Пример #1
static bool String_equal(KonohaContext *kctx, kString *str0, kString *str1)
	if(kString_size(str0) == kString_size(str1)) {
		return strncmp(kString_text(str0), kString_text(str1), kString_size(str0)) == 0;
	return false;
Пример #2
//## boolean NameSpace.DefineMacro(String symbol, int param, String source);
static KMETHOD NameSpace_DefineMacro(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	ksymbol_t keyword = KAsciiSymbol(kString_text(sfp[1].asString), kString_size(sfp[1].asString), _NEWID);
	int paramsize = (int)sfp[2].intValue;
	kString *source = sfp[3].asString;
	KReturnUnboxValue(SUGAR SetMacroData(kctx, sfp[0].asNameSpace, keyword, paramsize, kString_text(source), true));
Пример #3
/* copied from src/sugar/sugarfunc.h */
static kString *kToken_ResolveEscapeSequence(KonohaContext *kctx, kToken *tk, size_t start)
	KBuffer wb;
	KLIB KBuffer_Init(&(kctx->stack->cwb), &wb);
	const char *text = kString_text(tk->text) + start;
	const char *end  = kString_text(tk->text) + kString_size(tk->text);
	KLIB KBuffer_Write(kctx, &wb, kString_text(tk->text), start);
	while(text < end) {
		int ch = *text;
		if(ch == '\\' && *(text+1) != '\0') {
			switch (*(text+1)) {
			 * compatible with ECMA-262
			 * http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-7.8.4
			case 'b':  ch = '\b'; text++; break;
			case 't':  ch = '\t'; text++; break;
			case 'n':  ch = '\n'; text++; break;
			case 'v':  ch = '\v'; text++; break;
			case 'f':  ch = '\f'; text++; break;
			case 'r':  ch = '\r'; text++; break;
			case '"':  ch = '"';  text++; break;
			case '\'': ch = '\''; text++; break;
			case '\\': ch = '\\'; text++; break;
			default: return NULL;
			char buf[1] = {ch};
			KLIB KBuffer_Write(kctx, &wb, (const char *)buf, 1);
	return KLIB KBuffer_Stringfy(kctx, &wb, OnGcStack, StringPolicy_FreeKBuffer);
Пример #4
//## FILE FILE.new(String path, String mode);
static KMETHOD File_new(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	char buffer[K_PATHMAX];
	kString *path = sfp[1].asString;
	const char *systemPath = I18NAPI formatSystemPath(kctx, buffer, sizeof(buffer), kString_text(path), kString_size(path), trace);
	const char *mode = kString_text(sfp[2].asString);
	FILE *fp = fopen(systemPath, mode);
	kFile *file = (kFile *) sfp[0].asObject;
	if(fp == NULL) {
		int fault = KLIB DiagnosisFaultType(kctx, kString_GuessUserFault(path)|SystemError, trace);
		KTraceErrorPoint(trace, fault, "fopen",
			LogText("filename", kString_text(path)), LogText("mode", mode), LogErrno);
		KLIB KRuntime_raise(kctx, KException_("IO"), fault, NULL, sfp);
	if(mode[0] == 'w' || mode[0] == 'a' || mode[1] == '+') {
		KTraceChangeSystemPoint(trace, "fopen", LogFileName(kString_text(path)), LogText("mode", mode));
	file->fp = fp;
	KFieldInit(file, file->PathInfoNULL, path);
	if(!I18NAPI isSystemCharsetUTF8(kctx)) {
		if(mode[0] == 'w' || mode[0] == 'a' || mode[1] == '+') {
			file->writerIconv = I18NAPI iconvUTF8ToSystemCharset(kctx, trace);
		else {
			file->readerIconv = I18NAPI iconvSystemCharsetToUTF8(kctx, trace);
Пример #5
void test_kString(KonohaContext *kctx)
    intptr_t i;
    kString *s;
    for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
        s = KLIB new_kString(kctx, GcUnsafe, "abcd", 4, 0);
        assert(strcmp(kString_text(s), "abcd") == 0);
        assert(kString_size(s) == 4);
        assert(kString_Is(ASCII, s) == 1);
    for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
        s = KLIB new_kString(kctx, GcUnsafe, "abcd", 4, 0);
        assert(strcmp(kString_text(s), "abcd") == 0);
        assert(kString_size(s) == 4);
        assert(kString_text(s) == (char*)s->inline_text);
    for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
        static const char *text = "12345678901234567890";
        s = KLIB new_kString(kctx, GcUnsafe, text, 20, StringPolicy_TEXT | StringPolicy_UTF8);
        assert(strcmp(kString_text(s), text) == 0);
        assert(kString_size(s) == 20);
        assert(kString_text(s) == text);
        assert(kString_Is(ASCII, s) == 0);
Пример #6
//## @Native String XmlReader.getAttributeNs(String ns, String name);
static KMETHOD XmlReader_getAttributeNs(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	xmlTextReaderPtr reader = getRawXmlReader(sfp[0]);
	xmlChar* ns = (xmlChar *)kString_text(sfp[1].asString);
	xmlChar* name = (xmlChar *)kString_text(sfp[2].asString);
	char* ret = (reader != NULL) ? (char *) xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNs(reader,ns,name) : NULL;
	KReturn(KLIB new_kString(kctx, GcUnsafe, ret, strlen(ret), 0));
Пример #7
// ## void AprTable.set(String key, String val)
static KMETHOD AprTable_Set(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
    kAprTable *self = (kAprTable *) sfp[0].asObject;
    const char *key = kString_text(sfp[1].asString);
    const char *val = kString_text(sfp[2].asString);
    apr_table_set(self->tbl, key, val);
Пример #8
static kString *remove_escapes(KonohaContext *kctx, kToken *tk)
	kString *text = tk->text;
	if(kToken_Is(RequiredReformat, tk)) {
		const char *escape = strchr(kString_text(text), '\\');
		DBG_ASSERT(escape != NULL);
		text = kToken_ResolveEscapeSequence(kctx, tk, escape - kString_text(text));
	return text;
Пример #9
//## PyObject PyObject.(PyObject o);
static KMETHOD PyObject_(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	// consider about module function and class method.
	// Now, PyObject_() support only module function.
	// [TODO] Support class method.
	int argc = kctx->esp - sfp - 2;   // believe me
	kPyObject *pmod = (kPyObject *)sfp[0].asObject;
	PyObject  *pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(pmod->self, kString_text(kctx->esp[-1].asString));
	PyObject  *pArgs = NULL, *pValue = NULL;
	if(pFunc != NULL) {
		if(PyCallable_Check(pFunc)) {
			int i;
			pArgs = PyTuple_New(argc);
			for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
				pValue = ((kPyObject *)sfp[i+1].asObject)->self;
				PyTuple_SetItem(pArgs, i, pValue);
			pValue = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgs);
Пример #10
// ##void Request.setContentEncoding(String enc);
static KMETHOD Request_SetContentEncoding(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
    kRequest *self = (kRequest *) sfp[0].asObject;
    kString *enc = sfp[1].asString;
    self->r->content_encoding = apr_pstrdup(self->r->pool, kString_text(enc));
Пример #11
// ## void Request.setContentType(String type);
static KMETHOD Request_SetContentType(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
    kRequest *self = (kRequest *) sfp[0].asObject;
    kString *type = sfp[1].asString;
    self->r->content_type = apr_pstrdup(self->r->pool, kString_text(type));
Пример #12
//## String DIR.readPath()
static KMETHOD DIR_readPath(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kDir *dir = (kDir *)sfp[0].asObject;
	if(dir->dirp != NULL) {
		KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
		struct dirent entry, *result;
		int ret = readdir_r(dir->dirp, &entry, &result);
		if(result != NULL) {
			char *d_name = result->d_name, delim[2] = {'/', 0};
			KBuffer wb;
			KLIB KBuffer_Init(&(kctx->stack->cwb), &wb);
			KLIB KBuffer_Write(kctx, &wb, kString_text(dir->PathInfoNULL), kString_size(dir->PathInfoNULL));
			KLIB KBuffer_Write(kctx, &wb, delim, 1);
			if(dir->readerIconv != ICONV_NULL) {
				KLIB KBuffer_Write(kctx, &wb, d_name, strlen(d_name));
			else {
				KLIB KBuffer_iconv(kctx, &wb, dir->readerIconv, d_name, strlen(d_name), trace);
			KReturn(KLIB KBuffer_Stringfy(kctx, &wb, OnStack, StringPolicy_FreeKBuffer));
		if(ret == -1) {
			KTraceErrorPoint(trace, SystemFault, "readdir", LogErrno);
		kDir_close(kctx, dir);
Пример #13
//## boolean System.rmdir(String path)
static KMETHOD System_rmdir(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	char buffer[K_PATHMAX];
	kString *path = sfp[1].asString;
	const char *systemPath = PLATAPI I18NModule.formatSystemPath(kctx, buffer, sizeof(buffer), kString_text(path), kString_size(path), trace);
	int ret = rmdir(systemPath);
	if(ret == -1) {
		int fault = KLIB DiagnosisFaultType(kctx, kString_GuessUserFault(path)|SystemError, trace);
		KTraceErrorPoint(trace, fault, "rmdir", LogFileName(kString_text(path)), LogErrno);
	else {
		KTraceChangeSystemPoint(trace, "rmdir", LogFileName(kString_text(path)));
	KReturnUnboxValue(ret != -1);
Пример #14
//## boolean System.mkdir(String path, int mode)
static KMETHOD System_mkdir(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	char buffer[K_PATHMAX];
	kString *path = sfp[1].asString;
	const char *systemPath = PLATAPI I18NModule.formatSystemPath(kctx, buffer, sizeof(buffer), kString_text(path), kString_size(path), trace);
	mode_t mode = (mode_t)sfp[2].intValue;
	int ret = mkdir(systemPath, mode);
	if(ret == -1) {
		KTraceErrorPoint(trace, SystemFault, "mkdir", LogFileName(kString_text(path)), LogMode(mode), LogErrno);
	else {
		KTraceChangeSystemPoint(trace, "mkdir", LogFileName(kString_text(path)), LogMode(mode));
	KReturnUnboxValue(ret != -1);
Пример #15
//## @Native String XmlReader.lookupNameSpace(String ns);
static KMETHOD XmlReader_lookupNameSpace(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	xmlTextReaderPtr reader = getRawXmlReader(sfp[0]);
	xmlChar* ns = (xmlChar *)kString_text(sfp[1].asString);
	char* ret = (reader != NULL) ? (char *) xmlTextReaderLookupNamespace(reader,ns) : NULL;
	KReturn(KLIB new_kString(kctx, GcUnsafe, ret, strlen(ret), 0));
Пример #16
static KMETHOD TypeCheck_ExtendedIntLiteral(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	VAR_TypeCheck(expr, gma, reqty);
	kToken *tk = expr->TermToken;
	long long n = kstrtoll(kString_text(tk->text));
	KReturn(SUGAR kNode_SetUnboxConst(kctx, expr, KType_Int, (uintptr_t)n));
Пример #17
// String Tagger.parse(String input)
static KMETHOD Tagger_Parse(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	mecab_t * mecab = ((struct _kTagger *)(sfp[0].asObject))->mecab;
	const char *input = kString_text(sfp[1].asString);
	const char* result = mecab_sparse_tostr(mecab, input);
	KReturn(KLIB new_kString(kctx, GcUnsafe, result, strlen(result), 0));
Пример #18
// ## void Request.puts(String s)
static KMETHOD Request_puts(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
    kRequest *self = (kRequest *) sfp[0].asObject;
    kString *data = sfp[1].asString;
    ap_rputs(kString_text(data), self->r);
Пример #19
//## void File.print(String line);
static KMETHOD File_print(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kFile   *file = sfp[0].asFile;
	kString *line = sfp[1].asString;
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	if(file->writerIconv == ICONV_NULL || kString_Is(ASCII, line)) {
		TRACE_fwrite(kctx, file, kString_text(line), kString_size(line), trace);
	else {
		KBuffer wb;
		KLIB KBuffer_Init(&(kctx->stack->cwb), &wb);
		KLIB KBuffer_iconv(kctx, &wb, file->writerIconv, kString_text(line), kString_size(line), trace);
		TRACE_fwrite(kctx, file, KLIB KBuffer_text(kctx, &wb, NonZero), KBuffer_bytesize(&wb), trace);
		KLIB KBuffer_Free(&wb);
Пример #20
// boolean NameSpace.hate(String symbol);
static KMETHOD NameSpace_hate(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kString *key = sfp[2].asString;
	ksymbol_t keyword = KAsciiSymbol(kString_text(key), kString_size(key), _NEWID);
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	kNameSpace_RemoveSyntax(kctx, sfp[0].asNameSpace, keyword, trace);
Пример #21
static void TEST_reportCaughtException(KonohaContext *kctx, kException *e, struct KonohaValueVar *bottomStack, struct KonohaValueVar *topStack)
    int line = (topStack != NULL) ? (kuhalfword_t)topStack[K_RTNIDX].calledFileLine : 0;
    const char *exceptionName = KSymbol_text(e->symbol);
    PLATAPI printf_i("LINE%d: %s\n", line, exceptionName);
    fprintf(stdout, "LINE %d: %s %s\n", line, exceptionName, kString_text(e->Message));
Пример #22
static void UI_ReportCaughtException(KonohaContext *kctx, kException *e, KonohaStack *bottomStack, KonohaStack *topStack)
	const char *exceptionName;
	const char *optionalMessage;
	int fault;
	KonohaStack *sfp;
	KBuffer wb;

	exceptionName = KSymbol_text(e->symbol);
	optionalMessage = kString_text(e->Message);
	fault = e->fault;

	PLATAPI printf_i("%s", BeginTag(kctx, ErrTag));
	if(optionalMessage != NULL && optionalMessage[0] != 0) {
		PLATAPI printf_i("%s: SoftwareFault %s", exceptionName, optionalMessage);
	else {
		PLATAPI printf_i("%s:", exceptionName);
		if(KFlag_Is(int, fault, SoftwareFault)) {
			PLATAPI printf_i(" SoftwareFault");
		if(KFlag_Is(int, fault, UserFault)) {
			PLATAPI printf_i(" UserFault");
Пример #23
static KMETHOD TypeCheck_Float(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	VAR_TypeCheck2(stmt, expr, ns, reqc);
	kToken *tk = expr->TermToken;
	sfp[4].floatValue = strtod(kString_text(tk->text), NULL);   // just using tramsformation float
	KReturn(SUGAR kNode_SetUnboxConst(kctx, expr, KType_float, sfp[4].unboxValue));
Пример #24
//## Node Node.message(int error, Token tk, String msg);
static KMETHOD NodeToken_Message(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kNode   *stmt  = sfp[0].asNode;
	kinfotag_t level = (kinfotag_t)sfp[1].intValue;
	kString *msg   = sfp[3].asString;
	KReturn(SUGAR MessageNode(kctx, stmt, sfp[2].asToken, kNode_ns(stmt), level, "%s", kString_text(msg)));
Пример #25
//## Node Node.message(int error, String msg);
static KMETHOD Node_Message(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kNode   *node  = sfp[0].asNode;
	kinfotag_t level = (kinfotag_t)sfp[1].intValue;
	kString *msg   = sfp[2].asString;
	KReturn(SUGAR MessageNode(kctx, node, NULL, kNode_ns(node), level, "%s", kString_text(msg)));
Пример #26
static KMETHOD TypeCheck_Getter(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	VAR_TypeCheck2(stmt, expr, ns, reqc);
	kToken *fieldToken = expr->NodeList->TokenItems[0];
	ksymbol_t fn = fieldToken->symbol;
	kNode *self = KLIB TypeCheckNodeAt(kctx, expr, 1, ns, KClass_INFER, 0);
	if(self != K_NULLNODE) {
		kMethod *mtd = KLIB kNameSpace_GetGetterMethodNULL(kctx, ns, KClass_(self->typeAttr), fn);
		if(mtd != NULL) {
			KFieldSet(expr->NodeList, expr->NodeList->MethodItems[0], mtd);
			KReturn(KLIB TypeCheckMethodParam(kctx, mtd, expr, ns, reqc));
		else {  // dynamic field    o.name => o.get(name)
			kparamtype_t p[1] = {{KType_Symbol}};
			kparamId_t paramdom = KLIB Kparamdom(kctx, 1, p);
			mtd = KLIB kNameSpace_GetMethodBySignatureNULL(kctx, ns, KClass_(self->typeAttr), KMethodNameAttr_Getter, paramdom, 1, p);
			if(mtd != NULL) {
				KFieldSet(expr->NodeList, expr->NodeList->MethodItems[0], mtd);
				KLIB kArray_Add(kctx, expr->NodeList, new_UnboxConstNode(kctx, ns, KType_Symbol, KSymbol_Unmask(fn)));
				KReturn(KLIB TypeCheckMethodParam(kctx, mtd, expr, ns, reqc));
		KLIB MessageNode(kctx, stmt, fieldToken, ns, ErrTag, "undefined field: %s", kString_text(fieldToken->text));
Пример #27
static KMETHOD System_symlink(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	char buffer[K_PATHMAX], buffer2[K_PATHMAX];
	kString *path = sfp[1].asString, *path2 = sfp[2].asString;
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	const char *oldpath = PLATAPI I18NModule.formatSystemPath(kctx, buffer, sizeof(buffer), kString_text(path), kString_size(path), trace);
	const char *newpath = PLATAPI I18NModule.formatSystemPath(kctx, buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), kString_text(path2), kString_size(path2), trace);
	int ret = symlink(oldpath, newpath);
	if(ret == -1) {
		int fault = KLIB DiagnosisFaultType(kctx, kString_GuessUserFault(path)|kString_GuessUserFault(path2)|SystemError, trace);
		KTraceErrorPoint(trace, fault, "symlink", LogFileName(kString_text(path)), LogFileName2(kString_text(path2)), LogErrno);
	else {
		KTraceChangeSystemPoint(trace, "symlink", LogFileName(kString_text(path)), LogFileName2(kString_text(path2)), LogErrno);
	KReturnUnboxValue(ret != -1);
Пример #28
//## void Curl.appendHeader(String headers);
static KMETHOD Curl_appendHeader(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kCurl* kcurl = (kCurl *)sfp[0].asObject;

	const char *h = kString_text(sfp[1].asString);
	kcurl->headers = curl_slist_append(kcurl->headers, h);
Пример #29
// String Tagger.NBestParse(int n, String input)
static KMETHOD Tagger_NBestParse(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	struct _kTagger *mecab = (struct _kTagger *)sfp[0].asObject;
	kint_t ival = sfp[1].intValue;
	const char *input = kString_text(sfp[2].asString);
	const char* result = mecab_nbest_sparse_tostr(mecab->mecab, ival, input);
	KReturn(KLIB new_kString(kctx, GcUnsafe, result, strlen(result), 0));
Пример #30
//## String System.getenv(String name)
static KMETHOD System_getenv(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	const char *name = kString_text(sfp[1].asString);
	char *ret = getenv(name);
	if(ret == NULL) {
	KReturn(KLIB new_kString(kctx, OnStack, ret, strlen(ret), 0));