Пример #1
void jsvStringIteratorNew(JsvStringIterator *it, JsVar *str, size_t startIdx) {
  it->var = jsvLockAgain(str);
  it->charsInVar = jsvGetCharactersInVar(str);
  if (jsvIsFlatString(str)) {
    /* Flat strings use the first var to store the size, and subsequent vars
       to store the actual data, so we tweak charIdx to handle this */
    it->varIndex = -sizeof(JsVar);
    it->charsInVar += sizeof(JsVar);
    it->charIdx = sizeof(JsVar)+startIdx;
  } else {
    it->varIndex = 0;
    it->charIdx = startIdx;
  while (it->charIdx>0 && it->charIdx >= it->charsInVar) {
    it->charIdx -= it->charsInVar;
    it->varIndex += it->charsInVar;
    if (it->var) {
      if (jsvGetLastChild(it->var)) {
        JsVar *next = jsvLock(jsvGetLastChild(it->var));
        it->var = next;
        it->charsInVar = jsvGetCharactersInVar(it->var);
      } else {
        it->var = 0;
        it->charsInVar = 0;
        it->varIndex = startIdx - it->charIdx;
        return; // at end of string - get out of loop
Пример #2
void jsvStringIteratorNew(JsvStringIterator *it, JsVar *str, size_t startIdx) {
  it->var = jsvLockAgain(str);
  it->varIndex = 0;
  it->charsInVar = jsvGetCharactersInVar(str);
  it->charIdx = startIdx;
  if (jsvIsFlatString(str)) {
    it->ptr = jsvGetFlatStringPointer(it->var);
  } else if (jsvIsNativeString(str)) {
    it->ptr = (char*)it->var->varData.nativeStr.ptr;
  } else{
    it->ptr = &it->var->varData.str[0];
  while (it->charIdx>0 && it->charIdx >= it->charsInVar) {
    it->charIdx -= it->charsInVar;
    it->varIndex += it->charsInVar;
    if (it->var) {
      if (jsvGetLastChild(it->var)) {
        JsVar *next = jsvLock(jsvGetLastChild(it->var));
        it->var = next;
        it->ptr = &next->varData.str[0];
        it->charsInVar = jsvGetCharactersInVar(it->var);
      } else {
        it->var = 0;
        it->ptr = 0;
        it->charsInVar = 0;
        it->varIndex = startIdx - it->charIdx;
        return; // at end of string - get out of loop
Пример #3
void jsvStringIteratorNew(JsvStringIterator *it, JsVar *str, size_t startIdx) {
  it->var = jsvLockAgain(str);
  it->charsInVar = jsvGetCharactersInVar(str);
  it->charIdx = startIdx;
  it->varIndex = 0;
  while (it->charIdx>0 && it->charIdx >= it->charsInVar) {
    it->charIdx -= it->charsInVar;
    it->varIndex += it->charsInVar;
    if (it->var) {
      if (jsvGetLastChild(it->var)) {
        JsVar *next = jsvLock(jsvGetLastChild(it->var));
        it->var = next;
        it->charsInVar = jsvGetCharactersInVar(it->var);
      } else {
        it->var = 0;
        it->charsInVar = 0;
        it->varIndex = startIdx - it->charIdx;
        return; // at end of string - get out of loop
  it->varIndex = startIdx - it->charIdx;
Пример #4
void jsvStringIteratorGotoEnd(JsvStringIterator *it) {
  while (jsvGetLastChild(it->var)) {
    JsVar *next = jsvLock(jsvGetLastChild(it->var));
    it->var = next;
    it->varIndex += it->charsInVar;
    it->charsInVar = jsvGetCharactersInVar(it->var);
  if (it->charsInVar) it->charIdx = it->charsInVar-1;
  else it->charIdx = 0;
Пример #5
void jsvStringIteratorAppend(JsvStringIterator *it, char ch) {
  if (!it->var) return;
  if (it->charsInVar>0) {
    assert(it->charIdx+1 == it->charsInVar /* check at end */);
  } else
    assert(it->charIdx == 0);
  if (it->charIdx >= jsvGetMaxCharactersInVar(it->var)) {
    JsVar *next = jsvNewWithFlags(JSV_STRING_EXT_0);
    if (!next) {
      it->var = 0;
      it->charIdx = 0;
      return; // out of memory
    // we don't ref, because  StringExts are never reffed as they only have one owner (and ALWAYS have an owner)
    jsvSetLastChild(it->var, jsvGetRef(next));
    it->var = next;
    it->varIndex += it->charIdx;
    it->charIdx = 0; // it's new, so empty
  it->var->varData.str[it->charIdx] = ch;
  it->charsInVar = it->charIdx+1;
  jsvSetCharactersInVar(it->var, it->charsInVar);
Пример #6
void jsvStringIteratorAppend(JsvStringIterator *it, char ch) {
  if (!it->var) return;
  if (it->charsInVar>0) {
    assert(it->charIdx+1 == it->charsInVar /* check at end */);
  } else
    assert(it->charIdx == 0);
  /* Note: jsvGetMaxCharactersInVar will return the wrong length when
   * applied to flat strings, but we don't care because the length will
   * be smaller than charIdx, which will force a new string to be
   * appended onto the end  */
  if (it->charIdx >= jsvGetMaxCharactersInVar(it->var)) {
    JsVar *next = jsvNewWithFlags(JSV_STRING_EXT_0);
    if (!next) {
      it->var = 0;
      it->ptr = 0;
      it->charIdx = 0;
      return; // out of memory
    // we don't ref, because  StringExts are never reffed as they only have one owner (and ALWAYS have an owner)
    jsvSetLastChild(it->var, jsvGetRef(next));
    it->var = next;
    it->ptr = &next->varData.str[0];
    it->varIndex += it->charIdx;
    it->charIdx = 0; // it's new, so empty
  it->ptr[it->charIdx] = ch;
  it->charsInVar = it->charIdx+1;
  jsvSetCharactersInVar(it->var, it->charsInVar);
Пример #7
// EDIT //
void jsvStringIteratorNext(JsvStringIterator *it) {
//  jsvStringIteratorNextInline(it);
	if (it->charIdx >= it->charsInVar) {
		it->charIdx -= it->charsInVar;
		if (it->var && jsvGetLastChild(it->var)) {
			JsVar *next = jsvLock(jsvGetLastChild(it->var));
			it->var = next;
			it->varIndex += it->charsInVar;
			it->charsInVar = jsvGetCharactersInVar(it->var);
		} else {
			it->var = 0;
			it->varIndex += it->charsInVar;
			it->charsInVar = 0;
Пример #8
/// Move on to the next character
static void NO_INLINE jslGetNextCh(JsLex *lex) {
  lex->currCh = jslNextCh(lex);

  /** NOTE: In this next bit, we DON'T LOCK OR UNLOCK.
   * The String iterator we're basing on does, so every
   * time we touch the iterator we have to re-lock it
  if (lex->it.charIdx >= lex->it.charsInVar) {
    lex->it.charIdx -= lex->it.charsInVar;
    if (lex->it.var && jsvGetLastChild(lex->it.var)) {
      lex->it.var = _jsvGetAddressOf(jsvGetLastChild(lex->it.var));
      lex->it.varIndex += lex->it.charsInVar;
      lex->it.charsInVar = jsvGetCharactersInVar(lex->it.var);
    } else {
      lex->it.var = 0;
      lex->it.varIndex += lex->it.charsInVar;
      lex->it.charsInVar = 0;
Пример #9
  "type" : "function",
  "name" : "digitalWrite",
  "generate" : "jswrap_io_digitalWrite",
  "params" : [
    ["pin","JsVar","The pin to use"],
    ["value","int","Whether to pulse high (true) or low (false)"]
Set the digital value of the given pin

If pin is an array of pins, eg. ```[A2,A1,A0]``` the value will be treated as an integer where the first array element is the MSB.

In the case of an array of pins, pin values are set LSB first (from the right-hand side of the array of pins).
void jswrap_io_digitalWrite(JsVar *pinVar, JsVarInt value) {
  if (jsvIsArray(pinVar)) {
    JsVarRef pinName = jsvGetLastChild(pinVar); // NOTE: start at end and work back!
    while (pinName) {
      JsVar *pinNamePtr = jsvLock(pinName);
      JsVar *pinPtr = jsvSkipName(pinNamePtr);
      jshPinOutput(jshGetPinFromVar(pinPtr), value&1);
      pinName = jsvGetPrevSibling(pinNamePtr);
      value = value>>1; // next bit down
  } else {
Пример #10
  "type"     : "function",
  "name"     : "digitalWrite",
  "generate" : "jswrap_io_digitalWrite",
  "params"   : [
    ["pin",   "JsVar","The pin to use"],
    ["value", "int","Whether to pulse high (true) or low (false)"]
Set the digital value of the given pin.

 **Note:** if you didn't call `pinMode` beforehand then this function will also reset pin's state to `"output"`

If pin argument is an array of pins (eg. `[A2,A1,A0]`) the value argument will be treated
as an array of bits where the last array element is the least significant bit.

In this case, pin values are set least significant bit first (from the right-hand side
of the array of pins). This means you can use the same pin multiple times, for
example `digitalWrite([A1,A1,A0,A0],0b0101)` would pulse A0 followed by A1.

If the pin argument is an object with a `write` method, the `write` method will
be called with the value passed through.
void jswrap_io_digitalWrite(
    JsVar *pinVar, //!< A pin or pins.
    JsVarInt value //!< The value of the output.
  ) {
  // Handle the case where it is an array of pins.
  if (jsvIsArray(pinVar)) {
    JsVarRef pinName = jsvGetLastChild(pinVar); // NOTE: start at end and work back!
    while (pinName) {
      JsVar *pinNamePtr = jsvLock(pinName);
      JsVar *pinPtr = jsvSkipName(pinNamePtr);
      jshPinOutput(jshGetPinFromVar(pinPtr), value&1);
      pinName = jsvGetPrevSibling(pinNamePtr);
      value = value>>1; // next bit down
  } else if (jsvIsObject(pinVar)) {