Пример #1
void mexFunction( int nl, mxArray *pl[], int nr, const mxArray *pr[] )
  char action[1024]; if(!nr) mexErrMsgTxt("Inputs expected.");
  mxGetString(pr[0],action,1024); nr--; pr++;
  char *endptr; JsonValue val; JsonAllocator allocator;
  if( nl>1 ) mexErrMsgTxt("One output expected.");
  if(!strcmp(action,"convert")) {
    if( nr!=1 ) mexErrMsgTxt("One input expected.");
    if( mxGetClassID(pr[0])==mxCHAR_CLASS ) {
      // object = mexFunction( string )
      char *str = mxArrayToStringRobust(pr[0]);
      int status = jsonParse(str, &endptr, &val, allocator);
      if( status != JSON_OK) mexErrMsgTxt(jsonStrError(status));
      pl[0] = json(val); mxFree(str);
    } else {
      // string = mexFunction( object )
      ostrm S; S << std::setprecision(12); json(S,pr[0]);
  } else if(!strcmp(action,"split")) {
    // strings = mexFunction( string, k )
    if( nr!=2 ) mexErrMsgTxt("Two input expected.");
    char *str = mxArrayToStringRobust(pr[0]);
    int status = jsonParse(str, &endptr, &val, allocator);
    if( status != JSON_OK) mexErrMsgTxt(jsonStrError(status));
    if( val.getTag()!=JSON_ARRAY ) mexErrMsgTxt("Array expected");
    siz i=0, t=0, n=length(val), k=(siz) mxGetScalar(pr[1]);
    k=(k>n)?n:(k<1)?1:k; k=ceil(n/ceil(double(n)/k));
    pl[0]=mxCreateCellMatrix(1,k); ostrm S; S<<std::setprecision(12);
    for(auto o:val) {
      if(!t) { S.str(std::string()); S << "["; t=ceil(double(n)/k); }
      json(S,&o->value); t--; if(!o->next) t=0; S << (t ? "," : "]");
      if(!t) mxSetCell(pl[0],i++,mxCreateStringRobust(S.str().c_str()));
  } else if(!strcmp(action,"merge")) {
    // string = mexFunction( strings )
    if( nr!=1 ) mexErrMsgTxt("One input expected.");
    if(!mxIsCell(pr[0])) mexErrMsgTxt("Cell array expected.");
    siz n = mxGetNumberOfElements(pr[0]);
    ostrm S; S << std::setprecision(12); S << "[";
    for( siz i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
      char *str = mxArrayToStringRobust(mxGetCell(pr[0],i));
      int status = jsonParse(str, &endptr, &val, allocator);
      if( status != JSON_OK) mexErrMsgTxt(jsonStrError(status));
      if( val.getTag()!=JSON_ARRAY ) mexErrMsgTxt("Array expected");
      for(auto j:val) json(S,&j->value) << (j->next ? "," : "");
      mxFree(str); if(i<n-1) S<<",";
    S << "]"; pl[0]=mxCreateStringRobust(S.str().c_str());
  } else mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid action.");
Пример #2
void parse(const char *csource, bool ok) {
    char *source = strdup(csource);
    char *endptr;
    JsonValue value;
    JsonAllocator allocator;
    int result = jsonParse(source, &endptr, &value, allocator);
    if (ok && result) {
        fprintf(stderr, "FAILED %d: %s\n%s\n%*s - \\x%02X\n", parsed, jsonStrError(result), csource, (int)(endptr - source + 1), "^", *endptr);
    if (!ok && !result) {
        fprintf(stderr, "PASSED %d:\n%s\n", parsed, csource);
Пример #3
IPState WunderGround::updateWeather()
      CURL *curl;
      CURLcode res;
      std::string readBuffer;
      char requestURL[MAXRBUF];

      // If location is not updated yet, return busy
      if (wunderLat == -1000 || wunderLong == -1000)
          return IPS_BUSY;

      char *orig = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,"C");

      snprintf(requestURL, MAXRBUF, "http://api.wunderground.com/api/%s/conditions/q/%g,%g.json", wunderAPIKeyT[0].text, wunderLat, wunderLong);

      curl = curl_easy_init();
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, requestURL);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteCallback);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &readBuffer);
        res = curl_easy_perform(curl);

      char srcBuffer[readBuffer.size()];
      strncpy(srcBuffer, readBuffer.c_str(), readBuffer.size());
      char *source = srcBuffer;
      // do not forget terminate source string with 0
      char *endptr;
      JsonValue value;
      JsonAllocator allocator;
      int status = jsonParse(source, &endptr, &value, allocator);
      if (status != JSON_OK)
          DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "%s at %zd", jsonStrError(status), endptr - source);
          DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "%s", requestURL);
          DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "%s", readBuffer.c_str());
          return IPS_ALERT;

      JsonIterator it;
      JsonIterator observationIterator;

      for (it = begin(value); it!= end(value); ++it)
          if (!strcmp(it->key, "current_observation"))
              for (observationIterator = begin(it->value); observationIterator!= end(it->value); ++observationIterator)
                  if (!strcmp(observationIterator->key, "weather"))
                      char *value = observationIterator->value.toString();

                      if (!strcmp(value, "Clear"))
                          setParameterValue("WEATHER_FORECAST", 0);
                      else if (!strcmp(value, "Unknown") || !strcmp(value, "Scattered Clouds") || !strcmp(value, "Partly Cloudy") || !strcmp(value, "Overcast")
                               || !strcmp(value, "Patches of Fog") || !strcmp(value, "Partial Fog") || !strcmp(value, "Light Haze"))
                          setParameterValue("WEATHER_FORECAST", 1);
                          setParameterValue("WEATHER_FORECAST", 2);

                      DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_SESSION, "Weather condition: %s", value);
                  else if (!strcmp(observationIterator->key, "temp_c"))
                      if (observationIterator->value.isDouble())
                          setParameterValue("WEATHER_TEMPERATURE", observationIterator->value.toNumber());
                          setParameterValue("WEATHER_TEMPERATURE", atof(observationIterator->value.toString()));
                  else if (!strcmp(observationIterator->key, "wind_kph"))
                      if (observationIterator->value.isDouble())
                          setParameterValue("WEATHER_WIND_SPEED", observationIterator->value.toNumber());
                          setParameterValue("WEATHER_WIND_SPEED", atof(observationIterator->value.toString()));
                  else if (!strcmp(observationIterator->key, "wind_gust_kph"))
                      if (observationIterator->value.isDouble())
                        setParameterValue("WEATHER_WIND_GUST", observationIterator->value.toNumber());
                        setParameterValue("WEATHER_WIND_GUST", atof(observationIterator->value.toString()));
                  else if (!strcmp(observationIterator->key, "precip_1hr_metric"))
                      char *value = observationIterator->value.toString();
                      double mm=-1;
                      if (!strcmp(value, "--"))
                          setParameterValue("WEATHER_RAIN_HOUR", 0);
                          mm = atof(value);
                          if (mm >= 0)
                              setParameterValue("WEATHER_RAIN_HOUR", mm);

      return IPS_OK;
Пример #4
 * Connect and set position values from focuser response.
bool IpFocus::Connect()

    if (FocuserEndpointT[0].text == NULL)
        DEBUG(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "Focuser HTTP API endpoint is not available. Set it in the options tab");
        return false;

    CURL *curl;
    CURLcode res;
    std::string readBuffer;

    curl = curl_easy_init();
    if(curl) {
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, FocuserEndpointT[0].text);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10L); //10 sec timeout
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteCallback);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &readBuffer);
        res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
        /* Check for errors */
        if(res != CURLE_OK) {
            DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "Connecttion to FOCUSER failed:%s",curl_easy_strerror(res));
            DEBUG(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "Is the HTTP API endpoint correct? Set it in the options tab. Can you ping the focuser?");
            return false;
        /* always cleanup */

        char srcBuffer[readBuffer.size()];
        strncpy(srcBuffer, readBuffer.c_str(), readBuffer.size());
        char *source = srcBuffer;
        // do not forget terminate source string with 0
        char *endptr;
        JsonValue value;
        JsonAllocator allocator;
        int status = jsonParse(source, &endptr, &value, allocator);
        if (status != JSON_OK)
            DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "%s at %zd", jsonStrError(status), endptr - source);
            DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "%s", readBuffer.c_str());
            return IPS_ALERT;
        DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "Focuser response %s", readBuffer.c_str());
        JsonIterator it;
        for (it = begin(value); it!= end(value); ++it) {
            DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "iterating %s", it->key);
            if (!strcmp(it->key, "absolutePosition")) {
                DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "Setting absolute position from response %g", it->value.toNumber());
                FocusAbsPosN[0].value = it->value.toNumber();
            if (!strcmp(it->key, "maxPosition")) {
                DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "Setting max position from response %g", it->value.toNumber());
                FocusAbsPosN[0].max = it->value.toNumber();
            if (!strcmp(it->key, "minPosition")) {
                DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "Setting min position from response %g", it->value.toNumber());
                FocusAbsPosN[0].min = it->value.toNumber();

    return true;
Пример #5
IPState WeatherSafetyProxy::parseSafetyJSON(const char *clean_buf, int byte_count)
    // copy clean_buf to buf which jsonParse can destroy
    char buf[BUFSIZ];
    strncpy(buf, clean_buf, byte_count);

    char *source = buf;
    char *endptr;
    JsonValue value;
    JsonAllocator allocator;
    int status = jsonParse(source, &endptr, &value, allocator);
    if (status != JSON_OK)
        LOGF_ERROR("jsonParse %s at position %zd", jsonStrError(status), endptr - source);
        LastParseSuccess = false;
        return IPS_ALERT;

    JsonIterator it;
    JsonIterator observationIterator;
    bool roof_status_found = false;
    bool open_ok_found = false;
    bool reasons_found = false;
    bool error_found = false;
    for (it = begin(value); it != end(value); ++it)
        if (!strcmp(it->key, "roof_status"))
            roof_status_found = true;
            for (observationIterator = begin(it->value); observationIterator != end(it->value); ++observationIterator)
                if (!strcmp(observationIterator->key, "open_ok"))
                    open_ok_found = true;
                    int NewSafety = observationIterator->value.toNumber();
                    if (NewSafety != Safety)
                        if (NewSafety == WSP_UNSAFE)
                            LOG_WARN("Weather is UNSAFE");
                        else if (NewSafety == WSP_SAFE)
                            if (SofterrorRecoveryMode == true)
                                if (SofterrorRecoveryCount > softErrorHysteresisN[WSP_SOFT_ERROR_RECOVERY].value)
                                    LOG_INFO("Minimum soft recovery errors reached while Weather was SAFE");
                                    SofterrorRecoveryCount = 0;
                                    SofterrorRecoveryMode = false;
                                    LOGF_INFO("Weather is SAFE but soft error recovery %d is still counting", SofterrorRecoveryCount);
                                    NewSafety = WSP_UNSAFE;
                                LOG_INFO("Weather is SAFE");
                        Safety = NewSafety;
                    setParameterValue("WEATHER_SAFETY", NewSafety);
                else if (!strcmp(observationIterator->key, "reasons"))
                    reasons_found = true;
                    char *reasons = observationIterator->value.toString();
                    if (SofterrorRecoveryMode == true)
                        char newReasons[MAXRBUF];
                        snprintf(newReasons, MAXRBUF, "SofterrorRecoveryMode, %s", reasons);
                        IUSaveText(&reasonsT[0], newReasons);
                        IUSaveText(&reasonsT[0], reasons);
                    reasonsTP.s = IPS_OK;
                    IDSetText(&reasonsTP, nullptr);
        if (!strcmp(it->key, "error"))
            error_found = true;

    if (error_found)
        LOGF_ERROR("Error hint found in JSON [%s]", clean_buf);
        LastParseSuccess = false;
        return IPS_ALERT;
    if (!roof_status_found)
        LOGF_ERROR("Found no roof_status field in JSON [%s]", clean_buf);
        LastParseSuccess = false;
        return IPS_ALERT;
    if (!open_ok_found)
        LOGF_ERROR("Found no open_ok field in roof_status JSON [%s]", clean_buf);
        LastParseSuccess = false;
        return IPS_ALERT;
    // do not error if reasons are missing, they're not required for safety
    if (!LastParseSuccess)
        // show the good news. Once.
        LOGF_INFO("Script output fully parsed, weather is %s", (Safety == 1) ? "SAFE" : "UNSAFE");
        LastParseSuccess = true;
    return IPS_OK;