Пример #1
 * returns the modified spherical Bessel function of the second kind needed
 * for bound states.
 \param l = order of the function (orbital angular momentum)
 \param rho = independent variable (rho = k * r)
double sphericalB::k(int l, double rho)
  switch (l)
    case 0:
      return k0(rho);
    case 1:
      return k1(rho);
    case 2: 
      return k2(rho);
    case 3: 
      return k3(rho);
    case 4:
      return k4(rho);
    case 5:
      return k5(rho);
    case 6:
      return k6(rho);
    case 7:
      return k7(rho);
      cout << "no l>6 programed in sphericalB" << endl;
      return 0.;
Пример #2
void bi::DOPRI5IntegratorHost<B,S,T1>::update(const T1 t1, const T1 t2,
    State<B,ON_HOST>& s) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(t1 < t2);

  typedef host_vector_reference<real> vector_reference_type;
  typedef Pa<ON_HOST,B,host,host,host,host> PX;
  typedef DOPRI5VisitorHost<B,S,S,real,PX,real> Visitor;

  static const int N = block_size<S>::value;
  const int P = s.size();

  #pragma omp parallel
    real buf[10*N]; // use of dynamic array faster than heap allocation
    vector_reference_type x0(buf, N);
    vector_reference_type x1(buf + N, N);
    vector_reference_type x2(buf + 2*N, N);
    vector_reference_type x3(buf + 3*N, N);
    vector_reference_type x4(buf + 4*N, N);
    vector_reference_type x5(buf + 5*N, N);
    vector_reference_type x6(buf + 6*N, N);
    vector_reference_type err(buf + 7*N, N);
    vector_reference_type k1(buf + 8*N, N);
    vector_reference_type k7(buf + 9*N, N);

    real t, h, e, e2, logfacold, logfac11, fac;
    int n, id, p;
    bool k1in;
    PX pax;

    #pragma omp for
    for (p = 0; p < P; ++p) {
      t = t1;
      h = h_h0;
      logfacold = bi::log(BI_REAL(1.0e-4));
      k1in = false;
      n = 0;
      host_load<B,S>(s, p, x0);

      /* integrate */
      while (t < t2 && n < h_nsteps) {
        if (BI_REAL(0.1)*bi::abs(h) <= bi::abs(t)*h_uround) {
          // step size too small
        if (t + BI_REAL(1.01)*h - t2 > BI_REAL(0.0)) {
          h = t2 - t;
          if (h <= BI_REAL(0.0)) {
            t = t2;

        /* stages */
        Visitor::stage1(t, h, s, p, pax, x0.buf(), x1.buf(), x2.buf(), x3.buf(), x4.buf(), x5.buf(), x6.buf(), k1.buf(), err.buf(), k1in);
        k1in = true; // can reuse from previous iteration in future
        host_store<B,S>(s, p, x1);

        Visitor::stage2(t, h, s, p, pax, x0.buf(), x2.buf(), x3.buf(), x4.buf(), x5.buf(), x6.buf(), err.buf());
        host_store<B,S>(s, p, x2);

        Visitor::stage3(t, h, s, p, pax, x0.buf(), x3.buf(), x4.buf(), x5.buf(), x6.buf(), err.buf());
        host_store<B,S>(s, p, x3);

        Visitor::stage4(t, h, s, p, pax, x0.buf(), x4.buf(), x5.buf(), x6.buf(), err.buf());
        host_store<B,S>(s, p, x4);

        Visitor::stage5(t, h, s, p, pax, x0.buf(), x5.buf(), x6.buf(), err.buf());
        host_store<B,S>(s, p, x5);

        Visitor::stage6(t, h, s, p, pax, x0.buf(), x6.buf(), err.buf());

        /* compute error */
        Visitor::stageErr(t, h, s, p, pax, x0.buf(), x6.buf(), k7.buf(), err.buf());
        e2 = 0.0;
        for (id = 0; id < N; ++id) {
          e = err(id)*h/(h_atoler + h_rtoler*bi::max(bi::abs(x0(id)), bi::abs(x6(id))));
          e2 += e*e;
        e2 /= N;

        /* accept/reject */
        if (e2 <= BI_REAL(1.0)) {
          /* accept */
          t += h;
        host_store<B,S>(s, p, x0);

        /* compute next step size */
        if (t < t2) {
          logfac11 = h_expo*bi::log(e2);
          if (e2 > BI_REAL(1.0)) {
            /* step was rejected */
            h *= bi::max(h_facl, bi::exp(h_logsafe - logfac11));
          } else {
            /* step was accepted */
            fac = bi::exp(h_beta*logfacold + h_logsafe - logfac11); // Lund-stabilization
            fac = bi::min(h_facr, bi::max(h_facl, fac));  // bound
            h *= fac;
            logfacold = BI_REAL(0.5)*bi::log(bi::max(e2, BI_REAL(1.0e-8)));
