/* Makes sure that each top level configuration node has a corresponding menu item in the 'Options' menu.*/ static void refresh_config_menu_items(void) { khui_menu_def * omenu; khm_boolean refresh_menu = FALSE; khui_config_node cfg_r = NULL; omenu = khui_find_menu(KHUI_MENU_OPTIONS); if (omenu == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG assert(FALSE); #endif return; } khui_action_lock(); for (khui_cfg_get_first_child(NULL, &cfg_r); cfg_r != NULL; khui_cfg_get_next_release(&cfg_r)) { khm_int32 flags; khui_action * paction; wchar_t cname[KHUI_MAXCCH_NAME]; khm_size cb; flags = khui_cfg_get_flags(cfg_r); if (flags & KHUI_CNFLAG_SYSTEM) continue; cb = sizeof(cname); if (KHM_FAILED(khui_cfg_get_name(cfg_r, cname, &cb))) { #ifdef DEBUG assert(FALSE); #endif continue; } paction = khui_find_named_action(cname); if (!paction) { khm_handle sub; khui_config_node_reg reg; wchar_t wshort[KHUI_MAXCCH_SHORT_DESC]; khm_int32 action; khui_cfg_get_reg(cfg_r, ®); kmq_create_hwnd_subscription(khm_hwnd_main, &sub); StringCbCopy(wshort, sizeof(wshort), reg.short_desc); StringCbCat(wshort, sizeof(wshort), L" ..."); action = khui_action_create(cname, wshort, reg.long_desc, (void *) CFGACTION_MAGIC, KHUI_ACTIONTYPE_TRIGGER, sub); if (action == 0) { #ifdef DEBUG assert(FALSE); #endif continue; } khui_menu_insert_action(omenu, (khm_size) -1, action, 0); refresh_menu = TRUE; } } khui_action_unlock(); if (refresh_menu) { khui_refresh_actions(); } }
/* process KMSG_SYSTEM messages */ khm_int32 KHMAPI afs_msg_system(khm_int32 msg_subtype, khm_ui_4 uparam, void * vparam) { khm_int32 rv = KHM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; switch(msg_subtype) { case KMSG_SYSTEM_INIT: /* If we are building against an older SDK, we should try to load newer APIs if it's available at run-time. */ #if KH_VERSION_API < 7 do { khm_version libver; khm_ui_4 apiver; khm_get_lib_version(&libver, &apiver); if (apiver < 7) break; hm_netidmgr = LoadLibrary(NIMDLLNAME); if (hm_netidmgr == NULL) break; pkhui_action_lock = (void (KHMAPI *)(void)) GetProcAddress(hm_netidmgr, API_khui_action_lock); pkhui_action_unlock = (void (KHMAPI *)(void)) GetProcAddress(hm_netidmgr, API_khui_action_unlock); pkhui_refresh_actions = (void (KHMAPI *)(void)) GetProcAddress(hm_netidmgr, API_khui_refresh_actions); pkhui_request_UI_callback = (khm_int32 (KHMAPI *)(khm_ui_callback, void *)) GetProcAddress(hm_netidmgr, API_khui_request_UI_callback); } while (FALSE); #endif /* Add the icon now. On NIM v2.x, doing so after tokens were reported may result in a deadlock as we try to switch to the UI thread and the UI thread is blocked on a resource request to this plug-in. */ afs_icon_set_state(AFSICON_SERVICE_STOPPED, NULL); /* Perform critical registrations and data structure initalization */ { kcdb_credtype ct; wchar_t buf[KCDB_MAXCCH_LONG_DESC]; size_t cbsize; kcdb_attrib att; khm_handle csp_afscred = NULL; khm_int32 disable_afscreds = FALSE; ZeroMemory(&ct, sizeof(ct)); /* first of all, register the AFS token credential type */ ct.id = KCDB_CREDTYPE_AUTO; ct.name = AFS_CREDTYPE_NAME; if(LoadString(hResModule, IDS_AFS_SHORT_DESC, buf, ARRAYLENGTH(buf)) != 0) { StringCbLength(buf, sizeof(buf), &cbsize); cbsize += sizeof(wchar_t); ct.short_desc = PMALLOC(cbsize); StringCbCopy(ct.short_desc, cbsize, buf); } else ct.short_desc = NULL; if(LoadString(hResModule, IDS_AFS_LONG_DESC, buf, ARRAYLENGTH(buf)) != 0) { StringCbLength(buf, sizeof(buf), &cbsize); cbsize += sizeof(wchar_t); ct.long_desc = PMALLOC(cbsize); StringCbCopy(ct.long_desc, cbsize, buf); } else ct.long_desc = NULL; ct.icon = LoadImage(hResModule, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_AFSTOKEN), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE); kmq_create_subscription(afs_plugin_cb, &afs_sub); ct.sub = afs_sub; kcdb_credtype_register(&ct, &afs_credtype_id); /* register the attribute types */ { kcdb_type type; ZeroMemory(&type, sizeof(type)); type.comp = afs_type_principal_comp; type.dup = afs_type_principal_dup; type.isValid = afs_type_principal_isValid; type.toString = afs_type_principal_toString; type.name = AFS_TYPENAME_PRINCIPAL; type.id = KCDB_TYPE_INVALID; type.cb_max = sizeof(struct ktc_principal); type.cb_min = sizeof(struct ktc_principal); type.flags = KCDB_TYPE_FLAG_CB_FIXED; if(KHM_FAILED(kcdb_type_register(&type, &afs_type_principal))) goto _exit_init; } { kcdb_type type; kcdb_type *ti32 = NULL; kcdb_type_get_info(KCDB_TYPE_INT32, &ti32); ZeroMemory(&type, sizeof(type)); type.comp = ti32->comp; type.dup = ti32->dup; type.isValid = ti32->isValid; type.toString = afs_type_method_toString; type.name = AFS_TYPENAME_METHOD; type.id = KCDB_TYPE_INVALID; type.cb_max = sizeof(khm_int32); type.cb_min = sizeof(khm_int32); type.flags = KCDB_TYPE_FLAG_CB_FIXED; if(KHM_FAILED(kcdb_type_register(&type, &afs_type_method))) { kcdb_type_release_info(ti32); goto _exit_init; } kcdb_type_release_info(ti32); } /* now register the attributes */ { wchar_t short_desc[KCDB_MAXCCH_SHORT_DESC]; ZeroMemory(&att, sizeof(att)); att.type = KCDB_TYPE_STRING; att.name = AFS_ATTRNAME_CELL; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ATTR_CELL_SHORT_DESC, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); att.short_desc = short_desc; att.long_desc = NULL; att.id = KCDB_ATTR_INVALID; att.flags = KCDB_ATTR_FLAG_TRANSIENT; if(KHM_FAILED(rv = kcdb_attrib_register(&att, &afs_attr_cell))) goto _exit_init; } { wchar_t short_desc[KCDB_MAXCCH_SHORT_DESC]; ZeroMemory(&att, sizeof(att)); att.type = KCDB_TYPE_STRING; att.name = AFS_ATTRNAME_REALM; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ATTR_REALM_SHORT_DESC, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); att.short_desc = short_desc; att.long_desc = NULL; att.id = KCDB_ATTR_INVALID; att.flags = KCDB_ATTR_FLAG_TRANSIENT; if(KHM_FAILED(rv = kcdb_attrib_register(&att, &afs_attr_realm))) goto _exit_init; } { wchar_t short_desc[KCDB_MAXCCH_SHORT_DESC]; ZeroMemory(&att, sizeof(att)); att.type = afs_type_method; att.name = AFS_ATTRNAME_METHOD; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ATTR_METHOD_SHORT_DESC, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); att.short_desc = short_desc; att.long_desc = NULL; att.id = KCDB_ATTR_INVALID; att.flags = KCDB_ATTR_FLAG_TRANSIENT; if(KHM_FAILED(rv = kcdb_attrib_register(&att, &afs_attr_method))) goto _exit_init; } { wchar_t short_desc[KCDB_MAXCCH_SHORT_DESC]; ZeroMemory(&att, sizeof(att)); att.type = afs_type_principal; att.name = AFS_ATTRNAME_CLIENT_PRINC; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ATTR_CLIENT_PRINC_SHORT_DESC, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); att.short_desc = short_desc; att.long_desc = NULL; att.id = KCDB_ATTR_INVALID; att.flags = KCDB_ATTR_FLAG_TRANSIENT; if(KHM_FAILED(rv = kcdb_attrib_register(&att, &afs_attr_client_princ))) goto _exit_init; } { wchar_t short_desc[KCDB_MAXCCH_SHORT_DESC]; ZeroMemory(&att, sizeof(att)); att.type = afs_type_principal; att.name = AFS_ATTRNAME_SERVER_PRINC; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ATTR_SERVER_PRINC_SHORT_DESC, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); att.short_desc = short_desc; att.long_desc = NULL; att.id = KCDB_ATTR_INVALID; att.flags = KCDB_ATTR_FLAG_TRANSIENT; if(KHM_FAILED(rv = kcdb_attrib_register(&att, &afs_attr_server_princ))) goto _exit_init; } /* afs_credset is our stock credentials set that we use for all our credset needs (instead of creating a new one every time) */ if(KHM_FAILED(rv = kcdb_credset_create(&afs_credset))) goto _exit_init; if(KHM_FAILED(rv = kcdb_credtype_get_id(KRB5_CREDTYPE_NAME, &krb5_credtype_id))) goto _exit_init; /* register the configuration nodes */ { khui_config_node node_ident; khui_config_node_reg reg; wchar_t wshort_desc[KHUI_MAXCCH_SHORT_DESC]; wchar_t wlong_desc[KHUI_MAXCCH_LONG_DESC]; if (KHM_FAILED(rv = khui_cfg_open(NULL, L"KhmIdentities", &node_ident))) goto _exit_init; ZeroMemory(®, sizeof(reg)); reg.name = AFS_CONFIG_NODE_MAIN; reg.short_desc = wshort_desc; reg.long_desc = wlong_desc; reg.h_module = hResModule; reg.dlg_template = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CFG_AFS); reg.dlg_proc = afs_cfg_main_proc; reg.flags = 0; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_CFG_MAIN_LONG, wlong_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(wlong_desc)); LoadString(hResModule, IDS_CFG_MAIN_SHORT, wshort_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(wshort_desc)); khui_cfg_register(NULL, ®); ZeroMemory(®, sizeof(reg)); reg.name = AFS_CONFIG_NODE_IDS; reg.short_desc = wshort_desc; reg.long_desc = wshort_desc; reg.h_module = hResModule; reg.dlg_template = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CFG_IDS_TAB); reg.dlg_proc = afs_cfg_ids_proc; reg.flags = KHUI_CNFLAG_SUBPANEL; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_CFG_IDS_TAB, wshort_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(wshort_desc)); khui_cfg_register(node_ident, ®); ZeroMemory(®, sizeof(reg)); reg.name = AFS_CONFIG_NODE_ID; reg.short_desc = wshort_desc; reg.long_desc = wshort_desc; reg.h_module = hResModule; reg.dlg_template = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CFG_ID_TAB); reg.dlg_proc = afs_cfg_id_proc; reg.flags = KHUI_CNFLAG_SUBPANEL | KHUI_CNFLAG_PLURAL; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_CFG_ID_TAB, wshort_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(wshort_desc)); khui_cfg_register(node_ident, ®); } /* and register the AFS message type */ rv = kmq_register_type(AFS_MSG_TYPENAME, &afs_msg_type_id); if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(rv)) kmq_subscribe(afs_msg_type_id, afs_plugin_cb); /* if the configuration is set to disable afscreds.exe, then we look for the shortcut and remove it if found. */ if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(kmm_get_plugin_config(AFS_PLUGIN_NAME, 0, &csp_afscred))) { wchar_t wpath[MAX_PATH]; khc_read_int32(csp_afscred, L"Disableafscreds", &disable_afscreds); if (disable_afscreds && afs_cfg_get_afscreds_shortcut(wpath)) { DeleteFile(wpath); } khc_close_space(csp_afscred); } /* try to register the "AFS Help" menu item, if possible */ { khm_handle h_sub = NULL; wchar_t short_desc[KHUI_MAXCCH_SHORT_DESC]; wchar_t long_desc[KHUI_MAXCCH_LONG_DESC]; #if KH_VERSION_API < 7 if (pkhui_action_lock == NULL || pkhui_action_unlock == NULL || pkhui_refresh_actions == NULL || pkhui_request_UI_callback == NULL) goto no_custom_help; #endif kmq_create_subscription(afs_plugin_cb, &h_sub); LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ACTION_AFS_HELP, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ACTION_AFS_HELP_TT, long_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(long_desc)); action_id_afs_help = khui_action_create(NULL, short_desc, long_desc, NULL, KHUI_ACTIONTYPE_TRIGGER, h_sub); if (action_id_afs_help != 0) { khm_size s; khm_size i; khui_menu_def * help_menu; khm_boolean refresh = FALSE; khui_action_lock(); help_menu = khui_find_menu(KHUI_MENU_HELP); if (help_menu) { s = khui_menu_get_size(help_menu); for (i=0; i < s; i++) { khui_action_ref * aref; aref = khui_menu_get_action(help_menu, i); if (aref && !(aref->flags & KHUI_ACTIONREF_PACTION) && aref->action == KHUI_ACTION_HELP_INDEX) { khui_menu_insert_action(help_menu, i + 1, action_id_afs_help, 0); refresh = TRUE; break; } } } khui_action_unlock(); if (refresh) khui_refresh_actions(); } #if KH_VERSION_API < 7 no_custom_help: ; #endif } _exit_init: if(ct.short_desc) PFREE(ct.short_desc); if(ct.long_desc) PFREE(ct.long_desc); } /* now that the critical stuff is done, we move on to the non-critical stuff */ if(KHM_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { initialized = TRUE; /* obtain existing tokens */ afs_list_tokens(); } /* define this so that if there are no TGT's, we don't deadlock trying to open a new creds dialog from within the new creds dialog. */ SetEnvironmentVariable(L"KERBEROSLOGIN_NEVER_PROMPT", L"1"); break; /* end of KMSG_SYSTEM_INIT */ case KMSG_SYSTEM_EXIT: afs_remove_icon(); /* Try to remove the AFS plug-in action from Help menu if it was successfully registered. Also, delete the action. */ if (action_id_afs_help != 0) { khui_menu_def * help_menu; khm_boolean menu_changed = FALSE; khui_action_lock(); help_menu = khui_find_menu(KHUI_MENU_HELP); if (help_menu) { khm_size s; khm_size i; s = khui_menu_get_size(help_menu); for (i=0; i < s; i++) { khui_action_ref * aref = khui_menu_get_action(help_menu, i); if (aref && !(aref->flags & KHUI_ACTIONREF_PACTION) && aref->action == action_id_afs_help) { khui_menu_remove_action(help_menu, i); menu_changed = TRUE; break; } } } khui_action_delete(action_id_afs_help); khui_action_unlock(); if (menu_changed) khui_refresh_actions(); action_id_afs_help = 0; } if (afs_msg_type_id != -1) { kmq_unsubscribe(afs_msg_type_id, afs_plugin_cb); kmq_unregister_type(afs_msg_type_id); } if(afs_credtype_id >= 0) { kcdb_credtype_unregister(afs_credtype_id); } #if 0 if(afs_attr_client >= 0) { kcdb_attrib_unregister(afs_attr_client); } #endif if(afs_attr_cell >= 0) { kcdb_attrib_unregister(afs_attr_cell); } if(afs_attr_realm >= 0) { kcdb_attrib_unregister(afs_attr_realm); } if(afs_attr_method >= 0) { kcdb_attrib_unregister(afs_attr_method); } if(afs_attr_client_princ >= 0) { kcdb_attrib_unregister(afs_attr_client_princ); } if(afs_attr_server_princ >= 0) { kcdb_attrib_unregister(afs_attr_server_princ); } if(afs_type_principal >= 0) { kcdb_type_unregister(afs_type_principal); } if(afs_type_method >= 0) { kcdb_type_unregister(afs_type_method); } initialized = FALSE; if(afs_credset) kcdb_credset_delete(afs_credset); /* afs_sub doesn't need to be deleted. That is taken care of when unregistering the afs cred type */ afs_sub = NULL; #if KH_VERSION_API < 7 if (hm_netidmgr) FreeLibrary(hm_netidmgr); pkhui_action_lock = NULL; pkhui_action_unlock = NULL; pkhui_refresh_actions = NULL; pkhui_request_UI_callback = NULL; #endif rv = KHM_ERROR_SUCCESS; break; /* end of KMSG_SYSTEM_EXIT */ } return rv; }
/* Handler for system messages. The only two we handle are KMSG_SYSTEM_INIT and KMSG_SYSTEM_EXIT. */ khm_int32 KHMAPI handle_kmsg_system(khm_int32 msg_type, khm_int32 msg_subtype, khm_ui_4 uparam, void * vparam) { khm_int32 rv = KHM_ERROR_SUCCESS; switch (msg_subtype) { /* This is the first message that will be received by a plugin. We use it to perform initialization operations such as registering any credential types, data types and attributes. */ case KMSG_SYSTEM_INIT: { kcdb_credtype ct; wchar_t short_desc[KCDB_MAXCCH_SHORT_DESC]; wchar_t long_desc[KCDB_MAXCCH_LONG_DESC]; khui_config_node cnode; khui_config_node_reg creg; kcdb_attrib attr; khm_handle csp_plugin = NULL; khm_handle csp_plugins = NULL; #ifdef BUILD_KRBCOMPAT /* If we don't have a Kerberos backend, then we can't * function. */ if (!DelayLoadHeimdal()) { _reportf("Can't initialize a Kerberos backend. LastError=%d", GetLastError()); return KHM_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } #endif #if KH_VERSION_API < 12 do { khm_version libver; khm_ui_4 apiver; khm_get_lib_version(&libver, &apiver); if (apiver < 7) break; hm_netidmgr = LoadLibrary(NIMDLLNAME); if (hm_netidmgr == NULL) break; #if KH_VERSION_API < 7 pkhui_action_lock = (void (KHMAPI *)(void)) GetProcAddress(hm_netidmgr, API_khui_action_lock); pkhui_action_unlock = (void (KHMAPI *)(void)) GetProcAddress(hm_netidmgr, API_khui_action_unlock); pkhui_refresh_actions = (void (KHMAPI *)(void)) GetProcAddress(hm_netidmgr, API_khui_refresh_actions); pkhui_request_UI_callback = (khm_int32 (KHMAPI *)(khm_ui_callback, void *)) GetProcAddress(hm_netidmgr, API_khui_request_UI_callback); #endif pkhui_cw_get_primary_id = (khm_int32 (KHMAPI *)(khui_new_creds *, khm_handle *)) GetProcAddress(hm_netidmgr, API_khui_cw_get_primary_id); pkhui_cw_get_result = (khm_int32 (KHMAPI *)(khui_new_creds *)) GetProcAddress(hm_netidmgr, API_khui_cw_get_result); pkhui_cw_get_subtype = (khui_nc_subtype (KHMAPI *)(khui_new_creds *)) GetProcAddress(hm_netidmgr, API_khui_cw_get_subtype); pkhui_cw_get_ctx = (khui_action_context * (KHMAPI *)(khui_new_creds *)) GetProcAddress(hm_netidmgr, API_khui_cw_get_ctx); pkcdb_get_resource = (khm_int32 (KHMAPI *)(khm_handle, kcdb_resource_id, khm_int32, khm_int32 *, void *, void *, khm_size *)) GetProcAddress(hm_netidmgr, API_kcdb_get_resource); } while (FALSE); if (pkhui_cw_get_primary_id == NULL) pkhui_cw_get_primary_id = int_khui_cw_get_primary_id; if (pkhui_cw_get_result == NULL) pkhui_cw_get_result = int_khui_cw_get_result; if (pkhui_cw_get_subtype == NULL) pkhui_cw_get_subtype = int_khui_cw_get_subtype; if (pkhui_cw_get_ctx == NULL) pkhui_cw_get_ctx = int_khui_cw_get_ctx; if (pkcdb_get_resource == NULL) pkcdb_get_resource = int_kcdb_get_resource; #endif /* Add the icon now. On NIM v2.x, doing so after tokens were reported may result in a deadlock as we try to switch to the UI thread and the UI thread is blocked on a resource request to this plug-in. */ kca_icon_set_state(NULL); /* First and foremost, we need to register a credential type. */ ZeroMemory(&ct, sizeof(ct)); ct.id = KCDB_CREDTYPE_AUTO; ct.name = MYCREDTYPE_NAMEW; ct.short_desc = short_desc; ct.long_desc = long_desc; short_desc[0] = L'\0'; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_CT_SHORT_DESC, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); long_desc[0] = L'\0'; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_CT_LONG_DESC, long_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(long_desc)); ct.icon = NULL; /* We skip the icon for now, but you can assign a handle to an icon here. The icon will be used to represent the credentials type.*/ kmq_create_subscription(plugin_msg_proc, &ct.sub); ct.is_equal = cred_is_equal; rv = kcdb_credtype_register(&ct, &credtype_id); /* We create a global credential set that we use in the plug-in thread. This alleviates the need to create one everytime we need one. Keep in mind that this should only be used in the plug-in thread and should not be touched from the UI thread or any other thread. */ kcdb_credset_create(&g_credset); /* TODO: Perform additional initialization operations. */ /* Register our attributes */ ZeroMemory(&attr, sizeof(attr)); attr.name = ATTRNAME_KCA_AUTHREALM; attr.id = KCDB_ATTR_INVALID; attr.alt_id = KCDB_ATTR_INVALID; attr.flags = 0; attr.type = KCDB_TYPE_STRING; attr.short_desc = short_desc; attr.long_desc = long_desc; attr.compute_cb = NULL; attr.compute_min_cbsize = 0; attr.compute_max_cbsize = 0; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ATTR_REALM_SHORT_DESC, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ATTR_REALM_LONG_DESC, long_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(long_desc)); rv = kcdb_attrib_register(&attr, &attr_id_auth_realm); if (KHM_FAILED(rv)) break; attr.name = ATTRNAME_SUBJECT_EMAIL; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ATTR_SUBJECT_EMAIL_SHORT_DESC, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ATTR_SUBJECT_EMAIL_LONG_DESC, long_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(long_desc)); rv = kcdb_attrib_register(&attr, &attr_id_subj_email); if (KHM_FAILED(rv)) break; attr.name = ATTRNAME_SUBJECT_DISPLAY; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ATTR_SUBJECT_SHORT_DESC, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ATTR_SUBJECT_LONG_DESC, long_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(long_desc)); rv = kcdb_attrib_register(&attr, &attr_id_subj_display); if (KHM_FAILED(rv)) break; attr.name = ATTRNAME_ISSUER_DISPLAY; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ATTR_ISSUER_SHORT_DESC, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ATTR_ISSUER_LONG_DESC, long_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(long_desc)); rv = kcdb_attrib_register(&attr, &attr_id_issuer_display); if (KHM_FAILED(rv)) break; attr.name = ATTRNAME_ISSUER_NAME; attr.flags = KCDB_ATTR_FLAG_HIDDEN; attr.type = KCDB_TYPE_DATA; attr.short_desc = NULL; attr.long_desc = NULL; rv = kcdb_attrib_register(&attr, &attr_id_issuer_name); if (KHM_FAILED(rv)) break; attr.name = ATTRNAME_SERIAL; rv = kcdb_attrib_register(&attr, &attr_id_serial_number); if (KHM_FAILED(rv)) break; /* List the credentials that are already here */ kca_list_creds(); /* Now we register our configuration panels. */ #ifdef GENERAL_CONFIG_PANEL /* This configuration panel is the one that controls general options. We leave the identity specific and identity defaults for other configuration panels. */ ZeroMemory(&creg, sizeof(creg)); short_desc[0] = L'\0'; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_CFG_SHORT_DESC, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); long_desc[0] = L'\0'; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_CFG_LONG_DESC, long_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(long_desc)); creg.name = CONFIGNODE_MAIN; creg.short_desc = short_desc; creg.long_desc = long_desc; creg.h_module = hResModule; creg.dlg_template = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFIG); creg.dlg_proc = config_dlgproc; creg.flags = 0; khui_cfg_register(NULL, &creg); #endif /* Now we do the identity specific and identity default configuration panels. "KhmIdentities" is a predefined configuration node under which all the identity spcific configuration is managed. */ if (KHM_FAILED(khui_cfg_open(NULL, L"KhmIdentities", &cnode))) { /* this should always work */ assert(FALSE); rv = KHM_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; break; } /* First the tab panel for defaults for all identities */ ZeroMemory(&creg, sizeof(creg)); short_desc[0] = L'\0'; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_CFG_IDS_SHORT_DESC, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); long_desc[0] = L'\0'; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_CFG_IDS_LONG_DESC, long_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(long_desc)); creg.name = CONFIGNODE_ALL_ID; creg.short_desc = short_desc; creg.long_desc = long_desc; creg.h_module = hResModule; creg.dlg_template = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFIG_IDS); creg.dlg_proc = config_ids_dlgproc; creg.flags = KHUI_CNFLAG_SUBPANEL; khui_cfg_register(cnode, &creg); /* Now the panel for per identity configuration */ ZeroMemory(&creg, sizeof(creg)); short_desc[0] = L'\0'; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_CFG_ID_SHORT_DESC, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); long_desc[0] = L'\0'; LoadString(hResModule, IDS_CFG_ID_LONG_DESC, long_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(long_desc)); creg.name = CONFIGNODE_PER_ID; creg.short_desc = short_desc; creg.long_desc = long_desc; creg.h_module = hResModule; creg.dlg_template = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFIG_ID); creg.dlg_proc = config_id_dlgproc; creg.flags = KHUI_CNFLAG_SUBPANEL | KHUI_CNFLAG_INSTANCE; khui_cfg_register(cnode, &creg); khui_cfg_release(cnode); /* load the schema */ if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(kmm_get_plugins_config(0, &csp_plugins))) { khc_load_schema(csp_plugins, plugin_schema); khc_close_space(csp_plugins); } /* open the plug-in and parameter configuration spaces */ if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(kmm_get_plugin_config(MYPLUGIN_NAMEW, KHM_FLAG_CREATE, &csp_plugin))) { khc_open_space(csp_plugin, L"Parameters", KHM_FLAG_CREATE, &csp_params); khc_close_space(csp_plugin); } /* try to install the kpkcs11 plugin now */ install_kpkcs11_plugin(); /* register the "KCA Help" menu item, so that we can add the plug-in menu item to the Help menu. */ { khm_handle h_sub = NULL; #if KH_VERSION_API < 7 if (pkhui_action_lock == NULL || pkhui_action_unlock == NULL || pkhui_refresh_actions == NULL || pkhui_request_UI_callback == NULL) goto no_custom_help; #endif kmq_create_subscription(plugin_msg_proc, &h_sub); LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ACTION_KCA_HELP, short_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(short_desc)); LoadString(hResModule, IDS_ACTION_KCA_HELP_TT, long_desc, ARRAYLENGTH(long_desc)); action_id_kca_help = khui_action_create(NULL, short_desc, long_desc, NULL, KHUI_ACTIONTYPE_TRIGGER, h_sub); if (action_id_kca_help != 0) { khm_size s; khm_size i; khui_menu_def * help_menu; khm_boolean refresh = FALSE; khui_action_lock(); help_menu = khui_find_menu(KHUI_MENU_HELP); if (help_menu) { s = khui_menu_get_size(help_menu); for (i=0; i < s; i++) { khui_action_ref * aref; aref = khui_menu_get_action(help_menu, i); if (aref && !(aref->flags & KHUI_ACTIONREF_PACTION) && aref->action == KHUI_ACTION_HELP_INDEX) { khui_menu_insert_action(help_menu, i + 1, action_id_kca_help, 0); refresh = TRUE; break; } } } khui_action_unlock(); if (refresh) khui_refresh_actions(); } #if KH_VERSION_API < 7 no_custom_help: ; #endif } } break; /* This is the last message that will be received by the plugin. */ case KMSG_SYSTEM_EXIT: { khui_config_node cnode; khui_config_node cn_idents; khm_int32 attr_id; kca_remove_icon(); /* It should not be assumed that initialization of the plugin went well at this point since we receive a KMSG_SYSTEM_EXIT even if the initialization failed. */ /* Try to remove the KCA plug-in action from Help menu if it was successfully registered. Also, delete the action. */ if (action_id_kca_help != 0) { khui_menu_def * help_menu; khm_boolean menu_changed = FALSE; khui_action_lock(); help_menu = khui_find_menu(KHUI_MENU_HELP); if (help_menu) { khm_size s; khm_size i; s = khui_menu_get_size(help_menu); for (i=0; i < s; i++) { khui_action_ref * aref = khui_menu_get_action(help_menu, i); if (aref && !(aref->flags & KHUI_ACTIONREF_PACTION) && aref->action == action_id_kca_help) { khui_menu_remove_action(help_menu, i); menu_changed = TRUE; break; } } } khui_action_delete(action_id_kca_help); khui_action_unlock(); if (menu_changed) khui_refresh_actions(); action_id_kca_help = 0; } if (credtype_id != KCDB_CREDTYPE_INVALID) { kcdb_credtype_unregister(credtype_id); credtype_id = KCDB_CREDTYPE_INVALID; } if (g_credset) { kcdb_credset_delete(g_credset); g_credset = NULL; } /* Now unregister any configuration nodes we registered. */ if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(khui_cfg_open(NULL, CONFIGNODE_MAIN, &cnode))) { khui_cfg_remove(cnode); khui_cfg_release(cnode); } if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(khui_cfg_open(NULL, L"KhmIdentities", &cn_idents))) { if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(khui_cfg_open(cn_idents, CONFIGNODE_ALL_ID, &cnode))) { khui_cfg_remove(cnode); khui_cfg_release(cnode); } if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(khui_cfg_open(cn_idents, CONFIGNODE_PER_ID, &cnode))) { khui_cfg_remove(cnode); khui_cfg_release(cnode); } khui_cfg_release(cn_idents); } if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(kcdb_attrib_get_id(ATTRNAME_KCA_AUTHREALM, &attr_id))) kcdb_attrib_unregister(attr_id); if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(kcdb_attrib_get_id(ATTRNAME_SUBJECT_EMAIL, &attr_id))) kcdb_attrib_unregister(attr_id); if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(kcdb_attrib_get_id(ATTRNAME_SUBJECT_DISPLAY, &attr_id))) kcdb_attrib_unregister(attr_id); if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(kcdb_attrib_get_id(ATTRNAME_ISSUER_DISPLAY, &attr_id))) kcdb_attrib_unregister(attr_id); if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(kcdb_attrib_get_id(ATTRNAME_ISSUER_NAME, &attr_id))) kcdb_attrib_unregister(attr_id); if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(kcdb_attrib_get_id(ATTRNAME_SERIAL, &attr_id))) kcdb_attrib_unregister(attr_id); if (csp_params) { khc_close_space(csp_params); csp_params = NULL; } #if KH_VERSION_API < 12 if (hm_netidmgr) FreeLibrary(hm_netidmgr); pkhui_cw_get_primary_id = NULL; #endif #if KH_VERSION_API < 7 pkhui_action_lock = NULL; pkhui_action_unlock = NULL; pkhui_refresh_actions = NULL; pkhui_request_UI_callback = NULL; #endif /* TODO: Perform additional uninitialization operations. */ } break; } return rv; }