree != NULL);
Пример #4
static void clear_method_caches(void)
    htable_t *t = &jl_system_module->bindings;
    size_t i;
    for(i=0; i < t->size; i+=2) {
        if (t->table[i+1] == HT_NOTFOUND)
        jl_binding_t *b = (jl_binding_t*)t->table[i+1];
        if (b->value != NULL && jl_is_func(b->value) && jl_is_gf(b->value)) {
            jl_function_t *f = (jl_function_t*)b->value;
            jl_methtable_t *mt = jl_gf_mtable(f);
            mt->cache = NULL;
DLLEXPORT void jl_enable_inference(void)
    if (jl_boundp(jl_system_module, jl_symbol("typeinf_ext"))) {
        jl_typeinf_func =
        // warm up type inference to put the latency up front
        jl_value_t *one = jl_box_long(1);
                 &one, 1);
          cached t-functions and inferred ASTs need to be cleared at
          this point, because during bootstrapping we might not be
          able to inline optimally. the reason is that we cache an AST
          before doing inlining, to prevent infinite recursion.
          for example, consider this function:
          > (x::Real, y::Real) = (y < x)
          after doing inference on this >, we cache its AST "(y < x)".
          now we begin inlining. the problem is that the inlining code
          itself will trigger compilation of functions that use >, so
          "(y < x)" will be inlined into those functions. ultimately
          we inline the definition of < into "(y < x)", but by then it's
          too late, since "(y < x)" has already been inlined into some
          to fix this, we clear the t-function cache after all
          type-inference related code has been compiled. now we can
          inline everything fully without compilation of the compiler
          itself interfering.
Пример #5
static jl_value_t *eval(jl_value_t *e, interpreter_state *s)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    jl_code_info_t *src = s->src;
    if (jl_is_ssavalue(e)) {
        ssize_t id = ((jl_ssavalue_t*)e)->id;
        if (src == NULL || id >= jl_source_nssavalues(src) || id < 0 || s->locals == NULL)
            jl_error("access to invalid SSAValue");
            return s->locals[jl_source_nslots(src) + id];
    if (jl_is_slot(e)) {
        ssize_t n = jl_slot_number(e);
        if (src == NULL || n > jl_source_nslots(src) || n < 1 || s->locals == NULL)
            jl_error("access to invalid slot number");
        jl_value_t *v = s->locals[n - 1];
        if (v == NULL)
            jl_undefined_var_error((jl_sym_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(src->slotnames, n - 1));
        return v;
    if (jl_is_globalref(e)) {
        return jl_eval_global_var(jl_globalref_mod(e), jl_globalref_name(e));
    if (jl_is_quotenode(e))
        return jl_fieldref(e,0);
    jl_module_t *modu = s->module;
    if (jl_is_symbol(e)) {  // bare symbols appear in toplevel exprs not wrapped in `thunk`
        return jl_eval_global_var(modu, (jl_sym_t*)e);
    if (!jl_is_expr(e))
        return e;
    jl_expr_t *ex = (jl_expr_t*)e;
    jl_value_t **args = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_data(ex->args);
    size_t nargs = jl_array_len(ex->args);
    if (ex->head == isdefined_sym) {
        jl_value_t *sym = args[0];
        int defined = 0;
        if (jl_is_slot(sym)) {
            ssize_t n = jl_slot_number(sym);
            if (src == NULL || n > jl_source_nslots(src) || n < 1 || s->locals == NULL)
                jl_error("access to invalid slot number");
            defined = s->locals[n - 1] != NULL;
        else if (jl_is_globalref(sym)) {
            defined = jl_boundp(jl_globalref_mod(sym), jl_globalref_name(sym));
        else if (jl_is_symbol(sym)) {
            defined = jl_boundp(modu, (jl_sym_t*)sym);
        else if (jl_is_expr(sym) && ((jl_expr_t*)sym)->head == static_parameter_sym) {
            ssize_t n = jl_unbox_long(args[0]);
            assert(n > 0);
            if (s->sparam_vals && n <= jl_svec_len(s->sparam_vals)) {
                jl_value_t *sp = jl_svecref(s->sparam_vals, n - 1);
                defined = !jl_is_typevar(sp);
            else {
                // static parameter val unknown needs to be an error for ccall
                jl_error("could not determine static parameter value");
        else {
            assert(0 && "malformed isdefined expression");
        return defined ? jl_true : jl_false;
    else if (ex->head == call_sym) {
        return do_call(args, nargs, s);
    else if (ex->head == invoke_sym) {
        return do_invoke(args, nargs, s);
    else if (ex->head == new_sym) {
        jl_value_t *thetype = eval(args[0], s);
        jl_value_t *v=NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH2(&thetype, &v);
        v = jl_new_struct_uninit((jl_datatype_t*)thetype);
        for (size_t i = 1; i < nargs; i++) {
            jl_value_t *ft = jl_field_type(thetype, i - 1);
            jl_value_t *fldv = eval(args[i], s);
            if (!jl_isa(fldv, ft))
                jl_type_error("new", ft, fldv);
            jl_set_nth_field(v, i - 1, fldv);
        return v;
    else if (ex->head == static_parameter_sym) {
        ssize_t n = jl_unbox_long(args[0]);
        assert(n > 0);
        if (s->sparam_vals && n <= jl_svec_len(s->sparam_vals)) {
            jl_value_t *sp = jl_svecref(s->sparam_vals, n - 1);
            if (jl_is_typevar(sp) && !s->preevaluation)
            return sp;
        // static parameter val unknown needs to be an error for ccall
        jl_error("could not determine static parameter value");
    else if (ex->head == inert_sym) {
        return args[0];
    else if (ex->head == copyast_sym) {
        return jl_copy_ast(eval(args[0], s));
    else if (ex->head == exc_sym) {
        return ptls->exception_in_transit;
    else if (ex->head == method_sym) {
        jl_sym_t *fname = (jl_sym_t*)args[0];
        if (jl_is_globalref(fname)) {
            modu = jl_globalref_mod(fname);
            fname = jl_globalref_name(fname);
        assert(jl_expr_nargs(ex) != 1 || jl_is_symbol(fname));

        if (jl_is_symbol(fname)) {
            jl_value_t *bp_owner = (jl_value_t*)modu;
            jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_for_method_def(modu, fname);
            jl_value_t **bp = &b->value;
            jl_value_t *gf = jl_generic_function_def(b->name, b->owner, bp, bp_owner, b);
            if (jl_expr_nargs(ex) == 1)
                return gf;

        jl_value_t *atypes = NULL, *meth = NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH2(&atypes, &meth);
        atypes = eval(args[1], s);
        meth = eval(args[2], s);
        jl_method_def((jl_svec_t*)atypes, (jl_code_info_t*)meth, s->module, args[3]);
        return jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == const_sym) {
        jl_sym_t *sym = (jl_sym_t*)args[0];
        if (jl_is_globalref(sym)) {
            modu = jl_globalref_mod(sym);
            sym = jl_globalref_name(sym);
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(modu, sym, 1);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == abstracttype_sym) {
        if (inside_typedef)
            jl_error("cannot eval a new abstract type definition while defining another type");
        jl_value_t *name = args[0];
        jl_value_t *para = eval(args[1], s);
        jl_value_t *super = NULL;
        jl_value_t *temp = NULL;
        jl_datatype_t *dt = NULL;
        jl_value_t *w = NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH4(&para, &super, &temp, &w);
        if (jl_is_globalref(name)) {
            modu = jl_globalref_mod(name);
            name = (jl_value_t*)jl_globalref_name(name);
        dt = jl_new_abstracttype(name, modu, NULL, (jl_svec_t*)para);
        w = dt->name->wrapper;
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(modu, (jl_sym_t*)name, 1);
        temp = b->value;
        check_can_assign_type(b, w);
        b->value = w;
        jl_gc_wb_binding(b, w);
        JL_TRY {
            inside_typedef = 1;
            super = eval(args[2], s);
            jl_set_datatype_super(dt, super);
        JL_CATCH {
            b->value = temp;
        b->value = temp;
        if (temp == NULL || !equiv_type(dt, (jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(temp))) {
            jl_checked_assignment(b, w);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == primtype_sym) {