static PyObject* spherematch_kdtree_free(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) { long i; kdtree_t* kd; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "l", &i)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "need one arg: kdtree identifier (int)"); return NULL; } // Nasty! kd = (kdtree_t*)i; free(kd->data.any); kdtree_free(kd); return Py_BuildValue(""); }
/* * Free an HLL cache. */ void hll_free_cache(hll_t *hll) { if (hll->cache.n > 0) { if (hll->cache.Q_kdtree) kdtree_free(hll->cache.Q_kdtree); if (hll->cache.Q) free_matrix2(hll->cache.Q); if (hll->cache.X) free_matrix2(hll->cache.X); int i; if (hll->cache.S) { for (i = 0; i < hll->cache.n; i++) if (hll->cache.S[i]) free_matrix2(hll->cache.S[i]); free(hll->cache.S); } hll->cache.n = 0; } }
/* uint64_t startree_get_starid(const startree_t* s, int ind) { if (!s->starids) return 0; return s->starids[ind]; } */ int startree_close(startree_t* s) { if (!s) return 0; if (s->inverse_perm) free(s->inverse_perm); if (s->header) qfits_header_destroy(s->header); if (s->tree) { if (s->writing) { kdtree_free(s->tree); free(s->sweep); } else kdtree_fits_close(s->tree); } if (s->tagalong) fitstable_close(s->tagalong); free(s); return 0; }
void verify_get_all_matches(const double* refxys, int NR, const double* testxys, const double* testsigma2s, int NT, double effective_area, double distractors, double nsigma, double limit, il*** p_reflist, dl*** p_problist) { double* refcopy; kdtree_t* rtree; int Nleaf = 10; int i,j; double logd; double logbg; double loglimit; il** reflist; dl** problist; reflist = calloc(NT, sizeof(il*)); problist = calloc(NT, sizeof(dl*)); // Build a tree out of the index stars in pixel space... // kdtree scrambles the data array so make a copy first. refcopy = malloc(2 * NR * sizeof(double)); memcpy(refcopy, refxys, 2 * NR * sizeof(double)); rtree = kdtree_build(NULL, refcopy, NR, 2, Nleaf, KDTT_DOUBLE, KD_BUILD_SPLIT); logbg = log(1.0 / effective_area); logd = log(distractors / effective_area); loglimit = log(distractors / effective_area * limit); for (i=0; i<NT; i++) { const double* testxy; double sig2; kdtree_qres_t* res; testxy = testxys + 2*i; sig2 = testsigma2s[i]; logverb("\n"); logverb("test star %i: (%.1f,%.1f), sigma: %.1f\n", i, testxy[0], testxy[1], sqrt(sig2)); // find all ref stars within nsigma. res = kdtree_rangesearch_options(rtree, testxy, sig2*nsigma*nsigma, KD_OPTIONS_SORT_DISTS | KD_OPTIONS_SMALL_RADIUS); if (res->nres == 0) { kdtree_free_query(res); continue; } reflist[i] = il_new(4); problist[i] = dl_new(4); for (j=0; j<res->nres; j++) { double d2; int refi; double loggmax, logfg; d2 = res->sdists[j]; refi = res->inds[j]; // peak value of the Gaussian loggmax = log((1.0 - distractors) / (2.0 * M_PI * sig2 * NR)); // value of the Gaussian logfg = loggmax - d2 / (2.0 * sig2); if (logfg < loglimit) continue; logverb(" ref star %i, dist %.2f, sigmas: %.3f, logfg: %.1f (%.1f above distractor, %.1f above bg, %.1f above keep-limit)\n", refi, sqrt(d2), sqrt(d2 / sig2), logfg, logfg - logd, logfg - logbg, logfg - loglimit); il_append(reflist[i], refi); dl_append(problist[i], logfg); } kdtree_free_query(res); } kdtree_free(rtree); free(refcopy); *p_reflist = reflist; *p_problist = problist; }
int main(int argc, char** args) { int argchar; kdtree_t* kd; int Nleaf = 25; char* infn = NULL; char* outfn = NULL; char* tychofn = NULL; char* crossfn = NULL; char* progname = args[0]; FILE* f; tycstar_t* tycstars = NULL; int Ntyc = 0; int exttype = KDT_EXT_DOUBLE; int datatype = KDT_DATA_U32; int treetype = KDT_TREE_U32; int tt; int buildopts = 0; int i, N, D; dl* ras; dl* decs; dl* hds; fl* mag1s; fl* mag2s; fl* mag3s; int nbad = 0; int nox = 0; int* hd; double* xyz; qfits_header* hdr; while ((argchar = getopt (argc, args, OPTIONS)) != -1) switch (argchar) { case 'T': tychofn = optarg; break; case 'X': crossfn = optarg; break; case 'R': Nleaf = (int)strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 't': treetype = kdtree_kdtype_parse_tree_string(optarg); break; case 'd': datatype = kdtree_kdtype_parse_data_string(optarg); break; case 'b': buildopts |= KD_BUILD_BBOX; break; case 's': buildopts |= KD_BUILD_SPLIT; break; case 'S': buildopts |= KD_BUILD_SPLITDIM; break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); case 'h': printHelp(progname); return 0; default: return -1; } if (optind != argc - 2) { printHelp(progname); exit(-1); } infn = args[optind]; outfn = args[optind+1]; if (!(buildopts & (KD_BUILD_BBOX | KD_BUILD_SPLIT))) { printf("You need bounding-boxes or splitting planes!\n"); printHelp(progname); exit(-1); } if (tychofn || crossfn) { if (!(tychofn && crossfn)) { printf("You need both -T <Tycho2> and -X <Crossref> to do cross-referencing.\n"); exit(-1); } } if (tychofn) { int i, N; tycho2_fits* tyc; FILE* f; int nx, nox; int lastgrass = 0; tyc = tycho2_fits_open(tychofn); if (!tyc) { ERROR("Failed to open Tycho-2 catalog."); exit(-1); } printf("Reading Tycho-2 catalog...\n"); N = tycho2_fits_count_entries(tyc); tycstars = calloc(N, sizeof(tycstar_t)); for (i=0; i<N; i++) { tycho2_entry* te; int grass = (i*80 / N); if (grass != lastgrass) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); lastgrass = grass; } te = tycho2_fits_read_entry(tyc); tycstars[i].tyc1 = te->tyc1; tycstars[i].tyc2 = te->tyc2; tycstars[i].tyc3 = te->tyc3; tycstars[i].ra = te->ra; tycstars[i].dec = te->dec; tycstars[i].mag_BT = te->mag_BT; tycstars[i].mag_VT = te->mag_VT; tycstars[i].mag_HP = te->mag_HP; } tycho2_fits_close(tyc); printf("Sorting...\n"); qsort(tycstars, N, sizeof(tycstar_t), compare_tycs); Ntyc = N; f = fopen(crossfn, "rb"); if (!f) { SYSERROR("Failed to open cross-reference file %s", crossfn); exit(-1); } nx = 0; nox = 0; while (TRUE) { char buf[1024]; int tyc1, tyc2, tyc3, hd, nhd, ntyc; char ftyc, sptype0, sptype1, sptype2; tycstar_t* s; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { if (ferror(f)) { SYSERROR("Failed to read a line of text from the cross-reference file"); exit(-1); } break; } if (sscanf(buf, " %d %d %d%c %d %c%c%c %d %d", &tyc1, &tyc2, &tyc3, &ftyc, &hd, &sptype0, &sptype1, &sptype2, &nhd, &ntyc) != 10) { ERROR("Failed to parse line: \"%s\"", buf); } //printf("%i %i %i %i %i %i\n", tyc1, tyc2, tyc3, hd, nhd, ntyc); s = find_tycho(tycstars, Ntyc, tyc1, tyc2, tyc3); if (!s) { ERROR("Failed to find Tycho-2 star %i-%i-%i", tyc1, tyc2, tyc3); nox++; } else { s->hd = hd; s->ntyc = ntyc; } nx++; } fclose(f); printf("Read %i cross-references.\n", nx); printf("Failed to find %i cross-referenced Tycho-2 stars.\n", nox); printf("Sorting...\n"); qsort(tycstars, N, sizeof(tycstar_t), compare_hds); } f = fopen(infn, "rb"); if (!f) { SYSERROR("Failed to open input file %s", infn); exit(-1); } ras = dl_new(1024); decs = dl_new(1024); hds = il_new(1024); mag1s = fl_new(1024); mag2s = fl_new(1024); mag3s = fl_new(1024); printf("Reading HD catalog...\n"); for (;;) { char buf[1024]; double ra, dec; int hd; float mag1, mag2, mag3; mag1 = mag2 = mag3 = 0.0; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { if (ferror(f)) { SYSERROR("Failed to read a line of text from the input file"); exit(-1); } break; } if (buf[0] == '#') continue; if (buf[0] == '\n') continue; if (sscanf(buf, " %lf| %lf| %d", &ra, &dec, &hd) < 3) { // ignore three invalid lines if (nbad > 3) { ERROR("Failed to parse line: \"%s\"", buf); } nbad++; } else { if (tycstars) { tycstar_t* s = find_hd(tycstars, Ntyc, hd); if (!s) { //printf("Failed to find cross-ref for HD %i\n", hd); nox++; } else { ra = s->ra; dec = s->dec; mag1 = s->mag_VT; mag2 = s->mag_BT; mag3 = s->mag_HP; } } dl_append(ras, ra); dl_append(decs, dec); il_append(hds, hd); fl_append(mag1s, mag1); fl_append(mag2s, mag2); fl_append(mag3s, mag3); } } fclose(f); N = dl_size(ras); printf("Read %i entries and %i bad lines.\n", N, nbad); if (dl_size(ras) != HD_NENTRIES) { printf("WARNING: expected %i Henry Draper catalog entries.\n", HD_NENTRIES); } if (nox) { printf("Found %i HD entries with no cross-reference (expect this to be about 1%%)\n", nox); } hd = malloc(sizeof(int) * N); il_copy(hds, 0, N, hd); il_free(hds); for (i=0; i<N; i++) if (hd[i] != i+1) { printf("Line %i is HD %i\n", i+1, hd[i]); break; } // HACK - don't allocate 'em in the first place... free(hd); xyz = malloc(sizeof(double) * 3 * N); for (i=0; i<N; i++) { radecdeg2xyzarr(dl_get(ras, i), dl_get(decs, i), xyz + 3*i); } dl_free(ras); dl_free(decs); tt = kdtree_kdtypes_to_treetype(exttype, treetype, datatype); D = 3; { // limits of the kdtree... double lo[] = {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0}; double hi[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; kd = kdtree_new(N, D, Nleaf); kdtree_set_limits(kd, lo, hi); } printf("Building tree...\n"); kd = kdtree_build(kd, xyz, N, D, Nleaf, tt, buildopts); hdr = qfits_header_default(); qfits_header_add(hdr, "AN_FILE", "HDTREE", "Henry Draper catalog kdtree", NULL); BOILERPLATE_ADD_FITS_HEADERS(hdr); fits_add_long_history(hdr, "This file was created by the following command-line:"); fits_add_args(hdr, args, argc); if (kdtree_fits_write(kd, outfn, hdr)) { ERROR("Failed to write kdtree"); exit(-1); } // Write mags as tag-along table. { fitstable_t* tag; tag = fitstable_open_for_appending(outfn); if (!tag) { ERROR("Failed to open kd-tree file for appending"); exit(-1); } fitstable_add_write_column(tag, fitscolumn_float_type(), "MAG_VT", ""); fitstable_add_write_column(tag, fitscolumn_float_type(), "MAG_BT", ""); fitstable_add_write_column(tag, fitscolumn_float_type(), "MAG_HP", ""); if (fitstable_write_header(tag)) { ERROR("Failed to write tag-along header"); exit(-1); } for (i=0; i<N; i++) { fitstable_write_row(tag, fl_get(mag1s, i), fl_get(mag2s, i), fl_get(mag3s, i)); } if (fitstable_fix_header(tag)) { ERROR("Failed to fix tag-along header"); exit(-1); } if (fitstable_close(tag)) { ERROR("Failed to close tag-along data"); exit(-1); } } fl_free(mag1s); fl_free(mag2s); fl_free(mag3s); printf("Done.\n"); qfits_header_destroy(hdr); free(xyz); kdtree_free(kd); free(tycstars); return 0; }