Пример #1
static void
test_input (const gchar* input,
            const gchar* expected)
    static KatzeArray* search_engines = NULL;
    if (G_UNLIKELY (!search_engines))
        KatzeItem* item;

        search_engines = katze_array_new (KATZE_TYPE_ITEM);
        item = g_object_new (KATZE_TYPE_ITEM,
                             "uri", SM "%s",
                             "token", "sm", NULL);
        katze_array_add_item (search_engines, item);
        g_object_unref (item);
        item = g_object_new (KATZE_TYPE_ITEM,
                             "uri", SM,
                             "token", "se", NULL);
        katze_array_add_item (search_engines, item);
        g_object_unref (item);

    gchar* uri = sokoke_magic_uri (input, search_engines);
    if (g_strcmp0 (uri, expected))
        g_error ("Input: %s\nExpected: %s\nResult: %s",
                 input ? input : "NULL",
                 expected ? expected : "NULL",
                 uri ? uri : "NULL");
    g_free (uri);
Пример #2
KatzeArray* midorator_history_get_command_history(MidoriApp* app) {
    KatzeArray *ret = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(app), "midorator_command_history");
    if (ret)
        return ret;
    KatzeArray *br_history = midorator_history_get_browser_history(app);
    sqlite3 *db = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(br_history), "db");
    if (!db)
        return NULL;
    if (sqlite3_exec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS midorator_command_history (id integer, command text);", NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK)
        return NULL;
    ret = katze_array_new(G_TYPE_STRING);
    midorator_history_fill(ret, db, "midorator_command_history", "command");
    g_signal_connect (ret, "add-item", G_CALLBACK (midorator_history_add_item_cb), db);
    g_signal_connect (ret, "remove-item", G_CALLBACK (midorator_history_remove_item_cb), db);
    g_signal_connect (ret, "move-item", G_CALLBACK (midorator_history_move_item_cb), db);
    g_signal_connect (ret, "clear", G_CALLBACK (midorator_history_clear_cb), db);

    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(app), "midorator_command_history", ret);

    return ret;
Пример #3
KatzeArray* midorator_history_get_bookmarks(MidoriApp* app) {
    KatzeArray *bookmarks = NULL;
    KatzeArray *ret = katze_array_new(KATZE_TYPE_ITEM);
    g_object_get(app, "bookmarks", &bookmarks, NULL);
    sqlite3 *db = g_object_get_data(bookmarks, "db");
    if (!db)
        return g_object_ref(bookmarks);
    sqlite3_stmt* stmt;
    sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "SELECT title, uri, desc FROM bookmarks;", -1, &stmt, NULL);
    while (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) {
        const char *title = sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0);
        const char *uri = sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1);
        const char *desc = sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 2);
        KatzeItem *it = katze_item_new();
        katze_item_set_uri(it, uri);
        katze_item_set_text(it, desc);
        katze_item_set_name(it, title);
        katze_array_add_item(ret, it);
    return ret;
Пример #4
midori_normal_app_new (const gchar* config,
                       gchar*       nickname,
                       gboolean     diagnostic_dialog,
                       gchar**      open_uris,
                       gchar**      execute_commands,
                       gint         inactivity_reset,
                       const gchar* block_uris)
    if (g_str_has_suffix (nickname, "portable"))
        midori_paths_init (MIDORI_RUNTIME_MODE_PORTABLE, config);
    else if (g_str_has_suffix (nickname, "normal"))
        midori_paths_init (MIDORI_RUNTIME_MODE_NORMAL, config);
        g_assert_not_reached ();

    MidoriApp* app = midori_app_new (nickname);
    if (midori_app_instance_is_running (app))
        /* midori_debug makes no sense on a running instance */
        if (g_getenv ("MIDORI_DEBUG"))
            g_warning ("MIDORI_DEBUG only works for a new instance");

        /* It makes no sense to show a crash dialog while running */
        if (!diagnostic_dialog)
            if (execute_commands != NULL)
                midori_app_send_command (app, execute_commands);
            if (open_uris != NULL)
                midori_app_instance_send_uris (app, open_uris);
            if (!execute_commands && !open_uris)
                midori_app_instance_send_new_browser (app);

            if (g_application_get_is_registered (G_APPLICATION (app)))
                return NULL;

        /* FIXME: We mustn't lose the URL here; either instance is freezing or inside a crash dialog */
        sokoke_message_dialog (GTK_MESSAGE_INFO,
            _("An instance of Midori is already running but not responding.\n"),
            open_uris ? *open_uris : "", TRUE);
        return (void*)0xdeadbeef;

    GString* error_messages = g_string_new (NULL);
    GError* error = NULL;
    gchar** extensions;
    MidoriWebSettings* settings = midori_settings_new_full (&extensions);
    g_object_set (settings,
                  "enable-developer-extras", TRUE,
                  "enable-html5-database", TRUE,
                  "block-uris", block_uris,
    if (inactivity_reset > 0)
        g_object_set (settings, "inactivity-reset", inactivity_reset, NULL);

    KatzeArray* search_engines = midori_search_engines_new_from_folder (error_messages);
    /* Pick first search engine as default if not set */
    gchar* uri = katze_object_get_string (settings, "location-entry-search");
    if (!(uri && *uri) && !katze_array_is_empty (search_engines))
        KatzeItem* item = katze_array_get_nth_item (search_engines, 0);
        g_object_set (settings, "location-entry-search",
                      katze_item_get_uri (item), NULL);
    g_free (uri);

    MidoriBookmarksDb* bookmarks;
    gchar* errmsg = NULL;
    if (!(bookmarks = midori_bookmarks_db_new (&errmsg)))
        g_string_append_printf (error_messages,
            _("Bookmarks couldn't be loaded: %s\n"), errmsg);
        katze_assign (errmsg, NULL);

    gchar* config_file = NULL;
    KatzeArray* session = katze_array_new (KATZE_TYPE_ITEM);
    MidoriStartup load_on_startup = katze_object_get_enum (settings, "load-on-startup");
    if (load_on_startup >= MIDORI_STARTUP_LAST_OPEN_PAGES)
        katze_assign (config_file, midori_paths_get_config_filename_for_reading ("session.xbel"));
        error = NULL;
        if (!midori_array_from_file (session, config_file, "xbel-tiny", &error))
            if (error->code != G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT)
                g_string_append_printf (error_messages,
                    _("The session couldn't be loaded: %s\n"), error->message);
            g_error_free (error);

    KatzeArray* trash = katze_array_new (KATZE_TYPE_ITEM);
    g_signal_connect_after (trash, "add-item",
        G_CALLBACK (midori_trash_add_item_cb), NULL);
    g_signal_connect_after (trash, "remove-item",
        G_CALLBACK (midori_trash_remove_item_cb), NULL);
    katze_assign (config_file, g_build_filename (config, "tabtrash.xbel", NULL));
    error = NULL;
    if (!midori_array_from_file (trash, config_file, "xbel-tiny", &error))
        if (error->code != G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT)
            g_string_append_printf (error_messages,
                _("The trash couldn't be loaded: %s\n"), error->message);
        g_error_free (error);

    KatzeArray* history;
    if (!(history = midori_history_new (&errmsg)))
        g_string_append_printf (error_messages,
            _("The history couldn't be loaded: %s\n"), errmsg);
        katze_assign (errmsg, NULL);
    //add by zgh 20150206
    KatzeArray* download;
    if (!(download = midori_download_db_new (&errmsg)))
        g_string_append_printf (error_messages,
            _("The download couldn't be loaded: %s\n"), errmsg);
        katze_assign (errmsg, NULL);

    katze_assign (config_file, midori_paths_get_config_filename_for_reading ("speeddial"));
    MidoriSpeedDial* dial = midori_speed_dial_new (config_file, NULL);

    if (error_messages->len)
        GtkWidget* dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (
            _("The following errors occured:"));
        gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (
            GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (dialog), "%s", error_messages->str);
        gtk_dialog_add_buttons (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
                                GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL,
                                _("_Ignore"), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,
        if (midori_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) != GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
            return (void*)0xdeadbeef;
        gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
    g_string_free (error_messages, TRUE);

    g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (app), "execute-commands", execute_commands);
    g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (app), "open-uris", open_uris);
    g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (app), "extensions", extensions, (GDestroyNotify)g_strfreev);
    katze_item_set_parent (KATZE_ITEM (session), app);

    katze_assign (config_file, midori_paths_get_config_filename_for_reading ("search"));
    midori_search_engines_set_filename (search_engines, config_file);

    if ((midori_app_get_crashed (app)
     && katze_object_get_boolean (settings, "show-crash-dialog")
     && open_uris && !execute_commands)
     || diagnostic_dialog)
        gint response = midori_frontend_diagnostic_dialog (app, settings, session);
        if (response == G_MAXINT)
            return NULL;
        load_on_startup = response;
    katze_item_set_parent (KATZE_ITEM (session), NULL);
    g_object_unref (session);
    g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (settings), "load-on-startup", GINT_TO_POINTER (load_on_startup));

    g_object_set (app, "settings", settings,
                       "bookmarks", bookmarks,
                       "trash", trash,
                       "search-engines", search_engines,
                       "history", history,
                       "download", download,
                       "speed-dial", dial,
    g_signal_connect (app, "add-browser",
        G_CALLBACK (midori_app_add_browser_cb), NULL);

    midori_session_persistent_settings (settings, app);

    g_idle_add (midori_load_soup_session_full, settings);
    g_idle_add (midori_load_extensions, app);
    return app;
Пример #5
midori_private_app_new (const gchar* config,
                        const gchar* webapp,
                        gchar**      open_uris,
                        gchar**      execute_commands,
                        gint         inactivity_reset,
                        const gchar* block_uris)
    guint i;

    midori_paths_init (MIDORI_RUNTIME_MODE_PRIVATE, config);
#ifndef HAVE_WEBKIT2
    g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (webkit_get_default_session ()), "pass-through-console", (void*)1);

    /* Mask the timezone, which can be read by Javascript */
    g_setenv ("TZ", "UTC", TRUE);

    MidoriBrowser* browser = midori_browser_new ();
    g_signal_connect (browser, "new-window",
        G_CALLBACK (midori_frontend_browser_new_window_cb), NULL);

    MidoriWebSettings* settings = midori_settings_new_full (NULL);
    g_object_set (settings,
                  "preferred-languages", "en",
                  "enable-private-browsing", TRUE,
    #ifdef HAVE_LIBSOUP_2_29_91
                  "first-party-cookies-only", TRUE,
                  "enable-html5-database", FALSE,
                  "enable-html5-local-storage", FALSE,
                  "enable-offline-web-application-cache", FALSE,
    /* Arguably DNS prefetching is or isn't a privacy concern. For the
     * lack of more fine-grained control we'll go the safe route. */
                  "enable-dns-prefetching", FALSE,
                  "strip-referer", TRUE,
                  "show-panel", FALSE,
                  "last-window-state", MIDORI_WINDOW_NORMAL,
                  "inactivity-reset", inactivity_reset,
                  "block-uris", block_uris,
    midori_load_soup_session (settings);

    /* In-memory trash for re-opening closed tabs */
    KatzeArray* trash = katze_array_new (KATZE_TYPE_ITEM);
    g_signal_connect_after (trash, "add-item",
      G_CALLBACK (midori_trash_add_item_no_save_cb), NULL);

    KatzeArray* search_engines = midori_search_engines_new_from_folder (NULL);
    g_object_set (browser,
                  "settings", settings,
                  "trash", trash,
                  "search-engines", search_engines,
    g_object_unref (settings);
    g_object_unref (trash);
    g_object_unref (search_engines);

    midori_browser_set_action_visible (browser, "Tools", FALSE);
    midori_browser_set_action_visible (browser, "ClearPrivateData", FALSE);
    midori_browser_set_action_visible (browser, "AddSpeedDial", FALSE);
    #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0)
    g_object_set (gtk_widget_get_settings (GTK_WIDGET (browser)),
                  "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", TRUE,

    if (webapp != NULL)
        gchar* tmp_uri = sokoke_magic_uri (webapp, FALSE, TRUE);
        g_object_set (settings, "homepage", tmp_uri, NULL);
        midori_browser_add_uri (browser, tmp_uri);
        g_free (tmp_uri);

    for (i = 0; open_uris && open_uris[i]; i++)
        gchar* new_uri = sokoke_magic_uri (open_uris[i], FALSE, TRUE);
        midori_browser_add_uri (browser, new_uri);
        g_free (new_uri);
    if (midori_browser_get_n_pages (browser) == 0)
        midori_browser_add_uri (browser, "about:private");
    gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (browser));

    for (i = 0; execute_commands && execute_commands[i]; i++)
        midori_browser_assert_action (browser, execute_commands[i]);
        midori_browser_activate_action (browser, execute_commands[i]);

    /* FIXME need proper stock extension mechanism */
#if 0
    midori_browser_activate_action (browser, "libtransfers." G_MODULE_SUFFIX "=true");
    midori_browser_activate_action (browser, "libabout." G_MODULE_SUFFIX "=true");
    midori_browser_activate_action (browser, "libopen-with." G_MODULE_SUFFIX "=true");
    midori_browser_activate_action (browser, "libtransfers." G_MODULE_SUFFIX "=true");
    midori_browser_activate_action (browser, "libbuiltinextension." G_MODULE_SUFFIX "=true");
    g_assert (g_module_error () == NULL);

    return browser;