Пример #1
void ConnectorComponent::getDistancesFromEnds (int x, int y, double& distanceFromStart, double& distanceFromEnd) const
  float x1, y1, x2, y2;
  getPoints (x1, y1, x2, y2);
  distanceFromStart = juce_hypot (x - (x1 - getX()), y - (y1 - getY()));
  distanceFromEnd = juce_hypot (x - (x2 - getX()), y - (y2 - getY()));
    static void shortenSubPath (Array<LineSection>& subPath, float amountAtStart, float amountAtEnd)
        while (amountAtEnd > 0 && subPath.size() > 0)
            LineSection& l = subPath.getReference (subPath.size() - 1);
            float dx = l.rx2 - l.rx1;
            float dy = l.ry2 - l.ry1;
            const float len = juce_hypot (dx, dy);

            if (len <= amountAtEnd && subPath.size() > 1)
                LineSection& prev = subPath.getReference (subPath.size() - 2);
                prev.x2 = l.x2;
                prev.y2 = l.y2;
                amountAtEnd -= len;
                const float prop = jmin (0.9999f, amountAtEnd / len);
                dx *= prop;
                dy *= prop;
                l.rx1 += dx;
                l.ry1 += dy;
                l.lx2 += dx;
                l.ly2 += dy;

        while (amountAtStart > 0 && subPath.size() > 0)
            LineSection& l = subPath.getReference (0);
            float dx = l.rx2 - l.rx1;
            float dy = l.ry2 - l.ry1;
            const float len = juce_hypot (dx, dy);

            if (len <= amountAtStart && subPath.size() > 1)
                LineSection& next = subPath.getReference (1);
                next.x1 = l.x1;
                next.y1 = l.y1;
                subPath.remove (0);
                amountAtStart -= len;
                const float prop = jmin (0.9999f, amountAtStart / len);
                dx *= prop;
                dy *= prop;
                l.rx2 -= dx;
                l.ry2 -= dy;
                l.lx1 -= dx;
                l.ly1 -= dy;
    static void addLineEnd (Path& destPath,
                            const PathStrokeType::EndCapStyle style,
                            const float x1, const float y1,
                            const float x2, const float y2,
                            const float width)
        if (style == PathStrokeType::butt)
            destPath.lineTo (x2, y2);
            float offx1, offy1, offx2, offy2;

            float dx = x2 - x1;
            float dy = y2 - y1;
            const float len = juce_hypot (dx, dy);

            if (len == 0)
                offx1 = offx2 = x1;
                offy1 = offy2 = y1;
                const float offset = width / len;
                dx *= offset;
                dy *= offset;

                offx1 = x1 + dy;
                offy1 = y1 - dx;
                offx2 = x2 + dy;
                offy2 = y2 - dx;

            if (style == PathStrokeType::square)
                // sqaure ends
                destPath.lineTo (offx1, offy1);
                destPath.lineTo (offx2, offy2);
                destPath.lineTo (x2, y2);
                // rounded ends
                const float midx = (offx1 + offx2) * 0.5f;
                const float midy = (offy1 + offy2) * 0.5f;

                destPath.cubicTo (x1 + (offx1 - x1) * 0.55f, y1 + (offy1 - y1) * 0.55f,
                                  offx1 + (midx - offx1) * 0.45f, offy1 + (midy - offy1) * 0.45f,
                                  midx, midy);

                destPath.cubicTo (midx + (offx2 - midx) * 0.55f, midy + (offy2 - midy) * 0.55f,
                                  offx2 + (x2 - offx2) * 0.45f, offy2 + (y2 - offy2) * 0.45f,
                                  x2, y2);
Пример #4
void FFT::performFrequencyOnlyForwardTransform (float* d) const noexcept
    performRealOnlyForwardTransform (d);
    const int twiceSize = size * 2;

    for (int i = 0; i < twiceSize; i += 2)
        d[i / 2] = juce_hypot (d[i], d[i + 1]);

        if (i >= size)
            d[i] = 0;
            d[i + 1] = 0;
Пример #5
void Graphics::drawDashedLine (const float startX, const float startY,
                               const float endX, const float endY,
                               const float* const dashLengths,
                               const int numDashLengths,
                               const float lineThickness) const
    const double dx = endX - startX;
    const double dy = endY - startY;
    const double totalLen = juce_hypot (dx, dy);

    if (totalLen >= 0.5)
        const double onePixAlpha = 1.0 / totalLen;

        double alpha = 0.0;
        float x = startX;
        float y = startY;
        int n = 0;

        while (alpha < 1.0f)
            alpha = jmin (1.0, alpha + dashLengths[n++] * onePixAlpha);
            n = n % numDashLengths;

            const float oldX = x;
            const float oldY = y;

            x = (float) (startX + dx * alpha);
            y = (float) (startY + dy * alpha);

            if ((n & 1) != 0)
                if (lineThickness != 1.0f)
                    drawLine (oldX, oldY, x, y, lineThickness);
                    drawLine (oldX, oldY, x, y);
Пример #6
const Rectangle Desktop::getMonitorAreaContaining (int cx, int cy, const bool clippedToWorkArea) const throw()
    Rectangle best (getMainMonitorArea (clippedToWorkArea));
    double bestDistance = 1.0e10;

    for (int i = getNumDisplayMonitors(); --i >= 0;)
        const Rectangle rect (getDisplayMonitorCoordinates (i, clippedToWorkArea));

        if (rect.contains (cx, cy))
            return rect;

        const double distance = juce_hypot ((double) (rect.getCentreX() - cx),
                                            (double) (rect.getCentreY() - cy));

        if (distance < bestDistance)
            bestDistance = distance;
            best = rect;

    return best;
void PathStrokeType::createDashedStroke (Path& destPath,
                                         const Path& sourcePath,
                                         const float* dashLengths,
                                         int numDashLengths,
                                         const AffineTransform& transform,
                                         const float extraAccuracy) const
    jassert (extraAccuracy > 0);

    if (thickness <= 0)

    // this should really be an even number..
    jassert ((numDashLengths & 1) == 0);

    Path newDestPath;
    PathFlatteningIterator it (sourcePath, transform, PathFlatteningIterator::defaultTolerance / extraAccuracy);

    bool first = true;
    int dashNum = 0;
    float pos = 0.0f, lineLen = 0.0f, lineEndPos = 0.0f;
    float dx = 0.0f, dy = 0.0f;

    for (;;)
        const bool isSolid = ((dashNum & 1) == 0);
        const float dashLen = dashLengths [dashNum++ % numDashLengths];

        jassert (dashLen > 0); // must be a positive increment!
        if (dashLen <= 0)

        pos += dashLen;

        while (pos > lineEndPos)
            if (! it.next())
                if (isSolid && ! first)
                    newDestPath.lineTo (it.x2, it.y2);

                createStrokedPath (destPath, newDestPath, AffineTransform::identity, extraAccuracy);

            if (isSolid && ! first)
                newDestPath.lineTo (it.x1, it.y1);
                newDestPath.startNewSubPath (it.x1, it.y1);

            dx = it.x2 - it.x1;
            dy = it.y2 - it.y1;
            lineLen = juce_hypot (dx, dy);
            lineEndPos += lineLen;
            first = it.closesSubPath;

        const float alpha = (pos - (lineEndPos - lineLen)) / lineLen;

        if (isSolid)
            newDestPath.lineTo (it.x1 + dx * alpha,
                                it.y1 + dy * alpha);
            newDestPath.startNewSubPath (it.x1 + dx * alpha,
                                         it.y1 + dy * alpha);
float AffineTransform::getScaleFactor() const noexcept
    return juce_hypot (mat00 + mat01, mat10 + mat11);
Пример #9
 inline double lengthOf (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) noexcept
     return juce_hypot ((double) (x1 - x2), (double) (y1 - y2));