Пример #1
/* Read a marker segment from a stream. */
jpc_ms_t *jpc_getms(jas_stream_t *in, jpc_cstate_t *cstate)
	jpc_ms_t *ms;
	jpc_mstabent_t *mstabent;
	jas_stream_t *tmpstream;

	if (!(ms = jpc_ms_create(0))) {
		return 0;

	/* Get the marker type. */
	if (jpc_getuint16(in, &ms->id) || ms->id < JPC_MS_MIN ||
	  ms->id > JPC_MS_MAX) {
		return 0;

	mstabent = jpc_mstab_lookup(ms->id);
	ms->ops = &mstabent->ops;

	/* Get the marker segment length and parameters if present. */
	/* Note: It is tacitly assumed that a marker segment cannot have
	  parameters unless it has a length field.  That is, there cannot
	  be a parameters field without a length field and vice versa. */
	if (JPC_MS_HASPARMS(ms->id)) {
		/* Get the length of the marker segment. */
		if (jpc_getuint16(in, &ms->len) || ms->len < 3) {
			return 0;
		/* Calculate the length of the marker segment parameters. */
		ms->len -= 2;
		/* Create and prepare a temporary memory stream from which to
		  read the marker segment parameters. */
		/* Note: This approach provides a simple way of ensuring that
		  we never read beyond the end of the marker segment (even if
		  the marker segment length is errantly set too small). */
		if (!(tmpstream = jas_stream_memopen(0, 0))) {
			return 0;
		if (jas_stream_copy(tmpstream, in, ms->len) ||
		  jas_stream_seek(tmpstream, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
			return 0;
		/* Get the marker segment parameters. */
		if ((*ms->ops->getparms)(ms, cstate, tmpstream)) {
			ms->ops = 0;
			return 0;

		if (jas_getdbglevel() > 0) {
			jpc_ms_dump(ms, stderr);

		if (JAS_CAST(unsigned long, jas_stream_tell(tmpstream)) != ms->len) {
			  "warning: trailing garbage in marker segment (%ld bytes)\n",
			  ms->len - jas_stream_tell(tmpstream));

		/* Close the temporary stream. */

	} else {
Пример #2
/* Read a marker segment from a stream. */
jpc_ms_t *jpc_getms(jas_stream_t *in, jpc_cstate_t *cstate)
	long file_offset = jas_stream_tell(in);
	long seek_offset = jas_rtc_SkipMarkerSegment(file_offset);
	if (seek_offset > 0 && jas_stream_seek(in, seek_offset, SEEK_CUR) < 0)
		return NULL;

	jpc_ms_t *ms;
	jpc_mstabent_t *mstabent;
	jas_stream_t *tmpstream;

	if (!(ms = jpc_ms_create(0))) {
		return 0;

	/* Get the marker type. */
	if (jpc_getuint16(in, &ms->id) || ms->id < JPC_MS_MIN
#ifndef __MINGW32__
	  || ms->id > JPC_MS_MAX
	    ) {
		return 0;

	jas_rtc_MarkerSegment(file_offset, ms->id);

	mstabent = jpc_mstab_lookup(ms->id);
	ms->ops = &mstabent->ops;

	/* Get the marker segment length and parameters if present. */
	/* Note: It is tacitly assumed that a marker segment cannot have
	  parameters unless it has a length field.  That is, there cannot
	  be a parameters field without a length field and vice versa. */
	if (JPC_MS_HASPARMS(ms->id)) {
		/* Get the length of the marker segment. */
		if (jpc_getuint16(in, &ms->len) || ms->len < 3) {
			return 0;
		/* Calculate the length of the marker segment parameters. */
		ms->len -= 2;
		/* Create and prepare a temporary memory stream from which to
		  read the marker segment parameters. */
		/* Note: This approach provides a simple way of ensuring that
		  we never read beyond the end of the marker segment (even if
		  the marker segment length is errantly set too small). */
		if (!(tmpstream = jas_stream_memopen(0, 0))) {
			return 0;
		if (jas_stream_copy(tmpstream, in, ms->len) ||
		  jas_stream_seek(tmpstream, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
			return 0;
		/* Get the marker segment parameters. */
		if ((*ms->ops->getparms)(ms, cstate, tmpstream)) {
			ms->ops = 0;
			return 0;

#if 0 // JMW
		if (JAS_CAST(ulong, jas_stream_tell(tmpstream)) != ms->len) {
			  "warning: trailing garbage in marker segment (%ld bytes)\n",
			  ms->len - jas_stream_tell(tmpstream));

		/* Close the temporary stream. */

	} else {
		/* There are no marker segment parameters. */
		ms->len = 0;

	/* Update the code stream state information based on the type of
	  marker segment read. */
	/* Note: This is a bit of a hack, but I'm not going to define another
	  type of virtual function for this one special case. */
	if (ms->id == JPC_MS_SIZ) {
		cstate->numcomps = ms->parms.siz.numcomps;

	return ms;
Пример #3
int jpc_enc_encpkt(jpc_enc_t *enc, jas_stream_t *out, int compno, int lvlno, int prcno, int lyrno)
	jpc_enc_tcmpt_t *comp;
	jpc_enc_rlvl_t *lvl;
	jpc_enc_band_t *band;
	jpc_enc_band_t *endbands;
	jpc_enc_cblk_t *cblk;
	jpc_enc_cblk_t *endcblks;
	jpc_bitstream_t *outb;
	jpc_enc_pass_t *pass;
	jpc_enc_pass_t *startpass;
	jpc_enc_pass_t *lastpass;
	jpc_enc_pass_t *endpass;
	jpc_enc_pass_t *endpasses;
	int i;
	int included;
	int ret;
	jpc_tagtreenode_t *leaf;
	int n;
	int t1;
	int t2;
	int adjust;
	int maxadjust;
	int datalen;
	int numnewpasses;
	int passcount;
	jpc_enc_tile_t *tile;
	jpc_enc_prc_t *prc;
	jpc_enc_cp_t *cp;
	jpc_ms_t *ms;

	tile = enc->curtile;
	cp = enc->cp;

	if (cp->tcp.csty & JPC_COD_SOP) {
		if (!(ms = jpc_ms_create(JPC_MS_SOP))) {
			return -1;
		ms->parms.sop.seqno = jpc_pi_getind(tile->pi);
		if (jpc_putms(out, enc->cstate, ms)) {
			return -1;

	outb = jpc_bitstream_sopen(out, "w+");

	if (jpc_bitstream_putbit(outb, 1) == EOF) {
		return -1;
	JAS_DBGLOG(10, ("\n"));
	JAS_DBGLOG(10, ("present. "));

	comp = &tile->tcmpts[compno];
	lvl = &comp->rlvls[lvlno];
	endbands = &lvl->bands[lvl->numbands];
	for (band = lvl->bands; band != endbands; ++band) {
		if (!band->data) {
		prc = &band->prcs[prcno];
		if (!prc->cblks) {

		endcblks = &prc->cblks[prc->numcblks];
		for (cblk = prc->cblks; cblk != endcblks; ++cblk) {
			if (!lyrno) {
				leaf = jpc_tagtree_getleaf(prc->nlibtree, cblk - prc->cblks);
				jpc_tagtree_setvalue(prc->nlibtree, leaf, cblk->numimsbs);
			pass = cblk->curpass;
			included = (pass && pass->lyrno == lyrno);
			if (included && (!cblk->numencpasses)) {
				assert(pass->lyrno == lyrno);
				leaf = jpc_tagtree_getleaf(prc->incltree,
				  cblk - prc->cblks);
				jpc_tagtree_setvalue(prc->incltree, leaf, pass->lyrno);

		endcblks = &prc->cblks[prc->numcblks];
		for (cblk = prc->cblks; cblk != endcblks; ++cblk) {
			pass = cblk->curpass;
			included = (pass && pass->lyrno == lyrno);
			if (!cblk->numencpasses) {
				leaf = jpc_tagtree_getleaf(prc->incltree,
				  cblk - prc->cblks);
				if (jpc_tagtree_encode(prc->incltree, leaf, lyrno
				  + 1, outb) < 0) {
					return -1;
			} else {
				if (jpc_bitstream_putbit(outb, included) == EOF) {
					return -1;
			JAS_DBGLOG(10, ("included=%d ", included));
			if (!included) {
			if (!cblk->numencpasses) {
				i = 1;
				leaf = jpc_tagtree_getleaf(prc->nlibtree, cblk - prc->cblks);
				for (;;) {
					if ((ret = jpc_tagtree_encode(prc->nlibtree, leaf, i, outb)) < 0) {
						return -1;
					if (ret) {
				assert(leaf->known_ && i == leaf->value_ + 1);

			endpasses = &cblk->passes[cblk->numpasses];
			startpass = pass;
			endpass = startpass;
			while (endpass != endpasses && endpass->lyrno == lyrno){
			numnewpasses = endpass - startpass;
			if (jpc_putnumnewpasses(outb, numnewpasses)) {
				return -1;
			JAS_DBGLOG(10, ("numnewpasses=%d ", numnewpasses));

			lastpass = endpass - 1;
			n = startpass->start;
			passcount = 1;
			maxadjust = 0;
			for (pass = startpass; pass != endpass; ++pass) {
				if (pass->term || pass == lastpass) {
					datalen = pass->end - n;
					t1 = jpc_firstone(datalen) + 1;
					t2 = cblk->numlenbits + jpc_floorlog2(passcount);
					adjust = JAS_MAX(t1 - t2, 0);
					maxadjust = JAS_MAX(adjust, maxadjust);
					n += datalen;
					passcount = 1;
				} else {
			if (jpc_putcommacode(outb, maxadjust)) {
				return -1;
			cblk->numlenbits += maxadjust;

			lastpass = endpass - 1;
			n = startpass->start;
			passcount = 1;
			for (pass = startpass; pass != endpass; ++pass) {
				if (pass->term || pass == lastpass) {
					datalen = pass->end - n;
assert(jpc_firstone(datalen) < cblk->numlenbits + jpc_floorlog2(passcount));
					if (jpc_bitstream_putbits(outb, cblk->numlenbits + jpc_floorlog2(passcount), datalen) == EOF) {
						return -1;
					n += datalen;
					passcount = 1;
				} else {

	jpc_bitstream_outalign(outb, 0);

	if (cp->tcp.csty & JPC_COD_EPH) {
		if (!(ms = jpc_ms_create(JPC_MS_EPH))) {
			return -1;
		jpc_putms(out, enc->cstate, ms);

	comp = &tile->tcmpts[compno];
	lvl = &comp->rlvls[lvlno];
	endbands = &lvl->bands[lvl->numbands];
	for (band = lvl->bands; band != endbands; ++band) {
		if (!band->data) {
		prc = &band->prcs[prcno];
		if (!prc->cblks) {
		endcblks = &prc->cblks[prc->numcblks];
		for (cblk = prc->cblks; cblk != endcblks; ++cblk) {
			pass = cblk->curpass;

			if (!pass) {
			if (pass->lyrno != lyrno) {
				assert(pass->lyrno < 0 || pass->lyrno > lyrno);

			endpasses = &cblk->passes[cblk->numpasses];
			startpass = pass;
			endpass = startpass;
			while (endpass != endpasses && endpass->lyrno == lyrno){
			lastpass = endpass - 1;
			numnewpasses = endpass - startpass;

			jas_stream_seek(cblk->stream, startpass->start, SEEK_SET);
			assert(jas_stream_tell(cblk->stream) == startpass->start);
			if (jas_stream_copy(out, cblk->stream, lastpass->end - startpass->start)) {
				return -1;
			cblk->curpass = (endpass != endpasses) ? endpass : 0;
			cblk->numencpasses += numnewpasses;


	return 0;