Пример #1
RCODE FLMAPI f_semCreate(
	F_SEM *		phSem)
	if( (*phSem = (F_SEM)kSemaphoreAlloc( (BYTE *)"FTK_SEM", 0)) == F_SEM_NULL)
		return( RC_SET( NE_FLM_MEM));
	return( NE_FLM_OK);
Пример #2
long fnInitializeThreadCtx(void)
        int index = 0;
        //long tid;

        if (!g_tCtxSem) {
                #ifdef MPK_ON
                        g_tCtxSem = kSemaphoreAlloc((BYTE *)"threadCtx", 1);
                        g_tCtxSem = OpenLocalSemaphore(1);
                #endif	//MPK_ON

                g_ThreadCtx =NULL;

        return 0l;
Пример #3
void fnInitializeThreadInfo(void)
        int index = 0;

        if (g_tinfoSem)

        #ifdef MPK_ON
                g_tinfoSem = kSemaphoreAlloc((BYTE *)"threadInfo", 1);
                g_tinfoSem = OpenLocalSemaphore(1);
        #endif	//MPK_ON

        for (index = 0; index < NUM_ENTRIES; index++)
                g_ThreadInfo[index] = NULL;

extern "C" LONG f_nlmEntryPoint(
	struct LoadDefinitionStructure *		moduleHandle,
	struct ScreenStruct *					initScreen,
	char *										commandLine,
	char *										loadDirectoryPath,
	LONG											uninitializedDataLength,
	LONG											fileHandle,
	LONG											(*ReadRoutine)
														(LONG		handle,
														 LONG		offset,
														 char *	buffer,
														 LONG		length),
	LONG											customDataOffset,
	LONG											customDataSize)
	char *		pszTmp;
	char *		pszArgStart;
	int			iArgC;
	int			iTotalArgChars;
	int			iArgSize;
	char **		ppszArgV = NULL;
	char *		pszArgs = NULL;
	char *		pszDestArg;
	bool			bFirstPass = true;
	char			cEnd;
	ARG_DATA *	pArgData = NULL;
	LONG			sdRet = 0;
	char *		pszThreadName;
	char *		pszModuleName;
	int			iModuleNameLen;
	int			iThreadNameLen;
	int			iLoadDirPathSize;
	void *		hThread = NULL;

	if( f_atomicInc( &gv_NetWareStartupCount) != 1)
		goto Exit;
	gv_MyModuleHandle = moduleHandle;
	gv_bUnloadCalled = FALSE;

	// Allocate the needed resource tags
	if( (gv_lAllocRTag = AllocateResourceTag( gv_MyModuleHandle,
		"FLAIM Memory", AllocSignature)) == NULL)
		sdRet = 1;
		goto Exit;

	// Syncronized start

	if (moduleHandle->LDFlags & 4)
		gv_lFlmSyncSem = kSemaphoreAlloc( (BYTE *)"FLAIM_SYNC", 0);

	// Initialize NSS
	if( RC_BAD( f_nssInitialize()))
		sdRet = 1;
		goto Exit;
	pszModuleName = (char *)(&moduleHandle->LDFileName[ 1]);
	iModuleNameLen = (int)(moduleHandle->LDFileName[ 0]);
	// First pass: Count the arguments in the command line
	// and determine how big of a buffer we will need.
	// Second pass: Put argments into allocated buffer.


	iTotalArgChars = 0;
	iArgC = 0;
	iLoadDirPathSize = f_strlen( (const char *)loadDirectoryPath); 
	iArgSize =  iLoadDirPathSize + iModuleNameLen;
	if( !bFirstPass)
		ppszArgV[ iArgC] = pszDestArg;
		f_memcpy( pszDestArg, loadDirectoryPath, iLoadDirPathSize);
		f_memcpy( &pszDestArg[ iLoadDirPathSize], pszModuleName, iModuleNameLen);
		pszDestArg[ iArgSize] = 0;
		pszDestArg += (iArgSize + 1);

	iTotalArgChars += iArgSize;
	pszTmp = commandLine;

	for (;;)
		// Skip leading blanks.

		while( *pszTmp && *pszTmp == ' ')

		if( *pszTmp == 0)

		if( *pszTmp == '"' || *pszTmp == '\'')
			cEnd = *pszTmp;
			cEnd = ' ';
		pszArgStart = pszTmp;
		iArgSize = 0;

		// Count the characters in the parameter.

		while( *pszTmp && *pszTmp != cEnd)

		if( !iArgSize && cEnd == ' ')

		// If 2nd pass, save the argument.

		if( !bFirstPass)
			ppszArgV[ iArgC] = pszDestArg;
			if( iArgSize)
				f_memcpy( pszDestArg, pszArgStart, iArgSize);
			pszDestArg[ iArgSize] = 0;
			pszDestArg += (iArgSize + 1);

		iTotalArgChars += iArgSize;

		// Skip trailing quote or blank.

		if( *pszTmp)

	if( bFirstPass)
		if ((ppszArgV = (char **)Alloc(  sizeof( char *) * iArgC, 
			gv_lAllocRTag)) == NULL)
			sdRet = 1;
			goto Exit;

		if( (pszArgs = (char *)Alloc( iTotalArgChars + iArgC, 
			gv_lAllocRTag)) == NULL)
			sdRet = 1;
			goto Exit;
		pszDestArg = pszArgs;
		bFirstPass = false;
		goto Parse_Args;

	iThreadNameLen = (int)(moduleHandle->LDName[ 0]);

	if( (pszThreadName = (char *)Alloc( iThreadNameLen + 1, gv_lAllocRTag)) == NULL)
		sdRet = 1;
		goto Exit;
	f_memcpy( pszThreadName, (char *)(&moduleHandle->LDName[ 1]), iThreadNameLen);
	pszThreadName[ iThreadNameLen] = 0;

	if( (pArgData = (ARG_DATA *)Alloc( sizeof( ARG_DATA), 
		gv_lAllocRTag)) == NULL)
		sdRet = 1;
		goto Exit;
	pArgData->ppszArgV = ppszArgV;
	pArgData->pszArgs = pszArgs;
	pArgData->iArgC = iArgC;
	pArgData->moduleHandle = moduleHandle;
	pArgData->pszThreadName = pszThreadName;

	gv_bMainRunning = TRUE;

	if( (hThread = kCreateThread( (BYTE *)"FTK main",
			f_nlmMainStub, NULL, 32768, (void *)pArgData)) == NULL)
		gv_bMainRunning = FALSE;
		sdRet = 2;
		goto Exit;

	if( kSetThreadLoadHandle( hThread, (LONG)moduleHandle) != 0)
		(void)kDestroyThread( hThread);
		gv_bMainRunning = FALSE;
		sdRet = 2;
		goto Exit;
	if( kScheduleThread( hThread) != 0)
		(void)kDestroyThread( hThread);
		gv_bMainRunning = FALSE;
		sdRet = 2;
		goto Exit;
	// Synchronized start

	if( moduleHandle->LDFlags & 4)
		(void)kSemaphoreWait( gv_lFlmSyncSem);


	if( sdRet != 0)
		f_atomicDec( &gv_NetWareStartupCount);
		if( ppszArgV)
			Free( ppszArgV);

		if( pszArgs)
			Free( pszArgs);

		if( pszThreadName)
			Free( pszThreadName);

		if( pArgData)
			Free( pArgData);

		if( gv_lFlmSyncSem)
			kSemaphoreFree( gv_lFlmSyncSem);
			gv_lFlmSyncSem = 0;
		if( !gv_bUnloadCalled)
			KillMe( moduleHandle);

	return( sdRet);