Пример #1
int Box::changeMolecule(int molIdx)
	Real maxTranslation = environment->maxTranslation;
	Real maxRotation = environment->maxRotation;
	//Pick an atom in the molecule about which to rotate
	int atomIndex = randomReal(0, molecules[molIdx].numOfAtoms);
	Atom vertex = molecules[molIdx].atoms[atomIndex];

	const Real deltaX = randomReal(-maxTranslation, maxTranslation);
	const Real deltaY = randomReal(-maxTranslation, maxTranslation);
	const Real deltaZ = randomReal(-maxTranslation, maxTranslation);

	const Real degreesX = randomReal(-maxRotation, maxRotation);
	const Real degreesY = randomReal(-maxRotation, maxRotation);
	const Real degreesZ = randomReal(-maxRotation, maxRotation); 

	moveMolecule(molecules[molIdx], vertex, deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ,
		degreesX, degreesY, degreesZ);


	return molIdx;
Пример #2
void SimCalcs::intermolecularMove(int molIdx) {
  Real maxT = sb->maxTranslate;
  Real maxR = sb->maxRotate;

  int molStart = sb->moleculeData[MOL_START][molIdx];
  int molLen = sb->moleculeData[MOL_LEN][molIdx];

  int vertexIdx = (int)randomReal(0, molLen);

  const Real deltaX = randomReal(-maxT, maxT);
  const Real deltaY = randomReal(-maxT, maxT);
  const Real deltaZ = randomReal(-maxT, maxT);

  const Real rotX = randomReal(-maxR, maxR);
  const Real rotY = randomReal(-maxR, maxR);
  const Real rotZ = randomReal(-maxR, maxR);

  Real** rBCoords = GPUCopy::rollBackCoordinatesPtr();
  Real** aCoords = GPUCopy::atomCoordinatesPtr();
  Real* bSize = GPUCopy::sizePtr();
  int* pIdxes = GPUCopy::primaryIndexesPtr();
  int** molData = GPUCopy::moleculeDataPtr();

  // Do the move here
  #pragma acc parallel loop deviceptr(aCoords, rBCoords) \
      if (on_gpu)
  for (int i = 0; i < molLen; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_DIMENSIONS; j++) {
      rBCoords[j][i] = aCoords[j][molStart + i];
    if (i == vertexIdx)
    rotateAtom(molStart + i, molStart + vertexIdx, rotX, rotY, rotZ, aCoords);
    translateAtom(molStart + i, deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ, aCoords);

  #pragma acc parallel loop deviceptr(aCoords, molData, pIdxes, bSize) \
      if (on_gpu)
  for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
    aCoords[0][molStart + vertexIdx] += deltaX;
    aCoords[1][molStart + vertexIdx] += deltaY;
    aCoords[2][molStart + vertexIdx] += deltaZ;
    keepMoleculeInBox(molIdx, aCoords, molData, pIdxes, bSize);