int main(int argc, char **argv) { int r; progname = argv[0]; opts(argc, argv); job_init(); prot_init(); r = make_server_socket(host_addr, port); if (r == -1) twarnx("make_server_socket()"), exit(111); if (user) su(user); if (detach) daemonize(); event_init(); set_sig_handlers(); nudge_fd_limit(); unbrake((evh) h_accept); event_dispatch(); twarnx("got here for some reason"); return 0; }
/* ** bmp8 must be grayscale ** (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) from top left of bitmap */ void jocr_single_word_from_bmp8(char *text,int maxlen,WILLUSBITMAP *bmp8, int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int allow_spaces, int std_proc) { job_t *job,_job; int i,w,h,dw,dh,bw; unsigned char *src,*dst; // static char *funcname="jocr_single_word_from_bmp8"; char *buf; int pgm2asc(job_t *job); char *getTextLine(int); if (x1>x2) { w=x1; x1=x2; x2=w; } w=x2-x1+1; bw=w/40; if (bw<6) bw=6; dw=w+bw*2; if (y1>y2) { h=y1; y1=y2; y2=h; } h=y2-y1+1; dh=h+bw*2; job=&_job; job_init(job); job_init_image(job); // willus_mem_alloc_warn((void **)&job->src.p.p,w*h,funcname,10); /* Must use malloc since job_free_image counts on this. */ job->src.p.p=malloc(dw*dh); job->src.p.x=dw; job->src.p.y=dh; job->src.p.bpp=1; src=bmp_rowptr_from_top(bmp8,y1)+x1; memset(job->src.p.p,255,dw*dh); dst=(unsigned char *)job->src.p.p + dw*bw + bw; for (i=y1;i<=y2;i++,dst+=dw,src+=bmp8->width) memcpy(dst,src,w); pgm2asc(job); buf=getTextLine(0); if (buf) { strncpy(text,buf,maxlen-1); text[maxlen-1]='\0'; if (std_proc) ocr_text_proc(text,allow_spaces); } else text[0]='\0'; // willus_mem_free((double **)&job->src.p.p,funcname); job_free_image(job); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------- // ------ MAIN - replace this by your own aplication! // ------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main(int argn, char *argv[]) { int multipnm=1; job_t job; JOB = &job; setvbuf(stdout, (char *) NULL, _IONBF, 0); /* not buffered */ while (multipnm==1) { job_init(&job); process_arguments(&job, argn, argv); mark_start(&job); multipnm = read_picture(&job); /* separation of main and rest for using as lib this will be changed later => introduction of set_option() for better communication to the engine */ if (multipnm<0) break; /* read error */ /* call main loop */ pgm2asc(&job); mark_end(&job); print_output(&job); job_free(&job); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { char buff[BUFSIZ]; int rc; signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); rc = setpgid(0, 0); assert(rc != -1); builtin_init(); history_init(); job_init(); print_prompt(); while (fgets(buff, BUFSIZ, stdin)) { job_run_command(buff, envp); job_wait(); print_prompt(); } job_finalize(); history_finalize(); builtin_finalize(); return 0; }
void test() { int multipnm=1; job_t job; while (multipnm==1) { job_init(&job); job.cfg.out_format=XML; job.cfg.cfilter = filter; job.src.fname = "patch00000.pgm"; // TODO multipnm=readpgm(job.src.fname, &job.src.p, job.cfg.verbose); if (multipnm<0) break; pgm2asc(&job); int linecounter = 0; const char *line; line = getTextLine(linecounter++); while (line) { //fputs(line, stdout); //Interpret line here line = getTextLine(linecounter++); } free_textlines(); job_free(&job); } return; }
int cmus_init(void) { playable_exts = ip_get_supported_extensions(); cache_init(); job_init(); play_queue_init(); return 0; }
void parallelOperation(double **a, double **b, double **c, int size, int operation) { int i; struct work_struct *jobs[CPUCORES]; aa = a; bb = b; cc = c; matrixSize = size; for (i = 0; i < CPUCORES; i++) { jobs[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct work_struct)); if (jobs[i] == NULL) { perror(NULL); exit(1); } jobs[i]->id = i; } job_init(); switch(operation){ case MULTIPLY:{ // printf("Multiply[%d]: ", size); for (i = 1; i < CPUCORES; i++) job_create(mm, jobs[i], 0); mm(jobs[0]); }break; case VECTOR:{ // printf("Vector[%d]: ", size); for (i = 1; i < CPUCORES; i++) job_create(mv, jobs[i], 0); mv(jobs[0]); }break; case ADD:{ // printf("Add[%d]: ", size); for (i = 1; i < CPUCORES; i++) job_create(add, jobs[i], 0); add(jobs[0]); }break; case SCALE:{ // printf("Scale[%d]: ", size); for (i = 1; i < CPUCORES; i++) job_create(scale, jobs[i], 0); scale(jobs[0]); }break; } for (i = 1; i < CPUCORES; i++) job_join(jobs[i]); // printf("\n"); }
int database_load (struct database *wdb) { /* This function returns 1 on success and 0 on failure */ /* It logs failure and maybe it should leave that task to the calling function */ /* README : this function writes to the database without locking */ struct database_hdr hdr; char *basedir; char filename[BUFFERLEN]; int fd; int c; /* counters */ // FIXME: no filename guessing. if ((basedir = getenv ("DRQUEUE_DB")) == NULL) { /* This should never happen because we check it at the beginning of the program */ drerrno = DRE_NOENVROOT; return 0; } snprintf (filename, BUFFERLEN - 1, "%s/drqueue.db", basedir); if ((fd = open (filename, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { drerrno = DRE_ERROROPENING; return 0; } read_32b (fd, &hdr.magic); if (hdr.magic != DB_MAGIC) { drerrno = DRE_DIFFILEFORMAT; close (fd); return 0; } read_32b (fd, &hdr.version); if (hdr.version != database_version_id()) { drerrno = DRE_DIFVERSION; close (fd); return 0; } read_16b (fd, &hdr.job_size); if (hdr.job_size != MAXJOBS) { drerrno = DRE_DIFJOBSIZE; close (fd); return 0; } for (c = 0; c < hdr.job_size; c++) { job_init(&wdb->job[c]); if (!database_job_load (fd, &wdb->job[c])) { log_auto (L_ERROR,"database_load(): error loading job number %i. (%s)",c,strerror(drerrno_system)); close (fd); return 0; } } drerrno = DRE_NOERROR; close (fd); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int r, l; struct event_base *ev_base; struct job binlog_jobs = {}; progname = argv[0]; opts(argc, argv); if (detach && binlog_dir) { if (binlog_dir[0] != '/') { warnx("The -b option requires an absolute path when used with -d."); usage("Path is not absolute", binlog_dir); } } job_init(); prot_init(); /* We want to make sure that only one beanstalkd tries to use the binlog * directory at a time. So acquire a lock now and never release it. */ if (binlog_dir) { r = binlog_lock(); if (!r) twarnx("failed to lock binlog dir %s", binlog_dir), exit(10); } r = make_server_socket(host_addr, port); if (r == -1) twarnx("make_server_socket()"), exit(111); l = r; if (user) su(user); ev_base = event_init(); set_sig_handlers(); nudge_fd_limit(); r = listen(l, 1024); if (r == -1) twarn("listen()"); accept_handler = (evh)h_accept; unbrake(); binlog_jobs.prev = = &binlog_jobs; binlog_init(&binlog_jobs); prot_replay_binlog(&binlog_jobs); if (detach) { daemonize(); event_reinit(ev_base); } event_dispatch(); twarnx("event_dispatch error"); binlog_shutdown(); return 0; }
list_t * push_jobs(list_t * files, clinfo_t * clinfo , Eina_Hash *map_histo) { int code; list_t * job_waits = NULL; int count = 0; int histo_done = eina_hash_population(map_histo); int global = list_size(files); while(files != NULL) { char * filename = files->value; files = files->next; histogram_t *cached_elem = eina_hash_find(map_histo, filename); if(cached_elem) continue; image_t * image = image_init(); image->path = filename; image = read_image(image); if (image == NULL) { continue; } if (image->size[0] > *clinfo->max_width || image->size[1] > *clinfo->max_heigth) { printf("Ignoring %s, width=%i, height=%i\n", filename , image->size[0], image->size[1]); image_free(image); continue; } job_t * job = job_init(); code = init_job_from_image(image, job); if(code == EXIT_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not init job from image %i\n" , code); return NULL; } generate_histogram(clinfo, image, job); clFlush(clinfo->command_queue); count++; if ( count > 50 ) { histogram_t *histo = wait_and_fetch_histo_from_job(job); eina_hash_add(map_histo, strdup(histo->file), histo); histo_done++; count--; if(histo_done % 50 == 0) { printf("Processed %i / %i\n", histo_done, global); write_histogram_to_file(CACHE_FILE, map_histo); } } else { job_waits = list_append(job_waits, job); } } return job_waits; }
static VALUE image_recognize(VALUE self, VALUE arg) { VALUE tmp; job_t job1, *job; /* fixme, dont want global variables for lib */ job=OCR_JOB=&job1; job_init(job); job->src.fname = StringValuePtr(arg); tmp = rb_iv_get(self, "@database"); if (tmp != Qnil) { job->cfg.db_path = StringValuePtr(tmp); } tmp = rb_iv_get(self, "@format"); if (tmp != Qnil) { job->cfg.out_format = NUM2INT(tmp); } tmp = rb_iv_get(self, "@whitelist"); if (tmp != Qnil) { if (strlen(StringValuePtr(tmp)) > 0) job->cfg.cfilter = StringValuePtr(tmp); } tmp = rb_iv_get(self, "@dust_size"); if (tmp != Qnil) { job->cfg.dust_size = NUM2INT(tmp); } tmp = rb_iv_get(self, "@gray_level"); if (tmp != Qnil) { job->cfg.cs = NUM2INT(tmp); } tmp = rb_iv_get(self, "@space_width"); if (tmp != Qnil) { job->cfg.spc = NUM2INT(tmp); } tmp = rb_iv_get(self, "@mode"); if (tmp != Qnil) { job->cfg.mode |= NUM2INT(tmp); } tmp = rb_iv_get(self, "@numbers_only"); if (tmp == Qtrue) { job->cfg.only_numbers = 1; } tmp = rb_iv_get(self, "@certainty"); if (tmp != Qnil) { job->cfg.certainty = NUM2INT(tmp); } tmp = rb_iv_get(self, "@unrecognize_char"); if (tmp != Qnil) { job->cfg.unrec_marker = StringValuePtr(tmp)[0]; } return rb_str_new2( gocr_main(job) ); }
void event_init() { // Initialize the event queue event_queue = kl_init(Event); // Initialize input events input_init(); // Timer to wake the event loop if a timeout argument is passed to // `event_poll` // Signals signal_init(); // Jobs job_init(); uv_timer_init(uv_default_loop(), &timer); // This prepare handle that actually starts the timer uv_prepare_init(uv_default_loop(), &timer_prepare); }
void event_init() { // Initialize the event queues deferred_events = kl_init(Event); immediate_events = kl_init(Event); // Initialize input events input_init(); // Timer to wake the event loop if a timeout argument is passed to // `event_poll` // Signals signal_init(); // Jobs job_init(); // Channels channel_init(); // Servers server_init(); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------- // ------ MAIN - replace this by your own aplication! // ------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main(int argn, char *argv[]) { int multipnm=1; job_t job1, *job; /* fixme, dont want global variables for lib */ job=OCR_JOB=&job1; setvbuf(stdout, (char *) NULL, _IONBF, 0); /* not buffered */ job_init(job); /* init cfg and db */ process_arguments(job, argn, argv); /* load character data base (JS1002: now outside pgm2asc) */ if ( job->cfg.mode & 2 ) /* check for db-option flag */ load_db(job); /* load_db uses readpnm() and would conflict with multi images */ while (multipnm==1) { /* multi-image loop */ job_init_image(job); /* single image */ mark_start(job); multipnm = read_picture(job); /* separation of main and rest for using as lib this will be changed later => introduction of set_option() for better communication to the engine */ if (multipnm<0) break; /* read error */ /* call main loop */ pgm2asc(job); mark_end(job); print_output(job); job_free_image(job); } return ((multipnm<0)?multipnm:0); /* -1=255 on error, 0 ok */ }
void event_init(void) { // Initialize the event queues deferred_events = kl_init(Event); immediate_events = kl_init(Event); // early msgpack-rpc initialization msgpack_rpc_init_method_table(); msgpack_rpc_helpers_init(); // Initialize input events input_init(); // Timer to wake the event loop if a timeout argument is passed to // `event_poll` // Signals signal_init(); // Jobs job_init(); // finish mspgack-rpc initialization channel_init(); server_init(); terminal_init(); }
ushort lcs(const struct sequence *s1, const struct sequence *s2) { ushort alen = s1->len; ushort blen = s2->len; job_init(); struct work_struct a_work = { .id = 0, .a = s1->str, .alen = alen, .b = s2->str, .blen = blen, .ret = NULL }; struct work_struct b_work = { .id = 1, .a = s1->str, .alen = alen, .b = s2->str, .blen = blen, .ret = NULL }; job_create(memo_lcs_front, &a_work, 0); memo_lcs_back(&b_work); job_join(&a_work); ushort *forward = a_work.ret; ushort *backward = b_work.ret; ushort i = 0; ushort ibest = 0; for (i = 1; i < blen + 1; i++) { if (forward[i] + backward[i - 1] > ibest) ibest = forward[i] + backward[i - 1]; } return ibest; }
void database_init (struct database *wdb) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < MAXJOBS; i++) { envvars_init(&wdb->job[i].envvars); // First we set proper // defaults for the envvars to // avoid Warning messages job_init (&wdb->job[i]); } for (i = 0; i < MAXCOMPUTERS; i++) { computer_init (&wdb->computer[i]); } #ifdef COMM_REPORT wdb->bsent = wdb->brecv = 0; #endif wdb->lb.last_priority = 0; wdb->lb.next_i = 0; }
void test_email_notify() { scheduler_t* scheduler; job_t* job; int jq_pk; scheduler = scheduler_init(testdb, NULL); FO_ASSERT_PTR_NULL(scheduler->db_conn); database_init(scheduler); email_init(scheduler); FO_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(scheduler->db_conn); jq_pk = Prepare_Testing_Data(scheduler); job = job_init(scheduler->job_list, scheduler->job_queue, "ununpack", "localhost", -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL); job->id = jq_pk; database_update_job(scheduler, job, JB_FAILED); FO_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(job_status_strings[job->status], "JOB_CHECKEDOUT"); scheduler_destroy(scheduler); }
// Initialize and start PSL thread // // The return value is encode int a 16-bit value divided into 4 for each // possible adapter. Then the 4 bits in each adapter represent the 4 possible // AFUs on an adapter. For example: afu0.0 is 0x8000 and afu3.0 is 0x0008. uint16_t psl_init(struct psl **head, struct parms *parms, char *id, char *host, int port, pthread_mutex_t * lock, FILE * dbg_fp) { struct psl *psl; struct job_event *reset; uint16_t location; location = 0x8000; if ((psl = (struct psl *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct psl))) == NULL) { perror("malloc"); error_msg("Unable to allocation memory for psl"); goto init_fail; } psl->timeout = parms->timeout; if ((strlen(id) != 6) || strncmp(id, "afu", 3) || (id[4] != '.')) { warn_msg("Invalid afu name: %s", id); goto init_fail; } if ((id[3] < '0') || (id[3] > '3')) { warn_msg("Invalid afu major: %c", id[3]); goto init_fail; } if ((id[5] < '0') || (id[5] > '3')) { warn_msg("Invalid afu minor: %c", id[5]); goto init_fail; } psl->dbg_fp = dbg_fp; psl->major = id[3] - '0'; psl->minor = id[5] - '0'; psl->dbg_id = psl->major << 4; psl->dbg_id |= psl->minor; location >>= (4 * psl->major); location >>= psl->minor; if ((psl->name = (char *)malloc(strlen(id) + 1)) == NULL) { perror("malloc"); error_msg("Unable to allocation memory for psl->name"); goto init_fail; } strcpy(psl->name, id); if ((psl->host = (char *)malloc(strlen(host) + 1)) == NULL) { perror("malloc"); error_msg("Unable to allocation memory for psl->host"); goto init_fail; } strcpy(psl->host, host); psl->port = port; psl->client = NULL; psl->idle_cycles = PSL_IDLE_CYCLES; psl->lock = lock; // Connect to AFU psl->afu_event = (struct AFU_EVENT *)malloc(sizeof(struct AFU_EVENT)); if (psl->afu_event == NULL) { perror("malloc"); goto init_fail; } info_msg("Attempting to connect AFU: %s @ %s:%d", psl->name, psl->host, psl->port); if (psl_init_afu_event(psl->afu_event, psl->host, psl->port) != PSL_SUCCESS) { warn_msg("Unable to connect AFU: %s @ %s:%d", psl->name, psl->host, psl->port); goto init_fail; } // DEBUG debug_afu_connect(psl->dbg_fp, psl->dbg_id); // Initialize job handler if ((psl->job = job_init(psl->afu_event, &(psl->state), psl->name, psl->dbg_fp, psl->dbg_id)) == NULL) { perror("job_init"); goto init_fail; } // Initialize mmio handler if ((psl->mmio = mmio_init(psl->afu_event, psl->timeout, psl->name, psl->dbg_fp, psl->dbg_id)) == NULL) { perror("mmio_init"); goto init_fail; } // Initialize cmd handler if ((psl->cmd = cmd_init(psl->afu_event, parms, psl->mmio, &(psl->state), psl->name, psl->dbg_fp, psl->dbg_id)) == NULL) { perror("cmd_init"); goto init_fail; } // Set credits for AFU if (psl_aux1_change(psl->afu_event, psl->cmd->credits) != PSL_SUCCESS) { warn_msg("Unable to set credits"); goto init_fail; } // Start psl loop thread if (pthread_create(&(psl->thread), NULL, _psl_loop, psl)) { perror("pthread_create"); goto init_fail; } // Add psl to list while ((*head != NULL) && ((*head)->major < psl->major)) { head = &((*head)->_next); } while ((*head != NULL) && ((*head)->major == psl->major) && ((*head)->minor < psl->minor)) { head = &((*head)->_next); } psl->_next = *head; if (psl->_next != NULL) psl->_next->_prev = psl; *head = psl; // Send reset to AFU reset = add_job(psl->job, PSL_JOB_RESET, 0L); while (psl->job->job == reset) { /*infinite loop */ lock_delay(psl->lock); } // Read AFU descriptor psl->state = PSLSE_DESC; read_descriptor(psl->mmio, psl->lock); // Finish PSL configuration psl->state = PSLSE_IDLE; if (dedicated_mode_support(psl->mmio)) { // AFU supports Dedicated Mode psl->max_clients = 1; } if (directed_mode_support(psl->mmio)) { // AFU supports Directed Mode psl->max_clients = psl->mmio->desc.num_of_processes; } if (psl->max_clients == 0) { error_msg("AFU programming model is invalid"); goto init_fail; } psl->client = (struct client **)calloc(psl->max_clients, sizeof(struct client *)); psl->cmd->client = psl->client; psl->cmd->max_clients = psl->max_clients; return location; init_fail: if (psl) { if (psl->afu_event) { psl_close_afu_event(psl->afu_event); free(psl->afu_event); } if (psl->host) free(psl->host); if (psl->name) free(psl->name); free(psl); } pthread_mutex_unlock(lock); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret, keeppidfile = 1; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain(PACKAGE); lyxml_init(); lyauth_init(); /* start initializeing g_c */ CLCConfig *c = malloc(sizeof(CLCConfig)); if (c == NULL) { printf(_("malloc for g_c have a error.\n")); return -255; } g_c = c; /* parse command line option and configuration file */ ret = clc_config(argc, argv, c); if (ret == CLC_CONFIG_RET_HELP) usage(); else if (ret == CLC_CONFIG_RET_VER) printf(_("%s : Version %s\n"), PROGRAM_NAME, PROGRAM_VERSION); else if (ret == CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD) printf(_ ("command line parsing error, use -h option to display usage\n")); else if (ret == CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOCONF) { printf(_ ("missing lyclc config file, default build-in settings are used.\n")); ret = 0; } else if (ret == CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_ERRCONF) printf(_("can not find %s.\n"), c->conf_path); else if (ret == CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF) printf(_("reading config file %s returned error\n"), c->conf_path); else if (ret == CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_UNKNOWN) printf(_("internal error\n")); /* exit if ret is not zero */ if (ret != 0) goto out; /* node cpu/mem factors */ if (c->node_cpu_factor == 0) c->node_cpu_factor = DEFAULT_NODE_CPU_FACTOR; if (c->node_mem_factor == 0) c->node_mem_factor = DEFAULT_NODE_MEM_FACTOR; /* for debuuging */ if (c->debug) __print_config(c); /* make sure data directory exists */ if (lyutil_create_dir(c->clc_data_dir)) { printf(_("%s is not accessible\n"), c->clc_data_dir); ret = -255; goto out; } /* check whether program is started already */ ret = lyutil_check_pid_file(c->pid_path, PROGRAM_NAME); if (ret == 1) { printf(_("%s is running already.\n"), PROGRAM_NAME); goto out; } else if (ret != 0) { printf(_("error checking pid file.\n")); goto out; } /* check DB */ if (ly_db_check() < 0) { printf(_("failed connecting DB\n")); ret = -255; goto out; } /* get clc ip */ if (c->clc_ip == NULL && ly_clc_ip_get() < 0) { logerror(_("CLC no proper network interface to use.\n")); goto out; } /* Daemonize the progress */ if (c->daemon) { if (c->debug == LYDEBUG) printf(_("Run as daemon, log to %s.\n"), c->log_path); lyutil_daemonize(__main_clean, keeppidfile); logfile(c->log_path, c->debug ? LYDEBUG : c->verbose ? LYINFO : LYWARN); } else logfile(NULL, c->debug ? LYDEBUG : c->verbose ? LYINFO : LYWARN); /* create lock file */ ret = lyutil_create_pid_file(c->pid_path, PROGRAM_NAME); if (ret == 1) { logsimple(_("%s is running already.\n"), PROGRAM_NAME); ret = 0; goto out; } else if (ret != 0) { logsimple(_("error creating pid file.\n")); goto out; } keeppidfile = 0; /* init db connection */ if (ly_db_init() < 0) { logsimple(_("ly_db_init failed.\n")); ret = -255; goto out; } /* initialize entity store */ if (ly_entity_store_init() < 0) { logsimple(_("ly_entity_init failed.\n")); ret = -255; goto out; } /* init job queue */ if (job_init() < 0 || job_internal_init() < 0) { logsimple(_("job_init failed.\n")); ret = -255; goto out; } if (c->debug) job_print_queue(); /* set up signal handler */ lyutil_signal_init(); /* handle specific signal */ struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_sigaction = __sig_handler; if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL)) { logsimple(_("Setting signal handler error.\n")); ret = -255; goto out; } /* initialize g_c->efd */ if (ly_epoll_init(EPOLL_EVENTS_MAX) != 0) { logsimple(_("ly_epoll_init failed.\n")); ret = -255; goto out; } if (ly_epoll_work_start(g_c->clc_port) != 0) { ret = -1; logsimple(_("ly_epoll_init failed.\n")); goto out; } /* init timeout values */ time_t mcast_join_time, job_dispatch_time, job_internal_time; mcast_join_time = 0; time(&job_dispatch_time); job_internal_time = job_dispatch_time + (CLC_MCAST_JOIN_INTERVAL<<1); job_dispatch_time = job_dispatch_time + (CLC_MCAST_JOIN_INTERVAL<<2); /* start main event driven loop */ if (c->clc_ip) loginfo(_("clc uses IP %s\n"), c->clc_ip); else loginfo(_("clc uses IP automatically detected\n")); loginfo(_("start event loop, waiting for events ...\n")); int i, n = 0; struct epoll_event events[EPOLL_EVENTS_MAX]; while (1) { time_t time_now; time(&time_now); /* send mcast request */ if (time_now - mcast_join_time > CLC_MCAST_JOIN_INTERVAL) { if (ly_mcast_send_join() < 0) logerror(_("failed sending mcast request.\n")); mcast_join_time = time_now; } else if (time_now < mcast_join_time) mcast_join_time = time_now; /* job dispatch */ if (time_now - job_dispatch_time > CLC_JOB_DISPATCH_INTERVAL) { if (job_dispatch() < 0) logerror(_("job_dispatch failed.\n")); job_dispatch_time = time_now; } else if (time_now < job_dispatch_time) job_dispatch_time = time_now; /* internal job dispatch */ if (time_now - job_internal_time > CLC_JOB_INTERNAL_INTERVAL) { if (job_internal_dispatch() < 0) logerror(_("job_internal failed.\n")); job_internal_time = time_now; } else if (time_now < job_internal_time) job_internal_time = time_now; n = epoll_wait(g_efd, events, EPOLL_EVENTS_MAX, CLC_EPOLL_TIMEOUT); if (n != 0) logdebug(_("waiting ... got %d events\n"), n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int id = events[i].data.fd; if (events[i].events & EPOLLIN) { ret = ly_epoll_entity_recv(id); if (ret < 0) { logerror(_("epoll_data_recv error\n")); } else if (ret > 0) { loginfo(_("release entity %d\n"), id); ly_entity_release(id); } } else if (events[i].events & EPOLLRDHUP) { loginfo(_("epoll entity(%d) got rdhup. close.\n"), id); ly_entity_release(id); } else if (events[i].events & EPOLLHUP) { loginfo(_("epoll entity(%d) got hup. close.\n"), id); ly_entity_release(id); } else { logerror(_("unexpected event(%d, %d). ignore.\n"), events[i].events, id); } } } out: __main_clean(keeppidfile); if (ret <= 0) loginfo(_("%s exits\n"), PROGRAM_NAME); return ret; }
void request_run(request *r, suq_serv *cs) { int i; int arg_ind; int cont=1; char *wd=r->wd; job *j=malloc_check_server(sizeof(job)); char *arg; job_init(j); j->id=suq_settings_get_next_id(cs->st); j->buf=malloc_check_server(r->buflen+1); /* just copy the whole buffer. This buffer will contain all variables that the job's cmd, argv[] etc. point to. */ memcpy(j->buf, r->buf, r->buflen); arg_ind=2; /* the starting index to check */ j->ntask=1; /* process arguments first */ do { arg=request_get_arg(r, arg_ind); if (!arg) goto err; if (strcmp(arg, "-d") == 0) { wd=request_get_arg(r, ++arg_ind); if (!wd) goto err; ++arg_ind; } else if (strcmp(arg, "-n") == 0) { char *nps; char *end; int ntask; nps=request_get_arg(r, ++arg_ind); if (!nps) goto err; ntask=strtol(nps, &end, 10); if (end==nps || ntask<1) { request_reply_errstring(r, "suq run -n is not a number > 1"); goto err; } /* we don't unset a blocking attribute */ if (j->ntask>=1) j->ntask=ntask; ++arg_ind; } else if (strcmp(arg, "-p") == 0) { char *nps; char *end; nps=request_get_arg(r, ++arg_ind); if (!nps) goto err; j->prio=strtol(nps, &end, 10); if (end==nps) { request_reply_errstring(r, "suq run -p is not a number"); goto err; } ++arg_ind; } else if (strcmp(arg, "-b")==0) { j->ntask=-1; ++arg_ind; } else cont=0; } while(cont); /* then make all the pointers */ j->argc=r->argc-arg_ind; j->envc=r->envc; j->argv=malloc_check_server(sizeof(char*)*(j->argc+1)); j->envp=malloc_check_server(sizeof(char*)*(j->envc+1)); j->wd = j->buf + (wd - r->buf); arg=request_get_arg(r, arg_ind); if (!arg) goto err; j->cmd = j->buf + (arg - r->buf); /* the argvs */ for(i=arg_ind;i<r->argc;i++) { arg=request_get_arg(r, i); if (!arg) goto err; j->argv[i-arg_ind] = j->buf + (arg - r->buf); } j->argv[j->argc]=NULL; /* the envps */ for(i=0;i<j->envc;i++) { j->envp[i] = j->buf + (r->envp[i] - r->buf); } j->envp[j->envc]=NULL; /* now construct everything from this data */ job_reinit(j); /* then process the job */ j->state=waiting; joblist_add(&(cs->jl), j); joblist_check_run(&(cs->jl), cs); /* print result */ request_reply_printf(r, "Submitted job id %d: '%s'. ", j->id, j->name); if (j->state == running) request_reply_printf(r,"Job is running.\n"); else if (j->state == waiting) request_reply_printf(r,"Job is waiting to run.\n"); else if (j->state == resource_error || j->state == run_error) request_reply_printf(r,"\nJob ERROR: '%s'.\n", j->error_string); if (debug>1) { printf("SERVER: new job id=%d, ntask=%d, name=%s, cmd=%s", j->id, j->ntask, j->name, j->cmd); printf(", argc=%d, envc=%d, wd=%s\n", j->argc, j->envc, j->wd); } return; err: if (j->buf) free(j->buf); if (j->argv) free(j->argv); free(j); }
char get_atom_label(const Magick::Image &image, const Magick::ColorGray &bg, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, double THRESHOLD, int dropx, int dropy, bool no_filtering, bool verbose, bool numbers) { char c = UNKNOWN_CHAR; const int width = x2 - x1 + 1; const int height = y2 - y1 + 1; unsigned char *pixmap = (unsigned char *) malloc(width * height); for (int i = y1; i <= y2; i++) for (int j = x1; j <= x2; j++) pixmap[(i - y1) * width + j - x1] = (unsigned char) (255 - 255 * get_pixel(image, bg, j, i, THRESHOLD)); // Here we drop down from the top of the box, middle of x coordinate and extract connected component int t = 1; int y = dropy - y1 + 1; int x = dropx - x1; while ((t != 0) && (y < height)) { t = pixmap[y * width + x]; y++; } if (t != 0) { free(pixmap); return 0; } #pragma omp critical { y--; pixmap[y * width + x] = 2; list<int> cx; list<int> cy; cx.push_back(x); cy.push_back(y); while (!cx.empty()) { x = cx.front(); y = cy.front(); cx.pop_front(); cy.pop_front(); pixmap[y * width + x] = 1; // this goes around 3x3 square touching the chosen pixel for (int i = x - 1; i < x + 2; i++) for (int j = y - 1; j < y + 2; j++) if (i < width && j < height && i >= 0 && j >= 0 && pixmap[j * width + i] == 0) { cx.push_back(i); cy.push_back(j); pixmap[j * width + i] = 2; } } // Flatten the bitmap. Note: the bitmap is inverted after this cycle (255 means "empty", 0 means "pixel"). for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) pixmap[i * width + j] = (pixmap[i * width + j] == 1 ? 0 : 255); job_t gocr_job; // The list of all characters, that can be recognised as atom label: string char_filter = RECOGNIZED_CHARS; if (numbers) char_filter = "1"; if (no_filtering) char_filter.clear(); job_init(&gocr_job); job_init_image(&gocr_job); //gocr_job.cfg.cs = 160; //gocr_job.cfg.certainty = 80; //gocr_job.cfg.dust_size = 1; gocr_job.src.p.x = width; gocr_job.src.p.y = height; gocr_job.src.p.bpp = 1; gocr_job.src.p.p = pixmap; if (char_filter.empty()) gocr_job.cfg.cfilter = (char*)NULL; else gocr_job.cfg.cfilter = (char*) char_filter.c_str(); struct OCRAD_Pixmap *ocrad_pixmap = new OCRAD_Pixmap(); unsigned char *ocrad_bitmap = (unsigned char *) malloc(width * height); memset(ocrad_bitmap, 0, width * height); ocrad_pixmap->height = height; ocrad_pixmap->width = width; ocrad_pixmap->mode = OCRAD_bitmap; ocrad_pixmap->data = ocrad_bitmap; // Number of non-zero pixels on the bitmap, excluding the 1px border: int pixmap_pixels_count = 0; // Number of zero pixels on the bitmap, excluding the 1px border: int pixmap_zeros_count = 0; // The code below initialises "opix->data" buffer ("bitmap_data") for OCRAD from "tmp" buffer: #ifdef HAVE_CUNEIFORM_LIB Magick::Image cuneiform_img(Magick::Geometry(2 * width + 2, height), "white"); // From cuneiform_src/cli/cuneiform-cli.cpp::preprocess_image(Magick::Image&):168 cuneiform_img.monochrome(); cuneiform_img.type(Magick::BilevelType); #endif for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (pixmap[y * width + x] == 0) { ocrad_bitmap[y * width + x] = 1; #ifdef HAVE_CUNEIFORM_LIB // Draw two identical samples that follow one another. We do so because Cuneiform has difficulties in recognizing single characters: cuneiform_img.pixelColor(x, y, "black"); cuneiform_img.pixelColor(x + width + 2, y, "black"); #endif if (x > 0 && x < width - 1 && y > 0 && y < height - 1) pixmap_pixels_count++; } else if (x > 0 && x < width - 1 && y > 0 && y < height - 1) pixmap_zeros_count++; } } if (verbose) { cout << "Box to OCR: " << x1 << "x" << y1 << "-" << x2 << "x" << y2 << " w/h: " << width << "x" << height << endl; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) cout << (gocr_job.src.p.p[i * width + j] / 255 ? '#' : '.'); cout << endl; } } if (pixmap_pixels_count <= MIN_CHAR_POINTS || pixmap_zeros_count <= MIN_CHAR_POINTS) goto FINALIZE; c = osra_gocr_ocr(gocr_job); if (verbose) cout << "GOCR: c=" << c << endl; //c = UNKNOWN_CHAR; // Switch off GOCR recognition // Character recognition succeeded for GOCR: if (c != UNKNOWN_CHAR) goto FINALIZE; // Character recognition failed for GOCR and we try OCRAD: c = osra_ocrad_ocr(ocrad_pixmap, char_filter); if (verbose) cout << "OCRAD: c=" << c << endl; //c = UNKNOWN_CHAR; // Switch off OCRAD recognition // Character recognition succeeded for OCRAD: if (c != UNKNOWN_CHAR) goto FINALIZE; #ifdef HAVE_TESSERACT_LIB c = osra_tesseract_ocr(gocr_job.src.p.p, width, height, char_filter); if (verbose) cout << "Tesseract: c=" << c << endl; //c = UNKNOWN_CHAR; // Switch off Tesseract recognition // Character recognition succeeded for Tesseract: if (c != UNKNOWN_CHAR) goto FINALIZE; #endif #ifdef HAVE_CUNEIFORM_LIB // TODO: Why box width should be more than 7 for Cuneiform? if (width <= 7) goto FINALIZE; c = osra_cuneiform_ocr(cuneiform_img, char_filter); if (verbose) cout << "Cuneiform: c=" << c << endl; //c = UNKNOWN_CHAR; // Switch off Cuneiform recognition #endif FINALIZE: // "pixmap" is freed together with "gocr_job". job_free_image(&gocr_job); OCR_JOB = NULL; JOB = NULL; delete ocrad_pixmap; // delete OCRAD Pixmap free(ocrad_bitmap); // TODO: Why there are problems with "7" with a given box size? If the problem is engine-specific, it should be moved to appropriate section if (c == '7' && (width <= 10 || height <= 20)) c = UNKNOWN_CHAR; } // #pragma omp critical return(c == UNKNOWN_CHAR ? 0 : c); }
void strassen_8thread_mult(matrix a, matrix b, matrix c){ matrix quar[12]; matrix m[7]; struct work_struct *jobs[7]; int size = a.size/2; int i, j; if(size==0){ c.rows[0][0] = a.rows[0][0] * b.rows[0][0]; return; } /* if (a.size <= BREAK) { int i, j, k; for (i = 0; i < (a.size); i++) { for (k = 0; k < (a.size); k++) { for (j = 0; j < (a.size); j++) { c.rows[i][j] += a.rows[i][k] * b.rows[k][j]; } } } return; } */ job_init(); quar[0]=get00(a); quar[1]=get01(a); quar[2]=get10(a); quar[3]=get11(a); quar[4]=get00(b); quar[5]=get01(b); quar[6]=get10(b); quar[7]=get11(b); quar[8]=get00(c); quar[9]=get01(c); quar[10]=get10(c); quar[11]=get11(c); for(i=0;i<7;i++){ m[i] = new_matrix(size); } for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { jobs[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct work_struct)); if (jobs[i] == NULL) { perror(NULL); exit(1); } } jobs[0]->a_1 = quar[0]; jobs[0]->a_2 = quar[3]; jobs[0]->b_1 = quar[4]; jobs[0]->b_2 = quar[7]; jobs[0]->c = m[0]; jobs[0]->tid = 0; job_create(thread_main, jobs[0], 0); jobs[1]->a_1 = quar[2]; jobs[1]->a_2 = quar[3]; jobs[1]->b_1 = quar[4]; jobs[1]->c = m[1]; jobs[1]->tid = 1; job_create(thread_main, jobs[1], 0); jobs[2]->a_1 = quar[0]; jobs[2]->b_1 = quar[5]; jobs[2]->b_2 = quar[7]; jobs[2]->c = m[2]; jobs[2]->tid = 2; job_create(thread_main, jobs[2], 0); jobs[3]->a_1 = quar[3]; jobs[3]->b_1 = quar[6]; jobs[3]->b_2 = quar[4]; jobs[3]->c = m[3]; jobs[3]->tid = 3; job_create(thread_main, jobs[3], 0); jobs[4]->a_1 = quar[0]; jobs[4]->a_2 = quar[1]; jobs[4]->b_1 = quar[7]; jobs[4]->c = m[4]; jobs[4]->tid = 4; job_create(thread_main, jobs[4], 0); jobs[5]->a_1 = quar[2]; jobs[5]->a_2 = quar[0]; jobs[5]->b_1 = quar[4]; jobs[5]->b_2 = quar[5]; jobs[5]->c = m[5]; jobs[5]->tid = 5; job_create(thread_main, jobs[5], 0); jobs[6]->a_1 = quar[1]; jobs[6]->a_2 = quar[3]; jobs[6]->b_1 = quar[6]; jobs[6]->b_2 = quar[7]; jobs[6]->c = m[6]; jobs[6]->tid = 6; job_create(thread_main, jobs[6], 0); for(i=0;i<7;i++){ job_join(jobs[i]); } for(i=0;i<size;i++){ for(j=0;j<size;j++){ quar[8].rows[i][j] = m[0].rows[i][j] + m[3].rows[i][j] - m[4].rows[i][j] + m[6].rows[i][j]; quar[9].rows[i][j] = m[2].rows[i][j] + m[4].rows[i][j]; quar[10].rows[i][j] = m[1].rows[i][j] + m[3].rows[i][j]; quar[11].rows[i][j] = m[0].rows[i][j] - m[1].rows[i][j] + m[2].rows[i][j] + m[5].rows[i][j]; } } for(i=0;i<12;i++){ delete_matrix(quar[i]); } for(i=0;i<7;i++){ delete_matrix(m[i]); } }
int sh_main(int ac, char *av[], Shinit_f userinit) { register char *name; register int fdin; register Sfio_t *iop; register Shell_t *shp; struct stat statb; int i, rshflag; /* set for restricted shell */ char *command; free(malloc(64*1024)); #ifdef _lib_sigvec /* This is to clear mask that may be left on by rlogin */ clearsigmask(SIGALRM); clearsigmask(SIGHUP); clearsigmask(SIGCHLD); #endif /* _lib_sigvec */ #ifdef _hdr_nc _NutConf(_NC_SET_SUFFIXED_SEARCHING, 1); #endif /* _hdr_nc */ fixargs(av,0); shp = sh_init(ac,av,userinit); time(&mailtime); if(rshflag=sh_isoption(SH_RESTRICTED)) sh_offoption(SH_RESTRICTED); if(sigsetjmp(*((sigjmp_buf*)shp->jmpbuffer),0)) { /* begin script execution here */ sh_reinit((char**)0); shp->gd->pid = getpid(); shp->gd->ppid = getppid(); } shp->fn_depth = shp->dot_depth = 0; command =; /* set pidname '$$' */ srand(shp->gd->pid&0x7fff); if(nv_isnull(PS4NOD)) nv_putval(PS4NOD,e_traceprompt,NV_RDONLY); path_pwd(shp,1); iop = (Sfio_t*)0; #if SHOPT_BRACEPAT sh_onoption(SH_BRACEEXPAND); #endif if((beenhere++)==0) { sh_onstate(SH_PROFILE); ((Lex_t*)shp->lex_context)->nonstandard = 0; if(shp->gd->ppid==1) shp->login_sh++; if(shp->login_sh >= 2) sh_onoption(SH_LOGIN_SHELL); /* decide whether shell is interactive */ if(!sh_isoption(SH_INTERACTIVE) && !sh_isoption(SH_TFLAG) && !sh_isoption(SH_CFLAG) && sh_isoption(SH_SFLAG) && tty_check(0) && tty_check(ERRIO)) sh_onoption(SH_INTERACTIVE); if(sh_isoption(SH_INTERACTIVE)) { sh_onoption(SH_BGNICE); sh_onoption(SH_RC); } if(!sh_isoption(SH_RC) && (sh_isoption(SH_BASH) && !sh_isoption(SH_POSIX) #if SHOPT_REMOTE || !fstat(0, &statb) && REMOTE(statb.st_mode) #endif )) sh_onoption(SH_RC); for(i=0; i<elementsof(shp->offoptions.v); i++) shp->options.v[i] &= ~shp->offoptions.v[i]; if(sh_isoption(SH_INTERACTIVE)) { #ifdef SIGXCPU signal(SIGXCPU,SIG_DFL); #endif /* SIGXCPU */ #ifdef SIGXFSZ signal(SIGXFSZ,SIG_DFL); #endif /* SIGXFSZ */ sh_onoption(SH_MONITOR); } job_init(shp,sh_isoption(SH_LOGIN_SHELL)); if(sh_isoption(SH_LOGIN_SHELL)) { /* system profile */ sh_source(shp, iop, e_sysprofile); if(!sh_isoption(SH_NOUSRPROFILE) && !sh_isoption(SH_PRIVILEGED)) { char **files = shp->gd->login_files; while ((name = *files++) && !sh_source(shp, iop, sh_mactry(shp,name))); } } /* make sure PWD is set up correctly */ path_pwd(shp,1); if(!sh_isoption(SH_NOEXEC)) { if(!sh_isoption(SH_NOUSRPROFILE) && !sh_isoption(SH_PRIVILEGED) && sh_isoption(SH_RC)) { #if SHOPT_BASH if(sh_isoption(SH_BASH) && !sh_isoption(SH_POSIX)) { #if SHOPT_SYSRC sh_source(shp, iop, e_bash_sysrc); #endif sh_source(shp, iop, shp->gd->rcfile ? shp->gd->rcfile : sh_mactry(shp,(char*)e_bash_rc)); } else #endif { if(name = sh_mactry(shp,nv_getval(ENVNOD))) name = *name ? strdup(name) : (char*)0; #if SHOPT_SYSRC if(!strmatch(name, "?(.)/./*")) sh_source(shp, iop, e_sysrc); #endif if(name) { sh_source(shp, iop, name); free(name); } } } else if(sh_isoption(SH_INTERACTIVE) && sh_isoption(SH_PRIVILEGED)) sh_source(shp, iop, e_suidprofile); } shp->st.cmdname = = command; sh_offstate(SH_PROFILE); if(rshflag) sh_onoption(SH_RESTRICTED); /* open input file if specified */ if(shp->comdiv) { shell_c: iop = sfnew(NIL(Sfio_t*),shp->comdiv,strlen(shp->comdiv),0,SF_STRING|SF_READ); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { time_t now; /* Initialise route, runq and job classes */ now = time(NULL); route_init(NULL, 0); route_register(&rt_filea_method); route_register(&rt_fileov_method); route_register(&rt_stdin_method); route_register(&rt_stdout_method); route_register(&rt_stderr_method); if ( ! elog_init(1, "job test", NULL)) elog_die(FATAL, "didn't initialise elog\n"); sig_init(); callback_init(); runq_init(now); meth_init(); job_init(); /* Test should fail due to incorrect method */ elog_printf(DEBUG, "Expect a complaint! -> "); if (job_add(5, 5, 0, 1, "test1a1", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, NULL, "echo \"Hello, world\"") != -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1a] Shouldn't be able to add\n"); } /* Single test in five seconds, never to run */ if (job_add(5, 5, 0, 1, "test1a2", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1a] Can't add\n"); } /* Attention: some white box testing */ itree_first(runq_event); if (itree_getkey(runq_event) != now+5) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1a] Queued at an incorrect time\n"); } job_clear(); if (!itree_empty(runq_event) || !itree_empty(runq_tab)) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1a] Trees not emptied. runq_events=%d, runq_tab=%d\n", itree_n(runq_event), itree_n(runq_tab)); } now = time(NULL); /* Two tests both in five seconds, never to run */ if (job_add(5, 5, 0, 1, "test1b1", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1b] Can't add first\n"); } if (job_add(5, 5, 0, 1, "test1b2", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1b] Can't add second\n"); } itree_first(runq_event); if (itree_getkey(runq_event) != now+5) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1b] First queued at an incorrect time\n"); } itree_next(runq_event); if (itree_getkey(runq_event) != now+5) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1b] Second queued at an incorrect time\n"); } job_clear(); if (!itree_empty(runq_event) || !itree_empty(runq_tab)) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1b] Trees not emptied. runq_events=%d, runq_tab=%d\n", itree_n(runq_event), itree_n(runq_tab)); } now = time(NULL); /* Two tests one in five seconds, the other in six, never to run */ if (job_add(6, 6, 0, 1, "test1c1", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1c] Can't add first\n"); } if (job_add(now+5, 5, 0, 1, "test1c2", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1c] Can't add second\n"); } itree_first(runq_event); if (itree_getkey(runq_event) != now+5) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1c] First queued at an incorrect time\n"); } itree_next(runq_event); if (itree_getkey(runq_event) != now+6) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1c] Second queued at an incorrect time\n"); } job_clear(); if (!itree_empty(runq_event) || !itree_empty(runq_tab)) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1c] Trees not emptied. runq_events=%d, runq_tab=%d\n", itree_n(runq_event), itree_n(runq_tab)); } now = time(NULL); /* Continuous single test supposed to start two seconds ago, * next run in three; never to run */ if (job_add(-2, 5, 0, 0, "test1d1", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1d] Can't add\n"); } itree_first(runq_event); if (itree_getkey(runq_event) != now+3) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1d] Event queued at an incorrect time: bad=%d good=%ld\n", itree_getkey(runq_event), now+3); } job_clear(); if (runq_nsched() > 0) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1d] Still active work scheduled. runq_events=%d, " "runq_tab=%d runq_nsched()=%d\n", itree_n(runq_event), itree_n(runq_tab), runq_nsched()); runq_dump(); } now = time(NULL); /* Two continous tests, starting two seconds ago, next next run in four; * never to run */ if (job_add(-2, 6, 0, 0, "test1e1", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1e] Can't add first\n"); } if (job_add(-3, 5, 0, 0, "test1e2", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1e] Can't add second\n"); } itree_first(runq_event); while (((struct runq_work*) itree_get(runq_event))->expired) itree_next(runq_event); if (itree_getkey(runq_event) != now+2) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1e] First queued at an incorrect time\n"); } itree_next(runq_event); while (((struct runq_work*) itree_get(runq_event))->expired) itree_next(runq_event); if (itree_getkey(runq_event) != now+4) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1e] Second queued at an incorrect time\n"); } job_clear(); if (runq_nsched() > 0) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1e] Still active work scheduled. runq_events=%d, " "runq_tab=%d runq_nsched()=%d\n", itree_n(runq_event), itree_n(runq_tab), runq_nsched()); runq_dump(); } now = time(NULL); /* Two 5 run jobs, scheduled to start 10 seconds ago, with periods * of 5 and 6 seconds; never to run */ if (job_add(-10, 6, 0, 5, "test1f1", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1f] Can't add first\n"); } if (job_add(-10, 5, 0, 5, "test1f2", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1f] Can't add second\n"); } itree_first(runq_event); while (((struct runq_work*) itree_get(runq_event))->expired) itree_next(runq_event); if (itree_getkey(runq_event) != now+2) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1f] First queued at an incorrect time\n"); } itree_next(runq_event); while (((struct runq_work*) itree_get(runq_event))->expired) itree_next(runq_event); if (itree_getkey(runq_event) != now+5) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1f] Second queued at an incorrect time\n"); } job_clear(); if (runq_nsched() > 0) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1f] Still active work scheduled. runq_events=%d, " "runq_tab=%d runq_nsched()=%d\n", itree_n(runq_event), itree_n(runq_tab), runq_nsched()); runq_dump(); } now = time(NULL); /* Two 5 run jobs, scheduled to start 100 seconds ago, with periods * of 5 and 6 seconds; they should never be scheduled */ if (job_add(-100, 6, 0, 5, "test1g1", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1g] Can't add first\n"); } if (job_add(-100, 5, 0, 5, "test1g2", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1g] Can't add second\n"); } if (runq_nsched() > 0) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1g] Still active work scheduled. runq_events=%d, " "runq_tab=%d runq_nsched()=%d\n", itree_n(runq_event), itree_n(runq_tab), runq_nsched()); runq_dump(); } job_clear(); now = time(NULL); /* Two five run tests, starting at different times in the past, * five runs each wittth different periods; they should both * run now */ if (job_add(-24, 6, 0, 5, "test1h1", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1h] Can't add first\n"); } if (job_add(-20, 5, 0, 5, "test1h2", "internal_test", "stdout", "stderr", 100, "exec", "echo \"Hello, world\"") == -1) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1h] Can't add second\n"); } if (runq_nsched() != 2) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1h] Two jobs should be scheduled not %d\n", runq_nsched()); runq_dump(); } sig_on(); sleep(6); /* let it run */ sleep(1); /* let it run */ sleep(1); /* let it run */ sleep(1); /* let it run */ sig_off(); if (runq_nsched() > 0) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1h] Still active work scheduled. runq_events=%d, " "runq_tab=%d runq_nsched()=%d\n", itree_n(runq_event), itree_n(runq_tab), runq_nsched()); runq_dump(); } job_clear(); #if 0 /* check all tables/lists are empty */ if (!itree_empty(runq_event) || !itree_empty(runq_tab)) { elog_die(FATAL, "[1i] Still entries in tables. runq_events=%d, " "runq_tab=%d runq_nsched()=%d\n", itree_n(runq_event), itree_n(runq_tab), runq_nsched()); runq_dump(); } #endif job_fini(); meth_fini(); runq_fini(); elog_fini(); route_fini(); callback_fini(); printf("%s: tests finished\n", argv[0]); exit(0); }